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Reasons To Stay In Europe/us/aus


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There are many posts on this forum concentrating on alleged reasons for people to move to the LOS, and most of the posts read like a prosecutor's speech:

- fat & old westerners that want to get laid

- sex slavery

- slavery

- submissive women for men who have no authority

- cheap life and exploitation

- pervs that are after young girls/boys

- worthless idiots who couldn't succeed in the west and feel like stars in the LOS


But what is only seldom discussed are the reasons to stay at home.

There are 5 obvious reasons to stay in the west, which don't need to be discussed further because they are straightforward:

- family: you live near your relatives and they are an important part of your daily life

- children: your children are in the middle of the education process with a different main language

- wife: your wife wouldn't understand a move to the LOS and hates the country and you aren't ready to separate for such a reason

- career: you are a successful employee and are happy in your job and/or are generating a lot of $$$ which you wouldn't if you move

- revenues: you have no way of generating revenues in the LOS and your capital is not sufficient to sustain your retirement

Now, let's suppose the following:

- family: either you have no family left or you are already an expat family, and your family lives far away from you, you can only visit them a couple of times a year

- children: either you don't have children or your children are young enough to change schools or old enough to study on their own

- wife: you don't have a partner or what if your wife loves the idea?

- career: you are not successful, you hate your job and your colleagues or you own a successful business, but would like to stop working

- revenues: let's say you own apartments or could sell your business for enough money or you have a way to generate revenues while in the LOS

What are the other objective reasons to stay in the west?

I don't do a poll because I can't imagine any, except things like "fear to live abroad" or "don't like hot climate" which are very personal.

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Let me guess. You are in your 30's married to a Western woman with two kids. You moved to Thailand and have been watching all these Western men having a ball every day. Never working, hanging out in bars and laughing and cuddling cute little Thai women all day long.

It finally got to you. You snapped.

It's OK. We understand. We watch you too. We see the guys with the wives and Western families walking along the street. The wife is in frost mode. The guy is looking secretively at the bar girls and the kids are listening to a walkman.

We know you want to find out about the bar scene. We know you want to find about Thai bar women. Wait a while. You will grow up. Your wife will leave you. If you have enough cash left you might be able to come back to Thailand and have some fun before you die.

Might be nice though if you would seek to learn something before you go posting a lot of fantasies that you make up while watching your wife put on night cream and her hair in curlers.


Edited by bonobo
Deleted discriminatory sentence.
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This is something I've thought about too, so here is a serious non-flame answer:

When I first retired, I tried living in Pattaya. It didn't work out. Now I live in Australia and pop over to LOS whenever I feel like it. I think I get the best of both worlds this way: the non stop party of Pattaya and the boring sanity of Melbourne.

Here is my list of reasons to live in Australia:


Since 2002 I've kept careful records of every cent of my expenditure on excel spreadsheets. Crunching the numbers, I find it is cheaper for me to live in Australia. And this is at a higher standard of western style living than I could have in Pattaya.

When I turn 65, Australia will become even cheaper for me. I will get the Aged Pension and concessions on utility bills, public transport, pharmacy, etc.

In Australia, we have universal free health care. The two times I've been hospitalized here (for serious burns and for a growth inside my nose) it was totally free. A visit to the doctor here costs about $25 after the medicare rebate. For elective surgery and dentistry which aren't covered by Medicare, I pop over to Thailand where treatment is cheaper than Australia, and possibly better.

- UTILITIES (In Australian Dollars).

What I pay in Australia (for one person living alone) :

Water is about $24 per quarter

electricity is about $200 per quarter

ADSL2 internet with free landline rental and landline calls is about $90 per month

Rent of one bedroom flat about 5 km from the city centre = $782/month.


Australia has a reliable, though not superfast internet.I trade the ASX and forex online as a hobby, so this is important to me.


In Australia it is easier to buy and prepare my own meals - mainly fresh, clean salads and fruit. Western foods are cheaper here.


I got rid of my car as soon as I retired. I now use public transport. The City Circle tram does the same sort of route as the Pattaya baht bus, only it's free. (But it is only 10am to 6pm). An all day metcard for train/bus/tram is $6.80 for about a 10km range around Melbourne.

Melbournians complain about their public transport, but this is mainly people who have to use it in the morning and evening rush hour to get to work.


