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Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Still Promoting The 1997 Constitution

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The Thai Constitution

- The Thai Constitution B.E. 2540 (1997) is renowned for its democratic and participatory drafting process from the beginning. Consequently, the Constitution fully reflects the people’s aspiration towards human rights and human dignity. It is known as the “People’s Constitution” among Thais.

- The Constitution, approved by the Parliament in July 1997, incorporates many provisions contained in the international human rights conventions and covenants to which Thailand is a party. Section 4 of the Constitution clearly stipulates that “The human dignity, right and dignity of the people shall be protected.” All people can enjoy equal rights and fundamental freedoms irrespective of their origin, race, language, sex, age, physical or health condition, personal background or social standing, or religious belief. Article 28 of the Constitution also provides that a person can invoke the provisions of the Constitution to bring a lawsuit or to defend oneself in court. In addition to access to judicial system, new mechanisms have been set up to guarantee the effective protection of human rights such as the Parliamentary Ombudsmen, the Administrative Tribunal, the Constitutional Court and the National Commission on Human Rights.

nothing mentioned about 2007, have a look ... :)




you are absolutely right.... there was no mentioning of the 2007 coup....

but that declaration was written in august 1995.... just about 12 yrs before the coup

did you read that at the very bottom of the left hand corner....? L O L

or did i have too much eggnock hungover.... lol


as you can see at the bottom of the page, it was created in august 2005.

probably the thai version was updated, but for foreigners the ministry would like to show more human, democratic face, than the military coup and abuse of civil and human rights


"All people can enjoy equal rights" Farang can now buy Thailand. Or maybe a small plot of land ??

Now that would be Equal Rights, But I take it that would be too equal. Like the rest of that statement a pipe Dream. Dream On

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