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Why I Moved To Thailand 5 Years Ago And Why I Stay!


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I guess some of you have a problem understanding English where do I ever say that I like to drive DRUNK?

I say I like to have some drinks some times when I go out....my girl is Always with me and she does not drink so I have a designated driver for those few occasions that I do get drunk.

Maybe you dont realize it but the western world is moving toward ZERO TOLERANCE do i need to explain that to you also?

I should probably stop posting on this site there are too many guys like this one who have no life and get on this site and talk pure rubbish!

Then I say it is safer to walk drunk than drive drunk.....which is a statistical fact!

Some of you guys are amazing you guys get drunk and start posting crap!

Do us a favour and go back to the states and take your theories on DUI with you.

Being English I had no problem understanding your written words even though from time to time we speak a slightly different version of the language. However to me the post infers that you condone drink driving and unless I am mistaken you actually said its more dangerous to walk drunk than to drive in your original piece. Heres what you said:

"I also like to have drinks sometime when I am go out, here you don’t have to worry about a DUI if you get stopped pay your money and go.

By the way did you know it is more dangerous to walk drunk than it is to drive drunk?"

Now tell me in all honesty if that doesn't give the impression of condoning drink driving. I don't see any mention of nominated drivers etc.

Personally I fear drunk drivers anywhere including the UK.

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Hope you dont get banned but i can see the devils out very soon mate.Ageism can go both ways,would you,at 45 yo go with an 80 yo woman????

In this forum thai men are brilliant and thai women are devils,accept or die.

If she could provide for me, buy me a car and build a nice house for me in my name, then the answer would most certainly be yes.

Edited by pjclark1
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Ageism against men is a big problem in the western world and totally unnatural. Men can still sire children well into their 80s so why shouldn't they. What natural law is there to state that an older man who still wants to have sex with a younger woman is in some way wrong or unnatural.

the law my wife established. it states clearly "no sex with a younger, older or any other woman!" :)

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I live in Thailand and here is my view of the subjects mentioned:


Thai women living in Thailand are in general much poorer than their Western counterparts.

They only see older Farang men as a source of financial security. If the money runs out so does the wife, if not before. Pussy is probably one of the most expensive luxuries in Thailand.

Health Care and Health Insurance

Health care is very good and affordable. But for serious illnesses like cancer, heart problems or long term serious health problems, Thai health care could prove extremely expensive. For Farangs it is the land of the healthy, couldn't afford otherwise.

Lack of Enforced Oppressive laws

Yes, that's true, but the lack of some bylaw restrictions can be a problem. Such as neighbours burning rubbish near the home, feral dogs running riot, someone decides to build a whacking big factory or open a karaoke bar next to your house in a residential area, someone leaves a load of gravel outside their house on a public right of way and you trip and break your leg, the list is endless.

Traffic Laws

Not strictly enforced here unless the policeman has had a bad day or needs some extra cash to pay for his girlfriend's birthday present. If someone is speeding and crashes into you or someone close to you, would you still be grateful for the lack of enforcement?

Non-Litigious Society

True also. But in Thailand if you have a legal problem, owed money or someone swindles you, you're stuffed. Getting them into court can cost thousands and take years to finalise.

Thai Food

I do love Thai food, that's a plus here in Thailand.

Geographic Location

Depends in which area of Thailand you live. If you like beaches, no point in living in Chiang Mai.


Love the Thai weather and beautiful sunny days.

Thai Massage

I too love Thai massage, especially with the happy endings. It`s worth living in Thailand just for that.

Once we give up our homelands and move to Thailand, then it`s too late to reverse the process. After that it`s either like it or lump it, no other choice.

Why do you say there is no going back, you always have choices. What would stop you from going back if you don't like Thailand.

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Ageism against men is a big problem in the western world and totally unnatural. Men can still sire children well into their 80s so why shouldn't they. What natural law is there to state that an older man who still wants to have sex with a younger woman is in some way wrong or unnatural.

the law my wife established. it states clearly "no sex with a younger, older or any other woman!" :)


Thats why they are known as killjoys, handbrakes & shedevils :D

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By the way did you know it is more dangerous to walk drunk than it is to drive drunk?

