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Thailand Won't Negotiate With Cambodia As Long As Thaksin Advises

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Apart from that you're constantly using nicknames for a former PM, whether he was bad or not, and that's something not appreciated on the forum; name a person by his proper name or don't do it at all.

Takki IS his proper name now :)

LaoPo knows this, he's not stupid, he just doesn't have any arguments nor does he have any defense against Takki the Cambodian, Takki the Arab, Takki the African, Takki of Central America, Takki the man without a Thai passport.

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As far as I have read, some Thai government source said and claimed that Mr. Thaksin was using another passport -using the name Takki blahblah- which (I read also) was denied by Thaksin.

As far as I know I haven't seen a copy or proof of said name and/or passport.

Did any of you ? Or have "we" sunken so far and so deep that we believe everything a Thai government source tells us or wants us to believe ?

I thought the Gentlemen, taking their positions on this topic were intelligent enough to realize that any government in the world is deceiving on it's citizens...day-in-day-out, including the present government in Bangkok.

I really don't care what Mr. Thaksin is called and what names he uses or not uses but we could, at least, show some respect to our own intelligence and not start believing what a "Government source" is trying to tell us and wait for proof instead of showing Lemmings behavior.... :)



I really don't care what Mr. Thaksin is called and what names he uses or not uses but we could, at least, show some respect to our own intelligence and not start believing what a "Government source" is trying to tell us and wait for proof instead of showing Lemmings behavior.... :)



If you're not interested in how Takki is called, or not, why take part in this discussion. Instead of attacking others on their language (and teaching) skills, attaching images of lemmings, why not contribute in a positive manner?

And how about your own intelligence and respect, what's your source? 007?

Or maybe Thaksin himself? Honest mistake?


If you're not interested in how Takki is called, or not, why take part in this discussion. Instead of attacking others on their language (and teaching) skills, attaching images of lemmings, why not contribute in a positive manner?

And how about your own intelligence and respect, what's your source? 007?

Or maybe Thaksin himself? Honest mistake?


It's not about HOW Thaksin is called; it's about the McCarthy style hysteria and mania a few posters show about their anti-Thaksin feelings.

In fact, I don't care what anybody says or thinks about Thaksin, it's the repeating anti-mania of some posters that's poisoning this forum and their own brains.

If I see posters on a daily basis expressing their feelings over-and-over-and-over-again....since years it says something about them, not me; I'm just the one trying to open up a window, let some fresh air inside, showing there's more outside that an ex-PM of Thailand, living in exile.

If you would be so kind to explain to me in what positive manner I could contribute I invite you to explain so to me but it's hard for anyone to convince me about anything other than my own opinion mr. KireB :)

Oh, I do respect my own intelligence, that's why I do not take part in this anti-mania nor will I ever be part of any anti-mania towards anybody, as it will spoil and poison the brain of the one who takes part; not me, thank you very much !

Mr. Thaksin...? sorry, never met him and I doubt I ever will.

I'm just interested in him..fascinated if you wish, and other than that I am very curious in the outcome of his future...but above all, the well being of Thailand in the future......very curious indeed.

I leave it to Thai Justice what will happen to him.


If you're not interested in how Takki is called, or not, why take part in this discussion. Instead of attacking others on their language (and teaching) skills, attaching images of lemmings, why not contribute in a positive manner?

And how about your own intelligence and respect, what's your source? 007?

Or maybe Thaksin himself? Honest mistake?


It's not about HOW Thaksin is called; it's about the McCarthy style hysteria and mania a few posters show about their anti-Thaksin feelings.

In fact, I don't care what anybody says or thinks about Thaksin, it's the repeating anti-mania of some posters that's poisoning this forum and their own brains.

If I see posters on a daily basis expressing their feelings over-and-over-and-over-again....since years it says something about them, not me; I'm just the one trying to open up a window, let some fresh air inside, showing there's more outside that an ex-PM of Thailand, living in exile.

