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Refinishing Kitchen Countertops

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I recently installed new kitchen using the modular built-in stuff from Index/Winner.

The cabinets themselves are OK but I am not happy with the countertop.

I had wanted a single piece counter (or, given that an L shape is involved making that probably impossible, then just one seam and not too noticeable).

They claimed this was impossible, I had to buy the counter in several pieces but they would put some nam ya in so that the seams weren't noticeable. As I had once had a type of kitchen countertop from a company called Data that did indeed make the seams almost invisible I foolishly believed this.

In fact all they did was put in some silicone that doesn't improve the appearance a bit, it clearly looks like separate countertops. To make matters worse, the places where one piece ends and another begins sometimes don't match up with the cabinets underneath, which looks especially bad.

I tried using seam-fil in carefully mixed color but still no good.

So I am thinking of either replacing or refinishingh the countertops. Wouldn't mind getting a slighly different shade anyhow as the very white color it is now shows every speck of dust and dirt.

Asked at Home Pro and was told it is impossible to special order only the countertops. This makes 0 sense to me as it is all special order, and I would be buying a large quantity, but 2 separate Home Pros sang the same tune. Considered going to a shop that sells granite, but not sure how I would get it to be a custom fit. Needs to have hole put in for the sink and at several places the wall has curved columns that it needs to be cut to fit around.

Also considering the (I assume less expensive) option of refinishing, since the tops themselves are new and should be good for some years to come. From the Web I gather this can be done using some type of acrlylic polymer. Or some sort of laminate glued on might also be an option.

Even if I could figure out a product that would work I don't have all the necessarty acoutrements (sander, spray gun etc) to do it right. Plus I am not the best when it comes to this sort of work.

Hence my questions: Does anyone know a place/person who can refinish countertops?

Lacking that, any suggestions on where I can buy new countertops that will (1) be all in a piece; (2) sell me just the countertops and (2) custom fit them.

Afraid I don't know what the tops are made of but here are pix:





Consider granite it is ridiculously cheap here comparatively , they will join two pieces for an L shape and get a cleaner seam that what you have shown.

Many colors available

Consider granite it is ridiculously cheap here comparatively , they will join two pieces for an L shape and get a cleaner seam that what you have shown.

Many colors available

Rare to see a 3.0m long single piece granite. The lengths of the counters exceeds 2.4m for sure.


Thanks. Do you know if they do custom installation? (referring to the stone resin trogers mentioned, but I guess also the granite places)

Counter is 3.6 m X 2.2 m but in an L so some overlap. I.e. a 2.2 m piece plus a 3m piece would do it for the L. Also have 2 islands each 1.2m but those don't involve much custom fitting.

Also, since it is a shame to junk brand new countertops, any thoughts on refinishing them with soem sort of laminate or acrylic?

Thanks. Do you know if they do custom installation?

I uses stone resin (similar to white marble) to fill in the gaps between bathtub and wall, and the top of seat below the shower. These are small pieces. I am sure they can do a custom job, but they will have to work with a cabinet craftsman to remove your present countertop, add on or improve the support frame to receive the new countertop.

What are the dimensions of your present countertop?


Dimensions above.

Removal I think easy, even I could do it. But will need to cut the stone for an exact fit, including of course making space for the sink. That's where the installation gets complicated.

Thanks. Do you know if they do custom installation?

They sure do. Most of the dealers that display the large Granite panels will come and measure for you and make any necessary cutouts for sinks, small wall columns etc. etc. , just price what colors you like and you'll pay for how many full panels are needed + labor and sometimes they will hit you for the grout/cement.

Shop around, there are a ton of shops near me and not all the prices are the same.

Dimensions above.

Removal I think easy, even I could do it. But will need to cut the stone for an exact fit, including of course making space for the sink. That's where the installation gets complicated.

Stone resin is not a piece of natural stone, but stone powder mixed with resin and molded. The constrain in dimensions is due to heat generated during curing of the resin - much heat is released, and can cause warping.

