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People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive 2009


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Peoples sexiest men 2009

Johnny Depp, number one? Check!

Ryan Reynolds number two? hmmm, cute, yes but sexy? not sure on that one.

Ditto Jake Gyllenhall on three,

Bradley Cooper on four, yeah, I'll give him sexy.

Robert Downey Jr on five, yeah, I will give him sexy too :)

John Cho is number 11, which surprised me, wonder how many Asian guys get on this list?

I have to wonder at their compilation tho. Most are certainly not to my taste. And some of them, just plain "No!"

Curious as to the other women's opinions on this list?

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I'm getting to appreciate men of a certain age more these days..but I could make an exception for Nick Cannon..

Definitely Johnny Depp has always been intellectually intriguing to me..and appearance -wise not bad for his age at all. An exemplary ever-green.

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I can believe that sensible women would go for a man who was a little more cerebral than a macho stud. I think that women over the age of 30 might be more attracted to a man who has more than just a pretty face and trim body... not that good looks aren't the initial attraction.

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Sorry, no one can top Keanaeu Reeves in my book except Bruce Springsteen.

Saw the boss in concert for the first time last August.......................wow.

Sean Penn does have a certain appeal, too, although not remotely in the class of the two above.

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Sheryl, you and Patsy can go off and drool at the Keanu Reeves movies then, whilst me an SBK will go off to drool at the Depp ones. :)

Oops and EDIT: Of course you are Sub! But, sorry, you just cant top Depp!!

Edited by eek
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most of them wouldnt be on my list of 'sexy'

some of them are....ermmmm

Adam Lambert? the guy has mascara on!!

and what was that boyband, gleewhatever 3some?

Bradley Cooper aint too bad...Johnny Depp is ok too :D

but I have weird taste in men I suppose....and occasionally have also been questioned about whether ....well remember the story I shared? on that account, then it might be said that men just dont cut it for me :)

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yeah, I got to Adam lambert and thought <deleted>? Are they kidding me? no, most aren't to my taste at all and I was really surprised they overlooked this Aussie actor who has a hit show on tv in the US



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I love him too. Told Mr Boo that this guy was sooooooo handsome :) that when I win the lottery I am gonna pay for Mr Boo to be plastic surgeried to look just like him :D

Mr boo, well used to my major Keanu crush, was I think relieved that I had found another one so just said, ok whatever, BUT can you make him have less face lines. :D

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Now a view from the gay side.

I did a thread about "dishy" young men a while back and the subject came up that the general taste in men of straight women differs from the general taste of gay men. The popularity with women of the admittedly handsome but zero gay appeal George Clooney kind of proves that theory.

I think this People article bears that out. I would bet mucho dinero that the editors at People are NOT gay men.

Of the winners this year, I deem the following to have some gay appeal.

Johnny Depp (really only for the memory of his younger days, he is too old now to have general gay appeal)

John Cho (also getting borderline too old but he doesn't look his age so he could easily lie about it on a gaydar profile)

David Beckham (not my type at all, but his look has general gay appeal)

Glee guy Cory Monteith (my type)

Glee guy Mark Salling (possibly the most gay appeal of the bunch, but alas not my type)

Robert Pattinson

The others (my opinion only) have very little general gay appeal. Yes, that includes that Adam Lambert girly man.

Edited by Jingthing
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no to the Sorensen pics

yes to the SBK pics :D hes in that show...the lawyer thingy......whats it called, Guardian?

but on the whole for me its these kinda looks: John Cusack (especially from that movie where hes the record store owner?) and Heath Ledger especially his looks in the First Knight, and the earlier girly flim Ten things I hate about you .... (such a shame :) )

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OF COURSE Johnny made #1 :D

Oh Johnny...Johnny...Johnny...... :D:D:D

There go my chances with Eek. I always get told I look like Keanu Reeves. :D

:)the ladies at the market all tell me I look and smile like Robert Redford. Now I'm trying to come up with a Robert Redford voice for them... can't come up with one...

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Simon Baker.

cool dude. I remember him from L.A. Confidential and thought he would be a big star after that. I guess it took some time.

Yes ur right sub, hes pretty casual guy, although no where near as hansum as you big boy. Do you think you could forwarded me a personally signed copy of that pic of urs :)

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