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Rock Music Disappearing From Go-gos; “but I Like I


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You are in Pattaya and it is not about the girls? It is about you? Oh, OK. I imagine you are a lot of fun for the girls to be around. "It's all about me, I'm the paying customer". LOL

Bloody right, mate.

If it wasn't for the paying customers, there wouldn't be any bars.

If it wasn't for the paying tourists, there may not be a Pattaya as we know it.

Imagine that.... :o

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You are in Pattaya and it is not about the girls? It is about you? Oh, OK. I imagine you are a lot of fun for the girls to be around. "It's all about me, I'm the paying customer". LOL

You are in McDonalds and it's not to entertain the counter personnel? It's about you wantin' a burger and payin' for it? LOL. Just mail them a check, do your own cookin', and let them stay home watchin' TV with the family. They'd like that a million times better than any "fun" some stupid farang's got to offer, no matter how clever they are at convincing the fool how wonderful he is. Stop paying and see how fun you are for the girls to be around.

Do we have a troll in here? Let's not go further with this OT. In the coming days I'm gonna check out Spicy Girls and TQ2 (and even Blues Factory, though it's not a go-go, just cause I mentioned it) and unless somebody's got another candidate rock 'n' roll go-go, that'll be it.

Edited by JSixpack
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Try Number 1 A Go-Go (formerly known as Champion) in Jomtien, coming from Pattaya it's on the left, half way between the arch and KFC. No Techno stuff here, the sign inside reads We Love Rock and Roll. And they do. They play mainly Rock, some from CD's or the MP3 player, others from DVD'S on one of the 2 big screens. Most of the DVD's are concert versions and some tracks are a bit on the long winded side. But there's plenty of Queen, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, Eagles etc as well as classic country and music that comes under the category of country rock. The DJ speaks English, requests are most welcome, and you can browse through the selection of DVD's and CD's. The beer is very reasonable, draught is B55 at all times.

We have a WINNER! You're exactly right. I went there last night and it was damned good. What a change since it was Champion III. (Remember Champion II on Soi Diamond by chance?) They played the new Doors and it convinced me to buy that DVD, I was pleasantly surprised. (Robbie Krieger's really got some miles on him now, eh?) There were a few stumbles like Me 'n' My Monkey Robbie Williams (I'm afraid it's going to become the new Hotel California of videos in Thailand), Hotel California, and Sex Bomb, but otherwise just fantastic. Girls were OK and the dancing was above average: in fact, some of those ladies really worked out in the way you'll only see in a rock bar. The bar's layout is interesting (have a couch area too) and they've got the motorcycle theme even w/ a bike (or model thereof) in the bar. Love it. I'll be going back soon. I just hope they don't play the same videos every night like Tim seems to do.

Thanks for pointing out this fine rock go-go. It's a bit out of the way if you're coming from Pattaya, but you can stop by the new Mike's Mexican on the way, and all rock lovers enjoy eating Mexican. Hope it's successful and sticks around.

[note that bartender100, monty, and Jai Dee also put in good words for Number 1]

Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit.

Re the point you raised about Tim Bar, the DVD's in No. 1. used to be a bit on the repetitive side, but are less so now as the bars collection of them has grown. The DJ usually plays a selection of tracks from the CD collection, or the 2800 or so contained in the MP3 player, from when the bar opens at 1500, then goes over to playing video tracks from the DVD's after a couple of hours.

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Went to Spicy Girls (Pattyaland 1), Tahitian Queen 2 (Soi BJ, Walking Street), and Blues Factory and checked out the music and incidentally everything else. I’d better not mention scenery, though, as doing that seems to cause knee-jerk (knee?) reactions of various kinds among forum posters and moderators.

I’ve gotta say that Spicy Girls played a brilliant selection of rock music. Whoever’s behind that really knows his stuff and loves rock. I was quite impressed by hearing some good tunes I’d never before heard. TV screens show music videos and music video collages. I found the collages interesting for a while then a bit annoying: I’d rather see the whole videos even if they don’t reflect the songs currently being played over the sound system. But anyway music video collages are helluva lot better than some game of “footie.” As for the sound system, unfortunately it leaves something to be desired. Two huge speakers in the rear, too boomy and too loud. Possibly the boom could be equalized out. The loudness is, I remember, a reason I never really took to Spicy Girls. It used to be even louder and was turned down only slightly by the Thai staff when I requested. It didn’t quite require earplugs last night, but it’s just needlessly unpleasant, and that’s a shame. Reduce the amplitude by 20-30% and I’d be going there regularly.

