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Brit Owned Chiang Mai Restaurants


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I think it says a lot about the owners of Tuskers and The Olde Bell that they get on with providing a good service as mine hosts and spend their time running their businesses rather than engaging on silly sarcastic self promotions.

As Will27 said

"It had to happen.

When it comes to TRL and the owner,

Caf, just can't help himself."

Other people have noticed and commented too. It's becoming an obsession isn't it?

But never mind, I like you, you're funny. Not very clever, but funny nonetheless. It's your lack of logic that amuses me.

Do you honestly think that I don't/can't run my business because I'm on the internet sometimes? There are only two choices right? Run your business or engage in silly sarcastic comments. That's what 'rather than' implies. One or the other.

With great respect to Pedr and Chas n Rachel, according to you they are not as efficent as I am, because not only do I find time to run my business I also find the time to engage in silly sarcastic self promotions!! And I manage to find the time to play tennis three or four times a week. So all you've done is high-light how super-efficient I am. Thanks for the compliment. :)

PS. If the intention of your posts is to irritate or annoy me (what other reason could there be? Answers please) then I'm afraid you're not quite hitting the mark, are you? In fact, you might want to review my posts. Have you ever seen me get angry? In the midst of heavy criticism in the likes of the 'Free Water' post, when people were using the biggest, boldest fonts possible to express their outrage did I react angrily? No, I didn't. I found it amusing. Incredibly amusing. I imagined those poor lost souls frothing at the mouth. How can people get so irritated and angry over such trivial things? It fascinates me, as you do, but doesn't anger me in the slightest. Just to let you know. 

Edited by KevinHunt
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^ I even designed the 'no free water' tee shirt for you KH :D
Yes, one of thes days....

Didn't you do a No Riff Raff one too? :D

I had a guy in tonight... Australian! Tatoos! Pony-tail & ear-rings!! and he is named after a tropical fruit!!!! Truely.   :)  

Fortunately for him, he is my tennis partner so I let it slide. I did get him to sit outside, with his back to the street, though (there are limits, even if he is my mate). 

Edited by KevinHunt
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I think it says a lot about the owners of Tuskers and The Olde Bell that they get on with providing a good service as mine hosts and spend their time running their businesses rather than engaging on silly sarcastic self promotions.

As Will27 said

"It had to happen.

When it comes to TRL and the owner,

Caf, just can't help himself."

Other people have noticed and commented too. It's becoming an obsession isn't it?

But never mind, I like you, you're funny. Not very clever, but funny nonetheless. It's your lack of logic that amuses me.

Do you honestly think that I don't/can't run my business because I'm on the internet sometimes? There are only two choices right? Run your business or engage in silly sarcastic comments. That's what 'rather than' implies. One or the other.

With great respect to Pedr and Chas n Rachel, according to you they are not as efficent as I am, because not only do I find time to run my business I also find the time to engage in silly sarcastic self promotions!! And I manage to find the time to play tennis three or four times a week. So all you've done is high-light how super-efficient I am. Thanks for the compliment. :)

PS. If the intention of your posts is to irritate or annoy me (what other reason could there be? Answers please) then I'm afraid you're not quite hitting the mark, are you? In fact, you might want to review my posts. Have you ever seen me get angry? In the midst of heavy criticism in the likes of the 'Free Water' post, when people were using the biggest, boldest fonts possible to express their outrage did I react angrily? No, I didn't. I found it amusing. Incredibly amusing. I imagined those poor lost souls frothing at the mouth. How can people get so irritated and angry over such trivial things? It fascinates me, as you do, but doesn't anger me in the slightest. Just to let you know.

I made no reference to the efficiency of Pedr Chas or Rachel but your slur is obviously seen for what it is - uncontrolled vindictiveness and flaming. Still written at 2 in the morning what can we expect.

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I think it says a lot about the owners of Tuskers and The Olde Bell that they get on with providing a good service as mine hosts and spend their time running their businesses rather than engaging on silly sarcastic self promotions.

As Will27 said

"It had to happen.

When it comes to TRL and the owner,

Caf, just can't help himself."

Other people have noticed and commented too. It's becoming an obsession isn't it?

But never mind, I like you, you're funny. Not very clever, but funny nonetheless. It's your lack of logic that amuses me.