There are areas of Melbourne that are absolutely filthy. But there are no stray dogs. There are a few beggars but they are usually druggies sitting on city footpaths with cardboard signs. They aren't limbless cripples or mothers with babies. There are no wandering vendors or Indian tailors to hassle you.


There is increasing crime and violence in Melbourne. But I've lived here since 1980 and I have never been assaulted or even threatened. My flat was burgled once in 1992. The police here are a bit weak - they are reactive, not proactive, which I think is wrong and I think it is why we are seeing the increasing bashings in Melbourne.


There is minor corruption involving police and politicians in Melbourne but it doesn't affect normal folk. In Melbourne I don't have to worry about police stopping me for 'tea money' or setting me up in a scam.


If you are dudded here, you can complain and get compensated.


For a day or two after a trip to LOS, I think there is something wrong with my hearing because it seems so quiet back in Melbourne.


I have an Australian passport, so obviously I can live in Australia forever without stuffing around with Immigration.

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This is something I've thought about too, so here is a serious non-flame answer:

When I first retired, I tried living in Pattaya. It didn't work out. Now I live in Australia and pop over to LOS whenever I feel like it. I think I get the best of both worlds this way: the non stop party of Pattaya and the boring sanity of Melbourne.

Here is my list of reasons to live in Australia:


Since 2002 I've kept careful records of every cent of my expenditure on excel spreadsheets. Crunching the numbers, I find it is cheaper for me to live in Australia. And this is at a higher standard of western style living than I could have in Pattaya.

When I turn 65, Australia will become even cheaper for me. I will get the Aged Pension and concessions on utility bills, public transport, pharmacy, etc.

In Australia, we have universal free health care. The two times I've been hospitalized here (for serious burns and for a growth inside my nose) it was totally free. A visit to the doctor here costs about $25 after the medicare rebate. For elective surgery and dentistry which aren't covered by Medicare, I pop over to Thailand where treatment is cheaper than Australia, and possibly better.

- UTILITIES (In Australian Dollars).

What I pay in Australia (for one person living alone) :

Water is about $24 per quarter

electricity is about $200 per quarter

ADSL2 internet with free landline rental and landline calls is about $90 per month

Rent of one bedroom flat about 5 km from the city centre = $782/month.


Australia has a reliable, though not superfast internet.I trade the ASX and forex online as a hobby, so this is important to me.


In Australia it is easier to buy and prepare my own meals - mainly fresh, clean salads and fruit. Western foods are cheaper here.


I got rid of my car as soon as I retired. I now use public transport. The City Circle tram does the same sort of route as the Pattaya baht bus, only it's free. (But it is only 10am to 6pm). An all day metcard for train/bus/tram is $6.80 for about a 10km range around Melbourne.

Melbournians complain about their public transport, but this is mainly people who have to use it in the morning and evening rush hour to get to work.


There are areas of Melbourne that are absolutely filthy. But there are no stray dogs. There are a few beggars but they are usually druggies sitting on city footpaths with cardboard signs. They aren't limbless cripples or mothers with babies. There are no wandering vendors or Indian tailors to hassle you.


There is increasing crime and violence in Melbourne. But I've lived here since 1980 and I have never been assaulted or even threatened. My flat was burgled once in 1992. The police here are a bit weak - they are reactive, not proactive, which I think is wrong and I think it is why we are seeing the increasing bashings in Melbourne.


There is minor corruption involving police and politicians in Melbourne but it doesn't affect normal folk. In Melbourne I don't have to worry about police stopping me for 'tea money' or setting me up in a scam.


If you are dudded here, you can complain and get compensated.


For a day or two after a trip to LOS, I think there is something wrong with my hearing because it seems so quiet back in Melbourne.


I have an Australian passport, so obviously I can live in Australia forever without stuffing around with Immigration.


Uk - treated like human beings and not beach dogs is best thing

Quality of food and generally everything better in UK and now prices are not too different!!!

A kilo of meat is cheaper in tesco uk than in thailand

Its a whole lot safer on roads, airports, renting cars etc.. not always looking over your shoulder, being on your guard for scammers, a smile means a smile not Fake. We try to repect other cultures where as thailand just steals them and calls them their own. NHS - free medical treatment.

I feel alot happier back in Uk but doesnt mean i want to stay here

We get alot more tourists than thailand as does australia and spain , enough said!!!

