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I don't know what to do, when she is drunk she fighting me and i know one day we will have a really big problem here, how to handle this ? When i ask she to stop drink she say she don't drink anything... with a wine glass in her hand. She can drink 2, 3 or 4 bottles in one night and then she is very crazy.

We have a baby together, we are buying a home too... too much to loose :D What to do ? One or two times a month she get very drunk and nobody can't stop her.

Please forgive me my written english :)

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Sorry to hear of you predicament, its not unusual for Thais to get drunk regular, along with a few falangs, How far do you want to go with it , Its up to you mate , Maybe a drink problem,I have seen a lot like you have described , from both sexes, fighting and doing stupid things the only way is to stop drinking , Maybe one day she will hurt the child unintentionally ,You have to make a decision She drinks You go ,


..lucky my wife doesn't drink..she has almost killed me dead sober.. but seriously, misery does NOT love company..make sure you don't get drunk too


to be 100% serious..did you know she drank like this BEFORE you married her? ..because..be careful what you ask for ( sometimes you will actually get it ). In my case, i was a binge beer drinker, but mainly knew i would quit ( and did ), so purposely met a non - drinking thai lady, to avoid "all that".. believe you me, she (they) has enough of a temper without the alcohol to provoke/ accelerate/ the process.


It's just a few times a month but enough to make me crazy. I want to finish but i don't want to loose everything we have, actually two houses, the baby and all the stuff. I need to work too and i don't want to loose time with this. She only need to stop drink and everything is well. She don't want to talk about that, she is so "high so" in she's head, she ask for crazy things. She believe all the farang's are ATM's and i can't handle that.


Okay that's enough, i'm going to break and maybe loose arround 2 or 3 Millions... next time i will invest ALONE and never again with a girl. This is the big problem with Thailand, you can't buy anything without a thai.


Johan, the decision of if you can or cannot live with this lies with you of course. But, if its only a couple of times a month and the rest of the time things are fine, then (if you still care for her and its worth it), there are some things you can have a think over. Ie: Do you know why she feels the need to do this every so often? Is there any kind of trigger that you can think of?

Are you close to any of her family members where you can talk to them? (although im no expert on Thai in-laws so maybe some other members can give suggestions on how to request help from them). Its important to work out what is the trigger/reason for her binge drinking like that. Even if you leave her, she will still be the mother of your child and have access to her and your child. The problem will not go away even if you do not stay with her. Better for your baby's sake to help her find a way of addressing whats going on.

To be honest, the information you give is very little to go on. She drinks then she argues, but whats the underlying reason? I think only by working out and addressing the underlying problem, will you be able to start to help her to put an end to the drinking binges and fighting.

Although her behaviour sounds extreme, there are no perfect human beings. Im sure you have your own flaws too. If shes otherwise a good wife and mother, then help her rather than just dump her.


Well sometimes people real feelings comes out when they are drunk, maybe deep down she doesnt love you so it all comes out when she has been drinking like fighting you etc.

You have made a mistake, married a drunk(i would say ex bargirl) and now except, lose around 3 million as there's not much chance you will keep the houses...


this forum is for ladies in thailand, not about ladies in Thailand, so unless the OP is specifically looking for the advice of women, I will move this to General.


These problems only tend to get worse. The problem is not about alcohol, it is about alcohol allowing her to voice her problems. Thais hate confrontation and alcohol is way for them to voice their opinions or problems they have. If she is being abusive whilst drunk then there is obviously a deeper issue that needs to be delt with. Maybe some parent issues. I would suggest to move on.

this forum is for ladies in thailand, not about ladies in Thailand, so unless the OP is specifically looking for the advice of women, I will move this to General.

think you should move it, the forum is turning into an agony heart column for farang men with problems with Thai women.

this forum is for ladies in thailand, not about ladies in Thailand, so unless the OP is specifically looking for the advice of women, I will move this to General.

think you should move it, the forum is turning into an agony heart column for farang men with problems with Thai women.

