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Transfer Factor


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Haven't been around much the past month as we are building a house and thats pretty much taken up all space in my mind.

Anyhow a few weeks back I get a mail from someone on TF called Matthews. Before I go on let me stress that I am no way suggesting Matthews is some kind of conman or is dishonest in any way. In fact I'm sure he has my best interests at heart.

Matthews tells me that his father had problems with diabetes and was on metformin which eventually affected his liver. On his doctors advice he changed over to something called Transfer Factor and gave me a web site to check it out. I can't really work out what it is and perhaps thats because my mind is very much into building the house and wondering how I'm going to do that plus send my daughter to uni in Bangkok starting in the new year (thai).

My pharmacist has also mentioned that metformin can effect the liver. I'm particularly concerned about this as I spent 36 years as a drunk and a few years after I stop drinking I tested positive for scerosis. Over the past 10 years I've tested negative, but, I'm still concerned.

So my question is does anyone have any experience with Transfer Factor.

Regards Joe

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From their marketing, it looks life some sort of 'New Age' gimick. I couldn't find any mention of scientific evidence except for a brief mention of an alleged 'study' in Russia... Lots of 'mumbo-jumbo' salesspeak, too. It's also marketed for your pets...

I'm a diabetic, and I wouldn't touch this shit with a barge pole, personally. There are other drugs which shouldn't affect your liver, like glucophage... Talk to a real doctor, is my advice, then verify everything yourself on the internet.

I think you're better off sticking with proven drugs, rather than something that's part of a multi-level marketing program....

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hey there Ajarn,

nice to hear from you. yes mate I think I agree with youjust though I'd check with the experts.

do you know if splenda is available here in Thailand. my B1st card wont let me do business on the internet so I can't buy it.

I'm thinking that when I finish building my house I'll see about putting in a swimming pool. At the moment I'm getting my exercise with my bike doing at least an hour a day with a minimum 40 minutes non stop, warm Regards Joe

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Do you know if splenda is available here in Thailand? My B1st card wont let me do business on the internet so I can't buy it.

I'm thinking that when I finish building my house I'll see about putting in a swimming pool. At the moment I'm getting my exercise with my bike doing at least an hour a day with a minimum 40 minutes non stop, warm Regards Joe

Joe, I've never heard of Splenda being sold here except in the small packets at some larger drugstores... Pretty expensive, too. I recently bought 20 boxes from http://www24.netrition.com/ Prices are listed here http://www.netrition.com/cgi/catalog.cgi

I would suggest that you try to get a card you can use on the internet- Kasikorn bank offers just such an ATM card.

Sounds like you're getting good excercise. I opted for a pool for my excercise because the left side of my body doesn't work so good anymore, but in the water, I'm like a beautiful fish... :o

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Hi Ajarn,

the kasikorn bank don't have a card to use on the internet, its a bit confusing what they have is an on line banking service and it appears to be very complicated. It seems to be for transfering large amounts of money fro9m one account to another.

I can't get a credit card cause I have not got a work permit. I'm trying to do a deal with my sister in Australia to use her card.

by the way mate glucophage is metformin hydrochloride I just checked the box.

Whats got me into wanting splenda is that makro have frozen peach halves but they need a bit of sweetening. I got this thing for peaches and custard.

Take care Joe

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[quote=strawberry,2005-04-09 16:34:2

by the way mate glucophage is metformin hydrochloride I just checked the box.

You beat me to it. I was just going to say the same thing. My wife is a diabetic and she takes metformin(generic glucophage). The Doc also gave here another pill that helps prevent (prolong) liver damage. I am at work right now and I don't remember the name of the pill but when I get home I will post the name for you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I'm from Malaysia and my dad is suspected to have diabetes. Anyways, I was searching for information on TF (Transfer Factor) products over the net and came across this forum.

I need advise and some information on TF, most of the websites that i've been through is only giving me good points on TF. I need to know if it's a really trustworthy and not a scam like most vitamins product and later give you side effect.

The TF guy actually sold the pills to my dad and being paranoid after tested for diabetes, my dad believed the salesman.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, I am on TF for almost 2 years and this is a real miracle molecule. I am not interested in any form of nutritional business but I certainly believe in Transfer Factor. Nothing to lose but more to gain as hospitals and clinics in Russia use them too. Russia the second most advance country besides States when comes to medical stuffs. Whoever the Matthew guy is - he 's no conman.

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Yes, I am on TF for almost 2 years and this is a real miracle molecule.  I am not interested in any form of nutritional business but I certainly believe in Transfer Factor.  Nothing to lose but more to gain as hospitals and clinics in Russia use them too.  Russia  the second most advance country besides States when comes to medical stuffs.  Whoever the Matthew guy is - he 's no conman.

