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Best Place To Get A Shengen Visa For A Thai

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We plan to hit quite a few countries. I'm American, she's Thai. We're married and have a child, both can prove good incomes and we reside in Thailand. We asked an Italian friend of ours and he said France is the easiest way in. We have no problems with making this our bonafide main destination either, would love to see all of Paris.

What are you thoughts on the best way for us to go about this? We're looking to make this happen ASAP too.

My first instinct is to get the requisites from the .FR embassy and just apply. But.... ?

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There is no such a thing as easier as the rules are the same: it only differs from one applicant to another considering how they feel their application has been dealt with

Sincerely, from what you have stated regarding your wife's situation, and yours, there should be no problem getting a short stay (less than 90 days) visa

The officers in charge need to know that tourists will definitly leave the visited country back to their country of origin

Therefore if your wife has the credentials and a job to come back to, then...anywhere is the best

Of course if you intend to land in France or spend some time in France, which is a good choice, then go for the French Consulate on Sathorn (you have to make an appointment through their website)

Have a safe trip

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You can get all informations as well as download the application from Internet

One thing though you should plan for an appointment fast as the holidays are coming up fast and the visa section might be crowded

Another thing: only the applicant or the representative is allowed in, so do not get there as a family; just one of you

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the French website is saying ideally you should apply for your visa 90 days in advance. does anyone have any experience on the turnaround time from application to acquisition of the french shengen visa at the local embassy?

did you check out the other EU (Shengen) countries website for the turn around time? some countries are more popular than others therefore the load factor of applications could be higher..

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the French website is saying ideally you should apply for your visa 90 days in advance. does anyone have any experience on the turnaround time from application to acquisition of the french schengen visa at the local embassy?

We went to Paris a couple of months ago, my girlfriend submitted her application on a Thursday and collected her visa the following Tuesday.

It was a painless experience but you do have to provide them with copies of a confirmed itinerary, hotel bookings, travel insurance and the like which they say they will check, don't know if they actually do. They did keep all the paperwork so I would suggest submitting copies, but taking originals with you.

Hope you have a good trip, Paris is a beautiful city and was certainly the highlight of her trip.

Don't forget that if you intend visiting the UK she will need a separate visa, which in the circumstances you describe should almost be a formality.

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The point is not how long it takes to be granted or denied a visa but when one can get an appointment and ithat differs from one country to another depending on the numbers of applicants

Mobiryder, as you have already checked the website, go on the Appointment page; you will be asked to set a date (keeping in mind that you already have all the paperwork processed beforehand).

A calendar will appear where all the dates allowed will be be highlighted from which you may choose (I would certainly recommend that you select the very first possible available time - I think it is 8.30 A.M.)

You are allowed to cancel this appointment (they are asking to let them know) but, unless you have decided not to go to EU anymore it is better to keep it as it is (once again plan how long it takes to get everything ready and make your appointment)

They usually say that that you have to plan for an appointment at least six weeks before as many people are queuing but it does not necessarily mean you have to wait that long and you might even get an appointment for the same week

It is useless to call them to explain your case (it is an answerphone)

But again, from what you initially posted, you should not get any problems getting the visa

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