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Reminbi - Where To Buy In Thailand

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buyers/takers BEWARE....

there are over 2k Reminbi in my drawers.... lol given in exchange for rice by day border crossing persons....

but thai banks refused to accept them--did not pass their procedural scans....

each piece looks so real and feels so right.... said several assistant managers.... lol

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mate of mine just baled out of china a couple of weeks ago and came over to stay with me to 'settle down' - he had a very bad experience and his mate even got locked up for a few days for being in possession of counterfiet RMB. He had been done over by a cab driver apparently who did the old David Copperfield trick on him.

Caused him alot of grief. From all accounts, the way I hear it, the place is flooded with fake RMB at the moment.

So, I would be very careful when seeking to buy RMB.

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I'm not sure why there was any need to find a wiki definition of RMB. Regardless, many currency exchanges in BKK both buy and sell RMB notes, including Superrich and X (located near the Narathiwas and Silom intersection).

As other have noted, there are a lot of counterfeit RMB notes around - many people in China actually get them from a bank ATM. If you're looking to get a better exchange rate, you should go to China, and not use THB. Only a few banks in China accept THB.

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