If you would be so kind to explain to me in what positive manner I could contribute I invite you to explain so to me but it's hard for anyone to convince me about anything other than my own opinion mr. KireB :)

Oh, I do respect my own intelligence, that's why I do not take part in this anti-mania nor will I ever be part of any anti-mania towards anybody, as it will spoil and poison the brain of the one who takes part; not me, thank you very much !

Mr. Thaksin...? sorry, never met him and I doubt I ever will.

I'm just interested in him..fascinated if you wish, and other than that I am very curious in the outcome of his future...but above all, the well being of Thailand in the future......very curious indeed.

I leave it to Thai Justice what will happen to him.



I leave it to Thai Justice what will happen to him.

If only you did.

The Thai justice system has already spoken on your man Thaksin. He's GUILTY. Do you and other sympathisers accept it though? No, you don't.

All we hear is cries of "unfair", "trumped up", "stacked against him", "politically motivated" blah blah blah... day in, day out. And where were those cries when Thaksin cheated justice by hiding his assets?

If I see posters on a daily basis expressing their feelings over-and-over-and-over-again....since years it says something about them, not me;

That people expressing dislike for a convicted criminal who refuses to accept punishment and continues to stir up trouble for Thailand, bothers you enough to come on to this forum on a daily basis and defend him does say an awful lot about you... as does the fact that you attack a member for his spelling and question his ability to do his job - how all that concerns you and how it is revelant to this topic i have no idea - do you?


Yes expressing out feelings over and over.

Just as you do, n'est pas?

In response to what many of us see as blatant lies,

or an egregious PR attempt to white wash Thaksin into ;

'Some demi-god savior of Thailand vs an evil empire

set on preventing him from helping all Issan People.'

Sorry that concept readily bandied about here is utter bilge and demands countering.

There is nothing written in TVF rules that we can NOT state our considered opinions,

and that it MUST be back 100% by facts from a 'paper of record'.

Where does one get 100% verifiable facts on societies ever? Anywhere?

And adding that the English language papers are roundly castigated here,

as a way of making their logically anti-Thaksin stance seem less well considered.

Shoot the messenger so the message seems lessened.

Apparently some among us have inside sources are well connected to and hand to hand with the 'right' people.

Oh yeah, that's right, you are prescient! Not to mention a devotee of the convicted fugitive former PM Thakki :D

You can't discuss anymore and escape to the door where it says: attack....

Becoming more and more pathetic, accusing me of something I'm not.

Apart from that you're constantly using nicknames for a former PM, whether he was bad or not, and that's something not appreciated on the forum; name a person by his proper name or don't do it at all.

It's "not done"; always try to keep your style and class. You should know, teaching students..... :)


Just read his profile or CV. My comment from his cv and his posts would be that "he needs to work on his writing style, use shorter words that he understands and watch his spelling and grammar" As a teacher he is in a priviliged (sic) position. His students deserve to be taught in good English.

If his English was better we could concentrate on what he really means. We may not agree but at least we could understand him.


The thread is about Thailand and Cambodia negotiating. My posts and others have made views on this. I think they are acting in a childish way like children arguing over whose got the most sweets. They need grown up diplomacy.

Others may disagree with me. Fine. Make some constructive comments. But all we get is anti-taksin propagands and clearly that gets posters to make the riposte antagonistic. Not constructive I agree but it levels the playing field. The answer is to keep on topic.

The thread is about Thailand and Cambodia negotiating. My posts and others have made views on this. I think they are acting in a childish way like children arguing over whose got the most sweets. They need grown up diplomacy.

Others may disagree with me. Fine. Make some constructive comments. But all we get is anti-taksin propagands and clearly that gets posters to make the riposte antagonistic. Not constructive I agree but it levels the playing field. The answer is to keep on topic.

Since Thaksin is at the crux of this whole debacle and seems to have instigated it

for his own ends, it is not possible to not be anti-Thaksin in this thread.

He is wasting everybody's time for his own ends.

Propaganda implies and organized agenda from the government through us to counter his.

Some of us don't want to be on the receiving end of Thaksin's revenge if he steals back power.


Well I guess some posters don't get irony or sarcasm well,

since it is clearly being misunderstood.

