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Finding A Girlfriend In Cm


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Things most Thai girls dislike are an unkept appearance, excesive need of alcohol and smoking.

That's interesting, because I mostly see Thai girls around Chiang Mai with exactly this type of guy. I thought drinking and smoking was a pre-requisite! I was thinking of taking both up!

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Attractive girls ,as previous posters have mentioned ,are everywhere in shopping supermarkets , banks, gyms ,loads of social clubs in CM.

I still say that guys who say there are so many beautiful women out there and that they are all so easy to get, are a joke. If by "attractive" you mean average then I might be more inclined to agree.

It must be nice for those who see everything brown as attractive. A bit simplistic for my taste.

Edited by villagefarang
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Attractive girls ,as previous posters have mentioned ,are everywhere in shopping supermarkets , banks, gyms ,loads of social clubs in CM.

I still say that guys who say there are so many beautiful women out there and that they are all so easy to get, are a joke. If by "attractive" you mean average then I might be more inclined to agree.

It must be nice for those who see everything brown as attractive. A bit simplistic for my taste.

Average for Thailand is above average for most other countries and that and a pleasant personality is all most of us need. The model types are fine for short time, but usually too conceited for anything more.

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Suggest the lonely, and curious- should just check out the myriad websites devoted to this.

Hate to sound stuffy/modish, all that. But this topic has been pretty well petering out (no pun intended).

Some of the lady members of the forum (and there are many) might view this dialog with a somewhat critical eye.

Would you guys have a conversation like this, in front of say your 14 year old daughter?

Just wondering. :)

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It will be easy and reliable to find a 30 to 40 year old girlfriend that still looks quiete good and has some knowledge about life.

Younger then that is a mistake for a 50 year old, it wont last more than 10 years.

10 YEARS!?

I`d be quite content with 10 minutes worth and if anyone knows of any beautiful young under 30 years old girls that will stay with me for 10 years, please pm me, soon, as I`m getting desperate.

Edited by sassienie
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I agree, the posters here have provided a lot of common sense answers to your questions. Above all, do not expect to find a good girl in the bars. Married my wife 11 years ago. She is a Thai Government employee. I was 52, she was 30. I think the most important thing is you will be viewed by how you treat her, and most of all, how you treat her family. Family will always be first in her life followed by any kids, then YOU.

If you have a girl your interested in and all she does is ask for money and things, you got the wrong one. Move here, take your time to learn about the culture, and keep up on the experience of others who have tried and failed. You will soon find out which girl is right for you, if you don't get hooked on the wrong one first.

No matter who you marry, you will have to deal with the multicultural problems and language problems that come up. Not much different than any other relationship. Good Luck.

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Sure, family rates highly in Thai women's life but I've come to the conclusion, and I do have a little experience, that many farang men resent any family intrusion into their matrimonial bliss and consider it a blow to their already fragile egos.

Any relationship is about juggling priorities. If you're going to carry on every time the Mrs jumps on her motorbike and goes down to see her mother, stick to bargirls.

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just visit the bar "Monkey" in CM. There are a lot of girls wanted farang. Also almost each massage girl would like to be your GF

Haha that's a good one! :)

Better watch out in the Monkey Bar, some of those girls are not really girls!

These must be the ones that UG sez grow on trees.......but remember bananas may be much much cheaper in the long run


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Perhaps I have been here too long, but I don't see many really attractive Thai women. Lots of average and below average, but not many stunners.

But I am not inviting argument as the topic is so subjective.

My friend on the other hand comes 3 times a year and he finds almost every Thai girl attractive, and in fact, likes the younger, flat footed, dark skinned girls straight off the rice farm who speak little English. I don't get it, but he really likes these "jungle bunnies" as he calls them and I am astounded to what that Dog will bring home. I think it goes back to his younger days - he's a surface area challenged kind of guy and I dont think he had many girlfriends and now he is making up for it in his own way - improving his statistics while he remembers every girl that ever rejected him.

There are lovely Thai ladies out there but they require some effort. But stay away from the bar damaged women. No good will ever come of it.

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Perhaps I have been here too long, but I don't see many really attractive Thai women. Lots of average and below average, but not many stunners.

But I am not inviting argument as the topic is so subjective.

My friend on the other hand comes 3 times a year and he finds almost every Thai girl attractive, and in fact, likes the younger, flat footed, dark skinned girls straight off the rice farm who speak little English. I don't get it, but he really likes these "jungle bunnies" as he calls them and I am astounded to what that Dog will bring home. I think it goes back to his younger days - he's a surface area challenged kind of guy and I dont think he had many girlfriends and now he is making up for it in his own way - improving his statistics while he remembers every girl that ever rejected him.

