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Smoking In Aircon Bar Sukumvit Soi 8


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I went into an airconditioned Bar at the Sukumvit end of Soi 8 with a bunch of people to eat and the place was full of smokers and was very smoky, when we asked about it we were told the owner couldn't care less about the law or the Police so we could stay or leave "up to you" so we all left - do the Police enforce the no-smoking ban in bars and restaurants in Bangkok?

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Yes they do enforce it. Just the same as the closing hours, noise levels, building codes, operating licenses and so on.

There is few places in town nowadays that cater for smokers, all seem to be pretty busy aways. As with everything in thailand, fairly easy to get around the law and provide services that customers want and are willing to pay for.

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I believe the owners wife is "well connected".

You did the right thing by voting with your feet.

There are some regulars of the bar on here and any

hint of criticism may get you some rude replies.

I quite like the place but the smoking is a pain

in the arse.



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One of the reasons that places such as the afroementioned soi 8 pub are popular (at least with the smokers) is that they are smoking bars. If they became non-smoking bars customer levels would drop.

There are plently of non-smoking non-girlie Western style pubs - Robin Hood, Black Swann, Bullies etc, but they don't have the same number of repeat customers as the smoking establishments.

In the ideal world everyone could just give up smoking. But the world is not ideal and many smokers can't or don't want to give up smoking in the pub.

It's easy. If you open the door to a pub and people are smoking inside, and you dislike smoking then find another pub.

I recall first coming to Bangkok and there was smoking everywhere, shopping malls, resturants, all bars. So Bangkok has made an effort with non-smoking in air-conditioned places, but there will still remain to be a tiny percentage of places where people can smoke inside. It is these places that seem to be the most popular. What the non-smokers fail to realize is that if they took a smoking pub and turned it into a non-smoking pub then most of the smoking regulars would find another pub, leaving them sitting alone in a quiet empty clean air environment with no (pun intended) atmoshpere wondering where it all went wrong.

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One of the reasons that places such as the afroementioned soi 8 pub are popular (at least with the smokers) is that they are smoking bars. If they became non-smoking bars customer levels would drop.

There are plently of non-smoking non-girlie Western style pubs - Robin Hood, Black Swann, Bullies etc, but they don't have the same number of repeat customers as the smoking establishments.

In the ideal world everyone could just give up smoking. But the world is not ideal and many smokers can't or don't want to give up smoking in the pub.

It's easy. If you open the door to a pub and people are smoking inside, and you dislike smoking then find another pub.

I recall first coming to Bangkok and there was smoking everywhere, shopping malls, resturants, all bars. So Bangkok has made an effort with non-smoking in air-conditioned places, but there will still remain to be a tiny percentage of places where people can smoke inside. It is these places that seem to be the most popular. What the non-smokers fail to realize is that if they took a smoking pub and turned it into a non-smoking pub then most of the smoking regulars would find another pub, leaving them sitting alone in a quiet empty clean air environment with no (pun intended) atmoshpere wondering where it all went wrong.

Its this regulation along with wall to wall CCTV intrusion which is killing pubs in the UK.

If smoking was banned in all bars in Thailand I would move to Cambodia instead.

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One of the reasons that places such as the afroementioned soi 8 pub are popular (at least with the smokers) is that they are smoking bars. If they became non-smoking bars customer levels would drop.

There are plently of non-smoking non-girlie Western style pubs - Robin Hood, Black Swann, Bullies etc, but they don't have the same number of repeat customers as the smoking establishments.

In the ideal world everyone could just give up smoking. But the world is not ideal and many smokers can't or don't want to give up smoking in the pub.

It's easy. If you open the door to a pub and people are smoking inside, and you dislike smoking then find another pub.

I recall first coming to Bangkok and there was smoking everywhere, shopping malls, resturants, all bars. So Bangkok has made an effort with non-smoking in air-conditioned places, but there will still remain to be a tiny percentage of places where people can smoke inside. It is these places that seem to be the most popular. What the non-smokers fail to realize is that if they took a smoking pub and turned it into a non-smoking pub then most of the smoking regulars would find another pub, leaving them sitting alone in a quiet empty clean air environment with no (pun intended) atmoshpere wondering where it all went wrong.

