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Just go and join dateinasia dot com. It's free. And actually I met my fiance there, after searching through thousands, taking hundreds of hours. She is a really decent girl, educated, with a kind heart and no trace of temper. Quality women are there to be found amongst the others, but it is also a process of self-discovery. You may find the type of girl you want only after finding girls you don't want. Put in the time and you'll get results.



you are on the right track.... congrat on your persistence....

another huge congrats to you....

you guys are so blessed....

there is a ancient chinese saying to congrat couple--may you live happily together till hair turns snowwhite.... lol


I dont want to get in the middle of the jousting match between the OP and the ladies here.... :)

Apart from the OP's mannerisms here, his post is a legitimate question.... especially if a guy is not working in an office or school environment where you're going to naturally meet Thai people/potential mates.

Given the choice between going online vs. bars/clubs/discos, I'm not sure that online is such a bad alternative.

I'm happily off the market now. But before, because I wasn't working and wasn't excited about chatting up women I knew absolutely nothing about at bars or elsewhere, I went the online route...And of the various options, I found thailovelinks.com was OK and thaikisses.com was probably better. Both of course are paid member sites, though not terribly expensive.

In my experience in BKK, a guy of course can meet a ton of scammers... girls and ladies who really are looking for monthly sponsors, who have no jobs at all, or minimal English skills. But as someone said above, it is possible to sort thru all that and find some decent, "normal" mates there as opposed to current or former or would-be bargirls. But it's definitely going to take some trial and error.

There's also the curious challenge in the online world, once two people meet each other and like each other and begin to build a relationship, of BOTH people at some point needing to decide to stop looking at all the other potential mates out there in the online world and instead focus on their real life GF/BF.


Firstly thanks to the guys who have posted recommendations - I will definitely check them out. Though I wonder why you haven't been subjected to the same level of vicious and spiteful abuse as I have had to endure from the female posters. I am very hurt and upset. I wonder if this pure and uncompromising hatred is a manifestation of the insecurity many farang woman no doubt feel in this country. Maybe if I had specified that I was looking for western girls only I could have saved myself from this prolonged and dirty attack.

The excellent post by jfchandler sums up my feelings on the subject. I am not a social misfit. Just a guy in a new land with no social circle to speak of, looking to cover all the angles possible. Call me arrogant if you will, but I'm fully confident in my superb persona, and my natural charisma is something in which I feel a lot of pride. This together with my downright handsomeness and classic, consistant grasp of the most refined styles mean I'm often the envy of the room. If someone as special as myself is willing to take the online route, then there can be no doubt that other people of similar stature will do the same.


I'm fully confident in my superb persona, and my natural charisma is something in which I feel a lot of pride. This together with my downright handsomeness and classic, consistant grasp of the most refined styles mean I'm often the envy of the room. If someone as special as myself is willing to take the online route, then there can be no doubt that other people of similar stature will do the same.


I wonder if this pure and uncompromising hatred is a manifestation of the insecurity many farang woman no doubt feel in this country. Maybe if I had specified that I was looking for western girls only I could have saved myself from this prolonged and dirty attack.

Oh you have us down to a t Ruperts. We live here by choice but obviously must be miserable. We also are so very sad if guys like you dont pay attention to us. Oh well. I'll live. :)


Because my social skills aren't good enough to make it work.

I'm hoping the girls online are 'better' than the girls i'm used to meeting at 4am.

Do you think you might be starting a bit late at 4am. I am quite confident your social skills would improve quickly, if you started earlier -- much much earlier


actually, I'd have to say the guys have been harder on the OP than the girls. social misfit? Thats a bit hard kadafi.

Firstly thanks to the guys who have posted recommendations - I will definitely check them out. Though I wonder why you haven't been subjected to the same level of vicious and spiteful abuse as I have had to endure from the female posters.

>Oh yes, I wondered about that too! :)

I am very hurt and upset. I wonder if this pure and uncompromising hatred is a manifestation of the insecurity many farang woman no doubt feel in this country. Maybe if I had specified that I was looking for western girls only. In Thailand????

I could have saved myself from this prolonged and dirty attack.

The excellent post by jfchandler sums up my feelings on the subject. I am not a social misfit. Just a guy in a new land with no social circle to speak of, >Gee I wonder why that can be!!

looking to cover all the angles possible. Call me arrogant if you will, I won't. There would be no point!

but I'm fully confident in my superb persona, and my natural charisma is something in which I feel a lot of pride. This together with my downright handsomeness and classic, consistant grasp of the most refined styles mean I'm often the envy of the room. You are the envy of the room? But you have no social circle??

