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You Know The Two Day Sulk Is Over When . . .


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Our "record" is 5 days silence. After 5 years together I have learned that the best reaction is to mirror her action. Then, when we crack - usually by looking at each other and bursting out laughing at the stupidity of it all, I can explain that her behaviour will generate the same reaction from me. Does it work? Ask me in another 5 years..... :)



Edited by Pikey
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Our "record" is 5 days silence. After 5 years together I have learned that the best reaction is to mirror her action. Then, when we crack - usually by looking at each other and bursting out laughing at the stupidity of it all, I can explain that her behaviour will generate the same reaction from me. Does it work? Ask me in another 5 years..... :)



If you start to get bored with it, then I suggest not only ignore back, also show her that she is less important

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After 3 days of the silent treatment by my g/f of 3 years, I solved the problem - kicked her out. Even while she was packing and crying she never spoke and I've never spoken to her since.

That was just over a year ago.

Never found out what started it. Sometimes think about it, but not often. Moved on.

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After 3 days of the silent treatment by my g/f of 3 years, I solved the problem - kicked her out. Even while she was packing and crying she never spoke and I've never spoken to her since.

That was just over a year ago.

Never found out what started it. Sometimes think about it, but not often. Moved on.

It is of course up to you to choose a solution to a problem in your home but I must tell you that I wouldn't have been proud of that one

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After 3 days of the silent treatment by my g/f of 3 years, I solved the problem - kicked her out. Even while she was packing and crying she never spoke and I've never spoken to her since.

That was just over a year ago.

Never found out what started it. Sometimes think about it, but not often. Moved on.

It is of course up to you to choose a solution to a problem in your home but I must tell you that I wouldn't have been proud of that one

Maybe not but lifes too short to put up with that cr#p

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I found a girl who never does this.........

Odds she is not thai.

She's Thai.....but a very sweet girl who is also educated and emotionally mature....very well-balanced.

It seems to me that there are two types of silence between couples......the "ignoring and therefore belittling you" type, and the

"Buddhistic Noble Silence" type, in which a person is keeping their dignity and simply not speaking because they do not want their emotions to run away with them.

Emotions have a life of their own, and it is sometimes better to keep silent. In my opinion, 30-minute "silent treatment" is probably quite an acceptable and adult thing to do, especially when that person can laugh at themselves / the situation at the end of it.

I must confess that many years ago I gave a Western girlfriend the silent treatment simply because she had hurt my feelings so much, and didn't seem to realize that she had done so. It was perhaps also a way to tell her that this was so.....

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It's not blazing rows that start it in our house. We don't have blazing rows, we get on very well, and agree on most things. I narrowly avoided one silent treatment yesterday.

Sopha . "Ven!" She shortens my name to the last sounding syllable so Stephen becomes Ven.

Me from two doors away. "Yes."

Sopha a little louder. "Ven!"

Me also louder. "Yes."

Sopha louder still "Ven!"

Me matching her volume "Yes!"

Then silence, I finished what I was doing on the PC and went to see what she wanted, she was applying her war paint to go to a wake or what ever they call it.

So I asked her what she wanted. "Why do you talk so loud, I don't like it." <deleted> :)

This is so stupid, she can't hear me and when I make myself heard she starts sulking.

Cause and Effect something most women don't grasp IMHO.

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The farang wants to solve problems NOW, in a straight line like the crow flies from A to B.. NOW..this causes no end of issues, and makes the problem worse..to walk away and let the Thai lady cool down is something the farang will learn quickly if he wants a good relationship with his Thai lady..

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Ahh the Silent Treatment. I wished I got that when I was with my ex-gf. I got the Loud Treatment instead. Wished i had earplugs then. But I still consider myself lucky coz I never got the Throwing Stuff At You Treatment. :)

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Our "record" is 5 days silence. After 5 years together I have learned that the best reaction is to mirror her action. Then, when we crack - usually by looking at each other and bursting out laughing at the stupidity of it all, I can explain that her behaviour will generate the same reaction from me. Does it work? Ask me in another 5 years..... :D



If you start to get bored with it, then I suggest not only ignore back, also show her that she is less important

Yes, definitely. I went out every day on my bike and made sure I came home smelling of booze every evening. I bet that frustrated the sh*t out of her not knowing where I was and not being able to ask! :)

I'm not a fan of "treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen" type of behaviour but occassionally harsh treatment is needed to make them realise just how good a thing they have got and that they can lose it all with f*cking stupid, immature behaviour. BTW, the missus is 38 and I am 47so we should both know better :D .



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