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What On Earth Did I Do To You?


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George, sbk, anyone who gives, the members of thai visa are calling for a system where we can see who votes for us and what their vote is.......lets stand in the face of these midnight runners that are sleeking around in the shawdows.

Is it true that visitors can vote? If so, that should be stopped immediately.

Hang on mate, TV has about 8 million members if my math is correct, only two are asking to see who is voting for them. Hardly a majority.

have you been sneaking in and lowering people's ratings james? :D

I don't know if if the board software has that capability, but I could certainly check if I felt so inclined.

You have given me 5 stars haven't you neverdie? :)

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I wouldn't worry Mr Neverdie - I gave you 5 starts. I know my good old friend Thaksin -also known as Mc2 dropped by to give me a zero rating, as he sent me a message. Must have cheered up his day that, small things and small minds I guess. :)

i dunno what happened to ole mc2, he actually popped past and gave me a 5 one day and had a bitch about you..... :D

Anyway toad, i gave you 5 long long long time ago, must be worth at least 5.1 at todays interest rates :D

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I wouldn't worry Mr Neverdie - I gave you 5 starts. I know my good old friend Thaksin -also known as Mc2 dropped by to give me a zero rating, as he sent me a message. Must have cheered up his day that, small things and small minds I guess. :)

i dunno what happened to ole mc2, he actually popped past and gave me a 5 one day and had a bitch about you..... :D

Anyway toad, i gave you 5 long long long time ago, must be worth at least 5.1 at todays interest rates :D

I think ole Thaksin (Mc2) has been given an extended vacation. Shame really as, he did make some good points, and although I didn't agree with him very often at least he stood up for what he believed in. I guess the frozen assets would make you do that. :D

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George, sbk, anyone who gives, the members of thai visa are calling for a system where we can see who votes for us and what their vote is.......lets stand in the face of these midnight runners that are sleeking around in the shawdows.

Is it true that visitors can vote? If so, that should be stopped immediately.

Hang on mate, TV has about 8 million members if my math is correct, only two are asking to see who is voting for them. Hardly a majority.

have you been sneaking in and lowering people's ratings james? :D

I don't know if if the board software has that capability, but I could certainly check if I felt so inclined.

You have given me 5 stars haven't you neverdie? :)

Yes, I most certainly did, but while i was in ur profile giving you 5 stars i took a little leak on the floor, just thought i should mention it, just in case ur box of dice tells you that too :D

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mario y are repeating yourself again time to twink about alzheimer's

Can you tell me Dr. Alzheimers first name?

No? That's how it starts.

My local community centre recently held an "Alzheimers Awareness Seminar" 500 people put their name down.

Nobody turned up.

(Sincere apologies for the next one)

A man took himself and his wife to the Doctor for a test and when the results were returned the Doctor asked to speak to the man in private.

" Your results a clear but I'm afraid the tests show your wife has either Gonorrhea or Alzheimers" said the Doc.

"My God!" cried the man "How will I know?"

"Well," replied the doctor, "Take her for a drive in the countryside for about 50 kilometres, kick her out of the car and if she finds her way home don't f#ck her."

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Don't fret ND ....I had 5 so gave you some of mine :D

Right back at you man.....& then there was 3 stars in total.

Anyone thats been raped of stars, come on up and spill ur story :D , I'll just run out and get some more kleenex :)

:D ...me......I had 3 stars and someone raped me too; I suspect someone who is (not so) sadly "gone" now on TV and who was after my tail.

Now I see you, a late-comer 3 years after me and you have 3 stars ? get the Kleenex ! :D

What a world :D

LaoPo :D

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Jeeze mario, You must have meant it, you said it twice :D:D

ps: please dont give me anymore stars, somebody will only steal them again :D

i might call my doctor, perhaps he'll upgrade my meds :)

Stars going down are typically when someone hasn't got the gumption to argue something out and just nickles you down on the stars.