The thread is about Thailand and Cambodia negotiating. My posts and others have made views on this. I think they are acting in a childish way like children arguing over whose got the most sweets. They need grown up diplomacy.

Others may disagree with me. Fine. Make some constructive comments. But all we get is anti-taksin propagands and clearly that gets posters to make the riposte antagonistic. Not constructive I agree but it levels the playing field. The answer is to keep on topic.

Since Thaksin is at the crux of this whole debacle and seems to have instigated it

for his own ends, it is not possible to not be anti-Thaksin in this thread.

He is wasting everybody's time for his own ends.

Propaganda implies and organized agenda from the government through us to counter his.

Some of us don't want to be on the receiving end of Thaksin's revenge if he steals back power.


Well I guess some posters don't get irony or sarcasm well,

since it is clearly being misunderstood.

Im not sure Thaksin if returned to power would go after some bunch of posters on an expat forum. As much as we all value our opinions in the real scheme of things they are meaningless. A return of Thaksin would likely not have much effect on the lives of most foreigners living here or their families unless those families were real direct competitors to the man and his mates, and I seriously doubt many TV posters are married that high in Thai society.

While personally thinking a return of Thaksin to lead the country is a bad idea, I dont think there is any reason to get too paranoid about it if Thai people decide that is the way they want to go.

The thread is about Thailand and Cambodia negotiating. My posts and others have made views on this. I think they are acting in a childish way like children arguing over whose got the most sweets. They need grown up diplomacy.

Others may disagree with me. Fine. Make some constructive comments. But all we get is anti-taksin propagands and clearly that gets posters to make the riposte antagonistic. Not constructive I agree but it levels the playing field. The answer is to keep on topic.

Since Thaksin is at the crux of this whole debacle and seems to have instigated it

for his own ends, it is not possible to not be anti-Thaksin in this thread.

He is wasting everybody's time for his own ends.

Propaganda implies and organized agenda from the government through us to counter his.

Some of us don't want to be on the receiving end of Thaksin's revenge if he steals back power.


Well I guess some posters don't get irony or sarcasm well,

since it is clearly being misunderstood.

I agree with hammered in post 73

Animatic, Would you not like to see Thailand and Cambodia talking like adults. And that means their government heads not Taksin. Why won't Thailand negotiate? And you don't need to mention Taksin in the reply. This should be between governments.

The thread is about Thailand and Cambodia negotiating. My posts and others have made views on this. I think they are acting in a childish way like children arguing over whose got the most sweets. They need grown up diplomacy.

Others may disagree with me. Fine. Make some constructive comments. But all we get is anti-taksin propagands and clearly that gets posters to make the riposte antagonistic. Not constructive I agree but it levels the playing field. The answer is to keep on topic.

Since Thaksin is at the crux of this whole debacle and seems to have instigated it

for his own ends, it is not possible to not be anti-Thaksin in this thread.

He is wasting everybody's time for his own ends.

Propaganda implies and organized agenda from the government through us to counter his.

Some of us don't want to be on the receiving end of Thaksin's revenge if he steals back power.


Well I guess some posters don't get irony or sarcasm well,

since it is clearly being misunderstood.

I agree with hammered in post 73

Animatic, Would you not like to see Thailand and Cambodia talking like adults. And that means their government heads not Taksin. Why won't Thailand negotiate? And you don't need to mention Taksin in the reply. This should be between governments.

Excerpt from Post above:

Would you not like to see Thailand and Cambodia talking like adults. And that means their government heads not Taksin. Why won't Thailand negotiate?

I wha, wha, wha, wha, won-der!

Why, why, why?

Already the question!

Sorry... you understand who Hun Sen is?

And that Mr.Takki has bought himself very likely with some promise into Cambodia as he is extremely desperate!

And Hun Sen believes he is invincible and right now he is Takki's dance bear, he will dance to any tune, the sweet smell of money!

Nothing to do with "Thai-Government"...None, nil, niente!

I believe very strong even if he would be offered "his" Money back, he would ask for more.. and more and more and ......it's the character of this man, this is how he is ticking!