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This is something I've thought about too, so here is a serious non-flame answer:

When I first retired, I tried living in Pattaya. It didn't work out. Now I live in Australia and pop over to LOS whenever I feel like it. I think I get the best of both worlds this way: the non stop party of Pattaya and the boring sanity of Melbourne.

Here is my list of reasons to live in Australia:


Since 2002 I've kept careful records of every cent of my expenditure on excel spreadsheets. Crunching the numbers, I find it is cheaper for me to live in Australia. And this is at a higher standard of western style living than I could have in Pattaya.

When I turn 65, Australia will become even cheaper for me. I will get the Aged Pension and concessions on utility bills, public transport, pharmacy, etc.

In Australia, we have universal free health care. The two times I've been hospitalized here (for serious burns and for a growth inside my nose) it was totally free. A visit to the doctor here costs about $25 after the medicare rebate. For elective surgery and dentistry which aren't covered by Medicare, I pop over to Thailand where treatment is cheaper than Australia, and possibly better.

- UTILITIES (In Australian Dollars).

What I pay in Australia (for one person living alone) :

Water is about $24 per quarter

electricity is about $200 per quarter

ADSL2 internet with free landline rental and landline calls is about $90 per month

Rent of one bedroom flat about 5 km from the city centre = $782/month.


Australia has a reliable, though not superfast internet.I trade the ASX and forex online as a hobby, so this is important to me.


In Australia it is easier to buy and prepare my own meals - mainly fresh, clean salads and fruit. Western foods are cheaper here.


I got rid of my car as soon as I retired. I now use public transport. The City Circle tram does the same sort of route as the Pattaya baht bus, only it's free. (But it is only 10am to 6pm). An all day metcard for train/bus/tram is $6.80 for about a 10km range around Melbourne.

Melbournians complain about their public transport, but this is mainly people who have to use it in the morning and evening rush hour to get to work.


There are areas of Melbourne that are absolutely filthy. But there are no stray dogs. There are a few beggars but they are usually druggies sitting on city footpaths with cardboard signs. They aren't limbless cripples or mothers with babies. There are no wandering vendors or Indian tailors to hassle you.


There is increasing crime and violence in Melbourne. But I've lived here since 1980 and I have never been assaulted or even threatened. My flat was burgled once in 1992. The police here are a bit weak - they are reactive, not proactive, which I think is wrong and I think it is why we are seeing the increasing bashings in Melbourne.


There is minor corruption involving police and politicians in Melbourne but it doesn't affect normal folk. In Melbourne I don't have to worry about police stopping me for 'tea money' or setting me up in a scam.


If you are dudded here, you can complain and get compensated.


For a day or two after a trip to LOS, I think there is something wrong with my hearing because it seems so quiet back in Melbourne.


I have an Australian passport, so obviously I can live in Australia forever without stuffing around with Immigration.

Thanks for the detailed post. I do believe you have the best of both worlds.

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I am booking a flight back to Canada , wife suggested it would be good for both of us , cannot put a finger on anything definative in particular to move back , it is the accumulation of multiple detractions from a comfort zone here in SE Asia . Both Thailand and Cambodia have been okay to a point , cost of living goes up and down with my dollar , the biggest thing I will welcome is the lack of so much constant NOISE . Will see my 10 grandchidren all grown up and the great-great grandchildren growing up , have a full workshop to keep my mind and body active and probably build a few more national championship winning engines from scratch . Teach the wife to drive in a more sane environment , would not even dream of doing that here , smile at all the remarks from the malcontents on TV from a safe distance .

No bridges burnt , still have property here , can come back any time we feel like it , never been driven out of a home anywhere as of yet that I could not return to , gives me a warm feeling deep down inside , cheers .

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This is something I've thought about too, so here is a serious non-flame answer:

When I first retired, I tried living in Pattaya. It didn't work out. Now I live in Australia and pop over to LOS whenever I feel like it. I think I get the best of both worlds this way: the non stop party of Pattaya and the boring sanity of Melbourne.

Here is my list of reasons to live in Australia:


Since 2002 I've kept careful records of every cent of my expenditure on excel spreadsheets. Crunching the numbers, I find it is cheaper for me to live in Australia. And this is at a higher standard of western style living than I could have in Pattaya.

When I turn 65, Australia will become even cheaper for me. I will get the Aged Pension and concessions on utility bills, public transport, pharmacy, etc.