If someone as special as myself is willing to take the online route, then there can be no doubt that other people of similar stature will do the same.

This guy has to be a genuine Troll!


lol, did we hurt your feelings rupert. You admit you don't have the social skills to meet a women in real life then go on to brag about how much of a catch you are. sorry if my bs radar pick you up & sent a missile your way but som nom na for posting such nonsense.

lol, did we hurt your feelings rupert. You admit you don't have the social skills to meet a women in real life then go on to brag about how much of a catch you are. sorry if my bs radar pick you up & sent a missile your way but som nom na for posting such nonsense.

I'm guessing this is a rupert is a troll (troller? trawler?) and is fishing for some entertainment.

I'd always assumed that internet dating sites were for social misfits, but according to some of the posters here, that's not the case. At least, they don't sound like social misfits. Its opened my eyes to the credibility of internet dating.

ANyway Rupert, best of luck with your snares and traps. Actually, just thinking about it is enough to put me off field sports. I feel sorry for the prey you are stalking...

Which reminds me, I wonder how the ferreting thread is doing.,,..


My jaw dropped at Tywais being called "sunshine" :)

Ruperts, you can hardly blame people for getting a negative impression of you, by how you have worded your posts. Anyway, best of luck. Hope you treat anyone you date with respect, and are not actually as arrogant and stand-offish in real life as you come across on this board.

I dunno eek, I've always thought of Tywais being a little ray of sunshine :D

OP, are you familiar with the expression, 'tool'?

Intentions are perfectly honourable if the catch is of a high enough quality. However, I anticipate some trial and error may need to take place before this becomes a reality. I'm hoping the girls online are 'better' than the girls i'm used to meeting at 4am.

What rupey baby are you going to do to the ones that are not of a high enough quality!? perform some beastly sordid act on them and then what?! and what is such a debonair charismatic suitor doing out meeting girls at 4am? what are you expecting to meet at that time?! not sure there are many higher education institutes in the nana area!

Intentions are perfectly honourable if the catch is of a high enough quality. However, I anticipate some trial and error may need to take place before this becomes a reality. I'm hoping the girls online are 'better' than the girls i'm used to meeting at 4am.

What rupey baby are you going to do to the ones that are not of a high enough quality!? perform some beastly sordid act on them and then what?! and what is such a debonair charismatic suitor doing out meeting girls at 4am? what are you expecting to meet at that time?! not sure there are many higher education institutes in the nana area!

I studied Thai at Nana Poly

Now studying Chinese at The York University (that's a Dubai joke, sorry)


Intentions are perfectly honourable if the catch is of a high enough quality. However, I anticipate some trial and error may need to take place before this becomes a reality. I'm hoping the girls online are 'better' than the girls i'm used to meeting at 4am.

What rupey baby are you going to do to the ones that are not of a high enough quality!? perform some beastly sordid act on them and then what?! and what is such a debonair charismatic suitor doing out meeting girls at 4am? what are you expecting to meet at that time?! not sure there are many higher education institutes in the nana area!

After the beastly sordid act, then what? Well, usually by then I still wouldn't have fully made up my mind as to whether the girl should be considered a keeper, but if I had already decided that she wasn't, then my initial reaction would be to look for a fairly swift escape route. Maybe a fake phonecall followed by "I have to go now", or maybe i'd wait until the morning and sneak out whilst she was still asleep.

And yes, what exactly is someone of such flair and beauty doing out at 4am? This is what I have been asking myself.


Ruperts; Sorry no suggestion on my part, just wanted to spread a little cheer about a fellow I knew several years ago. He used similar expressions and terms as you, and seemed to follow your thinking (if I read you correctly). He was found after someone had worked him over with a ball bat. The police did not know where to start as there were so many people he had alienated in his short life time, thus the crime has never been solved. Its a rough old world out there, especially at 0400.

Intentions are perfectly honourable if the catch is of a high enough quality. However, I anticipate some trial and error may need to take place before this becomes a reality. I'm hoping the girls online are 'better' than the girls i'm used to meeting at 4am.

What rupey baby are you going to do to the ones that are not of a high enough quality!? perform some beastly sordid act on them and then what?! and what is such a debonair charismatic suitor doing out meeting girls at 4am? what are you expecting to meet at that time?! not sure there are many higher education institutes in the nana area!