Do you honestly think that I don't/can't run my business because I'm on the internet sometimes? There are only two choices right? Run your business or engage in silly sarcastic comments. That's what 'rather than' implies. One or the other.

With great respect to Pedr and Chas n Rachel, according to you they are not as efficent as I am, because not only do I find time to run my business I also find the time to engage in silly sarcastic self promotions!! And I manage to find the time to play tennis three or four times a week. So all you've done is high-light how super-efficient I am. Thanks for the compliment. :)

PS. If the intention of your posts is to irritate or annoy me (what other reason could there be? Answers please) then I'm afraid you're not quite hitting the mark, are you? In fact, you might want to review my posts. Have you ever seen me get angry? In the midst of heavy criticism in the likes of the 'Free Water' post, when people were using the biggest, boldest fonts possible to express their outrage did I react angrily? No, I didn't. I found it amusing. Incredibly amusing. I imagined those poor lost souls frothing at the mouth. How can people get so irritated and angry over such trivial things? It fascinates me, as you do, but doesn't anger me in the slightest. Just to let you know.

I made no reference to the efficiency of Pedr Chas or Rachel but your slur is obviously seen for what it is - uncontrolled vindictiveness and flaming. Still written at 2 in the morning what can we expect.

One of your best. Well done!! "Uncontrolled vindictiveness". :D

If there is one aspect of my posts that is quite consistent it is the fact that they are controlled - no knee jerk reactions from me.

Just out of curiosity, what is the relevance of my timing? You're not implying I was drunk are you? Just to let you know, I haven't been drunk for more than 20 years at least. I had 2 small Singha Light yesterday - slightly less than my average. I'm watching my figure, you see.

It's turned out nice again, lovely day for tennis.

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A strange post, you mention two British pubs, neither from what I can gather have given you bad service.

I think you'll find the no riff raff sign is a bit of a joke on the owners part I don't believe he has ever ejected anyone from his pub for the way they look, if he had I'm sure he would have had started a big discussion about it here :)

The pub I haven't been to in years so can't comment.

What about Tuskers - you can't beat the couple who own this place for hospitality, I've heard the owner of the Olde Bell is a friendly gent though I've never spoken to him. All Brits. I'm sure there are lots of other examples.

I think it says a lot about the owners of Tuskers and The Olde Bell that they get on with providing a good service as mine hosts and spend their time running their businesses rather than engaging on silly sarcastic self promotions.

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Pub-Chiang-Mai-t92072.html Ahem... I think it was one of his first posts..

As for the other place you mention, cast your mind back a few years ago.. It was non stop self promotion to the point of being annoying ( to me. ) Not that it matters or is important. Fair play for being creative.

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0200, indicates the man went straight home after work. Different strokes for different folks. KH works what we called evening tower.

Not a well thought out response, Slapout, as you actually give me my point. If he feels so vindictive that he posts what is really a pm flaming me then he should perhaps have just gone quietly to sleep or report my post. Verbal diarrhea is not a solution to his problem. Read his rambling post again.

My post merely pointed out incidentally that other establishments do not use his tactics. No questions of efficiency were made - only by him, rather improperly, referring to Pedr, Chas and Rachel. I think that was a poor show to say the least but neither they nor their trade will suffer from his outburst. The guy is who he is and will never change.

This thread is not about just one pub, though he and others like to use it as if it is for obvious reasons.

Previously, I said, I believe quite fairly, that some like his pub and some do not. "Different strokes for different folks" to use your cliche. There is nothing wrong with fair comment and having a personal pub preference - except it seems when Pink Lion, as someone called it, is concerned

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 No questions of efficiency were made - only by him, rather improperly, referring to Pedr, Chas and Rachel. I think that was a poor show to say the least but neither they nor their trade will suffer from his outburst. 

You fascinate me! How could anyone, other than you, read my post and see it as a criticism of those lovely hosts Pedr, and Chas n Rachel?  :)

Haven't you seen the pattern in these silly little attacks you make on me?

1. You make some stupid remark about me or my pub.

2. I reply in a very controlled, deliberate manner and you invariably get more disturbed.

3. Some people join in on my side and further high-light your stupidity.

4. No-one writes in to support your view, so you become more defensive.

5. Eventually, you slither away with your tail between you legs, muttering "I'm telling the Mods about you".

Quite a comic little routine. Good entertainment for me, but a little bit tedious for outsiders , I imagine.