Mr.Takki Shinegra's fortunes are dwindling away, it looks if some massive investment went foul in Dubai, now it looks like Dubai may turn against him...and is not really a small amount of money.

A local media report expresses thet there are rumors that he may have offert up to half of this amount for anyone able to retrieve it for him!


It's something like 1 billion $US... :)

and his face...... if one views the whole affair from this point

and understands the character of this man, he/she will understand

that it has very little to do with anyone else except him!

So at best he must try even the remotest possibility to somehow derail this government and get his cronies back into power, he is trying already very hard for some time... isn't he?

And no matter what, he won't give up any time soon....if the frozen assets are seized, he will certainly try harder!

Why won't Thailand negotiate?

Thailand has already made its position very clear.

Cambodia must retract its decision to employ a wanted Thai fugitive who continually threatens and at times (Black Songran) causes violence and unrest. Negotiations will begin the moment they do that. It's a perfectly reasonable demand and one that any government would make put in that situation.

I'm quite sure that were Abhisit stupid enough to employ a foreign fugitive that caused the break-down of international relations with the country of that fugitive, you wouldn't come on here saying that that country should grow up and get itself to the negotiation table, you'd be saying that Abhisit should immediately reverse the idiotic decision he made.

The thread is about Thailand and Cambodia negotiating. The answer is to keep on topic.

There's that hypocrisy i was talking about.

Here's a highlight below of some of your most recent comments that i feel really do get the crux of this Thailand Cambodia issue very pertinently. Keep up the good work.

You mentioned your academic and lifetime experiences and achievements in an earlier thread. Have you ever considered a course in anger management. :)

( PS Laopo, are you sure he teaches English. I would not have thought so reading his posts)

Actually I had not read your profile before penning a reply. My comments were based on your posts.

But I have now read it. Would it not be possible for you to expand upon it. And tell us a bit about yourself. Don't be shy. :D:D

Just read his profile or CV. My comment from his cv and his posts would be that "he needs to work on his writing style, use shorter words that he understands and watch his spelling and grammar" As a teacher he is in a priviliged (sic) position. His students deserve to be taught in good English.

If his English was better we could concentrate on what he really means. We may not agree but at least we could understand him.

The thread is about Thailand and Cambodia negotiating.

The thread is about, "Thailand Won't Negotiate With Cambodia As Long As Thaksin Advises..."

Dang, there he is again, that Thaksin.


The center of the storm.


Apparently some among us have inside sources are well connected to and hand to hand with the 'right' people.

Oh yeah, that's right, you are prescient! Not to mention a devotee of the convicted fugitive former PM Thakki :D

You can't discuss anymore and escape to the door where it says: attack....

Becoming more and more pathetic, accusing me of something I'm not.

Apart from that you're constantly using nicknames for a former PM, whether he was bad or not, and that's something not appreciated on the forum; name a person by his proper name or don't do it at all.

It's "not done"; always try to keep your style and class. You should know, teaching students..... :)


Just read his profile or CV. My comment from his cv and his posts would be that "he needs to work on his writing style, use shorter words that he understands and watch his spelling and grammar" As a teacher he is in a priviliged (sic) position. His students deserve to be taught in good English.

If his English was better we could concentrate on what he really means. We may not agree but at least we could understand him.

During the past two weeks, successively, one poster said he'd refuse to respond to my posts because I either genuinely didn't understand his posts or I consciously misrepresented them; another poster tried to read me his own riot act concerning my Thaksin posts although the provisions of his own riot act had nothing to do with the TVF rules he only vaguely and generally referred to; now another poster is trying to attack my posting English.

Their common ground is one man and one color, Thaksin and red.

I'll listen to a critique provided it comes from a balanced source which I can respect whether the person is an antagonist or a fellow traveller. Circus acts are quite another thing, however.


I leave you Gentlemen Thaksin experts alone; enjoy your daily bitter Thaksin anti-mania; it slowly eats into your brains, beware!

Maybe there's one more addiction out there which isn't in the Wikipedia list of addictions:

Thaksin-addiction... :)


Apparently some among us have inside sources are well connected to and hand to hand with the 'right' people.