There are lovely Thai ladies out there but they require some effort. But stay away from the bar damaged women. No good will ever come of it.

After living abroad it's easy to forget about how back home they sell and market this "island girl" fantasy. Whether it be Tahiti, Hawaii, Philippines, or the myriad of SE Asian countries. They are exotic to people awash in the norm back home.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding any hue of skin color more beautiful than they other, but I feel many are a bit desperate and latch on to anything that comes there way. They know this too, not just a few times have I been called a "hansum man" my someone who seemly had a fire stomped out on their face... But, someone is willing to take em home.

The funny thing is that the Thai's love Chiang Mai girls because they are pale.

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Perhaps I have been here too long, but I don't see many really attractive Thai women. Lots of average and below average, but not many stunners.

But I am not inviting argument as the topic is so subjective.

My friend on the other hand comes 3 times a year and he finds almost every Thai girl attractive, and in fact, likes the younger, flat footed, dark skinned girls straight off the rice farm who speak little English. I don't get it, but he really likes these "jungle bunnies" as he calls them and I am astounded to what that Dog will bring home. I think it goes back to his younger days - he's a surface area challenged kind of guy and I dont think he had many girlfriends and now he is making up for it in his own way - improving his statistics while he remembers every girl that ever rejected him.

There are lovely Thai ladies out there but they require some effort. But stay away from the bar damaged women. No good will ever come of it.



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The one thing I would stress above everything else if you want to have a SERIOUS relationship with a Thai woman is learning the Thai language. That is very hard to do for people in their 50s or older, and it takes a lot of work. Being able to communicate is essential if you really want to have a good relationship. Otherwise you might as well find a "Rental" for short time stays. Knowing the Thai language is certainly required if you want to associate with professional women and their families. You feel like a bit of an ass sitting around a table with a bunch of Thais all having a good conversation, and you don't have any idea of what they are saying.

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You feel like a bit of an ass sitting around a table with a bunch of Thais all having a good conversation, and you don't have any idea of what they are saying.

Very few farangs have the language skills to participate in a converstion like this unless the Thais are purpossely dumbing it down. Joe Cummings can do it, but there are not too many Joe Cumings out there.

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Come on, the average conversation while out drinking some vodka, gin or sang som isn't that hard to follow. Doesn't require you to have super powers. :)

Also, Thais who have the communication skills to dumb it down successfully and genuinely making their Thai easier to follow are also very likely to actually speak English.

Also, most Thais speak much better English after a couple vodkas, gins or sang soms. Night and Day difference sometimes. :D

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You feel like a bit of an ass sitting around a table with a bunch of Thais all having a good conversation, and you don't have any idea of what they are saying.

Very few farangs have the language skills to participate in a converstion like this unless the Thais are purpossely dumbing it down. Joe Cummings can do it, but there are not too many Joe Cumings out there.

It is not that hard to do and hormones can be a great motivator to learn. Conversation is only fun, however, if they don't have to dumb it down.

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One on one is not difficult, but a whole group of Thais putting up with one farang won't work for long. :)

Granted the majority of Thais aren't really that interested or interesting. You can usually find one or two interesting individuals that have something in their heads, however. Come to think of it, that is not very different from dealing with farangs.

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Sure, family rates highly in Thai women's life but I've come to the conclusion, and I do have a little experience, that many farang men resent any family intrusion into their matrimonial bliss and consider it a blow to their already fragile egos.

Any relationship is about juggling priorities. If you're going to carry on every time the Mrs jumps on her motorbike and goes down to see her mother, stick to bargirls.

Bargirls have mothers too, and are more likely to be supporting their mothers than the middle class ladies.

I don't find anything wrong with girls who work in bars, most of them are really nice once you get past the 'customer' stage. I think many would make nice loving wives for a man who has the confidence and will power to keep control on his finances.

Only a right mug will build or buy a house and business for his Thai lady (or any other lady for that matter).

Better to rent.

What do you guys all thing you have to offer any Thai girl? apart from an improved standard of living. Get a grip guys, they all only want your money.

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One on one is not difficult, but a whole group of Thais putting up with one farang won't work for long. :)

Granted the majority of Thais aren't really that interested or interesting. You can usually find one or two interesting individuals that have something in their heads, however. Come to think of it, that is not very different from dealing with farangs.

