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hi on saturday at 3:30 pm opposite the hilton on karon beach it was very overcast but it didnt rain.After going waist deep into the water I suddenly S**t myself when i saw a big jellyfish .The jelly fish was about the size of a soccer ball it was pinkish purlple and you could see right through it it had long tentecles. Does anyone on the thai visa forum run into these before? and if so are they dangerous?. Ive heard of reports of box jellyfish before however I thought this aint the season for them any. Could this have been a box jellyfish if so should I go and notify anyone.




Hi alfbondi. Don't worry. It's the ocean. That's where jellyfish live. It's definitely not a box jelly. They are quite small. Like this:



The big pink ones are quite common around Phuket, and according to some brave individuals, are non-stinging. Although I wouldn't test that.

I shot this video of several floating in with the tide under the Sarasin bridgea couple months ago. Is this what it looked like?


Hi alfbondi. Don't worry. It's the ocean. That's where jellyfish live. It's definitely not a box jelly. They are quite small. Like this


Totally erroneous and potentially fatal advise to the OP

Alfbondi asked a question about the possibility of a box jellyfish presense and you gave him bad advice.

For your information box jellyfish grow to a size of 20- 30 cm.. soccerball size! this is not ''quite small'' and are they are lethal!

If you are swimming in unfamiliar waters and encounter any type of jellyfish treat it like an electrical cable[big or small]ie; always presume its live!! Ditto for jellyfish..presume its dangerous.Box jellyfish can and do kill.

Hope this answers your query a/b Easy to be aware, not afraid. :)


well I know the locals try to hide the fact that the box jelly fish is in thai waters. here in australia box jellyfish are a manace , however because of government standards we have not had a death in years, I wonder if there has been any deaths in thailand from these jelly fish or their close cousins and if so why is it such a no subject with the locals, anyway I suppose there are more chances of dying by being run over by a stupid farang on a motorcycle in thailand than a jellyfish.

Thanks guys

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