Its this regulation along with wall to wall CCTV intrusion which is killing pubs in the UK.

If smoking was banned in all bars in Thailand I would move to Cambodia instead.

In Cambodia "non-smoking" means no firearms or loose women inside the pub. :)

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Some smoke and flames were deleted; please keep it civil.

Hope this is: great pub and a nice owner but it's just a pity he chooses to flout the law of the land by allowing smoking. Not only is the filthy habit very harmful to everyone's health, including the staff, it's anti social and selfish on the part of the addicts who cannot seem to do without for more than a few minutes. How do these sad addicts manage on long haul flight?

Edited by thai3
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Some smoke and flames were deleted; please keep it civil.

Hope this is: great pub and a nice owner but it's just a pity he chooses to flout the law of the land by allowing smoking. Not only is the filthy habit very harmful to everyone's health, including the staff, it's anti social and selfish on the part of the addicts who cannot seem to do without for more than a few minutes. How do these sad addicts manage on long haul flight?

I find a stopover in Abu Dhabi or Dubai quite amenable.

Its interesting that its the non smokers who are most upset about one or two pubs in Bangkok allowing us to smoke. You don't hear us whinging in non smoking venues. Ah well that's because they are virtually empty! :)

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Granny celebrated her birthday there, several months ago:


That was a great fun...

Unfortunately, after popping six and a half E, two weeks ago, at the re-opening of Narcissus, she went to ICU and she is still at hospital.

P.S.: for those who met her... her room at Burumgrad is 6669

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Its this regulation along with wall to wall CCTV intrusion which is killing pubs in the UK.

If smoking was banned in all bars in Thailand I would move to Cambodia instead.

are you on drugs? CCTV's are the least of the reasons for the current demise of the British pub.

#1 : The no smoking rule.

#2 : Prices.

#3 : The no smoking rule.

BTW#1 don't rely on Cambodia, the health fascists will hunt you down wherever you may roam. Soon your own home will not be a safe refuge.

BTW#2 bars in Thailand now have to have CCTV's installed by law.

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Good to see the best bar in Bangkok again getting some well-deserved promotion. Can I respectfully suggest that if the OP is so concerned about the flouting of laws in Bangkok's bars that he stays away from Nana, Cowboy, Patpong etc, where a far more heinous criminal activity is regularly ignored by the BiB.

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One of the reasons that places such as the afroementioned soi 8 pub are popular (at least with the smokers) is that they are smoking bars. If they became non-smoking bars customer levels would drop.

There are plently of non-smoking non-girlie Western style pubs - Robin Hood, Black Swann, Bullies etc, but they don't have the same number of repeat customers as the smoking establishments.

In the ideal world everyone could just give up smoking. But the world is not ideal and many smokers can't or don't want to give up smoking in the pub.

It's easy. If you open the door to a pub and people are smoking inside, and you dislike smoking then find another pub.

I recall first coming to Bangkok and there was smoking everywhere, shopping malls, resturants, all bars. So Bangkok has made an effort with non-smoking in air-conditioned places, but there will still remain to be a tiny percentage of places where people can smoke inside. It is these places that seem to be the most popular. What the non-smokers fail to realize is that if they took a smoking pub and turned it into a non-smoking pub then most of the smoking regulars would find another pub, leaving them sitting alone in a quiet empty clean air environment with no (pun intended) atmoshpere wondering where it all went wrong.

I liked your post except for the fact that you seemed to imply that if a bar is a smoking bar, then it will be popular. That is just a dream. If this bar is popular, it is because there is no where else for the smokers to go. Non-smokers have many more options and this bar doesn't have the personality to pull in enough business without offering smoking. Many bars are doing just fine without it.

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Its this regulation along with wall to wall CCTV intrusion which is killing pubs in the UK.