Yes, I agree


Okay that's enough, i'm going to break and maybe loose arround 2 or 3 Millions... next time i will invest ALONE and never again with a girl. This is the big problem with Thailand, you can't buy anything without a thai.

for gods sake. what is their in los that one really needs.

Sorry to hear of you predicament, its not unusual for Thais to get drunk regular, along with a few falangs, How far do you want to go with it , Its up to you mate , Maybe a drink problem,I have seen a lot like you have described , from both sexes, fighting and doing stupid things the only way is to stop drinking , Maybe one day she will hurt the child unintentionally ,You have to make a decision She drinks You go ,

Throw her out and get a new one. There are many beautiful gals over here that warship us

Sorry to hear of you predicament, its not unusual for Thais to get drunk regular, along with a few falangs, How far do you want to go with it , Its up to you mate , Maybe a drink problem,I have seen a lot like you have described , from both sexes, fighting and doing stupid things the only way is to stop drinking , Maybe one day she will hurt the child unintentionally ,You have to make a decision She drinks You go ,

Throw her out and get a new one. There are many beautiful gals over here that warship us

SORRY PAL. THE ONLY ONES THAT WORSHIP US ARE those the thais arent particilarly fond of!

if op went looking for another he'd find another version of what he got now!


'warship' ha ha ha

but i have the same prob as this guy i dont drink and now i keep the house strictly dry , but she finds it else where, not so frequently though, but as someone else said, dont ever drink yourself, that surely helps.


Jesus H Mohamad some one with 5 or 6 posts accusing a guy of being a Troll :) Johan, is there a pattern to her drinking behaviour?


Alcoholics are not worth wasting your time with.

My first response is to have her wacked and put the property you have in a trust for the kid. But that's pretty extreme and you have to have a heart of stone to do it!

Second choice is probably better, secretly get a lawyer to spell out your options. There must be a way where the property can be put in a trust and at the same time as that happens have the same lawyer draw up the papers to have her committed . Having an obliging doctor on hand would be good too to sign the papers! Find a private hospital that will take her on short notice so that the booze demon can be purged and keep her there indefinitely.

Option three is do nothing.....and suffer in silence.


Every 3 days some guy complains about life when hes the one who decided to move to a country and marry some working girl that he can't communicate with (since op can't speak english, i doubt they say more than 'me lile u, u go me go restaurant' then for some reason said guy makes enough money to invest millions of baht without even knowing the first thing about his wife...

dear god.

Okay that's enough, i'm going to break and maybe loose arround 2 or 3 Millions... next time i will invest ALONE and never again with a girl. This is the big problem with Thailand, you can't buy anything without a thai.

That's why most of us that live here tend to prefer to rent. Why spend all your money on bricks and mortar you can't own?

Renting it key...

Totally good on you for moving on.

Best Thai ladies for living with only drink nit-noy and not smoke at all imo.


You need to sit her down and explain to her, her drinking is effecting your marriage. Either she stop drinking or you will leave.

You realize that a non Thai cannot buy land in Thailand .if you have a condo you are on better ground, their is no way that you will be able to get the land, period. you can recoup half of the value of the house and personal possessions. Get a lawyer and try to have the property put in the babies name and appoint a Thai guardian to over see the property.

If she does not stop drinking, she does not love you as much as you love her. You will take a financial loss, but get out ASAP.

Good Luck!


Let's keep it civil and on topic. Extremely negative comments will be deleted and warnings will be issued.

Throw her out and get a new one. There are many beautiful gals over here that warship us

You should show more respect for the women, thai or wherever, they are not an object to use and get away.



My girlfriend (about to become wife) also has a big problem with red wine, she becomes extremely violent.

Bit of a problem with whiskey as well, but not in the same league as red wine.

I cured the problem easily, once I realised that it was the wine.

I only pay for beer now, if she wants anything stronger she has to pay for it herself.

No way her hand ever goes in her own pocket, so she only drinks beer now.

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