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Any Experience Using A Freenas Or Windows Home Server


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I happen to come across this article regarding building a FreeNAS


After reading into some of it, I wanted to know if any of you have any experiences in this area, if can you provide your experiences with this or Windows Home Server I would highly appreciate it. I am pretty interested in doing this myself as I do have lots of photos, videos, music and I do happen to have a desktop, labtop, mobile phone.

Also are there any useful things I should know in regards of getting it to work, also any things that I should do. Look forward to all responses

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Go for it.

It would be a good learning experience and not too difficult. If you have never assembled a PC before then the photos would be of help.

I have never used the software you talk of, so I cannot commnet but you may also like to lok at this link for alternatve NAS software. It is not free, but not expensive either at with the most expensive option being 35USD.

I was recently thnking of building a NAS box, but ended up building a Linux based PC because I decided for the same money it would have much more capability and perform the NAS functions as well.

My linux server downloads torrents, backs up my dedicated NAS box (Buffallo Terrastation( and provides remote access for when I am away at work, and also acts as an extra PC if needed. In addition it has helped me make the transition to Linux from Windows.

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