Oh yeah, that's right, you are prescient! Not to mention a devotee of the convicted fugitive former PM Thakki :D

You can't discuss anymore and escape to the door where it says: attack....

Becoming more and more pathetic, accusing me of something I'm not.

Apart from that you're constantly using nicknames for a former PM, whether he was bad or not, and that's something not appreciated on the forum; name a person by his proper name or don't do it at all.

It's "not done"; always try to keep your style and class. You should know, teaching students..... :)


Just read his profile or CV. My comment from his cv and his posts would be that "he needs to work on his writing style, use shorter words that he understands and watch his spelling and grammar" As a teacher he is in a priviliged (sic) position. His students deserve to be taught in good English.

If his English was better we could concentrate on what he really means. We may not agree but at least we could understand him.

During the past two weeks, successively, one poster said he'd refuse to respond to my posts because I either genuinely didn't understand his posts or I consciously misrepresented them; another poster tried to read me his own riot act concerning my Thaksin posts although the provisions of his own riot act had nothing to do with the TVF rules he only vaguely and generally referred to; now another poster is trying to attack my posting English.

Their common ground is one man and one color, Thaksin and red.

I'll listen to a critique provided it comes from a balanced source which I can respect whether the person is an antagonist or a fellow traveller. Circus acts are quite another thing, however.

Maybe a slightly lighter shade of hair color? :D Just kidding.

I have been called 'fair and balanced' by someone,

but I felt compelled to rebuff that insult.

Good Wife, bitterness has NOTHING to do with it.

Ah yes we are all monomaniacal anti-Thaksin zealots without a clue.

This coming from Europe, and said to people who live here... or have for decades.

Et voila, credibility nulled.

Sorry, I come by my dislike, distrust, and reasonable fear of Thaksin's return

via purely legitimate grounds, and could care less if others disagree.

If others can't see the obvious patterns that make this a 'clear and present danger',

well not much I can say, they don't see it, or don't care or have social philosophies

that theoretically trump this idea. Well I'll lean toward practical safety vs theoretical dogma

any day of the week all year long.

During the past two weeks, successively, one poster said he'd refuse to respond to my posts because I either genuinely didn't understand his posts or I consciously misrepresented them; another poster tried to read me his own riot act concerning my Thaksin posts although the provisions of his own riot act had nothing to do with the TVF rules he only vaguely and generally referred to; now another poster is trying to attack my posting English.

Their common ground is one man and one color, Thaksin and red.

I'll listen to a critique provided it comes from a balanced source which I can respect whether the person is an antagonist or a fellow traveller. Circus acts are quite another thing, however.

:) Still psyched-out with reds-under-beds; and still not so much as a shred of evidence to even begin to support the repeated mud-slinging.... what is it - five times now?

For myself, I'll listen to/read any critique wherever it's from - probably more attentively if it's from an opposing viewpoint (not much to learn from those who just agree with my views) - if it looks even halfway rational. "Antagonist" - very revealing choice of word; "fellow traveller"?........ "Joe McCarthy - come on down!" :D

I try (reasonably successfully, despite the temptations) not to attack or even comment here on members' "posting English" - there are enough diverse nationalities and backgrounds on TVF to make the notion generally absurd. The symptoms of dictionary-swallowing (often minus the meanings) isn't confined to any one group let alone individual and I'm grateful that I have enough knowledge of English and other languages to see past most verbiage/mangling and usually get through to what the other poster was trying to say....... and then try to respond to that - i.e. the substance. In any case, I find that BS tends to look and smell the same no matter what form it appears in.

For the record and benefit of others, "refuse.... etc" was: "I really can't be bothered to waste time and effort framing sensible and detailed responses to people who evidently either can't or won't read them except through a red mist (pun intended) and who then go on ad nauseam to misrepresent them so comprehensively". That stands.


I agree with Laopo and Steve, responding to these Mccarthyites is pointless.