In Australia, we have universal free health care. The two times I've been hospitalized here (for serious burns and for a growth inside my nose) it was totally free. A visit to the doctor here costs about $25 after the medicare rebate. For elective surgery and dentistry which aren't covered by Medicare, I pop over to Thailand where treatment is cheaper than Australia, and possibly better.

- UTILITIES (In Australian Dollars).

What I pay in Australia (for one person living alone) :

Water is about $24 per quarter

electricity is about $200 per quarter

ADSL2 internet with free landline rental and landline calls is about $90 per month

Rent of one bedroom flat about 5 km from the city centre = $782/month.


Australia has a reliable, though not superfast internet.I trade the ASX and forex online as a hobby, so this is important to me.


In Australia it is easier to buy and prepare my own meals - mainly fresh, clean salads and fruit. Western foods are cheaper here.


I got rid of my car as soon as I retired. I now use public transport. The City Circle tram does the same sort of route as the Pattaya baht bus, only it's free. (But it is only 10am to 6pm). An all day metcard for train/bus/tram is $6.80 for about a 10km range around Melbourne.

Melbournians complain about their public transport, but this is mainly people who have to use it in the morning and evening rush hour to get to work.


There are areas of Melbourne that are absolutely filthy. But there are no stray dogs. There are a few beggars but they are usually druggies sitting on city footpaths with cardboard signs. They aren't limbless cripples or mothers with babies. There are no wandering vendors or Indian tailors to hassle you.


There is increasing crime and violence in Melbourne. But I've lived here since 1980 and I have never been assaulted or even threatened. My flat was burgled once in 1992. The police here are a bit weak - they are reactive, not proactive, which I think is wrong and I think it is why we are seeing the increasing bashings in Melbourne.


There is minor corruption involving police and politicians in Melbourne but it doesn't affect normal folk. In Melbourne I don't have to worry about police stopping me for 'tea money' or setting me up in a scam.


If you are dudded here, you can complain and get compensated.


For a day or two after a trip to LOS, I think there is something wrong with my hearing because it seems so quiet back in Melbourne.


I have an Australian passport, so obviously I can live in Australia forever without stuffing around with Immigration.

This also a well thought out, non flame answer.

The only thing I miss about the US is my Grown Childen, there is nothing else I miss about that country|

When I retired I moved back to my native Mexico, The long arm of the U.S. via the North American Free Trade Agreement, with all the realtors from the US buying up all the property in my little Fishing village of Puerto Penasco Sonora known as Rocky Point in US. Driving the cost of living equal to that of the US.

Cost of living: for a family of 4, US dollar at 33.2 Thai baht

Elecrtric, pay a total of 2,500 baht for month.

water, 200 baht house, drinking 210 baht.

Internet access, 600 baht

Land line telephone, 200 baht (I call my childern at least once a week with internet phone service) 500 baht for about 8 months of calls)

Food: meat is expensive, all else is cheap!

Transportation, Have 3 motor bikes in family ,0ne with a side car for hauling!

Crime and violence= have no police presence in the village' I know no incidents of violence in my village, vs the daily crime wave in Tucson Az. ( many murders /year)

Consumer Rights, you have 7 days after a purchase, to return item to place of purchase, after that you deal directly with the Producer.

Quiet= life in rural Thailand is quiet; If you do not chose to live in tourist centers, Pattaya, etc

House/rent=my wife owns our paid in full home. 0 payment.

TV, 1,600 baht per month for UBC.

Retirement Visa- once a year trip to Bangkok to get US income letter, 90 day address requirement by mail, Thai Immigration office 50 kilometers trip to Nakhon Sawan,


Those are only the economic reasons I stay in Thailand, Not to mention the great family and many friends I have here.

I Love Life in Thailand ,Thats why I am choosing to live here!

I look at the positives of life in Thailand, Which out weight the positives of going back to the US.

To each His/Her own.

Cheers: :)

Edited by kikoman
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Uk - treated like human beings and not beach dogs is best thing Never been treated like a beach dog here yet.

Quality of food and generally everything better in UK and now prices are not too different!!! Not according to friends who have been back in the UK in the last month, prices of food stufs way expensive. Quality of food?betterr here by far.

A kilo of meat is cheaper in tesco uk than in thailand?

Its a whole lot safer on roads, airports, renting cars etc.. not always looking over your shoulder, being on your guard for scammers, a smile means a smile not Fake. We try to repect other cultures where as thailand just steals them and calls them their own. NHS - free medical treatment. Away from the moungering resorts the smile isin't fake (no rose tinted glasses here either) how long are you on the waiting list for any treatment at your nearest NHS, bug infested, hospital?