Nothing to lose except your life. I've seen A LOT of products and insistent sellers saying that their product was safe and beneficial to diabetics. When I read the ingredient labels there were often plenty of ingredients that could negatively affect diabetics. Just as often, there didn't seem to much of anything beneficial...

And besides, this is the first post from a newbie, and he/she sounds a bit too much like a snake-oil seller, to my tastes.

Buyer Beware, as always :o

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Nothing to lose except your life. I've seen A LOT of products and insistent sellers saying that their product was safe and beneficial to diabetics. When I read the ingredient labels there were often plenty of ingredients that could negatively affect diabetics. Just as often, there didn't seem to much of anything beneficial...

And besides, this is the first post from a newbie, and he/she sounds a bit too much like a snake-oil seller, to my tastes.

Buyer Beware, as always  :D

Yeah, I believe you have seen but I doubt if you have read the ingredient labels of TF. If you had bothered to do a google search on TF, you would have known that this is a genuine product and NOT snake-oil. You may go to this site: http://www.transferfactorinstitute.com to read on independent articles.

By shooting-off your mouth (please see your earlier post in italics below) before doing any checking, you certainly showed everyone how much grey matter you have :D notwithstanding the fact that you are an oldie while I am just a newbie...

Advising people to take glucophage without knowing that it is just another name for metformin :o

You still have the cheek to tell people to "Talk to a real doctor, is my advice, then verify everything yourself on the internet" and you didn't do so in this instance? :D:D:D

For those who only believe in doctors and their prescriptions (ie. drugs), there are also many doctors who recommend TF. Fyi, TF is also listed in the PDR. Here is the link http://www.drugs.com/PDR/Transfer_Factor_Plus_Capsules.html

For those who are still sceptical, so be it. As the saying goes, "You can bring a horse to water but you cannot make it drink." I am just sharing info on a genuine product that has helped thousands of people, including myself and my family. I hope that I have not offended anyone but I just can't keep quiet and let people who read this forum be fooled by others who try and act smart by saying things which does not add value to this forum... Cheers! :D

Ajarn 2005-04-08 15:08:43 Post #2

From their marketing, it looks life some sort of 'New Age' gimick. I couldn't find any mention of scientific evidence except for a brief mention of an alleged 'study' in Russia... Lots of 'mumbo-jumbo' salesspeak, too. It's also marketed for your pets...

I'm a diabetic, and I wouldn't touch this shit with a barge pole, personally. There are other drugs which shouldn't affect your liver, like glucophage... Talk to a real doctor, is my advice, then verify everything yourself on the internet.

I think you're better off sticking with proven drugs, rather than something that's part of a multi-level marketing program....

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Certainly confirmed my feeling of another agenda... :o

And I have no idea what your point was in quoting some words of mine about glucophage, but I always stand by my words...

Oh, well... :D

Edited by Ajarn
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Thank you so much for pointing out a truly "independent" and reliable source by the name of "transferfactorinstute.com" where I am sure to find the real word.  :D

Knew that I wouldn't have to wait long for a comment from you :o

Please note that I mentioned "independent articles" which, if you had bothered to check out the site, are available when you point your cursor at 'Research' and choose the option 'Independent Articles'.

Of course, if you want to look for other articles, you should be able to do a google search and find them. But, since some of them are conveniently located at this website, I thought that I would do people a favour and save them the trouble by pointing out this site... Cheers! :D

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Certainly confirmed my feeling of another agenda...  :D

And I have no idea what your point was in quoting some words of mine about glucophage, but I always stand by my words...

Oh, well... :D

I was just trying to tell people that you didn't know that glucophage is the same as metformin. Doctors and informed people know that prolonged use of glucophage/metformin will affect your liver. This shows that you are in neither of the above categories and still have the cheek to say "There are other drugs which shouldn't affect your liver, like glucophage... Talk to a real doctor, is my advice, then verify everything yourself on the internet. " :o

Please DO NOT give any ill-informed advice which may cause people to act on it and lead to adverse circumstances... Cheers! :D

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zander ....

sounds familiar.

you are not from XXX ? coz seems like you too like "extreme sports" - in this case trying to reason with "oldies" ! :D

give it up dude - you'll loose anyways. even if / after you "grow up" enough to Bedlam.... some things never change - as trying to argue with "regulars" on TV.

so take it easy. if you realy wanna help someone or share you info without getting yourself into twit contest - then simply send PM to a person who asks a Q. coz although newbies are officially protected from bashing by "law" here - they are neither very encouraged to be bold or opinionated or being too prolific .... certain priveleges liable only to certain people ! :o - if you haven't learned it by now

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Thanks zander for the link. I'm now more convinced. My dad is doing fine. When the doc recommended TF to my dad, I dont even bother to do any research(net). The only fear I had was his LIVER but now I guess I'll squeeze some time to find out more. Anyway, where do you get your supply from?