Their fascination with reds under the beds is tedious and boring. They have only their own views. They respond to an argument by going off topic, ranting and flaming. They do not like it when they get a bit of their own sarcastic medicine in return. Forums are about discussion - both for and against a proposition - but with them they truck no possible alternative argument. ( I note some of the posts have been removed )

We have made the points, no sense going over the same ground. Just let them waste their time on a thread which will unfortunately then fade away as a result of their forever going around in circles.


A local media report expresses thet there are rumors that he may have offert up to half of this amount for anyone able to retrieve it for him!


Thaksin offering some kind of financial reward/commission seems not impossible - this is Thailand, after all. Rather less impossible than him somehow "seizing the frozen assets" in mid-coup while also getting 300 enemies assassinated etc etc (just parts of another anonymous rumour from the NPP secretary-general's version of what he terms the "Dubai Declaration" - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/rea...newsid=30117287 ).

But I digress.......... source for the reports of the rumours you mention, please.

I agree with Laopo and Steve, responding to these Mccarthyites is pointless.

Their fascination with reds under the beds is tedious and boring. They have only their own views. They respond to an argument by going off topic, ranting and flaming. They do not like it when they get a bit of their own sarcastic medicine in return. Forums are about discussion - both for and against a proposition - but with them they truck no possible alternative argument. ( I note some of the posts have been removed )

We have made the points, no sense going over the same ground. Just let them waste their time on a thread which will unfortunately then fade away as a result of their forever going around in circles.

:D ..Indeed; until the next article about Thaksin is published in the non-biased The Nation....and everything will start over-and-over-again.

It's a pity that a few hardliners (not even a dozen) are so obsessed with somebody, whomever and whatever his/her name is.

I really wish we could start a hardliner's topic about Miss Thailand...Oooohhhh My :)

post-13995-1259683674_thumb.jpg Chutima Durongdej, Miss Thailand 2009 on Paradise Island, Bahamas

From: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/photogalle...90806-eaev.html

That's a lot better for the eyes than a square head, isn't it ? :D



Is there something in the water... what amazing mudslinging...

McCarthyites.. that is a new level of flame yet encountered.

The historical slap in the face flame.

Next you will be calling me Nixonian.

You really do yourself and your arguments a disservice sinking to this level.

I agree with Laopo and Steve, responding to these Mccarthyites is pointless.

Their fascination with reds under the beds is tedious and boring. They have only their own views. They respond to an argument by going off topic, ranting and flaming. They do not like it when they get a bit of their own sarcastic medicine in return. Forums are about discussion - both for and against a proposition - but with them they truck no possible alternative argument. ( I note some of the posts have been removed )

We have made the points, no sense going over the same ground. Just let them waste their time on a thread which will unfortunately then fade away as a result of their forever going around in circles.

You three amigos have been shot full of holes over an extended period of time so one could understand such a forlorn post. Your down in the mouth mood will pass in the same way each thread eventually passes, first to page 2 then to page 72 etc. You are resourceful in dreaming up defenses of the indefensible, although you often do stray far afield from reality your momentary sense of exhaustion is expected and understandable. Others continue to carry on and so will you.

I agree with Laopo and Steve, responding to these Mccarthyites is pointless.

Their fascination with reds under the beds is tedious and boring. They have only their own views. They respond to an argument by going off topic, ranting and flaming. They do not like it when they get a bit of their own sarcastic medicine in return. Forums are about discussion - both for and against a proposition - but with them they truck no possible alternative argument. ( I note some of the posts have been removed )

We have made the points, no sense going over the same ground. Just let them waste their time on a thread which will unfortunately then fade away as a result of their forever going around in circles.

You three amigos have been shot full of holes over an extended period of time so one could understand such a forlorn post. Your down in the mouth mood will pass in the same way each thread eventually passes, first to page 2 then to page 72 etc. You are resourceful in dreaming up defenses of the indefensible, although you often do stray far afield from reality your momentary sense of exhaustion is expected and understandable. Others continue to carry on and so will you.