I feel alot happier back in Uk but doesnt mean i want to stay here. I'm a lot happier her and intend to stay here.

We get alot more tourists than thailand as does australia and spain , enough said!!! Who the <deleted> wants to go to spain.

Edited by draggons
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Just the other month I was seriously close to moving to Thailand, until I got offered a job I couldn't refuse. I'm now based in London but traveling a lot. I'm typing this from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. :D

I was never 100% sure moving to Thailand was for me. Nor was my wife. It was only a consideration because my wife is Thai. Of all the places in the world, why stick to one place, if you do not have to? The only way I could do so is if I can combine with my personally seeing the rest of the world. My wife's not particularly bothered about that, she just cares our kid's safe.

So, we decided keeping the family in the UK we expect mother/child to be safer and in easy reach of emergency services or doctor/hospital should it be needed. London has great culture (museums, theatre), restaurants (any cuisine), decent television shows, newspapers, safer roads - something few developing countries can offer. I also like the fact London is ethnically diverse. Thailand is not, at least not in the same way London is. We have friends who fly back and forth from Thailand who bring backs stuff we can't get in the UK.

OK - the weather is notoriously bad, and it's not as cheap as Thailand - but inflation is at a standstill and food prices have pretty much leveled out after 2 years of increases. My wife avoids the winter months and keeps in touch with her family as she visits her mum whilst I get on with work, although of course I miss her and my child.

I once spent 3 months on a Thai island building a house and nearly lost my mind :) I was prepared to give it another go in another area, but I got to say I'm glad I took the job.

I think living in Thailand requires a super-laid back attitude to life and whilst I was staring down it's throat I came to the conclusion - I just don't have that attitude.

Edited by chriswatson
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Uk - treated like human beings and not beach dogs is best thing Never been treated like a beach dog here yet.

Quality of food and generally everything better in UK and now prices are not too different!!! Not according to friends who have been back in the UK in the last month, prices of food stufs way expensive. Quality of food?betterr here by far.

A kilo of meat is cheaper in tesco uk than in thailand?

Its a whole lot safer on roads, airports, renting cars etc.. not always looking over your shoulder, being on your guard for scammers, a smile means a smile not Fake. We try to repect other cultures where as thailand just steals them and calls them their own. NHS - free medical treatment. Away from the moungering resorts the smile isin't fake (no rose tinted glasses here either) how long are you on the waiting list for any treatment at your nearest NHS, bug infested, hospital?

I feel alot happier back in Uk but doesnt mean i want to stay here. I'm a lot happier her and intend to stay here.

We get alot more tourists than thailand as does australia and spain , enough said!!! Who the <deleted> wants to go to spain.

I'm not knocking Thailand which definitely has it attractions, but some expats are a bit out-of-date re the UK.

NHS waiting times

England, Scotland and N. Ireland, 18 weeks referral to treatment guarantee.

Wales, 26 weeks referral to treatment guarantee.

There is a big drive on hospital acquired infections and there have been big improvements, though admittedly the impending public sector funding crisis may knock progress back.

Food - can't prove this but my experience suggests that supermarket prices aren't much different, with lots of special offers in the UK that you don't get in Thailand. UK regulation of food standards is good.

Booze: Wetherspoons have a new £1 a pint promotion on one good draft bitter and some other drinks.

Although I (or should I say my wife) have a house and car in Thailand, it works out better at the moment to spend more time in the UK - will be in Thailand at Songkhran and in the summer. Over the last few months we've had a couple of Thai guests staying (plus wife and son) so in some ways everyday life (the chatter) can be similar.

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Let me guess. You are in your 30's married to a Western woman with two kids. You moved to Thailand and have been watching all these Western men having a ball every day. Never working, hanging out in bars and laughing and cuddling cute little Thai women all day long.

It finally got to you. You snapped.

It's OK. We understand. We watch you too. We see the guys with the wives and Western families walking along the street. The wife is in frost mode. The guy is looking secretively at the bar girls and the kids are listening to a walkman.

We know you want to find out about the bar scene. We know you want to find about Thai bar women. Wait a while. You will grow up. Your wife will leave you. If you have enough cash left you might be able to come back to Thailand and have some fun before you die.

