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Where Do You Think You Stand In The Family Pecking Order


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would you say your married partner rates you first as husband or wife, or do they rate there own parents relatives first

over there married partner

You could ask a hundred different people and get at least 50 different answers. I think it all depends on the couple. And, I DO believe it changes over time. People get married for many different reasons and no two are exactly alike. Poor women are more likely to marry more wealthy foreigners for financial reasons. Young couples of similar ages might truly be in love. And, they might actually STAY in love for a long time. I know many happily married former bar girls, and their husbands know exactly what the women were working at before they married.

But, there ARE differences in the Thai culture from cultures in the west. Thais as a whole are far more family oriented and younger Thais are EXPECTED to look after their parents when they get old. The only time that scenerio really confuses me is when parents have actually SOLD their daughters into sexual slavery and the girls don't run away when given the opportunity. For some strange reason the young women still feel they have a responsibility to their parents who sold them in the first place.

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'simon43' date='2009-12-26 20:25:13''3226634']

Rated first for sure - her parents only have pride of place in their little vases placed by the TV


Yeah Simon , had lots of guys tell me that over the years , trouble was the missus had wandered and he was first---------- to go .

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What do you think I am, a fool?

I know precisely where I rank. My Thai wife was previously married. She has 3 children by that marriage. In the family ranking, she rates her 3 children first, then the grand daughter, then me, and finally the rest of the family.

That doesn't mean she doesn't love me. She's been with me for nearly 30 years, and I long ago understood she loved me.

But the 3 children and one grand daughter are blood relations, flesh of flesh you might say,...and that's how it will always be.

That's just a biological fact.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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My first Thai girlfriend definitely put family 1st. It didn't last long.

My wife has always chosen me over her family. Date a poor farang, never given money (mine or hers, because she works) to the family, wedding with no dowry, no Buddhist/Thai ceremony, not at her home town. And many other things that pissed her family off. Maybe the fact we don't have a big age difference that we share common ideals and that we have common interests might help? Or maybe because one of the first things I told her (remembering my 1st gf) was " I am poor, can't give money to you or your family". She replied "I don't give a <deleted> about your money".

Maybe it's better to choose wisely the person you marry. I couldn't be married with somebody who doesn't put me 1st, because I always put her 1st. Maybe if it is real love you can be #1 (she has no kids, can't say anything about that situation)

Edited by Brunus
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Once her parents are dead. you are #1. Before that, it is a crap shoot depending on her mood.

Marry a Thai girl and you marry the family. Anyone who doesn't believe that is simply an idiot. However, it is the parents who are the glue in the family. Remove them and brothers and sisters become increasingly less important.

Another reason why a 40 year old Thai wife might be less trouble than the 18 year old nymph whose parents have 30+ years ahead of them. Food for thought.

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What do you think I am, a fool?

I know precisely where I rank. My Thai wife was previously married. She has 3 children by that marriage. In the family ranking, she rates her 3 children first, then the grand daughter, then me, and finally the rest of the family.

That doesn't mean she doesn't love me. She's been with me for nearly 30 years, and I long ago understood she loved me.

But the 3 children and one grand daughter are blood relations, flesh of flesh you might say,...and that's how it will always be.

That's just a biological fact.


Your ranking in the family will depend on how much you bring to the family, if you are a lazy useless drunk with no money then you might get your meal before the dog. If you are wealthy with a Uni degree, contribute lots to the family you will be number one.

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