TQ2, on the other hand, like TQ1, has the volume exactly right and the sound system is excellent w/ four Bose speakers. I was pleasantly surprised with this place now. It’s recovered well from the slump I’d observed a year or so ago. The music is very classic rock, nothing you haven’t heard before many times, but well-chosen and satisfying, no stumbles. The new food menu looks interesting too. I’ll definitely be back. My only real complaint this time was not about the music but the surprisingly primitive lighting system, which is basically just rows of small colored lights all blinking at the same time above the stage. Though a year ago it was probably well to keep the stage a bit dark, there’s not sufficient reason now IMO. Then back in the so-called Sports Corner of the bar you have distracting (those not reading the bulletin board or throwing darts) harsh white lighting . . . .

Blues Factory, a live music bar, not a go-go, also seems to be undergoing something of a renaissance and clearly I’m not the only one who thinks so. By now the “new” band has gotten tight after a rather shaky beginning. It is still too loud but I could stand it by sitting in the rear. I might wish for a better selection of songs—why cover an old Stevie Wonder pop tune in blues/funk style when you could sing Janis Joplin straight (an odd word to apply around Janis, true)? And me, I wish the lead singer would just sing and dance rather than try to “entertain” by, for example, bringing some hideous tourist up onto the stage for a bit of fun and karaoke—this, in the middle of an otherwise fine rendition of “Nutbush City.” However, her selection of songs has improved over what it was; may such improvement continue. And now the canned music during the breaks is just perfect, thanks I guess to the new DJ. Finally! So on the rock/blues/soul circuit in Pattaya, a visit to Blues Factory is probably a necessity. I enjoyed my visit.

On my way out of Walking Street I dropped by Dollhouse only to hear loboto-muzak, indicating that rock is only played for certain sets. I walked out and reversed the course I’d made a week ago to walk into Champion, which was going strong at 11 PM. Finished two beers w/o hearing any German heavy metal, so maybe that’s only played earlier in the evening.

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Alphabetical order; no judgment made as to which go-go is better than another. All go-gos have their positive and negative aspects, depending on point of view. This list refers primarily to music and only incidentally to anything else. Though a bar may lack something in the music area, it may excel in some other area not mentioned. In some cases these assessments are made after only one or two short visits, so they may not be really fair. If you don’t think so, please correct the record. Some bars may not be listed here simply because they weren’t playing any rock whenever I happened to drop by.

All of these bars offer draft beer for a very reasonable price except for Spicy Girls, which offers only bottled beer--for B70 during Happy Hours.

Champion (Walking Street)

Limited but hard rockin’ playlist. No rock before 9 PM. Now a lot of German heavy metal, at least early in the evening. Good lighting except for two red revolving emergency lights. Two huge speakers in rear, usually too loud; bring earplugs. Local atmosphere, motorcycle theme.

Crystal (Soi Pattayaland 2)

Sometimes plays rock, perhaps earlier in the evening. Sound a bit too loud and shrill. Stage lighting good but too much light in the seating area. Lots of sales pressure. I regard too much sales pressure as unfriendly, but some punters do regard it as friendly and desirable.

Dollhouse (Walking Street)

Sometimes plays mainstream rock. Excellent sound system and lighting. Touristy.

Far East Rock (Soi Post Office)

Recently started playing rock consistently, great playlist (probably shared w/ Nevada). Open 1 PM. Sound system OK, good volume, lighting comparatively poor.

Nevada (Soi Post Office)

Great playlist. Opens 1 PM. Sound system boomy, good volume, lighting OK. Local atmosphere, motorcycle theme.

Spicy Girls (Soi Pattayaland 1)

Brilliant playlist. Sound system somewhat boomy, definitely too loud. Lighting OK. Local atmosphere.

Tim (Pattaya 2nd Road, across and slightly south from Mike’s Dept. Store)

Limited selection of music videos, some pop rather than rock. Sound system OK, two huge speakers in the front. Volume acceptable now after years of being too loud. Lighting OK.