Might be nice though if you would seek to learn something before you go posting a lot of fantasies that you make up while watching your wife put on night cream and her hair in curlers.

The only slavery happening here is the poor Western men who come to Thailand still married to a typical Western woman.

Now thats the best post i have seen but you could be in trouble my friend lol.We all get tarred with the same brush from expat teachers/european women/false televison programmes,bored guys that dont live here.


I am succesful,fit and healthy,retired early,enough money to have a good living,and i get critisised for running away from my country and i am a drop out heheheheheheheh,makes me laugh so much.Forgot the old,fat,smelly pervie farang

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LOL @ chiangmaikelly, I think you didn't get the point of my post!

In fact, my family and I will be moving this year if everything goes according to plan. :-)

I'm genuinely interested in what makes people stay in the west.

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Manarak , should too many people decide to move to thailand from the west , it would leave TVites next to nothing to moan about , elliminating 50% of their reason for moving there in the first place . They would have to re-aligne , why the j-------ist are all these idiots coming here destroying our lazy , sorry , laid back lives .

Then of course , Bankok would sink faster into the morass it is built on because of being somewhat similar to the newcomers , gravitationally disadvantaged . LOL 555

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Good premise but ridiculous assumptions about those who chose to move here. Definite chip on the shoulder. I lived in LOS which had it's ups and downs but definitely more ups. I elected to return to life in the US and keep LOS for visits because:

Better career options

Less pollution

The freedom from hassle citizenship allows

Many wonderful places to visit within my own country

I do miss the low cost of living in LOS and countless other one offs but for now life is better here. I have my Lao wife with me here which stops me from missing SEA too much.

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Uk - treated like human beings and not beach dogs is best thing Never been treated like a beach dog here yet.

Quality of food and generally everything better in UK and now prices are not too different!!! Not according to friends who have been back in the UK in the last month, prices of food stufs way expensive. Quality of food?betterr here by far.

A kilo of meat is cheaper in tesco uk than in thailand?

Its a whole lot safer on roads, airports, renting cars etc.. not always looking over your shoulder, being on your guard for scammers, a smile means a smile not Fake. We try to repect other cultures where as thailand just steals them and calls them their own. NHS - free medical treatment. Away from the moungering resorts the smile isin't fake (no rose tinted glasses here either) how long are you on the waiting list for any treatment at your nearest NHS, bug infested, hospital?

I feel alot happier back in Uk but doesnt mean i want to stay here. I'm a lot happier her and intend to stay here.

We get alot more tourists than thailand as does australia and spain , enough said!!! Who the <deleted> wants to go to spain.

I'm not knocking Thailand which definitely has it attractions, but some expats are a bit out-of-date re the UK.

NHS waiting times

England, Scotland and N. Ireland, 18 weeks referral to treatment guarantee.

Wales, 26 weeks referral to treatment guarantee.

There is a big drive on hospital acquired infections and there have been big improvements, though admittedly the impending public sector funding crisis may knock progress back.

Food - can't prove this but my experience suggests that supermarket prices aren't much different, with lots of special offers in the UK that you don't get in Thailand. UK regulation of food standards is good.

Booze: Wetherspoons have a new £1 a pint promotion on one good draft bitter and some other drinks.

Although I (or should I say my wife) have a house and car in Thailand, it works out better at the moment to spend more time in the UK - will be in Thailand at Songkhran and in the summer. Over the last few months we've had a couple of Thai guests staying (plus wife and son) so in some ways everyday life (the chatter) can be similar.

dam_n the uk healthcare sucks :):D

and some think its the model america should follow.

usa , go see doctor today , if serious referral is for today or tomorrow.

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The fact is that my dog lives a better life here in the US than most people do in Thailand, however, that doesn't mean much because he lives such a pampered life that he lives even better than I do ! :) The things that I like best about Thailand are the women, the food, the cost of living and the massages however if you can afford to live somewhere else, there are many other places in the world with much better climates, more interesting cultures, more things to do and much cleaner and healthier environments. I can surely understand why some farangs enjoy living in LOS but to each his own because even as much as I personally enjoy spending a few months every year in LOS, I would never choose to live there full time unless it was dictated by economic neccesity. Being able to enjoy the best of both worlds has worked out perfectly for me.