I think mine dove into 1 starsville from the airport siege onwards when I voiced support for the PAD folks :D

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Don't fret ND ....I had 5 so gave you some of mine :P

Right back at you man.....& then there was 3 stars in total.

Anyone thats been raped of stars, come on up and spill ur story :D , I'll just run out and get some more kleenex :D

:D ...me......I had 3 stars and someone raped me too; I suspect someone who is (not so) sadly "gone" now on TV and who was after my tail.

Now I see you, a late-comer 3 years after me and you have 3 stars ? get the Kleenex ! :D

What a world :D

LaoPo :D

Well LaoPo, unless you suckass all the time (& im not suggesting that you do) YOU are bound to find your stars go down with time, as you are bound to pisse somebody off every now and then. For example, take a look at that SebD <deleted> in the british students see live sex show thread......for some reason hes got on his high little horse and started dancing around. No doubt his next step was to give poor ole nevadie 1star :D .

LaoPo, I think your theory is wrong because irregardless of howmuch SJ disliked you he can only vote a 1 for you once. I dont think you can repeadily give someone a 1 or a 5 to lower or lift their average rating. Of course you also cant be demoted in the 'star' popular status if you've always been disliked and been receiving 1's since day dot. :)

Anyway, I was only trying lighten things up a bit with the thread and also was amused at the pathetic strategies of some of the more pathetic individuals here at TV.

Edited by neverdie
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Something is wrong with this system. I gave neverdie a star and it didn't take, nothing at all happened. If I had known that you could reduce them I might have tried that just to see if it worked or not.

Old mate,

When you click one star, that doesnt add a star to me, it deducts from me :) , you see if i only have 3 stars, thats the average of all the votes ive received, by adding only 1 star, you reduce my average and once it drops below 3, i go back to a 2.

If you vote 5 for me today and i pisse you off tommorrow you can revote me to a 1. Thats my take on it anyway.

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Jeeze mario, You must have meant it, you said it twice :D:D

ps: please dont give me anymore stars, somebody will only steal them again :D

i might call my doctor, perhaps he'll upgrade my meds :)

Stars going down are typically when someone hasn't got the gumption to argue something out and just nickles you down on the stars.

I think mine dove into 1 starsville from the airport siege onwards when I voiced support for the PAD folks :D

:D & so it should have :D

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Do the stars do anything? I don't think they really have much of bearing on discussions do they? Mine's also been low since black Songkran, I guess the pro-Thaksinistas use the stars to show their displeasure...

I've never given or taken stars, but I gave you a 5 Neverdie, to make you feel better. Hang in there! :)

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Well LaoPo, unless you suckass all the time (& im not suggesting that you do) YOU are bound to find your stars go down with time, as you are bound to pisse somebody off every now and then. For example, take a look at that SebD <deleted> in the british students see live sex show thread......for some reason hes got on his high little horse and started dancing around. No doubt his next step was to give poor ole nevadie 1star :D .

LaoPo, I think your theory is wrong because irregardless of howmuch SJ disliked you he can only vote a 1 for you once. I dont think you can repeadily give someone a 1 or a 5 to lower or lift their average rating. Of course you also cant be demoted in the 'star' popular status if you've always been disliked and been receiving 1's since day dot. :)

Anyway, I was only trying lighten things up a bit with the thread and also was amused at the pathetic strategies of some of the more pathetic individuals here at TV.

:D ...there's no way you can lighten things up for me, knowing you have 3 *** and myself only ** stars....it's a sad day, realizing the world is corrupt.

LaoPo :D

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You live in Thailand, you've been living for quite some time (me guessing your 50-60), no doubt you havent been hiding under a rock and its taken me, poor little ole neverdie, the 14 year old kid, to make you realise that theres corruption in this world. PRICELESS! :)

Cheer up u ole bugga, if i could give you all my *'s i would.

what youve gotta realise is that neverdie is popular amoungst sick individuals and thai visa is full of em :D

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This thread is bizarre. Just two days ago for the first time in an act of pure spite I decided to ruin a newcomers day after they got in a handbag fight with Neverdie. I giggled when I gave them their only rating, and now they proudly sit with a one star, just like me.


