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Typically How Long For House Sale To Go Through?

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I do realise that this is a bit like asking "how long is a piece of string" 'cause every sale will be different but, for anyone who has sold a resale property, how long did it take to go through? - I mean from the time the buyers put down first deposit to completion.

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In my case about 3 weeks:

- got sale / purchase contract drawn up and signed so seller couldn't squirm out of deal and / or increase price

- got money shipped in

- bought it

Hm, I think the OP wants to know how long it will take to sell his property, not buy.

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well it's the same thing I guess. Just wanted to know how long typically it takes for everything to go through (contract, signing, money in etc) and I know, I know, it will be different every case. Just looking for examples. thanks

There appears to be some confusion in this thread. Have you a buyer for your house? And are you asking how long it takes between said buyer putting down a deposit and then having the house transferred with the relevant documentation at the Land Department?


Are you asking how long it takes to sell a house, from your listing it with a real estate agent, to finding an actual buyer here?

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well it's the same thing I guess. Just wanted to know how long typically it takes for everything to go through (contract, signing, money in etc) and I know, I know, it will be different every case. Just looking for examples. thanks

There appears to be some confusion in this thread. Have you a buyer for your house? And are you asking how long it takes between said buyer putting down a deposit and then having the house transferred with the relevant documentation at the Land Department?


Are you asking how long it takes to sell a house, from your listing it with a real estate agent, to finding an actual buyer here?

The former: how long it takes between buyer putting down deposit, having house transferred.

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Ask the guys who bought just outside Pattaya in a village which is now called MyPoolVilla. Deposits were paid in early 2006, still no completions yet. Despite court actions etc. Whole thing is a joke.

It all depends on what the builder's latest scam is. They know the court system is expensive and long. They target their victims so that many will give up. Retirees and Holidayakers. Holidaymakers may try, but generally do not spend time here going through the courts. Case dates are regularly postponed for minor reasons. The courts drag on for ever. One time the guy did not turn up, the next available court date was over a year in the future.

Retirees are wary of the hassle in their old age. All this before you take into account the lawyers and their moneygrabbing ways. Not uncommon for lawyers to bat for bothe sides

Many builders have a mortgage on the land, like this guy has. He has no intention of paying it off, therefore he will never have chanotes to transfer. Doesn't matter how many people sue him, he still gets away with it.

And he is still in business

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As mentioned in my first line, it is a resale - owners selling to buyers.

I have sold 3 houses in Pattaya. Two of them were sold to Farang and took about 3 weeks for the money to be in my account - but only because the buyer had returned to his native country and everything was done via telephone / email / and agent.

The third (my main residence) was sold to a Thai couple and was completed in 3 days from when they first viewed. I must confess that it would have been a little longer if I had not passed over an envelope at the Land Office!!

Hope this helps.

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Yes, but, in this case, the validity of the visa is not questioned, is it? Mind you, the title of the topic and the question differ in content :)

And , mca, give us a link to your source please :D

www.imadeituponthespot.co.th. :D

As mentioned in my first line, it is a resale - owners selling to buyers.

I have sold 3 houses in Pattaya. Two of them were sold to Farang and took about 3 weeks for the money to be in my account - but only because the buyer had returned to his native country and everything was done via telephone / email / and agent.

The third (my main residence) was sold to a Thai couple and was completed in 3 days from when they first viewed. I must confess that it would have been a little longer if I had not passed over an envelope at the Land Office!!

Hope this helps.

as long as it takes as we can see. if we believe

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After 2 years of trying, I just sold a friend's house, from date of inspection to final payment in 4 days.

100,000 deposit on day one. 2.4M on day four

NO AGENTS, NO BANKS, only me and my accountant taking the house from the company at the land office.

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Get the reservation contract signed and a deposit of 5%

Once received you then get the main contract sent to him via courier when you have received the deposit with payment plans etc..

If he pulls out you still keep the deposit for wasted time/costs, unless he finds problems with your home.Then you lawfully should return his money.

Once he has signed that and wired money, it’s all his

Could take 3-5 days if he’s on the ball

Normally on average 3-5 weeks and thats with furnishing the property and him moving in

If he decided too use his own lawyer instead to read the contracts, a lot longer as lawyers as you know will string it out for more dough

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It all depends on the buyer and the seller......how long does the seller need to move out and how long does it take for the buyer to get the money!!

In general it can be done the same day.

The nice thing in Thailand is that everything is done central at the landoffice and that you not need to run from one organisation to another.

There can be certain things which cause a delay. For example when you want to transfer a condo unit the owner needs to have a clrearance letter of the management of the building. Some management offices can give it the same day but it can take up to two weeks.

In general i would say that a transfer normally takes place between a few days and one month.

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For what it's worth, I bought mine in about than 2 weeks. From deciding to purchase it to owning the house. Really fast process...I was amazed! Money transfer took 2 days, finalizing the papers took less than one week after the deposit was received. That was here in Pattaya....I did use one of the better agents here in town, so he knew the process very well.

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