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Crazy Farrangs In Nongkhai...

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I have been residing on and off in Nongkhai for the past 6 years now.

I am 37, about 5ft 9, stocky build, fit as in athletic, shaved head...no choice in the hair department as it left of its own accord and can handle myself very well.

But in the past 2 months I have never encountered so many pissed up 50yr old + farrangs wanting to take me on . In all my time here I have become a well known and likeable expat but have never experienced so many dickheads as I have in the past 2 months. Whats your problem and what are you trying to prove?. In all instances I have been sober, minding my own business or talking with friends. Do you really think think you are going to beat me after you have drunk 10 large beers or 1 large bottle of Sangsom? I dont think so. I have so far managed to ignore and keep a cool head but for how long I dont know? I am really concerned, should I lose my rag that I will seriously hurt the next farrang that challenges me and I dont want to lose face or gain a reputation here in Nongkhai.

Does anyone else experience these problems up in these parts?.



If you're all you say you are, just smile and go about your business. If you're less than that, then start swinging and join the crowd.

The only way to contribute to a good society is to be one of the good ones. Already enough out there trying to tear it down and make the rest of us be like them.

Losing face? You're killing me. Do your family and friends KNOW you? That's all that matters. Passer-bys and spectators aren't anything to your life and neither is their judgement of you. You are the man you are and you don't need to occupy your life with trying to prove to people you don't even know that you're what THEY expect or want you to be. You know that.

So far, you're doing so well. Glad to have you on the team. Keep on living the good life.


Spoonman, as I said my hairstyle is not by choice and unfortunately people do associate shaven heads with trouble. I am buy no means a mouthy person as members of this forum who know me will confirm and will most expats in Nongkhai.

Kandahar, thanks for the honest reply...yes I do go about my business with a smile on my face...like to socialise with friends, spend most of my days and nights with my family but when I do go out I dont expect to be started on by random strangers because they've had a few drinks and fancy their chances...totally unprevoked. I'm not going to stoop to their level.

It just seems to be happening alot recently and has happened with many other expats that live here. And the perpertrators are always Swedish or Danish. Go to Pattaya if you like that sort of thing, Dont bring it to Nongkhai. The expats that live here, live here because we like the peaceful enviroment that Nongkhai and surrounding areas offer.



Never had any problems with anyone 50+ in pattaya

But there are these 20 something soccer player types dressed like they just left the soccer field with their "pretty hair"

they travel in packs of 4 or more roaming the sois scowling at everyone or making fun of people.

I seen a few alone and they walk nervously with head down, like scared twits


Just curious;how do you know that they are Swedish or Danish? Do they introduce themself? Or do you know them from before in which case I wonder why they all so suddenly turned against you.. Or do you do some kind of sterotyping,in the same way you think they do about you..? As I said,just curious...

Spoonman, as I said my hairstyle is not by choice and unfortunately people do associate shaven heads with trouble. I am buy no means a mouthy person as members of this forum who know me will confirm and will most expats in Nongkhai.

Kandahar, thanks for the honest reply...yes I do go about my business with a smile on my face...like to socialise with friends, spend most of my days and nights with my family but when I do go out I dont expect to be started on by random strangers because they've had a few drinks and fancy their chances...totally unprevoked. I'm not going to stoop to their level.

It just seems to be happening alot recently and has happened with many other expats that live here. And the perpertrators are always Swedish or Danish. Go to Pattaya if you like that sort of thing, Dont bring it to Nongkhai. The expats that live here, live here because we like the peaceful enviroment that Nongkhai and surrounding areas offer.


alot of good avice here Guemlum especially from Kandahar, bottom line is there is only one person you can control and its yourself.

You also might want to do some soul searching to see if it is something you are doing?? just a thought, good luck mate and enjoy the peaceful life

Just curious;how do you know that they are Swedish or Danish? Do they introduce themself? Or do you know them from before in which case I wonder why they all so suddenly turned against you.. Or do you do some kind of sterotyping,in the same way you think they do about you..? As I said,just curious...

555. I know some Swedish and Danish expats therefore I recognise the language. On the last occassion that I was prevoked, it was confirmed by the restaurant/bar owner that the man who approached me was Swedish. I have since found out that the following day in another bar he started on another random guy who was from Italy... consequently he is now residing in Watana Hospital, Nongkhai.

Thanks royspurs....Soulsearching?...when you are sitting there minding your own business, reading the paper, watching BBC World news and a total stranger comes upto you and calls you a dumb C_UNT and wants to take you outside for "an explosion" (were his words, not mine), I dont think its necessary.

It is certainly not something I am doing wrong, and have already mentioned that this is happening more frequently and to other long term expats who live here as well. I have never had or been involved in any trouble in 6 years here. Past 2 months have had 3 situations arrise as have others. Lets hope it stops.



Do you swear often?

I noticed you used two expletives in your original post.

Personally, I find peolpe who use the 'f' word in between every other one really irritating and usually quite aggressive.

Just curious;how do you know that they are Swedish or Danish? Do they introduce themself? Or do you know them from before in which case I wonder why they all so suddenly turned against you.. Or do you do some kind of sterotyping,in the same way you think they do about you..? As I said,just curious...

555. I know some Swedish and Danish expats therefore I recognise the language.

Those Scanditards are just jealous because they lost the Danelaw to the Anglo-Saxons and Scots... pay them no heed.


