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Irish / Scottish (steel Cut) Oats

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Anyone know where I can get steel cut (also called Irish or Scottish) oats? I love the stuff, and figure with the international community here...someone must have them. If you know where, do you also know the approx. price (and how much is in a package)?


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thanks for your response astral, but those are quick oats (which go through a steaming process to break down the protective fiber). steel cut oats are simply oats that are randomly cut by steel blades to expose the inside of the grain, but doesn't process the fiber. they are quite nice. i assume foodland on suk would have them, but would like to hear back from others on this (villa doesn't have in my neighborhood, phahon 8...but they do have mcgarrets). thanks though. anyone else?

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never seen 'em here. I was told the shop near to the Mission Hospital has them, but I have never been and I doubt it. These things you have to soak for a night before you can cook them. Regular oats in many supermarkets though. Don't get the tinned ones - they are expensive. Bags go for about 100 baht a kilo. These are popular with the foreign prisoners if you ever consider making a prison visit.

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  • 4 years later...

The non cooking marshbags experience of many years.

The McGarrets Oats are not hardy enough in my experience and soften to a mushy type substance even when used in mueslli..

I,ve found the Macro own brand ones more hardy and they,re not to expensive.

88 baht a kilo.

Some of the husks are always left on the oats, no problem when you eat it / them, there is yet more added fibre.

I make my own muesli with P. oats, dried fruit, high fibre, plain peanuts, add half a banana and half a pot of low fat yoghurt just before eating it. :)

If you want it a bit easier to eat, put a little water in it and leave it to soak awhile, it still remains pretty hardy.

A Very Healthy start to the day, IMHO

I also eat a bit of fresh fruit after it, to finish off.

marshbags :D

Edited by marshbags
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