If the outer lengths of the L-shape is 3.6m x 2.2m, the joint can be reposition to have 2 panels of lengths 3.0m and 2.8m, with width of countertop at 0.6m.

Are you located in Bangkok?

Dimensions above.

Removal I think easy, even I could do it. But will need to cut the stone for an exact fit, including of course making space for the sink. That's where the installation gets complicated.

Stone resin is not a piece of natural stone, but stone powder mixed with resin and molded. The constrain in dimensions is due to heat generated during curing of the resin - much heat is released, and can cause warping.

If the outer lengths of the L-shape is 3.6m x 2.2m, the joint can be reposition to have 2 panels of lengths 3.0m and 2.8m, with width of countertop at 0.6m.

Are you located in Bangkok?

No, in Prachniburi, which is a problem. For sure nothing available out here, will probably have to come from Bkk.

This may be a stupid question, but as the stone resin is made from power and resin, is it possible to overlay it onto existing tops? Like a veneer kind of thing? Just seems such a waste to just toss out brand new countertops that are otherwise in good shape.

Not possible to do a large area with small thickness due to warping.

And standard veneer will not work as they come in 1.2 x 2.4m sizes.

Try sourcing around at the shops displaying granite and marble (usually displayed upright) as mentioned by Jimmy and see if they do single piece with lengths of up to 3.0m length.

OK, I understand the first part.

What is "standard veneer"? I ask because 2.14 would take it up to the sink and I could live with seams on either side of the sink especially if not too noticeable.

Will also check out the size and colors available in granite, and the colors available at the stone resin place.

Not possible to do a large area with small thickness due to warping.

And standard veneer will not work as they come in 1.2 x 2.4m sizes.

Try sourcing around at the shops displaying granite and marble (usually displayed upright) as mentioned by Jimmy and see if they do single piece with lengths of up to 3.0m length.

OK, I understand the first part.

What is "standard veneer"? I ask because 2.14 would take it up to the sink and I could live with seams on either side of the sink especially if not too noticeable.

Will also check out the size and colors available in granite, and the colors available at the stone resin place.

Standard veneer are like Formica used to cover and finish the wood panels of cabinets. Now they even have veneer finished like stainless steel panel. I use them on the walls of my kitchen counters in place of tiles.




I see. Probably not suitable then for refinishing of a countertop? (in terms of durability)?

regardless, where does one getr thjem and how are they applied. Asking now re a damaged wall area near the stove.

After a bit more googling it looks like what I had in mind was something caleld "plastic laminate" that could be applied over the existing countertop and would (hopefully) cover the seams, is this available in Thailand and if so where?

I see. Probably not suitable then for refinishing of a countertop? (in terms of durability)?

regardless, where does one getr thjem and how are they applied. Asking now re a damaged wall area near the stove.

After a bit more googling it looks like what I had in mind was something caleld "plastic laminate" that could be applied over the existing countertop and would (hopefully) cover the seams, is this available in Thailand and if so where?

Plastic laminate is another name for the veneer (or trade name 'Formica') that was discussed. It is supplied in standard sheets of 4 feet x 8 feet (1.2x2.4m).


I see. Probably not suitable then for refinishing of a countertop? (in terms of durability)?

regardless, where does one getr thjem and how are they applied. Asking now re a damaged wall area near the stove.

After a bit more googling it looks like what I had in mind was something caleld "plastic laminate" that could be applied over the existing countertop and would (hopefully) cover the seams, is this available in Thailand and if so where?

Hi Sheryl,

Not sure where you can pick up the laminate in Thailand (although it should be possible) but countertop laminates are available in many different colours and patterns (granite and the like). You will also need a couple of litres of contact cement, a brush to apply it, a laminate trimmer (looks like a very small router), a plane blade if you have one and some thinners for clean up.

Remove your sink, if you cant remove your backsplash you may need to add some quarter round trim, or seal the back of it with silicone after application of the laminate.

