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Where To Work As Technical Chemist With Phd ?

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Hey Thailand fans :D

I like this country and already lost my heart "on" but on the 3rd trip i fear also "in" it, too. So let me start from beginning and tell what I do:

My work is now technical chemistry PhD in lets say about 1/3 or 12-14 months to the end. From the beginning asia was one of the favourites to work but meanwhile I didnt like Chinas behavings anymore. So when split from my "Ex" Sweden came on the plan because of they beaaaautyful blond/blue eyed women. But eveybody told me it'll be cold and dark long times during the years and most ladys are just beautyful but still have pants on in a relationsip :D . OK, to be hones almond eyed and dark skinned/hair ladys were far away from my favourite but "she" is different... :D (even from most thai - that btw...)

ok, to make it short: I think with a little sweat it should be able to di that PhD in about 12 months with something around "cum laude" (hope, better :D ). But where do I find work in Thailand? Here in Germany I'd say chances were best around Frankfurt and surroundings because there one find many "producting" companies. Many of my colleagues try to find jobs in the north but most of them found here get bored by organization stuff or other stupid office works. For example my chef at Johnson lerned food chemistry PhD and had to lead an analysis office doung just stuff with solvents and some standard tests. For sure he makes good money but that would bore me quick. I need a helmet and have to walk around on the plant and to be with people... :)

So the question is, if there is a special area (where?) in Thailand where producting chemistry is concentrated. I think not Bangkok because of more expensive costs but maybe near around?! Also I'm still not sure about the incomings. Were those from thai companies really that worse from lets say I would be lucky and get around 100.000 from BASF or Johnson?

BTW (maybe helps understanding what I "can"): My topic is related to "calorimetry". One needs this to answer questions like how quick or intensive a process can go and what industry has to do to prevent accidents. Even here it's relatively easy to get a job with this cause most productions have questions relating that. But I read on the net that Thailand has even more polyurethane and -ethene chemistry then we in europe. So should e perfect for me. Google most times gives companys that produce food / goods or just sell or even use chemistry. But I never found a thing like an industry park with productions of kilotons PS, PP, PU or other plasics. An article told, that Thailand is just now pushing millions into chemistry but where does industry grow that wants a farang for high educated work. I know, that they have very good chemistry departments, too and we already had some cooperations in the past...

Thanksalot for you ideas :D


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