"Granted the majority of Thais aren't really that interested or interesting". Sorry villagefarang, but i think thats really off. Maybe just reflects the majority of Thai people you have met. Maybe you just dont share the same interests or have some common ground. Or, maybe they just are not that interested in you for whatever reason. But, i disagree with you that the majority of Thais are not interested or interesting. (Same goes with other westerners too. Met quite a lot of interesting individuals here. Guess it depends on what you consider interesting. Im usually open to all kinds of conversation and topics.)

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Only a right mug will build or buy a house and business for his Thai lady (or any other lady for that matter).

Why's that? To keep her poor and dependent on you? Personally I don't think you have an equal relationship until you share your complete income. Otherwise a relationship always remains suspect of being 'just about the money'. That's not much better than you-know-what.

What do you guys all thing you have to offer any Thai girl? apart from an improved standard of living. Get a grip guys, they all only want your money.

That seems unlikely, and I base that just on the fact that I'm no richer than she is, and that I'm no higher educated than she is. (and that we share the responsibility for raising our children which would at least be one other factor).. Now, I don't claim to understand WHY she puts up with me, but at least I can be sure that money has nothing to do with it!

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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One on one is not difficult, but a whole group of Thais putting up with one farang won't work for long. :)

Granted the majority of Thais aren't really that interested or interesting. You can usually find one or two interesting individuals that have something in their heads, however. Come to think of it, that is not very different from dealing with farangs.

"Granted the majority of Thais aren't really that interested or interesting". Sorry villagefarang, but i think thats really off. Maybe just reflects the majority of Thai people you have met. Maybe you just dont share the same interests or have some common ground. Or, maybe they just are not that interested in you for whatever reason. But, i disagree with you that the majority of Thais are not interested or interesting. (Same goes with other westerners too. Met quite a lot of interesting individuals here. Guess it depends on what you consider interesting. Im usually open to all kinds of conversation and topics.)

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that one. I find most people simple and thick, no matter where they are from. I can fake it when needed, however. Really interesting people, are as rare as really beautiful people. It sure is a stimulating pleasure when you find them, though.

As you said "Guess it depends on what you consider interesting."

Edited by villagefarang
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The one thing I would stress above everything else if you want to have a SERIOUS relationship with a Thai woman is learning the Thai language. That is very hard to do for people in their 50s or older, and it takes a lot of work. Being able to communicate is essential if you really want to have a good relationship. Otherwise you might as well find a "Rental" for short time stays. Knowing the Thai language is certainly required if you want to associate with professional women and their families. You feel like a bit of an ass sitting around a table with a bunch of Thais all having a good conversation, and you don't have any idea of what they are saying.

I wholly agree that you should learn Thai if you plan on being with a Thai. However All of my wife's family speaks English, not just "I'm fine thanks and you?". Professional usually comes with a command of the English language

I can't argue for nor against the about 50 claim as I was half that when i started to learn. It took about a year to feel comfortable, two years to feel confident. I can't stress enough the need to just surround yourself with Thai friends and go from there. But no doubts the language is difficult!

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One on one is not difficult, but a whole group of Thais putting up with one farang won't work for long. :)

Granted the majority of Thais aren't really that interested or interesting. You can usually find one or two interesting individuals that have something in their heads, however. Come to think of it, that is not very different from dealing with farangs.

"Granted the majority of Thais aren't really that interested or interesting". Sorry villagefarang, but i think thats really off. Maybe just reflects the majority of Thai people you have met. Maybe you just dont share the same interests or have some common ground. Or, maybe they just are not that interested in you for whatever reason. But, i disagree with you that the majority of Thais are not interested or interesting. (Same goes with other westerners too. Met quite a lot of interesting individuals here. Guess it depends on what you consider interesting. Im usually open to all kinds of conversation and topics.)

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on that one. I find most people simple and thick, no matter where they are from. I can fake it when needed, however. Really interesting people, are as rare as really beautiful people. It sure is a stimulating pleasure when you find them, though.

As you said "Guess it depends on what you consider interesting."

That is so sad...for you. I find most people interesting, complex and, when I least expect it, even wise, once I make the effort to get to know them. I've rarely met anyone I couldn't learn from. There are many levels of interesting conversations; not every exchange need be highbrow to be fruitful.

My Thai isn't good, but my pronunciation is great because I speak other languages well, particularly Cantonese which, like Thai, is tonal. Consequently people are initially fooled into thinking I speak Thai well. I am embraced and praised. It doesn't matter later when it's discovered soon enough that my Thai is of kindergarten level, we find ways to communicate and settle on a level that works. My point is: if OP's interested in making Thai friends, for romance or otherwise, learn some Thai, keep an open mind, smile a lot and leave your hang-ups at home.

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