Measure the depth of your countertop and cut the laminate to size, the piece for the countertop and the piece for the front edge should both have an overhang of one eighth, or a quarter inch. Cut the laminate (score the length of the laminate a few times with a sharp blade along a straight edge such as a 6' level) then fold it to snap it off.

You will apply the thin strip to the front edge of the counter top first with the excess on the underside of the countertop. Generously apply the contact cement to the (cleaned) countertop front edge (not the top yet, leave that for now), leave the contact cement to dry until it is no longer tacky to touch, do the same thing with the laminate for the front edge, leave to dry.

When you apply the glued laminate to the glued countertop, ensure that you are placing it correctly, straight and level first time. Once the laminate comes into contact with the countertop it will stick fast and you will not be able to adjust it. Lay a small offcut of the laminate on the (as yet unglued) countertop to guide you as you stick the laminate to the front edge, make sure it runs flush to the underside of the offcut as you stick it in place. Get a clean rag, wrap it around a hammer handle or another solid object and run it along the face of the laminate, press it into place, ensure its stuck well. You can then take the plane blade (not the entire plane) and slide it along the edge of the laminate offcut underneath, shaving it off.

Now glue the entire countertop and the laminate to be applied, let dry as before then apply the laminate, taking care to ensure it is correctly positioned... Press firmly into position across the countertop. You can now take your laminate trimmer and run it along the entire front edge, trimming it back flush and smooth with the laminate on the face of the countertop. Cut out the hole for your sink in the same fashion and drill for your taps if necessary.

Fit your sink and taps (run a bead of silicone under the lip of your sink so that it provides a waterproof seal against the countertop), wipe down the top and edge with a little thinners and that should be you...



Home Mart does not have it and neither does Home Pro. At least, do not have it on display and say they don't have it. I am not sure if the "mai mee"s realy meant they don't have it vs they didn't know what I was talking about. Is there a name for this in Thai? Where did you buy yours, trogers?

Also, as I know from bitter experience that my attempting to install it myself would end with soemthing that looks a lot worse than what I have now, not to mention the need to buy supplies and equippment I otherwise don't have a need for and the time and aggravation....does anyone know a place that would supply the stuff and do the application? They are abundant in farangland but having trouble finding same here....

Not in the proper DIY spirit, I know, but I am a DIY-er only out of dire necessity not choice and know my limits. Getting good esthetic results isn't my strong suit. :)

Home Mart does not have it and neither does Home Pro. At least, do not have it on display and say they don't have it. I am not sure if the "mai mee"s realy meant they don't have it vs they didn't know what I was talking about. Is there a name for this in Thai? Where did you buy yours, trogers?

Also, as I know from bitter experience that my attempting to install it myself would end with soemthing that looks a lot worse than what I have now, not to mention the need to buy supplies and equippment I otherwise don't have a need for and the time and aggravation....does anyone know a place that would supply the stuff and do the application? They are abundant in farangland but having trouble finding same here....

Not in the proper DIY spirit, I know, but I am a DIY-er only out of dire necessity not choice and know my limits. Getting good esthetic results isn't my strong suit. :)

Mine is done by my renovation contractor. He only submit a sample book for me to select.

I think your best bet is to look for a local furniture shop that builds their own cupboards and cabinets, and engage them to supply and install the laminate for you. If they can undertake this work, they will have a sample book for you to select the laminate desired, and also clarify where the joint lines should be, and how they will treat them.


Thanks. There are no local shops that do this. Can anyone suggest a place in Bangkok?

Also as it may not prove possible to interest anyone in coming out to Prachinburi just to laminate countertops, does anyone know of a granite supplier in Kabinburi, Nakorn Nayok, Chachensao area? Or out near the airport? I have ascertained there are indeed none in Prachinburi. The sole shop selling housing materials (not Home Mart actually, Home Mart has not yet opened their Prachinburi branch) tells me they have to order it from somewhere in Saraburi...and they (the shop) do not do any installation.