If smoking was banned in all bars in Thailand I would move to Cambodia instead.

are you on drugs? CCTV's are the least of the reasons for the current demise of the British pub.

#1 : The no smoking rule.

#2 : Prices.

#3 : The no smoking rule.

BTW#1 don't rely on Cambodia, the health fascists will hunt you down wherever you may roam. Soon your own home will not be a safe refuge.

BTW#2 bars in Thailand now have to have CCTV's installed by law.

You're right of course. Its just a personal dislike of mine to be filmed while I enjoy a few beers.

BTW I don't touch any drugs barring alcohol and nicotine.....which I enjoy to frequent excess. :)

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I liked your post except for the fact that you seemed to imply that if a bar is a smoking bar, then it will be popular. That is just a dream. If this bar is popular, it is because there is no where else for the smokers to go. Non-smokers have many more options and this bar doesn't have the personality to pull in enough business without offering smoking. Many bars are doing just fine without it.

It is unfair to say the smoking policy is the only reason for the Soi 8 pub's success. It serves great food, has a wide selection of beers on offer and friendly and attentive staff.

I can only assume you haven't visited the bar. If you don't like the smoke then sit outside.

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Some smoke and flames were deleted; please keep it civil.

Hope this is: great pub and a nice owner but it's just a pity he chooses to flout the law of the land by allowing smoking. Not only is the filthy habit very harmful to everyone's health, including the staff, it's anti social and selfish on the part of the addicts who cannot seem to do without for more than a few minutes. How do these sad addicts manage on long haul flight?

I find a stopover in Abu Dhabi or Dubai quite amenable.

Its interesting that its the non smokers who are most upset about one or two pubs in Bangkok allowing us to smoke. You don't hear us whinging in non smoking venues. Ah well that's because they are virtually empty! :)

How pathetic that people have to get indirect flights JUST to fill up their lungs with poison. The NHS should not treat these addicts unless they give up their drug addiction. The argument that other non smoking bars are empty is just not true of course. Soi 8 must be a horrible place to work in.

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I have always found the extration fans to be good and there is a non-smoking area at the back. Ok, I accept that smoke travels, but it is fine when I eat there.

I know smoke bothers many people and there is a good selection of bars in that, so it is not too much of a problem.

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To all my smoke-addicted friends out there.... please take note:

I didn't start this thread. And, I am choosing to remain silent on the subject.

It's all been said above. It speaks for itself... Cough Cough Cough.... :D

Guess your definition of silence is different than mine John :)

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OK James... That did it...

OF COURSE NOT.... Nastiest habit in the world... Bad for the smoker's health, and everyone around them...

If people want to ruin their own health (as long as they're paying for it, and the public isn't), that's their business. But public smokers affect the health of everyone around them. And you know that, of course.

And to the poster above who suggested people who don't like the smoke should go outside to the patio.... are you joking?? That's where the smokers are SUPPOSED to sit.... not indoors, as they are allowed to do, in violation of the law, at the Soi 8 pub.

The problem, as illustrated by the OP in this post, is that some people going into places like the Soi 8 Pub (other than the smoking brigade, to use a favorite term here) don't necessarily know that it's an illegal haven for smokers. They're just going for a meal or a drink. And then once inside, they're assaulted by unwanted and unpleasant smoke...

Same issue pointed out in another thread recently, by another person, who went to the Huntsman Pub for their buffet and was seated on the right side. That person was a non smoker, and then had smokers come and sit where he was eating mid-meal. He had no clue their room supposedly has a non smoking area on the left side, when the staff, without asking or telling, seated him on the right side.

And comparing the lax enforcement of BKK's smoking law, in some locations, to the other laws that don't get enforced is a non-starter.... If someone wants to go and buy a lady at one of the bars, it's two consenting adults and no one else is harmed. If some idiot wants to ride a motorcycle without a helmet and ends up getting injured, it's their harm and no one else. Smoking is hardly the same thing.

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