Walk drunk only dangerous to your self (your choice)

Drive drunk dangerous to others ( not your choice )

Having said that, let me also say that I agree with your thinking as it relates to more individual freedom in Thailand, but let's keep in mind that greater freedom requires, greater responsibility.

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Thanks for posting your opinions and feelings about life in Thailand. I always enjoy reading other peoples thoughts about Life In Thailand.

I am on the home stretch to 60 and have nothing against women around my age, but thinking about romance with women my age doesn't excite me like thinking about romance with someone half my age.

I am thankful I still have a choice here in Thailand.

I also believe that older women get more excited thinking about romance with a younger guy than someone close to the same age as her. But that belief is only a shot in the dark and would be a topic on another thread.

Back on topic....... Why I moved & why I stayed

---The cost of living

---The lovely women

---The casual lifestyle

---The nice weather nearly all year round

---And the utter disbelief I hear from my friends back home when I try and explain how wonderful it is over here in Thailand.

Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and/or a Happy New Year.

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Nice post

Ageism against men is a big problem in the western world and totally unnatural. Men can still sire children well into their 80s so why shouldn't they. What natural law is there to state that an older man who still wants to have sex with a younger woman is in some way wrong or unnatural. Feminism is a nasty disease that far too many western women have caught. What man wants to live in a society where everything he thinks and does is scrutinised and judged by the other half of the race.

As another poster has already pointed out, the younger woman only want you for security. Who cares!

Sorry, ageism is natural and it is in the best interest of a population's gene pool and overall fecundity. There is a specific reason why females of opportune fetility do not seek out the most aged of males. It's called selection. Males start producing deficient sperm in large amounts after the age of 50. The fact is that as humans age, our ability to repair DNA deteriorates. This is one of the reasons why we age and why we eventually succumb to various age related illnesses. The sperm of an elderly male while motile is often deformed or carrying DNA that is degraded. Yes, the sperm can fertilize an egg, but more likely than not it's delivering a package that is nowhere near as viable and robust as that produced by a 19 year old male. Human females are predisposed to the selection of mating partners that are able to provide healthy offspring and that can facilitate the female to maximize her biological investment in the act of mating.

Sure, men can sire children well into their 80's but those kids come with some heavy emotional and often physical baggage. As well, a great many males have a problem with obtaining erections once they hit a certain age. If it was truly meant to be, the males wouldn't need assistance via viagra, cialis etc. I'm certainly not saying there is anything wrong in such romantic couplings, or drugs such as Viagra, but it's a stretch to classify an 80 year old pumped up on viagra as natural, because it is not. It is no more natural than a 19 year old with a muscled body that is jacked on steroids.

There are exceptions to every process, however, it is unwise for 8o year old men to be donating sperm just as it is unwise for 60 year old women to be having babies. Accept that human beings have limits and are not built for certain activities at different stages in the life cycle.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Sorry jackr, do you want to elaborate please. This thread was started by an op who made several comment regarding women. Maybe you should speak with one of the 30+ western male mods when you see comment about men you don't like as I don't have time to monitor them all & very often have no idea when you might be offended. Oh & the report button is also there for the same reason.

Oh dear.

I don't find it offensive when your average girl TV'er does their obligatory attack on the guys, more irritating than anything... on reporting such childish behvaiour, I'd be laughed off the board surely. :)

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Do us a favour and go back to the states and take your theories on DUI with you.

when the Op speaks of a freedom this is one of the phrases that commonly comes from my own mouth. It is good to fly under the radar. having said this i do not think the Thais will say that they feel like they are not being watched as much as we are in our home countries.

on the topic of drinking and driving. i was living in bali and had a driver, one night after a session we were heading back to the party area and all the traffic was being checked by the bib. One of the officers came to me and said your driver does not have a driving license, you must have a license to drive in indo. then asked me if i had a license and i said yes so he said i must drive, said ok and took over the wheel but before we pulled ooff he asked me have you been drinking? i looked at him and said of course i have this is bali. his reply was drive safe.

so to all the DUI objectors what is good for one may not be good for all. i.e. 1.9 blood level may be fine for one where .07 is too much for an other.

i am thankful that thailand is still a bit of an outlaw state, as i do not feel above the law and am willing to live the thai way when neeed be. i just wish i had more guns

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"My girl is 26 years younger than I, but that age difference goes by each day without either one of us taking notice."