I believe this stuff comes from the Korat-Saraburi vicinity so would expect there to be places around Kabinbri but would be good to know for sure as it's a fair drive r/t.


OK I am not an expert, but it seems a shame to completely undo all that new countertop, I think it looks pretty nice personally (excepting the seam).

I wonder if that piece can't be reinstalled and done right, ie. the main problem may just be a crummy job of installing and it needs to be redone, tightening up those joints.

To pick up the extra 1/8" or so you need, I would think the piece to the left of the sink ought to be moved, leaving the sink in place. See if a compentent installer could shim that piece away from the left hand wall and butt that joint up to the proper tightness. If there's any noticeable space at the left, perhaps it could be concealed with a larger(thicker) backsplash. If it were me, I'd probably try to make the best of what's there and fix it cosmetically. Obviously they have got to be shimmed to the same height where they meet as well. Not sure how good that joint is at the "L".

Unless money weren't too big a consideration and I got frustrated to the point of just having it taken out and starting over.

In which case granite is very nice, yes they custom fabricate to spec for your kitchen -- although it too has got to be done right!

My only experience is having lived through a couple of re-models and trying to educate myself along the way (still learning!).

Good luck Sheryl.



Thanks. The way these tops are made they are finished on all sides (including trim) so there is no way to fit two pieces snug together. And when a finished side is cut off (as was done with one piece due to not quite right total size) it doesn't do well and bucks up a bit. I did not realize it until they arrived as all I had to go by were pictures but in fact this stuff is not designed fro the type of built in kitchen I wanted, it is designed as stand alone modular pieces.

But yes, except for the seams the counters look fine, and are brand new, which is why I thought of laminate over them as an alternative but that's not looking at all easy to arrange. So far not a single lead on a shop that does that, plus would almost surely be in Bkk and might not be willing to come all the way out here for what would be a fairly small job.

What I could do, and have considered, is to move them about a bit and replace some but not all in such a way that the seams at least line up with the cabinets underneath, which would look better although still not what I really want.

Or there is the granite option, assuming I can find a place willing to come to Prachinburi and do the necessary custom cuttimng and installing. Odds of which will be better if I can find one not too far away, e.g. Kabinburi...

  • 3 months later...

hi, i am building a kitchen now and i am looking for a place to supply (and possibly fit) granite countertops to petchabun. sheryl (or anyone else), did you find anyone to supply you?

  • 5 months later...


Do you know where to buy wood or resina countertops in Bangkok or Pattaya ?

I think the granit is just so expensive and i also don't like the way it looks (sorry but everybody has it)

I would like a plain color countertop, black or red, so i guess wood or resina is better to get what i want ?

Also I am thinking about glass countertop, and i know that it's possible, but of course hompro, homemart, kanyon, and homeworks don't have it and even don't know it...

Thanks for your help..

  • Like 1

You might want to try one of those kitchen places on Thepprasit Road, just before the junction with Thappraya. There is one I know of on the South side, and a few on the North side...pretty much right across from each other. PK Kitchens? Kitchen Design? Something like that. Also, a huge showroom not far from the weekend market up by the intersection with Suk.

The guy who did our kitchen might be able to help also...I will ask him about glass countertops....

  • Like 1
  • 9 years later...


are you happy with your countertop so many years later ?

do you know any cheap alternative for granite ?

thank you.

On 8/19/2010 at 3:50 PM, frenchfarangjomtien said:


Do you know where to buy wood or resina countertops in Bangkok or Pattaya ?

I think the granit is just so expensive and i also don't like the way it looks (sorry but everybody has it)

I would like a plain color countertop, black or red, so i guess wood or resina is better to get what i want ?

Also I am thinking about glass countertop, and i know that it's possible, but of course hompro, homemart, kanyon, and homeworks don't have it and even don't know it...

Thanks for your help..


hello, have you found something good finally ?


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