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Quite a comic little routine. Good entertainment for me, but a little bit tedious for outsiders , I imagine.

You can say that again!!

For God's sake Caf give it a rest, Kevin is not biting, rather he is enjoiying, your only winding yourself up...Enough already

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Have been to the Red Lion four times now and have become increasingly disappointed each time.

It started to go downhill markedly on second visit.

The guy and the entrance remembered me from my visit two days earlier (where I did not make an arse of myself) and then callously told me that the gentleman that I had shared a sherbert with two days before was seated at the bar. "What nerve", I thought.

Progressed downhill further, the barman with ponytail remembered what I drank from my last visit. "Bastard", I thought.

Ordered a meal and this horrible trend continued. The meal came, it was quite obviously cooked fresh, unlike some other "pubs" I have been to. I am seeing a trend at this point, they obviously see me as some sort of mug. I mean the warm greeting, remembering my favoured tipple, and then a hot fresh meal.....I have seen the same similar backdoor methods of seduction before.

It was obvious to me that they are committed Scientologists.

The only reason I keep going back is that I promised my mother that I would get her an autograph from Tom Cruise if ever I saw him. I have no doubts he will turn up at The Red Lion some time soon.

Lets get a grip here people....Everyone can have a favoured pub, then there are lesser favoured but still liked pubs. If you "hate" a pub, or are obsessed with a pub then you have a real problem. How can you not like a pub, why would you care...news flash...its just a pub...surely you would focus on what pubs you like rather than have a littany about a place that you do not like...solution do not go there...end of issue...enjoy life...

Some comments here are no different than a dog returning to its own vomit.

Staff there have been great, the host I have had little to do with as have just seen him sit there having yack with a few people. But then I don't know him, and did'nt go there to see him. I went for Tom Cruise, a tipple and a feed. Got the tipple and feed, Tome still on back burner.

The only time The Red Lion makes me feel bad, is that they remember me, and I remember their faces, but for the life of me little more. Not an unusual situation in ones day to day dealings in a lot of pubs/shops but still genuine interest is so much better that the Macdonalds standard retort of "have a nice day".

One last thing..its a PUB...not a restaurant. Its not in the Michellin guide. If you really want to have a good al acarte meal go to a restaurant. I went to a pub to get a feed. I got a feed. It was good, but because it was a feed I never really thought about it as a "dining experience", and was never expecting same from a pub anyway...though cooked and fresh was as stated before a bonus.

Kevin...if you can do one thing for me....pass on my sincere regards to your staff, until I drop in again and can make a better effort myself. Pls pm me when you expect Tom to drop in.

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<br />Somebody anybody pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee close this thread <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/saai.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="saai.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Can't a guy talk about another guy (Tom) in a purely non homo erotic sense without getting a request to close the thread?

Ggnite all...time for drinkie poos...As we say in the trade "bottoms up"...

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Somebody anybody pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee close this thread :)

What gives you the right (or might) to suggest that a thread, which is neither offensive or against TV rules, should be shut down. You have given no justification for your request, why should it be closed.

If it offends your susceptibilities why do you not look away (do not open the file/subject matter) and let the rest of the members of this forum enjoy the banter between the likes of Kevin and Caf.

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Somebody anybody pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee close this thread :)

I don't understand why people with an education can't make educated choices for themselves about what they want to do, what they want to eat or what they want to read. OK sure if you are being funny that's alright.

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I imagined those poor lost souls frothing at the mouth.

Perhaps they were in need of a medicinal glass-of-free-water, poor chaps ? :) Or is rabies currently endemic in the Night-Bazaar area ? :D

I think we should be told ! :D

Speaking of which (problems in the N.B.), I was down there recently to shop for filmic-DVDs, but could find very few new/recent-movies, except for Michael-Jackson. Does anyone know, is there some supply-problem, or has the short-supply of customers forced them to slow-down deliveries of new stock, while they sell-out the old stock ? :D

Perhaps someone can suggest a local hostelry, where we riff-raff might discuss this, over a beer ? British-owned and not arrogant, natch. Over to KH. :D

Edited by Ricardo
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I imagined those poor lost souls frothing at the mouth.