TQ1 (Beach Road, near Soi 13)

Now mixes rock ‘n’ roll with grunge, heavy metal, punk, and even pop like Robbie Williams. Unfortunately the grunge isn’t dispersed but concentrated so that you might finish an entire beer before it ends. Sound system excellent, volume perfect, lighting good, motorcycle theme, atmosphere local and clubby.

TQ2 (Walking Street, Soi BJ)

Good classic playlist, sound system excellent, volume perfect, lighting poor, no motorcycle theme, atmosphere local and clubby, food menu.

We Are No. 1 (Jomtien, on Pratamnak just before the curve to Jomtien Beach Road)

Rock music in the afternoon, rock videos in the evenings, good selection, volume and lighting good, friendly, motorcycle theme, lounge area near video screens.

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Alphabetical order; no judgment made as to which go-go is better than another. All go-gos have their positive and negative aspects, depending on point of view. This list refers primarily to music and only incidentally to anything else. Though a bar may lack something in the music area, it may excel in some other area not mentioned. In some cases these assessments are made after only one or two short visits, so they may not be really fair. If you don’t think so, please correct the record. Some bars may not be listed here simply because they weren’t playing any rock whenever I happened to drop by.

All of these bars offer draft beer for a very reasonable price except for Spicy Girls, which offers only bottled beer--for B70 during Happy Hours.

Champion (Walking Street)

Limited but hard rockin’ playlist. No rock before 9 PM. Now a lot of German heavy metal, at least early in the evening. Good lighting except for two red revolving emergency lights. Two huge speakers in rear, usually too loud; bring earplugs. Local atmosphere, motorcycle theme.

Crystal (Soi Pattayaland 2)

Sometimes plays rock, perhaps earlier in the evening. Sound a bit too loud and shrill. Stage lighting good but too much light in the seating area. Lots of sales pressure. I regard too much sales pressure as unfriendly, but some punters do regard it as friendly and desirable.

Dollhouse (Walking Street)

Sometimes plays mainstream rock. Excellent sound system and lighting. Touristy.

Far East Rock (Soi Post Office)

Recently started playing rock consistently, great playlist (probably shared w/ Nevada). Open 1 PM. Sound system OK, good volume, lighting comparatively poor.

Nevada (Soi Post Office)

Great playlist. Opens 1 PM. Sound system boomy, good volume, lighting OK. Local atmosphere, motorcycle theme.

Spicy Girls (Soi Pattayaland 1)

Brilliant playlist. Sound system somewhat boomy, definitely too loud. Lighting OK. Local atmosphere.

Tim (Pattaya 2nd Road, across and slightly south from Mike’s Dept. Store)

Limited selection of music videos, some pop rather than rock. Sound system OK, two huge speakers in the front. Volume acceptable now after years of being too loud. Lighting OK.

TQ1 (Beach Road, near Soi 13)

Now mixes rock ‘n’ roll with grunge, heavy metal, punk, and even pop like Robbie Williams. Unfortunately the grunge isn’t dispersed but concentrated so that you might finish an entire beer before it ends. Sound system excellent, volume perfect, lighting good, motorcycle theme, atmosphere local and clubby.

TQ2 (Walking Street, Soi BJ)

Good classic playlist,  sound system excellent, volume perfect, lighting poor, no motorcycle theme, atmosphere local and clubby, food menu.

We Are No. 1 (Jomtien, on Pratamnak just before the curve to Jomtien Beach Road)

Rock music in the afternoon, rock videos in the evenings, good selection, volume and lighting good, friendly, motorcycle theme, lounge area near video screens.


Great survey. I was interested in your comments on Spicy Girls. Chris & Ewan the onwers are good friends of mine and i am sure they wouldn't mind a friendly comment on their sound system, especially if it means that changes would make their clientele enjoy the ambience that bit more. Let them know, as living above the place they probably can't notice it as well as a guest. You'll have to ply them with a couple of Captain Morgans on ice first mind!!! :o

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I am glad u enjoyed my recommendation of Spicygirls, Jsixpack. The music Chris and Ewan put on is never dull or poor. Spicy is my favourite go-go's because Chris and Ewan and good pals of mine and we always have a right laugh in there!

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  • 1 month later...