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Thanks zander for the link.  I'm now more convinced.  My dad is doing fine.  When the doc recommended TF to my dad, I dont even bother to do any research(net).  The only fear I had was his LIVER  but now I guess I'll squeeze some time to find out more. Anyway, where do you get your supply from?

You are most welcome! Glad to hear that your dad is doing fine :D

About my supply, I think it is better that I PM you the info,

as advised by brother aaaaaa above :o

Or else, people will think otherwise...

Have a great weekend, Cheers! :D

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Certainly confirmed my feeling of another agenda...  :D

And I have no idea what your point was in quoting some words of mine about glucophage, but I always stand by my words...

Oh, well... :D

I was just trying to tell people that you didn't know that glucophage is the same as metformin. Doctors and informed people know that prolonged use of glucophage/metformin will affect your liver. This shows that you are in neither of the above categories and still have the cheek to say "There are other drugs which shouldn't affect your liver, like glucophage... Talk to a real doctor, is my advice, then verify everything yourself on the internet. " :o

Please DO NOT give any ill-informed advice which may cause people to act on it and lead to adverse circumstances... Cheers! :D

You can't really be so stupid, can you?

Talk to a real doctor, is my advice,

That's my advice. Not to take a drug, not even to NOT take a drug. My advice is to talk to a doctor.

You are obviously a Troll.

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Doctors and informed people know that prolonged use of glucophage/metformin will affect your liver

From http://www.diabetesmonitor.com/metf-qa.htm

"There is no evidence that GLUCOPHAGE or GLUCOPHAGE XR causes harm to the liver or kidneys."

It's only a danger if you already have liver problems, that's why they recommend a liver test function first

Given our respective alcohol habits, George and I will give it a big miss then :o

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Certainly confirmed my feeling of another agenda...  :D

And I have no idea what your point was in quoting some words of mine about glucophage, but I always stand by my words...

Oh, well... :D

I was just trying to tell people that you didn't know that glucophage is the same as metformin. Doctors and informed people know that prolonged use of glucophage/metformin will affect your liver. This shows that you are in neither of the above categories and still have the cheek to say "There are other drugs which shouldn't affect your liver, like glucophage... Talk to a real doctor, is my advice, then verify everything yourself on the internet. " :o

Please DO NOT give any ill-informed advice which may cause people to act on it and lead to adverse circumstances... Cheers! :D

You can't really be so stupid, can you?

Talk to a real doctor, is my advice,
That's my advice. Not to take a drug, not even to NOT take a drug. My advice is to talk to a doctor.

You are obviously a Troll.

If you have read through what strawberry said in the first post, he was talking about his pharmacist mentioning that metformin can effect the liver. Perhaps his pharmacist knew about his previous drink problem or even if he didn't, he was just cautioning strawberry.

In your reply to him in the next post, you mentioned about glucophage which is the same thing as metformin. Are you that stupid to NOT know this and try to give medical advice? :D

I agree with your advice to talk to a doctor, maybe even get a second or third opinion if you are still unsure. But, please do not just SHOOT DOWN something that you are not familiar with/heard of as SNAKE-OIL. You will only make a fool of yourself :D

By the way, it takes a Bigger Troll to know one... Cheers! :D

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Doctors and informed people know that prolonged use of glucophage/metformin will affect your liver

From http://www.diabetesmonitor.com/metf-qa.htm

"There is no evidence that GLUCOPHAGE or GLUCOPHAGE XR causes harm to the liver or kidneys."

It's only a danger if you already have liver problems, that's why they recommend a liver test function first

Thanks for the link :o

I guess that's why my doctor advised me against taking it as he knows my medical background... Cheers! :D

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Doctors and informed people know that prolonged use of glucophage/metformin will affect your liver

From http://www.diabetesmonitor.com/metf-qa.htm

"There is no evidence that GLUCOPHAGE or GLUCOPHAGE XR causes harm to the liver or kidneys."

It's only a danger if you already have liver problems, that's why they recommend a liver test function first

Given our respective alcohol habits, George and I will give it a big miss then :o

Good for you Doc!

Hope you have a long & healthy life... Cheers! :D

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