The funniest part of the rose-tinted post. Another, ah, "hansum man." Good on 'er. What we didn't see was the financial arrangement for the not taking notice--outwardly--on her part. But the OP must in fact take notice too, since he doesn't like older women closer to his own age.

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By the way did you know it is more dangerous to walk drunk than it is to drive drunk?

This may only be true if you are talking about self danger, but once you get behind the wheel you become a danger to others......dont you????


Sorry, but I have to disagree with your remark :) : you are forgetting that some drunk, while walking, verbally and/or physically attack other passers by... so they are a danger to others :D

As for the reason why I decided to try to make Thailand my home well let me rephrase: life made the choice for me

It was not a conscious move but rather circumstances but now I know this place I woud rather stay

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I like all these posters that want to live in lawless societies. What is it with that? I bet these are the same guys that ring the police and whinge when something happens to them or their property :)

Thailand is a lawless society???? Give me a break. The crime is considerably less in LOS than in the good old USA, by a long way. I think the OP was trying to point out that American police go out of their way to over enforce the "letter of the law" in many "chicken $hit" situations. In the meantime, drug dealers & gang bangers run the streets in some areas. I do not agree with the OP's flaunting the DIU laws or any other laws here or anywhere else.

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this is of course just a personal opinion, but, regarding traffic laws, I don't agree. There are so many road accidents in Thailand, a bit tougher laws wouldn't be that bad. I recently read somewhere that Asia makes up about 16% of the worlds (road) traffic, but 60% of all deadly road accidents happen here. I think the numbers speak for themselves.

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this is of course just a personal opinion, but, regarding traffic laws, I don't agree. There are so many road accidents in Thailand, a bit tougher laws wouldn't be that bad. I recently read somewhere that Asia makes up about 16% of the worlds (road) traffic, but 60% of all deadly road accidents happen here. I think the numbers speak for themselves.

I can't speak for other countries in Asia. I can say from my own experience living in LOS, that there is a much less confrontational "in you face" attitude, with regard to driving, than in USA. When I lived in Phoenix and SW Florida, it was getting so I would see at least one wreck every day. In my 5 years living in a NE Thai city, I have only seen a handful of accidents. Almost never, have I seen the aggressive driving that is common in USA. I feel relatively safe riding a motorcycle here, which I would never consider doing back home. The stats on road fatalities are no doubt high in Asia due to quite inadequate EMS coverage and poor response times, where accidents do occur.

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so you're 26 years older than your pretty young girlfriend from a poorer country AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT YOU'RE HER MEAL TICKET???


in the developed countries of the west, your partner matches the way you are, in terms of looks and age. how can these old guys with younger girls not think there are other motives other than love? i can see it, my mates can see it, my parents can see it, but these old guys cant see it!! very strange.

anyway, am happy for you, thailand is an awesome place.

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I understand what you are saying and maybe that is the reason why initially a girl will look your way, but there a love of the individual can and in my case really did develop.

Without a doubt I know my girl loves me and my family as I have taken her to USA on numerpus occasions and spent much time with my sons ( all older than she) and my parents.

Also I think in any country there are reasons why people get together so big deal if it is for money I dont care.

When I visit my girls parents they show me the utmost respect and they are truly grateful for all that I do for them.

Her two children could not love me more jsut last weekend the 9 yr old cried in my arms because I was leaving.

The remaining fact is I dont have a money issue and if my money can make her family happy it makes me happy.

So bottom line is I dont care if I am her meal ticket because she is my ticket to paradise on Earth!