I see the place in Naklua Road has changed its name again. What used to be Kittens a-gogo has been taken over by a former Walking St club owner & has been renamesed 1969 Club. Needless to say music is still techno <deleted>. When I complained I was told that rock music is played between 8 & 9..........great!

Was in Far East Rock yesterday - should be called Far East Crap Mmusic

[the title of this post got truncated; should be "Rock Music Disappearing from Go-gos; "But I Like It . . . ."]

Most punters don’t even hear the so-called music in the go-gos. (If you’re one of these, then this ain’t your discussion thread; find another one rather than just flame and troll here.) One might wonder whether the dancers do either. As it happens, however, a few of us punters do hear it. Maybe it’s because we’ve been to so many go-gos over the years that we’re able to appreciate the finer aspects of the venue. Or maybe it’s because we were once musicians or DJs ourselves. Whatever.

Of those of us who can hear the music in the go-gos, some actually like the hip-hop, rap, trance, techno, dance and other forms of lobotomized noise usually played in them at ear-splitting volumes.

But one of the great things about Pattaya has been that it has always offered something for everyone. For those of us who like some sort of discernible melody and a bit of substance in our music, for whom rap etc. gives headaches, there’s always been a sufficient number of go-gos playing rock, blues, and traditional soul.

Now, however, it seems that the number is shrinking.

The leader and granddaddy of the rock go-gos has been Tahitian Queen I on Beach Road near Soi 13. Not only has the music been the very best, but the sound system (JBL speakers) and volume as well.

But now TQ1 has evidently gotten in some new younger DJs and is starting play a lot of grunge, punk, heavy metal, and, paradoxically, pseudo-rock pablum such as by Robbie Williams. Unfortunately not enough patrons have complained, not being able to hear the music anyway, so that now rock lovers should probably drink and ogle elsewhere.

The next best bet would have been Champion on Walking Street although the playlist has been limited and for some perverse reason they stopped playing rock before 9 PM. Now, however, Champion plays a lot of German grunge and heavy metal, which basically consist of short monotonous guttural chants recorded inside of a dungeon. Even most Germans probably don’t like it. Add to this that the volume tends to be too high (large speakers only at the rear) and you have to scratch Champion off the list as well.

What’s left? Nevada and Far East Rock on Soi Post Office, for two. It seems that Nevada is now the best in Pattaya, musically speaking. Great playlists with surprising variety.  Although the volume used to be too high (fat Thai manager kept turning it up), now it is just about right. Unfortunately the sound system is rather poor because the speaker cabinets boom—probably locally made. Far East Rock has a better sound system and has only recently, to my knowledge, actually started playing rock. However, the scenery in Nevada and FER leaves something to be desired.

And then there’s Dollhouse (on Walking Street) and Tim on 2nd Road. Dollhouse is not bad if a bit plastic. The music selection is very standard. I’m not sure if rock is played all the time, or just for a set or two. However, the scenery is the best of all the go-gos mentioned here.

Tim is centered on rock videos and unfortunately the same videos are played almost every night. Although I can always watch Roy Orbison yet another time, even more unfortunately the DJ seems hung up on his Meatloaf video, so you’ll finish at least one beer before you can stop listening to Meatloaf. Also obligatory is Me 'n' My Monkey Robbie Williams. On the positive side, the volume has finally, after many years, come down to a level where earplugs are no longer required.

As for TQ2, the few times I’ve stopped in I just didn’t like much of anything about it. Maybe some fans could speak up; I haven’t been there in ages, but I think I'll try it again in desperation.

Any other go-gos for us rock fans?

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I see the place in Naklua Road has changed its name again. What used to be Kittens a-gogo has been taken over by a former Walking St club owner & has been renamesed 1969 Club. Needless to say music is still techno <deleted>. When I complained I was told that rock music is played between 8 & 9..........great!

Was in Far East Rock yesterday - should be called Far East Crap Mmusic


The new name sounds promising at least. Hopefully rock music hour will be expanded. Probably inherited that crap collection of techno. Last time I stopped by the DJ had gotten into what might be called "soft rap."

It seems that Far East Rock has stopped playing rock for whatever reason. I wouldn't bother going in there now. Consider it off the list.

On the other hand, TQ1 has been doing a bit better.

