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New requirements for long term stay

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The woman's property rights are not affected by marriage to a farang nowdays. Any competent Thai lawyer can set her straight on that. As I am sure you know sbk Thai law doesn't recognize de facto relationships at all. Being unmarried can be a hassle in future years, things like schooling for kids in Thailand etc.
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but feel that the legal status would jeopardize their wives futures

I wonder?  Or do they just use this as an excuse to remain single?

The government made land ownership policy very clear several years ago and even on the islands that word should be open knowledge.  Thai, male or female, can own/buy/inherit land.

Yes, it could all change sometime down the road.  But it isn't all that hard to get a divorce if that happened.

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SBK most likely knows that in the event she was divorced

her rights to anything other than her own life would be most

meaning less. If she did get some assets most likely she would not have a peaceful life if any from that time forward.

May even be safe in saying she would have to be out of country to be safe while getting a divorce.

Just the opposite for us. If you are getting married and have to think of the latter in a foreign country best to rethink the issue all together of getting married.

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SBK most likely knows that in the event she was divorced

her rights to anything other than her own life would be most

What is this about?  I seem to be the only one that used the word 'divorce' and it was in relation to a Thai girl getting a divorce from a foreign husband in the event land ownership laws were changed at some point in the future.  sbk, as a foreigner, can not own land.

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SBK most likely knows that in the event she was divorced

her rights to anything other than her own life would be most

What is this about?  I seem to be the only one that used the word 'divorce' and it was in relation to a Thai girl getting a divorce from a foreign husband in the event land ownership laws were changed at some point in the future.  sbk, as a foreigner, can not own land.

The rights of a foreigner male and female marriage and divorce. What do you not understand.

Female gets fast tracked maybe even citizenship which I am not sure of. Still would not end up to much different either way the foreign has to be careful not the same as back home where the foreigner may end up better off in either case of

marriage or divorce.

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George linked

"Expats angry about thai visa, work permit fees, The nation"

with this topic. I did a little calculation on my visa-costs und

Compared to entrepreneurs with small offices, large companies can easily cope with the fee increase, one embassy official said.

"For companies doing business in Thailand, the increased non-immigrant visa and re-entry permit costs are a cost of doing business.

non imm B renewal fee 1900

Usual time for renewal 2 months, so I apply for my self 4 re-entries, single each: 4000

After extension granted, 2 multiple re-entries (myself and spouse) 7600

2 x extensionof WP 1400

1 x final extension   3000

Total for imm office and labour dept. Baht 17900

Add taxis to imm, labour dept approx. 2000

Comes yearly to Baht 20,000.00 not calculating loss of time aprox 4-5 working days.

I re-imburse myself from my company who in turn uses this amount as tax-deductable dues and fees.

No complains except from my staff, who feel 1-2 monthly salaries just paid to their government for the visa and reduced their expectations on bonus. Add another Baht 8000 for airport taxes and 4000 for a new passport as it is full after one year. I am glad to be able to support the government so nicely and as well contribute a small amount to my pp-issuing embassy.


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Not me, I don't have any intention of divorcing, happily married thank you! Lopburi, you could be right, that it is an excuse to not get married, we aren't that close! altho, one is ozzie and has a defacto permament visa for his partner.

thanks Dr pat pong, I will let him know, and no, things don't filter down to the islands that quickly! we kinda run on our own speed down here. extremely slow.  :o

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The issue of the new regs isn't really about the fact that it is 400,000 but the fact that your ability to earn money to look after your Thai family is severely restricted by the tough rules on issuing work permits. Consequently you can't work legally and so your income/deposit can't be replaced when it is spent.

Consequently unless you are one with huge investments in other countries you envisage 400 becoming 600 and 800 in future years. This is a frightening thought as your ability to supplement your income will diminish as you get older for the majority of us and you wonder what security you may have for your old age. even folk with pensions will be worried by this trend.


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:cool: OI, I have the 400 Grand Baht and the wife, but was still refused the marriage extension the immoes saying that it is too complexed to have, so they say why not apply for the retirement seeing me as pappa saharat!  I says to them that I no have the cake, but have a Jonny Black on the table so they waiver the amount needed to the tune of 100,000 less and tell me to come back next year, as I'm a new customer ot theirs!  What's about that ONE? :laugh:
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Also frightening is a fararang supporting a Thai wife and family with zilch to back it all up. That is seriously frightening.This is not a welfare state.

What I have been saying all along! Dr. P.P. hit the hammer on the nail here. Some posters say they can live on 20,000 baht per month and support a family. They cite other Thais who are doing this.

In my opinion, I would only stay in Thailand if I would have income that is generated from overseas. Also, a fixed income may not cut it as you get older. Say you are getting 40,000 baht a month now. But what happens in 10 years or 20 years? You have to pay for some emergency medical expenses or other unexpected things that pop up?

Personally, I couldn't sleep at night with these potential prospects. What makes matters worse is that you may be unemployable in 10 or 20 years time back home. What is next? There is no welfare in Thailand. So you will need to return home to the West and apply for welfare there. Unthinkable for me!!!

Thailand does not need more poor citizens produced by foreigners. My advice for what it is worth is for those people who are scrapping the bottom is to return home immediately and save up for a nest egg. Working here is not going to give you any long term benefits! You won't even get a pension!

It is a romantic concept to live in a foreign country and raise a family but you must face the music. There is nothing romantic about poverty! It is much better to be responsible and think about the future and possible emergencies.

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They still got ya....as it stands now, you only needed 200k in the bank

I admit that I am not sure of my reading but to me it seemed he had 700k in bank and they allowed a retirement visa on that amount.  Took the 'cake' to be '800k' which he did not have but the JB made it up.

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