Thank you and good luck to you.

so you're 26 years older than your pretty young girlfriend from a poorer country AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT YOU'RE HER MEAL TICKET???


in the developed countries of the west, your partner matches the way you are, in terms of looks and age. how can these old guys with younger girls not think there are other motives other than love? i can see it, my mates can see it, my parents can see it, but these old guys cant see it!! very strange.

anyway, am happy for you, thailand is an awesome place.

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I have spent exactly ywo nights in jail on two different occasions for unbelievably stupid reasons. In both cases the charges were dropped.

As I said in my post I really do like the Law, and I have spent time in Law school so it was quite easy to explain to the judge that the police were in error,

The US has 1 per cent of its people in prison the highest percentage of any country in the world.

The reason for this is simple!

Too many stupid laws like the drug laws especially pertaining to pot. As a result jails are full and we end up giving release to felons who get out and continue to commit offenses.

The most disgusting of these are child molesters.

Interesting post Lou, I'm not going to cover the ground which many others have already addressed such as the drink driving etc, however I was interested in this statement you made;

"I have never been convicted of a crime".

So does that mean you've been locked up a few times, charged and have beaten those charges at court for whatever reason?

I've met alot of people in my time that have expressed opinions regarding laws, similar to yours and I'm wondering what has influenced your opinions on these types of things?

Glad you enjoy living in Thailand, I hope you have many more wonderful years of enjoyment.

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I understand what you are saying and maybe that is the reason why initially a girl will look your way, but there a love of the individual can and in my case really did develop.

Without a doubt I know my girl loves me and my family as I have taken her to USA on numerpus occasions and spent much time with my sons ( all older than she) and my parents.

Also I think in any country there are reasons why people get together so big deal if it is for money I dont care.

When I visit my girls parents they show me the utmost respect and they are truly grateful for all that I do for them.

Her two children could not love me more jsut last weekend the 9 yr old cried in my arms because I was leaving.

The remaining fact is I dont have a money issue and if my money can make her family happy it makes me happy.

So bottom line is I dont care if I am her meal ticket because she is my ticket to paradise on Earth!

Thank you and good luck to you.

so you're 26 years older than your pretty young girlfriend from a poorer country AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT YOU'RE HER MEAL TICKET???


in the developed countries of the west, your partner matches the way you are, in terms of looks and age. how can these old guys with younger girls not think there are other motives other than love? i can see it, my mates can see it, my parents can see it, but these old guys cant see it!! very strange.

anyway, am happy for you, thailand is an awesome place.

i wasn't being rude and am very happy for you..... looks like you're very lucky in what you have got. but agree with mostly what you say about thailand being an awesome place - i would definitely settle there since my gf is thai too, but one thing that stopped me and you didnt talk about is technology. and in particular the INTERNET SPEEDS are so crap!! i cant live anywhere with no internet. i can live without food and water for a day and even 2 days but with no decent internet connection every day i will probably die a horrible death.

even in bangkok in the city the speeds are crap. here in hk and tokyo speeds of 10mbps is slow.

also to get any decent electronics as in latest phones and LCD TV's and computing etc etc you have to go to paragon in bangkok, and even the choice there is limited....unless there's a hidden techno village somewhere in thailand i dont know about.

if thailand had decent internet speeds, it truly would be paradise on earth!! but then that's why god made it the way it is, not fair for one place to have everything....a bit like how some ugly girls can have large breasts. give with one hand and take away with the other.

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I'm not specificly refering to the OP ..... The problem is that the old people you refer to DO know it, but they make excuses and rationalisations about it convincing themselves that it's ok. How many times do you hear .... Well Thai girls don't look at age like westerners ! LOL ...... They are going after poor young girls who need the stability enough to put up with the situation and they and everyone else knows it. The cultural excuse falls on deaf ears with me, it would be like saying it's ok to rape a woman because her husband commited some crime because your in an area that follows those muslim laws. NO girl grows up and dreams of being 20 something and marrying some guy of retirement age, they only settle for it or out of desperation or look for it at some point. There are a lot of sleazy things in the world that are wrong but legal and this is just another one. If it were really true that Thai girls didn't care you would see educated, well off, Thai girls with those same men just as often, and you don't.