Guemlum,I can see,that you are a guy,who likes to paint with BROAD strokes.You recognise the tone of Swedes and Danes,you say;what about Norwegians,they have a very similar sound.Also,initially you painted a picture of "so many","happening a lot" assults,but in the latest post,you state that the actual number is three.Although one might argue,that one is too many,it does not add up to the impression you gave in your first post.If three is the number,one of which is a Swede,it means that there must be one Dane plus one more of either nationality (or perhaps a Norwegian....),How does that correlate with "The perpetraters are always Swedish or Danish",Although tecnically true,it defies the picture,that a lot of people from those nations are roaming the bars in Nong Kay,looking for people to get into fights with..!!I mean,that must have been the point you wanted to make by saying what you said.Broad generalisation,almost of the same sort,that you think you are a victim of (shaved head,stocky built...).I really believe,that Swedes and Danes are neither worse,nor better,than people from other nationalities,and that includes even English people,who has a reputation,which,as I said,I don´t believe is accurate....


I live in NK almost 8 years now, about 8 km from centre town. Since I do not drive with alcohol in my stomach I am at home in the evening. Is this a Dutch habit ? May be a good one. I drink my beer and wine at home. Cheaper too. Believe me, that surely is a Dutch habit !

Of course I hear about troubles in town now and than but never heard that this trouble making stuff is bound to a nationality. In Nongkhai town live about 120 farang and the main part is UK and Scandinavian. But also lots of Germans and French and even Swiss people, people from Iran and Israel, USA too. And all of them can get drunk and nasty. Or get drunk and call you "Bro".

Simply avoid the places where nasty people are. You will never get problems in the big hotels like Phantawee. There the beers are more expensive but you are safe.

Do you swear often?

I noticed you used two expletives in your original post.

Personally, I find peolpe who use the 'f' word in between every other one really irritating and usually quite aggressive.

I'd agree that the use of the 'f' word between every other is tiresome but the OP's use of a mild 'p' word and 'd' word nothing to get excited about and in keeping with his narrative.

I'd also agree that beligerent drunken Scandinavians are something of a plague in this region.

If you're all you say you are, just smile and go about your business. If you're less than that, then start swinging and join the crowd.

The only way to contribute to a good society is to be one of the good ones. Already enough out there trying to tear it down and make the rest of us be like them.

Losing face? You're killing me. Do your family and friends KNOW you? That's all that matters. Passer-bys and spectators aren't anything to your life and neither is their judgement of you. You are the man you are and you don't need to occupy your life with trying to prove to people you don't even know that you're what THEY expect or want you to be. You know that.

So far, you're doing so well. Glad to have you on the team. Keep on living the good life.

One should not take this little 'sandpit warrior's' comment's so seriously !!!!! Their are VERY MANY of these little boys out their under the care and supervision of their invading force !!!!

Inshallah ..............

Put them ALONE Meung Thai soi die u, then wonders cease to amaze me ...............

Do you swear often?

I noticed you used two expletives in your original post.

Personally, I find peolpe who use the 'f' word in between every other one really irritating and usually quite aggressive.

just curious, I've reread the original post several times and find no "f" word or other expletives. Has it been edited?

Personally, I find peolpe who use the 'f' word in between every other one really irritating and usually quite aggressive.

Let's hope you never get asked to join the local Tourette's Syndrome Support Group Annual Xmas Dinner then Jonathan. :)


I’ve known Guemlum for probably the 6 years he has been coming to Nong Khai and I would like to say that I have never met a more polite and nicer guy in my 12 years here. I also admire his composure in the situation he was drawn into, I will also add that the aggressive hooligan who approached him had a lucky escape, maybe not so lucky next time.

Do you swear often?

I noticed you used two expletives in your original post.

Personally, I find peolpe who use the 'f' word in between every other one really irritating and usually quite aggressive.

just curious, I've reread the original post several times and find no "f" word or other expletives. Has it been edited?

I have also re-read the post and came to the same conclusion.

I can only assume the poster from Pattaya is either a teacher or a preacher to be so easily offended.


Since 2004 there has been an increase in the numbers of "falang" in the Nong Khai area. Use to be mostly a bunch of fairly quiet retirees that would say Hello in passing but that seems to have changed and more are seen hanging about at Danish Baker's and such with their morning beer. I tend to keep to myself and enjoy the quiet solitude of my small village homested and riding my bike through the countryside. So I have not seen much of this silliness, thankfully.

Now the stupid Commies in their Prado's parking behind you so you can not back out at Tesco, that melts my butter. :)


If the OP is such a well known celebrity, then my advice would be, give the next person who bothers you a good kicking and soon the word will go around not to mess with Guemlum.

Thanks royspurs....Soulsearching?...when you are sitting there minding your own business, reading the paper, watching BBC World news and a total stranger comes upto you and calls you a dumb C_UNT and wants to take you outside for "an explosion" (were his words, not mine), I dont think its necessary.

Lol !

He wanted to take you outside for an explosion. That one cracked me up. I wonder if that is the going phrase in Sweden when you want to fight. :)


OP-- are you talking about a Scandinavian guy whose thai girlfriend works in/is part owner of a couple of bars including that dive in front of Brendan's place and another place on the main road? If so, yeah, that guy has some serious issues with violence and I try to stay clear of him whenever I see him.


What a sad thread, can't Scando's, Brits and any other nationality involved in all of this simply enjoy their vacation in Thailand without all the agro, sad and not necessary/wanted.


I wonder why people hang around in places made of corrugated iron and cardboard. Is it the cheap tepid beer or the ladies hanging around for a coke and more ? Hanging around among tattoo males and females with more iron blingbling than Joe the Plumber has ? Among people that have been drinking all day and every day and are nasty at the end of the day ? There surely are better places in Nongkhai than in soi Rimkhong to have a beer.


I like the dutch way of thinking.

The OP should be able to go for a pint in peace. Don't stoop to there pathetic levels. It won't be long

before these guys get in some serious trouble with the law.

Wear a cap or a head scarf next time you go out :) .

Good luck mate.

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