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Constipation & Thai Ladies...


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A friends Thai wife who now lives in the US has had consitpation problems most of her life, and is always taking some type of herbal remedy for the situation..  I never really thought much of it until my recent Thai GF has brought up the same problem...  She can go up to a week with "No Movement" and usually resorts to some type of strong Tea to aid with her problem...

Is this a common problem for Thai's, or have I just run across two Thai women that share a common problem???  Is there something possibly in their diet that might be causing this???


Half an hour in the toilet with a copy of Thairath, I wish I knew the answer :o

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  • 4 years later...

Many people have mentioned that it is the Thai diet, however, I believe there must be something else involved. I know many Thai women who suffer from constipation, some quite severe, and yet their diet does not differ from mine in any way. I eat Thai food 99% of the time, and have never had any real problem with constipation, or the trots for that matter, in 20 plus years here. Perhaps the only difference is that I drink more water than they do, but then they are relatively smaller than me.

Edit: Sh*t, just noticed this is an old thread.

Edited by GarryP
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Definately seems to be a Thai thing. My missus takes the fiber whatsit every day. Previous missus couldn't shit also. Doctor told her it was due to the fact that when she was a child, she spent a lot of time alone, while her parents were out on the rice fields, and when she wanted to take a dump, there was nobody there to assist her. Sounds like a load of arse to me, but then so does all Thai logic

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Definately seems to be a Thai thing. My missus takes the fiber whatsit every day. Previous missus couldn't shit also. Doctor told her it was due to the fact that when she was a child, she spent a lot of time alone, while her parents were out on the rice fields, and when she wanted to take a dump, there was nobody there to assist her. Sounds like a load of arse to me, but then so does all Thai logic

Load of arse? Americans pay barrel loads money to 'therapists' to get lower quality analysis than that!

I know I'm not insulting you - use of the word 'arse' rather than 'ass'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Without any medical knowledge, I'd say that it's a combination of the food (lack of fibre), dehydration (I've known several Asian girls who didn't drink much in order not to visit the toilet for a pee), and a lack of exercise. From what I've seen, it's a common problem in Thailand. It may be a common problem in the West, too, but Thai girls seem much more willing to tell you all about it.

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There was a story in the press a few months ago about an American women who had not had a crap or been out of bed for 6 months. They had to take out the bedroom window and employ a crane to remove her for treatment. A good dose of sum tom is the answer.


I dont have the stomach for a reply to this Topic.

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