I won't go off topic about your English and I don't want you to lose face - being a teacher; so if you want some help in composing understandable posts without mixing metaphors message me. You are not easy to follow. Please help by being clearer; long words have their place but interspersed with odd grammar constructions your point rarely gets across. Or perhaps that is because there is no point to get across.

Difficult to be shot full of holes when the sum total of your weaponry is totally devoid of factual accurate information ( ah yes, the words "taksin" and "reds" get a lot of mention - I grant you that - but that is not making a constructive argumant is it? ) and when your firing is always so off target in that you never answer points directly put to you.

During the cold war Macmillan had to deal with Kruschev. In a famous exchange where Mr K was losing the argument with all the nations present at the conference he started to lose his cool as well. Behaving very trollishly in front of an international gathering. On K's shouting into the microphone loudly and incoherently, and generally flaming away, Macmillan's response was " Can I have a translation of that please?"

For the moment the parallel with your posts escapes me but no doubt others will see the point.

I won't go off topic about your English and I don't want you to lose face - being a teacher; so if you want some help in composing understandable posts without mixing metaphors message me. You are not easy to follow. Please help by being clearer; long words have their place but interspersed with odd grammar constructions your point rarely gets across. Or perhaps that is because there is no point to get across.

Difficult to be shot full of holes when the sum total of your weaponry is totally devoid of factual accurate information ( ah yes, the words "taksin" and "reds" get a lot of mention - I grant you that - but that is not making a constructive argumant is it? ) and when your firing is always so off target in that you never answer points directly put to you.

During the cold war Macmillan had to deal with Kruschev. In a famous exchange where Mr K was losing the argument with all the nations present at the conference he started to lose his cool as well. Behaving very trollishly in front of an international gathering. On K's shouting into the microphone loudly and incoherently, and generally flaming away, Macmillan's response was " Can I have a translation of that please?"

For the moment the parallel with your posts escapes me but no doubt others will see the point.

I won't go off topic.... <blah blah blah>


The irony.

I agree with Laopo and Steve, responding to these Mccarthyites is pointless.

Their fascination with reds under the beds is tedious and boring. They have only their own views. They respond to an argument by going off topic, ranting and flaming. They do not like it when they get a bit of their own sarcastic medicine in return. Forums are about discussion - both for and against a proposition - but with them they truck no possible alternative argument. ( I note some of the posts have been removed )

We have made the points, no sense going over the same ground. Just let them waste their time on a thread which will unfortunately then fade away as a result of their forever going around in circles.

You three amigos have been shot full of holes over an extended period of time so one could understand such a forlorn post. Your down in the mouth mood will pass in the same way each thread eventually passes, first to page 2 then to page 72 etc. You are resourceful in dreaming up defenses of the indefensible, although you often do stray far afield from reality your momentary sense of exhaustion is expected and understandable. Others continue to carry on and so will you.

I won't go off topic about your English and I don't want you to lose face - being a teacher; so if you want some help in composing understandable posts without mixing metaphors message me. You are not easy to follow. Please help by being clearer; long words have their place but interspersed with odd grammar constructions your point rarely gets across. Or perhaps that is because there is no point to get across.

Difficult to be shot full of holes when the sum total of your weaponry is totally devoid of factual accurate information ( ah yes, the words "taksin" and "reds" get a lot of mention - I grant you that - but that is not making a constructive argumant is it? ) and when your firing is always so off target in that you never answer points directly put to you.

During the cold war Macmillan had to deal with Kruschev. In a famous exchange where Mr K was losing the argument with all the nations present at the conference he started to lose his cool as well. Behaving very trollishly in front of an international gathering. On K's shouting into the microphone loudly and incoherently, and generally flaming away, Macmillan's response was " Can I have a translation of that please?"

For the moment the parallel with your posts escapes me but no doubt others will see the point.

Save your words and energy Caf.....some people are a lot better in expressing themselves than we can:


We better leave the Gents alone; we have to realize that WE are the food for their thoughts and vitriol in their pens. Without us they won't have so much fun.

After all we are a lot more fun since our brains haven't been effected with the Thaksin-addiction and therefore able to have many more laughs :)

A day without a laugh...... :D


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