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so you're 26 years older than your pretty young girlfriend from a poorer country AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT YOU'RE HER MEAL TICKET???


in the developed countries of the west, your partner matches the way you are, in terms of looks and age. how can these old guys with younger girls not think there are other motives other than love? i can see it, my mates can see it, my parents can see it, but these old guys cant see it!! very strange.

anyway, am happy for you, thailand is an awesome place.

I am just happy to get my hands on a lady 20 years younger than me.

We know they want our money but we don't care.

They accept the deal, we accept the price.

Why is that so hard for some people to understand?

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so you're 26 years older than your pretty young girlfriend from a poorer country AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT YOU'RE HER MEAL TICKET???


in the developed countries of the west, your partner matches the way you are, in terms of looks and age. how can these old guys with younger girls not think there are other motives other than love? i can see it, my mates can see it, my parents can see it, but these old guys cant see it!! very strange.

anyway, am happy for you, thailand is an awesome place.

I am just happy to get my hands on a lady 20 years younger than me.

We know they want our money but we don't care.

They accept the deal, we accept the price.

Why is that so hard for some people to understand?

but that's exactly the type of philosophy why everyone hates us people from the west! why do old people come east? because a majority of those will not be able to get laid to such pretty girls in their own developed country - ok its not all the reason for coming east but for sure their eyes open up at how cheap and beautiful love can be in this part of the world.

hey - lets go thailand, lets go philippines, the girls need a way out and we need a pretty girl to somehow satisfy our ageing body's. it will cost us money but we accept the deal!

hey - let's go kuwait, lets go iraq, the people need freedom and we need their oil to somehow ensure our future existence. it will cost us money and lives but we accept the deal!

its the same western government philosophy of exploiting other nations resources and it filters down to their citizens doing the same thing.

my gf's sister is dating an old swedish guy 35 years older than her!! the family kept this a secret from me for a whole year. so its not correct to say thai's dont see age in the same way as everyone else. if it was a normal practice why hide it from me??

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but that's exactly the type of philosophy why everyone hates us people from the west! why do old people come east? because a majority of those will not be able to get laid to such pretty girls in their own developed country - ok its not all the reason for coming east but for sure their eyes open up at how cheap and beautiful love can be in this part of the world.

hey - lets go thailand, lets go philippines, the girls need a way out and we need a pretty girl to somehow satisfy our ageing body's. it will cost us money but we accept the deal!

hey - let's go kuwait, lets go iraq, the people need freedom and we need their oil to somehow ensure our future existence. it will cost us money and lives but we accept the deal!

its the same western government philosophy of exploiting other nations resources and it filters down to their citizens doing the same thing.

my gf's sister is dating an old swedish guy 35 years older than her!! the family kept this a secret from me for a whole year. so its not correct to say thai's dont see age in the same way as everyone else. if it was a normal practice why hide it from me??

Just to clarify, you think the older guys are exploiting the girls? Or is it the other way round?

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I'm not specificly refering to the OP ..... The problem is that the old people you refer to DO know it, but they make excuses and rationalisations about it convincing themselves that it's ok. How many times do you hear .... Well Thai girls don't look at age like westerners ! LOL ...... They are going after poor young girls who need the stability enough to put up with the situation and they and everyone else knows it. The cultural excuse falls on deaf ears with me, it would be like saying it's ok to rape a woman because her husband commited some crime because your in an area that follows those muslim laws. NO girl grows up and dreams of being 20 something and marrying some guy of retirement age, they only settle for it or out of desperation or look for it at some point. There are a lot of sleazy things in the world that are wrong but legal and this is just another one. If it were really true that Thai girls didn't care you would see educated, well off, Thai girls with those same men just as often, and you don't.

I am very far from being an old man, but I really don't see what's immoral about this sort of arrangement? Suely it's no worse than mooching of a wellfare system as a single mother or marrying some unlucky dude and divorcing him for 50%?

We all have to take responsibility for our actions don't we? And Thailand isn't a nanny state and thank God for that!

In all honesty, the families of those supported by aging farangs probably have much better opportunities than otherwise.

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