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The only thing I miss about the US is my Grown Childen, there is nothing else I miss about that country|

When I retired I moved back to my native Mexico, The long arm of the U.S. via the North American Free Trade Agreement, with all the realtors from the US buying up all the property in my little Fishing village of Puerto Penasco Sonora known as Rocky Point in US. Driving the cost of living equal to that of the US.

Crime and violence= have no police presence in the village' I know no incidents of violence in my village, vs the daily crime wave in Tucson Az. ( many murders /year)

I Love Life in Thailand ,Thats why I am choosing to live here!

I look at the positives of life in Thailand, Which out weight the positives of going back to the US.

To each His/Her own.

Cheers: :D

I agree.. I miss my grown kids and grandkids..not Phoenix. Just was back for a visit and couldn't wait to get out.

I think the shrimp are much tastier in Rocky Point as well. :) ( I do miss the trips there, but not during spring break! )

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dam_n the uk healthcare sucks :):D

and some think its the model america should follow.

usa , go see doctor today , if serious referral is for today or tomorrow.

Strange then that health outcomes across the population and life expectancy aren't any better in the USA (for overall life expectancy the USA ranks 38th in the world and the UK 22nd). If you have top-notch insurance, you may indeed get seen quickly in the USA. But then there are the problems of utilisation review, exclusions, pre-existing conditions and plain inability to afford cover for many. Also I'm not sure that the above post shows any understanding of the concept of referral to treatment - there is still typically a gap even in the USA. The UK waiting times guarantees I mentioned are the generic maximum waits, but for some conditions things move more quickly. For example, the English target for cancer is a maximum 4 weeks diagnosis to treatment (still a bit short of 100% but getting there). The US spends 16% of GDP on health compared with the UK figure of less than 9%. That still leaves over 40 million Americans without proper cover. The US figures for bankruptcy following illness, preventable deaths through delayed treatments and medical mistakes are pretty awful (see successive reports from the Institute of Medicine). I don't think most of the UK population would laugh if they were offered a swap: no mainstream UK political party has ever advocated that because they know it would be electoral suicide. In the USA on the other hand, public opinion seems quite evenly divided.

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dam_n the uk healthcare sucks :):D

and some think its the model america should follow.

usa , go see doctor today , if serious referral is for today or tomorrow.

Strange then that health outcomes across the population and life expectancy aren't any better in the USA (for overall life expectancy the USA ranks 38th in the world and the UK 22nd). If you have top-notch insurance, you may indeed get seen quickly in the USA. But then there are the problems of utilisation review, exclusions, pre-existing conditions and plain inability to afford cover for many. Also I'm not sure that the above post shows any understanding of the concept of referral to treatment - there is still typically a gap even in the USA. The UK waiting times guarantees I mentioned are the generic maximum waits, but for some conditions things move more quickly. For example, the English target for cancer is a maximum 4 weeks diagnosis to treatment (still a bit short of 100% but getting there). The US spends 16% of GDP on health compared with the UK figure of less than 9%. That still leaves over 40 million Americans without proper cover. The US figures for bankruptcy following illness, preventable deaths through delayed treatments and medical mistakes are pretty awful (see successive reports from the Institute of Medicine). I don't think most of the UK population would laugh if they were offered a swap: no mainstream UK political party has ever advocated that because they know it would be electoral suicide. In the USA on the other hand, public opinion seems quite evenly divided.

hi im berniefromny.

i live in usa and for gods sake , public opinion is not evenly divide, unless you call 2-1 against evenly divided. WE DONT WANT EUROPEAN TYPE HEALTHCARE where it seems part of the way to control cost is hope people die be4 its their turn to get treated.

you really need to fact check, 40 million uninsured is way too high!

part of americas problem is we are just too dam_n kind hearted, seems a lot of micrnesians come over for kidney dialysis treatment and just hop on the gravytrain.

then we need to provide security for european nations so they can muddle thru economically like a lost puppy. SOCIALISM IS FOR SOCIALIST! not free thinking americans.

whats healthcare like in thailand! im sure it prevents a lot of people from settling here.

Edited by berniefromny
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SOCIALISM IS FOR SOCIALIST! not free thinking americans.

whats healthcare like in thailand! im sure it prevents a lot of people from settling here.