I studied Thai at Nana Poly

Now studying Chinese at The York University (that's a Dubai joke, sorry)


nice one cowboy

what do you propose to do with them once you meet them online if you don't have the skills to meet them in the flesh straight off? Suggest you just renew your world of warcraft subscription & marry a cyber anime character instead. Much cheaper in the long run;)

The meeting is the hard part. I'm not the kind of guy who is going to walk up to somebody I don't know and start a conversation. It's possible in bars and clubs but I'm pretty much tired of bars and clubs. I generally find them very boring. There are, of course, plenty of other ways to meet people, through sports/hobbies etc., and nowadays the internet is becoming an increasingly popular way for people to interact. I was enquiring about the latter, and that does not mean I am a complete nerd. It's probably worth considering your status as a presumably unpaid moderator on a message board before you make comments like that.

The man has a point.

These days, a lot of people are meeting on the internet, from all walks of life - not just those that enjoy a good Star Trek convention.

Any of the mainstream dating sites will have a healthy selection of Thai females participating.

Try www.match.com, or www.asianfriendfinder.com to start with. You will have to pay, but that's the point isn't it?


Snare is hardly the word. I have tried Thai Lovelinks for about 6 months and find that the biggest problem is that most of them speak NO English. They can read & write & chat all day, thanks in part to software translation programs. When I get a phone # and try to talk to them, they can't put a sentence together. Some are Uni students and grads, who you might expect to have some rudimentary knowledge of English. Of course, there is the usual assortment of ladies looking for a quick marriage to a young, rich & handsome guy. I would stay away from the "marriage broker" sites unless you want to get fleeced for big sin sod.


An other way (i' d try it and can tell you it works) : just spend some time in the students bars near an University...sit , listen , enjoy.....a lot of students and teatchers available here...eh eh the ones you understand speaks english!


I've always found internet dating a bit sad and mechanical. But, we are in the 21st centuary. It seems to work for many.

I tried it. Hooked up with a number of nice women from good familes. One worked for a model agency, another, a Philipina worked for an export company. Another an accountant. All paid their half of the bill. Had a good time, didn't take it further.

Thai lovelinks etc are populated mainly by desperado women looking for cash. Facebook is the way to go. You just have to keep in mind that you may have to date for some time before you find a match. And if you are above a certain age then you can either entertain a woman of a similar age or be taken for a ride.


1. Facebook

2. ThaiLoveLinks.com

3. ThailandFriends

Also know that a lot of Thai's use other social networks besides Facebook but I haven't tried them - Hi5 I know is big and I think MySpace also.

ThaiLoveLinks generally is full of Isaan girls looking for a farang husband but you can find a lot of good office girls in Bangkok on there as well. I judge them by how well they speak english and whereabouts they live. That chat room is good fun as well.

Facebook is obviously the king here in terms of quality. Both in attractiveness and on the 'good girl' factor. Every self-respecting Hi-So teenager or twenty-something Thai has a Facebook account. But its not as easy to pick them up as you might think. Most of them use it for chatting with friends they know, not so much for getting picked up by foreigners they don't know.

ThailandFriends is full of ladyboys and hookers in my experience but I've heard good experiences from other people.

Well, good luck to you because considering the trollish nature of your OP you are going to need it.

moving to pub

Agree with you SBK, if someone really needs to come onto this forum enquiring about potential internet dating, there's something seriously wrong with them.

As an aside, I did actually meet my lady on-line. She's a graduate, articulate, probably the most honest woman I've ever met in my life (jing), and we'd communicated for around 4 months before we actually met. Now, we've been together nearly 2 years, and are probably getting married in the next couple of weeks or so. I'm sure that we're not unique, just depends on the level of dialogue/communication you have, and bottom line of how honest you are with each other.

Huh? Firstly you say there must be something wrong with someone asking for websites and then you say you met your future wife online. Is there something seriosuly wrong with you, then? Why not just give me the web address instead of trying to prove some kind of superiority over an unknown poster on an internet message board.


thailovelinks.com is the best i believe, i met alot of students, girls with jobs and all kinds, you need to be careful and email or chat for a while because there are the bar girls too, just remember it is all about security for them, and all about the baht,i played the field for 5 years Pattaya, Phuket, BKK with the bar girls, students, girls with normal jobs before i finallly settled down and will marry soon, but didn't meet her online, friend of a friend who is married to a thai , her daddy installed his windows in his new house and well,, emails exchange, and the rest is history,, take care and good luck


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