This thread has been about go-gos, but one bar that must be on the rock lovers circuit is the gloriously sleazy King Kong bar in Soi Yodsak, which opens in the afternoon. I daren't mention--here-- the goings-on that bar, but suffice it to say that they can be most interesting. Good coffee, too. :o

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I went into Marine disco upstairs on Walking Street the other night to see they've built a stage and had band equipment set up. I spoke to someone who seemed like a manager, he said the band is starting next month - "heavy metal rock".

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I see the place in Naklua Road has changed its name again. What used to be Kittens a-gogo has been taken over by a former Walking St club owner & has been renamesed 1969 Club. Needless to say music is still techno <deleted>. When I complained I was told that rock music is played between 8 & 9..........great!

Was in Far East Rock yesterday - should be called Far East Crap Mmusic


The new name sounds promising at least. Hopefully rock music hour will be expanded. Probably inherited that crap collection of techno. Last time I stopped by the DJ had gotten into what might be called "soft rap."

It seems that Far East Rock has stopped playing rock for whatever reason. I wouldn't bother going in there now. Consider it off the list.

On the other hand, TQ1 has been doing a bit better.

This thread has been about go-gos, but one bar that must be on the rock lovers circuit is the gloriously sleazy King Kong bar in Soi Yodsak, which opens in the afternoon. I daren't mention--here-- the goings-on that bar, but suffice it to say that they can be most interesting. Good coffee, too. :o

Popped in the 19-69 Club again & spoke to the Thai manageress. She promised to extend the rock segment to 3 hours (8-11), but why is it that they think rock / blues / soul should only be played early?

Incidentlly, a bit off-subject, but the scenery in 19-69 remains as good as if not better than when it was Kittens. When I walked in there after a six month break a girl remembered me, & the name of my hotel, from my previous visit. She had spent 2 hours (unsuccessfully) trying to get me to bf her at the time!

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I realise that this is a Pattaya thread, but I was recently thinking about the same topic from a BKK perspective following a return to an old favourite - namely Safari Bar in Pat Pong.

This place used to play a great selection of soft and hard rock music, and as some of the posters have mentioned, it was the sort of place that attracted a crowd that was as much there for the music as they were for the girls...well almost... :o

Now I used to go there about 8-10 years ago, and had not been back until last week. The first obvious change was the decoration :D , but I swear that the music had also changed for the worse - is it just my memory playing tricks, or have any of you found the same change in the quality of music at Safari?

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As far as I'm concerned the jury's still out on Spicy (shouldn't it be 'spicey'? The 2 times I've been there recently, most of the "rock" music's been plastic (cover versions). Also, they play some karoke type stuff with the lyrics on screen. Sound quality and scenery's not great either.

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Don't spend much time in the go gos anymore,but when I do I like to listen to some rock and Spicy used to do it for me.Sadly the musics the same but the dancing and girls seem to have gone down hill badly the last few trips in there.

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I realise that this is a Pattaya thread, but I was recently thinking about the same topic from a BKK perspective following a return to an old favourite - namely Safari Bar in Pat Pong.

This place used to play a great selection of soft and hard rock music, and as some of the posters have mentioned, it was the sort of place that attracted a crowd that was as much there for the music as they were for the girls...well almost... :o

Now I used to go there about 8-10 years ago, and had not been back until last week.  The first obvious change was the decoration :D , but I swear that the music had also changed for the worse - is it just my memory playing tricks, or have any of you found the same change in the quality of music at Safari?

Very sad to say that I noticed exactly the same change. Safari used to be about my favorite place in Patpong. As you said the selection of rock was great. No more. Gone. Next time I'll stick my head in first and listen a few seconds before committing to sit down. Without the great music there's currently no good reason to go in there. I mean if you gotta listen to the usual crap then you might as well do that in places where the scenery is better. :D

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I always have a good watching the band at the Climax bar, Walking St.Play plenty AC/DC, Chilli Peppers, Purple etc. Guitarist Piam is brilliant.They also play some good thai rock, Silly Fools, Loso etc. Hot Tuna just up the road also got exellent band that paly all the good stuff well.

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I always have a good watching the band at the Climax bar, Walking St.Play plenty AC/DC, Chilli Peppers, Purple etc. Guitarist Piam is brilliant.They also play some good thai rock, Silly Fools, Loso etc. Hot Tuna just up the road also got exellent band that paly all the good stuff well.

