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Criminal record!


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The trick here is to obtain a police clearance. A clearance simply evidences that you are not wanted by police in your home country. That's all Thailand want. Your sins are forgiven

hum .. do you we have to get it in our country?

or can Thai police do it for us?

I'm not sure we can get this from french police, might be from court ... I don't know  :o

what about other countries?

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it says at www.mfa.go.th

Verification stating that the applicant has no "criminal record" issued from the country of his/her nationality or residence (the verification shall be valid for not more than three months and should be notorized by notary organs or the applicant’s diplomatic/consular mission).

am I wrong but it says "criminal record" it does not say

"wanted in your country"   I just want to make sure!!!!

 thanks for all your help George......... :cool:

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Stone, I read the posts here.  

As Dr. PP stated, to obtain just a visa you need not have to deal with getting clearances in your home country.  If you get a long term visa it still is not required.  On extensions now I did not check that out.  It is required on the retirement visa, and on citizenship and I don't think on the permanent residency.

Is your crime that bad that this makes you worry?  If it was a felony forget about the retirement visa or citizenship.  If it was a misdemeanor nothing to worry about at all.

Dr. PP if you do read this, I would like to know about why on the extensions since you are in Thailand now and have been there already for a year?  It makes no sense.

Show me where that is written.  I must have missed that one by a mile long.


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I believe we are again talking about T.i.T.-rules. However the MFA ruling clearly says:

"Foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter the Kingdom.

(6) Having been imprisoned by the judgement of the Thai Court; or by a lawful injunction; or by the judgement of the Court of foreign country, except when the penalty is for petty offense or negligence or is provided for as an exception in the Ministerial Regulations."

Additionally for longstay visa:

"Having no criminal record against the security of Thailand and the country of his/her nationality, or the country of his/her residence."

So from above I read, no entry if you have been imprisoned and no visa if you have a criminal record against the security of either Thailand or your country of residence.

Once you are here, I really like the folllowing versions:

"The extension of stay is at the discretion of the Immigration officer."


"The extension of stay as well as the change of certain type of visa is solely at the discretion of the Immigration officer."

So in theory, you can be asked by the Imm officer for extensions as well to present your clearance. What is done in practise is a different story. Also bear in mind, the consular officers can ask for additional documents intheir own discretion before issuing a visa. Once you are here, we are talking about extensions, only.



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Stone, I read the section carefully last night from the MFA site.

This applies only according to what I see here for temporary long stay of one year, meaning you are staying only for a retreat so to speak, for only just one year.

As I looked at the other deals nothing is mentioned concerning backgrounds.  Why I have no idea.

If you do get the visa, you are basically cleared to go to Thailand, as long as your name and identification is not on the blacklist that they are now compiling.  So get the visa now while you can in your home country.  Odds are you will get the visa rather than the rejection.  

Again keep in mind, do not apply for the retirement, or ever think for a Citizenship or they will indeed check your background.

Also avoid something temporary as they have in that site which is available for retreat purposes.  That one will indeed cause a background check.

Now you are free I would think for everything else according to the laws.   Oh, by the way to be safe, I hope your conviction was over 10 years ago.  Meaning you got out of the house of insanity (jail) ten years ago.  If you did, don't worry so much.  Usually past incidents are forgiven if one goes straight from that point on and applies their effort to be a member of good standing in society.  Everybody makes mistakes from time to time.  I am talking of just one conviction and not a series of different convictions or repeaters.  If it is in this category, then one will have a major problem if such is relayed to the outside countries embassies.

So only you know the seriousness of your offense.  If it does involve with murder, rape or some super felony like armed robbery, or child sex etc, the chances of you getting that visa is slim to none.  Something like a small burglary or simple theft or battery  being small itty bitty felonies usually are passed over anyway.  Every country looks at crimes differently and classifies them differently.  The issuance of such visa is soley upon the country giving the visa.  That is bottom line.  If they give you the visa, no sweat.  If they deny you because of the reason of your conviction, then I guess you have to hang it up and look elsewhere.  

So take the gamble and hope it works out.  But don't wait too long.  They are going to eventually have that list sooner or later once they have it intact and running.

So good luck to you.  If you want, send me a private message and I will talk to you there.  Trust me.  It is better that way and it stays out of the forum here.

:blues:  :cool:

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  • 2 years later...
<font color='#000000'>The trick here is to obtain a police clearance. A clearance simply evidences that you are not wanted by police in your home country. That's all Thailand want. Your sins are forgiven</font>

Are you a Christian, Dr Pat Pong?

The most beautiful words in the liturgy:

"Your sins are forgiven". "Thanks be to God".

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<font color='#000000'>Hi All,what do they mean by criminal record for "security

against your country" is that

a crime of security??   George... :o</font>

Hi Stone,

Should you feel that there is a record against you in Thailand and might not be able to enter the Kingdom of Thailand pm me. I can do a check for you.

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