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Two Choices

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alright, i have a fairly simple question. i have a job offer in koh samui for 25000 baht a month, w/o housing. i could get a job in bangkok fairly easily for a bit more money, at least 30-35000 a month with housing. so is it worth taking the pay cut to live on koh samui, as opposed to bangkok?

any help is much appreciated! thanks!


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w/o housing? pretty low pay and Samui the housing aint cheap nor the food!

What goes for 20 baht in BKK goes for 60-80 baht in Samui food wise.

The beach is a bit nicer though.

Whats the job offer for?

Have a house for rent here if you decide to move to Samui.

On the southern tip.


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There are so many things to consider that it is impossible to give you a really useful answer.

My home is on Phuket - so obviously I have a preference for island life.

But, the wages you are talking about - unless you can supplement them somehow - are just barely going to support you - and only if you find some dirt cheap housing - which will be hard to do.

Have you been to Samui? Does the job provide a WP - and all the requirements to keep you legal? Are there ways to supplement your income? How many hours a week for either job - are you comparing apples with apples? Where would you work? For cheap housing would you have to live on the other side of the island? Will you need to buy a motorbike to get around - to get to work?

Personally, if you love being on the sea - it might be worth it, knowing of course that it will be a struggle until you can improve your wages some how. But you'd better have some savings to back you up until you get adjusted and improve the financial aspects of the deal.

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Personally if you fancy living in the Costa Del Sol of Thailand (Samui) with loads of English 'wide boys' go for it. I'd go there possibly for a holiday but to be honest with all the 'lads' there it reminds me of why I left the UK in the first place!

Although if you stay away from the Chawangs etc. it might be enjoyable.

As the other poster said though, you get a low wage for an island that can cost double to live on than it does here in Bangers!

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There are plenty of other places with a nice beach.

I am glad I got out of bangkok a while back.

It is easy to get stuck there.

There are some great places in Thailand.

25,000 is a lot outside Bkk in a quiet place, not Samui. I don't like Samui, well I didn't 13 years ago, and I can't imagine it changing for the good. Same reasons as above.

Try Prachuab/Kiri Khan.

EASY to earn 40,000 outside bangkok.

Take one job paying 25/30,000 then get a couple of privates. 6 hours a week would take you above 40,000.

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wow, kenkannif, so you actually live in bangkok? well then i have a question for you. i really dont know how i would like living in bangkok. i know that you cant tell me if i would like it, but do you enjoy living there for an extended period of time? is it a nice place to live for a while? I love learning about the culture and am excited to live there, but i am just concerned that i wont be able to live there for a year. what do you think? is it worth a years contract? sorry the question is so general, but that is all i have right now. i just want to know what it is like living there.

thanks for anything you can tell me,


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I lived on Samui for about 2 years and have now been lliving in Bangkok for about the same amount of time. Personally I'm much happier here in Bangkok although I knew a number of people that where happpier down there and wouldn't choose to live here in the city.

However most of the guys I knew in Samui that loved it and were happy there had money and at least had the option of getting off "the rock" once in a while I don't know if the job you've been offered includes a Work Permit or what type of visa you might be on but you may have to factor in visa runs possibly every month or three months. This is very expensive and time consuming as the closest border is Malaysia.

Also unless you are really into sitting on the beach you'll probably find yourself very bored as most people seem to spend their time bar/restaurant hopping which you won't be able to afford.

The cost of leaving the island by plane is around 2-3000 (one way) plus an airport tax of 400 Baht you can of course take the bus or train but this is very time consuming and as you'll be presumably working 5 days a week that pretty much cancels out that option.

I can understand your wanting to live there out of preference but I wouldnt recommend it on 25000 Baht and I think even people that live there would agree with me on that one. You'll probably have a lot more of a chance of seeing more of the country if you move to BKK as the cost of travel from here is much lower, you can get to Pattaya or Rayong/Koh Samet for around 90 Baht on the bus.

Good Luck


P.S. Ken is probably not the best person to ask about living in BKK, he doesn't get out much. :o

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haha, thanks for the tip. yeah, most people have been saying that it is just too low of an offer to live on koh samui, so i am pretty sure that i am just going to set up a few interviews and find a job in bangkok once i arrive there. any schools you might be able to recommend?

thanks for the advice,


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^ Yeah what Withnail said. I actually 'lived' in Samui on and off for around 9 months or so around 4-5 years ago (Lamai....or however you spell it). Mainly stayed in there as well, too many beer boys there sometimes. Withnail knows the score as well...I rarely go out in Bangers...just walk 5 minutes to work...go home...watch TV...sleep and repeat! Saying that I like Bangers, you're near enough to a lot of places that you can slip away and have a bit of a holiday. It's reasonably cheap here etc. To me the temptation of taking the odd day off here and there in Samui (to have fun) would be a tad too tempting!

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haha, thanks for the tip.  yeah, most people have been saying that it is just too low of an offer to live on koh samui, so i am pretty sure that i am just going to set up a few interviews and find a job in bangkok once i arrive there.  any schools you might be able to recommend?

thanks for the advice,


That all depends on your qualifications and experience (or lack of) but there are other threads here about good or bad schools.

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