Perhaps they were in need of a medicinal glass-of-free-water, poor chaps ? :) Or is rabies currently endemic in the Night-Bazaar area ? :D

I think we should be told ! :D

Speaking of which (problems in the N.B.), I was down there recently to shop for filmic-DVDs, but could find very few new/recent-movies, except for Michael-Jackson. Does anyone know, is there some supply-problem, or has the short-supply of customers forced them to slow-down deliveries of new stock, while they sell-out the old stock ? :D

Perhaps someone can suggest a local hostelry, where we riff-raff might discuss this, over a beer ? British-owned and not arrogant, natch. Over to KH. :D

If I reply in any post that mentions my place (favourably or not), even to questions aimed directly at me, I get accused of promoting my pub, so I'm not replying. :D

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If I reply in any post that mentions my place (favourably or not), even to questions aimed directly at me, I get accused of promoting my pub, so I'm not replying. :)

You have a pub ? :D

Yes. It's called The Red Lion. It is in the Night Bazaar. We sell a wide range of ... .... wait, I get it! You're trying to trick me aren't you? Well done, you nearly had me there. :D

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If I reply in any post that mentions my place (favourably or not), even to questions aimed directly at me, I get accused of promoting my pub, so I'm not replying. :)

You have a pub ? :D

Yes. It's called The Red Lion. It is in the Night Bazaar. We sell a wide range of ... .... wait, I get it! You're trying to trick me aren't you? Well done, you nearly had me there. :D

In the immortal words of 'The Sun', Gotcha !

Is this OK ? Will stop by for my reward-discount 'Schitznel' tonite. Whoops, now I've given myself away, darn-it ! :D

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Is this OK ? Will stop by for my reward-discount 'Schitznel' tonite. Whoops, now I've given myself away, darn-it ! :)

The 'No Riff Raff' sign has been replaced by a Christmas decoration, so you should be able to get in unchallenged. Just my little contribution to The Spirit Of Chrismas. Peace and Goodwill to all, and that sort of stuff. post-54542-1261294801.gif

It goes back up in the New Year, obviously.

PS. The Burnley Supporter Club meets tonight. He posts here occasionally, so you can meet a fellow TVer. He should be in the festive spirit because they are playing lowly Wolves, and they might win for a change.

Whatever you do, don't mention Liverpool!!! (The Management reserves the right.... etc.). 

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The red lion

- only been there once, x-mass a couple years ago and was exceedingly dissapointed, half cold turkey, vegestables well over cooked to the point of no flavour and one measley little yorkshire. I told all my thai mates how great a good english dinner was and worth the extra 100 or more bht than a normal meal, too polite to say but were obviously not happy. Plus it doesn't resemble a real pub really in anyway. Busy fair enough, but took for ever to get a drink aswell. Sorry to be negative about your gaff to the people who seem to be part of it on here, but what i say is how it was, maybe you could improve the food in the future but i won't be going out of my way to check again. It was with out a doubt the worst dining experience in chiang mai, pity on x-mass an all. :)

The pub-

- like a propper pub. Eaten there a few times and always reasonable good to dam_n tasty.


- no atmosphere, but real good steak (only 3 times of trying mind), rubbish tortia mound (1time) and mediocor burgers (2 times)

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The red lion

- only been there once, x-mass a couple years ago and was exceedingly dissapointed, half cold turkey, vegestables well over cooked to the point of no flavour and one measley little yorkshire. I told all my thai mates how great a good english dinner was and worth the extra 100 or more bht than a normal meal, too polite to say but were obviously not happy. Plus it doesn't resemble a real pub really in anyway. Busy fair enough, but took for ever to get a drink aswell. Sorry to be negative about your gaff to the people who seem to be part of it on here, but what i say is how it was, maybe you could improve the food in the future but i won't be going out of my way to check again. It was with out a doubt the worst dining experience in chiang mai, pity on x-mass an all. :)

The pub-

- like a propper pub. Eaten there a few times and always reasonable good to dam_n tasty.


- no atmosphere, but real good steak (only 3 times of trying mind), rubbish tortia mound (1time) and mediocor burgers (2 times)

Had a Roast dinner there once cant really comment on the vegestables but i seem to remember the Roast Potatobles being very good :D

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