Good guitarist at blues factort walkling st......- snowman plus thai guitarist Lam Morrisonis great too,also thai guitarist in band at easyriders.

love you long time

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Called in the 19-69  Club at 22.00 last night. Music's still crap!

Went there the other night also around 22:00 also. Now seems to mix rock and crap, so you can't get through even one beer w/o being annoyed. Heard AC/DC then some kinda horrid rap (we didn't have no rap in 1969; we had some fantastic soul music, though, to complement rock). Still too loud, but now earplugs aren't necessary for a short stay. DJ seemed like the usual arrogant little Thai shit. Naturally he sits behind the speakers so he doesn't suffer the loud volume he inflicts on everyone else.

Well, it's a lot better than it was. Better atmosphere. Even the lighting is better. More people were in there (still not that many) than I've seen in a long time. But it's got far to go before I'd wanna hang out for any length of time. I may find it convenient again to get a late burger from Hamburger Denmark out in front, then go in 1969 to eat it w/ a beer, music, and scenery at least, if not companionship :o. Hope it continues to improve. From the ages and looks of the punters, I think most of them would prefer rock music, or at least they'd have no objection to it. The dancers seemed to "dance" about the same no matter what was played, which supports my contention that the quality or lack thereof of the dancing is pretty much determined by the go-go management, not by the music--esp. if the music is farang.

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I always have a good watching the band at the Climax bar, Walking St.Play plenty AC/DC, Chilli Peppers, Purple etc. Guitarist Piam is brilliant.They also play some good thai rock, Silly Fools, Loso etc. Hot Tuna just up the road also got exellent band that paly all the good stuff well.

Sounds interesting. I'll check it out.

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The only decent music I have heard is in Champion go-go on walking street - plenty of AC/DC, ZZ top etc. I personally cant stand 99% of these thai bands attempting to play american rock, the vocalists are abysmal and ruin every song in my experience.

I always have a good watching the band at the Climax bar, Walking St.Play plenty AC/DC, Chilli Peppers, Purple etc. Guitarist Piam is brilliant.They also play some good thai rock, Silly Fools, Loso etc. Hot Tuna just up the road also got exellent band that paly all the good stuff well.

Sounds interesting. I'll check it out.

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Called in the 19-69  Club at 22.00 last night. Music's still crap!

Went there the other night also around 22:00 also. Now seems to mix rock and crap, so you can't get through even one beer w/o being annoyed. Heard AC/DC then some kinda horrid rap (we didn't have no rap in 1969; we had some fantastic soul music, though, to complement rock). Still too loud, but now earplugs aren't necessary for a short stay. DJ seemed like the usual arrogant little Thai shit. Naturally he sits behind the speakers so he doesn't suffer the loud volume he inflicts on everyone else.

Well, it's a lot better than it was. Better atmosphere. Even the lighting is better. More people were in there (still not that many) than I've seen in a long time. But it's got far to go before I'd wanna hang out for any length of time. I may find it convenient again to get a late burger from Hamburger Denmark out in front, then go in 1969 to eat it w/ a beer, music, and scenery at least, if not companionship :o. Hope it continues to improve. From the ages and looks of the punters, I think most of them would prefer rock music, or at least they'd have no objection to it. The dancers seemed to "dance" about the same no matter what was played, which supports my contention that the quality or lack thereof of the dancing is pretty much determined by the go-go management, not by the music--esp. if the music is farang.

Glad to see you're monitoring the siuation in my absence, Sixpack (I'm back in the UK now). There's too many DJ's in Pattaya (& elsewhere) playing "music" that they, and not the punters, like. If I were a bar / club owner I'd be keeping an eye on the Net & these forums for feedback.

When I was in there 6 months ago the aircon was always on full blast so the girls & punters froze, but they seemed to have got that sorted, & it now seems from what you say they may be getting to grips with the music, but I won't hold my breath. As far as I know the place is the only ago-go that side of the Dolphin roundabout & if they could manage to get everything right it would really take off. For all the Erics and other farangs staying that end of town & not wanting to fight their way down Beach Road, it's a convenient location.

I'll be watching this space!

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