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^I just checked, you have 2 stars and I agree, yes this thread is bizzare and so is your suggestion that I got into a handbag scrap with a newcomer.......I normally only grind with the old hacks and banned hacks that are posting under an alias :)

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OK, I finally gave in and checked.  I was at three sometime earlier this year or late last year, but since becoming a moderator, I am down to one.  Guess I've ticked off a few folk by closing their threads or giving our some warnings!  :)

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OK, I finally gave in and checked. I was at three sometime earlier this year or late last year, but since becoming a moderator, I am down to one. Guess I've ticked off a few folk by closing their threads or giving our some warnings! :D

BINGO! Thanks Bonobo, its taken a few posts but someone has just pointed out the thing I have noticed and it was one of the reasons I created the thread myself.

I recently noticed that one of the moderators had gone down suddenly from many stars to almost none and I wondered why that would be the case. How could a popular person on the thread suddenly and over a period of a couple of months become so unpopular, especially when they appeared to be doing the same thing they've always done. I PMéd the moderator and they basically said the same thing that bonobo said above. Then it struck me that there are some real spiteful losers out there, they do something wrong and then they sneak around and GET BACK at the moderator....whack him or her right in the ribcage. :) Spiteful people......ohh such sad and spiteful people.

Bonobo, you and a couple of the others get 5 stars in my for constantly waking up and dealing with some of these wackos.....if george would just make me a moderator for 1 day per month, i could clean up the board, don't do that george, don't do that :D

Can someone please close this thread. :D

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I hate being rated. Ever since I used to teach in college and several punk losers decided to pimp me by jointly giving me the lowest rank on my semester review. I even had to meet with the ass't dean over it. They were the twerps, but I was put on the rack over it. :)

That's your opinion. I gave a psycho prof in finite math, the lowest rating I could because he should have been terminated years before they dumped him on lowly undergrads. I gave my pharmacology prof the highest rating I could because he was kickass. Those students you call twerps are your clients. You are hired indirectly by them to perform a task. Does that shock you? Then maybe that's the problem. Some instructors need a dose of reality. They are employees just like the servers in restaurants that are reviewed through the use of customer opinion cards. You get rated on how your clients perceive you. If you are seen as poor value for the funds disbursed, then you get what you deserve. The ratings are done before the end of the course so final grades are not a factor in the rating.

Perhaps if Neverdie posted a sexy pic, like wearing a Borat thong, he might win stars from some. He should consider giving added value to his exchanges and postings. Perhaps a coupon for a beer.

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I hate being rated. Ever since I used to teach in college and several punk losers decided to pimp me by jointly giving me the lowest rank on my semester review. I even had to meet with the ass't dean over it. They were the twerps, but I was put on the rack over it. :)

That's your opinion. I gave a psycho prof in finite math, the lowest rating I could because he should have been terminated years before they dumped him on lowly undergrads. I gave my pharmacology prof the highest rating I could because he was kickass. Those students you call twerps are your clients. You are hired indirectly by them to perform a task. Does that shock you? Then maybe that's the problem. Some instructors need a dose of reality. They are employees just like the servers in restaurants that are reviewed through the use of customer opinion cards. You get rated on how your clients perceive you. If you are seen as poor value for the funds disbursed, then you get what you deserve. The ratings are done before the end of the course so final grades are not a factor in the rating.

OTOH, I understand where he's coming from, especially with the brats in N. American colleges and universities. You get those kids with an over inflated sense of entitlement, who feel that they should still get an A even though they never went to class or did the readings. When they get a mark that reflects their effort, they give the prof bad ratings instead of owning their own failures.

(School) rating systems are good, in that they put some power in the hands of the students, but bad in that the students are not usually mature enough to use that power rationally.

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