It is true that the figure published by the Census Bureau exaggerates the number of US uninsured because of factors like churn, failure of people who could enrol in Medicaid/SCHIP to sign up, the decision to self-insure and the fact that many of the uninsured are not US citizens. I had dropped the figure from the cited 47 million for 2009 to about 40 million, but let us say it is 10 million. Is that acceptable? No other industrialised nation has that problem. No wonder then that the Democrats got a mandate for change, and of course bills have already gone through the House of Representatives and the Senate. The claimed 2 to 1 majority against reform doesn’t sit easily with that fact. I return to my argument that if you are interested in hard evidence you should look at data such as life expectancy



or the reports from the Institute of Medicine that show that US outcomes are far from the best in the world.




There is no evidence to show that across the board British people die earlier than Americans (quite the reverse), or that the number of deaths attributable to poor clinical care are higher in the UK than the US. That comes from the Fox News School of Health Policy Studies. I’m aware that I’m taking this thread a bit off topic and will not post on it again, but some of the criticism of the NHS vis-a-vis the US system is rooted in lack of knowledge.

Thai public health care is slowly improving (the UC Scheme) and better than most expats think, but unless Westerners can register under the social security scheme (Bpragan Sangkohm) through work they won't qualify. Private health care in Bangkok is good but may not be available to the over 70s (or only at a high price with possible exclusions for pre-existing conditions). In the provinces private care is relatively cheap but of variable quality, and a university hospital is your best bet. Health care is one of the issues that makes me think twice about relocating full time to Thailand.

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Uk - treated like human beings and not beach dogs is best thing Never been treated like a beach dog here yet.

Quality of food and generally everything better in UK and now prices are not too different!!! Not according to friends who have been back in the UK in the last month, prices of food stufs way expensive. Quality of food?betterr here by far.

A kilo of meat is cheaper in tesco uk than in thailand?

Its a whole lot safer on roads, airports, renting cars etc.. not always looking over your shoulder, being on your guard for scammers, a smile means a smile not Fake. We try to repect other cultures where as thailand just steals them and calls them their own. NHS - free medical treatment. Away from the moungering resorts the smile isin't fake (no rose tinted glasses here either) how long are you on the waiting list for any treatment at your nearest NHS, bug infested, hospital?

I feel alot happier back in Uk but doesnt mean i want to stay here. I'm a lot happier her and intend to stay here.

We get alot more tourists than thailand as does australia and spain , enough said!!! Who the <deleted> wants to go to spain.

there is a price war going on between uk supermarkets,and food is very cheap here compared to los markets,but of course the baht at 50 to the pound doesnt help, makes things look very cheap,friend of mine from cnx did a price comparision on the net tescos uk, to tops thailand, and tescos was 24 quid cheaper.

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You missed a host of reasons why people move to and live in Thailand - basically all of the ones which are not evil.

What benefits would having stayed in America present to me?

-I miss my friends and family - though Facebook has been great to stay in touch with them, I actually communicate with many relatives more now via Facebook than I ever did in America.

-I basically hate the food in Thailand, both western and Thai food - I miss good mexican food and American food in general

-I miss the weather patterns - I like having a cold winter and going skiing or just being bundled up. I didn't know I liked it until I didn't experience it for several years. I want a real winter!

-Infrastructure. Enough said.

-Speaking english with people in the service industries

-Opportunities to do business and/or work


Can't think of many others - and the benefits far outweigh the costs for me. The chief benefit is cost of living followed closely by such an easy way of life. I can go months here without having even the slightest disagreement with anybody (apart from on TV lol).

I suggest you not move or live in Thailand though OP, you seem to have a very cynical view of the reasons for living here already - and the types of people who live here. Might not be for you and you don't seem to really understand the country and its attractions for expats.

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LOL @ chiangmaikelly, I think you didn't get the point of my post!

In fact, my family and I will be moving this year if everything goes according to plan. :-)

I'm genuinely interested in what makes people stay in the west.

Ya, I do get the point of your post. You wanted to flame Thailand with a lot of fairy tales with no basis in fact except your own or some other ill informed transients wet dreams.

Are you really interested? OK I'll tell you

1.- fat & old westerners that want to get laid, there are a lot more in the west than in Thailand because considering airfare and lodging it is a lot cheaper to get laid in the west.

2. - sex slavery. There is none in Thailand at least none available to western men. There is a lot more available in the west.

3. - slavery. The west has a lock on this. Take a ride to New York in the garment district or Florida in the citrus belt or check out the restaurant dishwashers in Chicago, just to name a few.

4. - submissive women for men who have no authority. I have never met one in Thailand. More like strong minded, strong willed women. Check out the weenie wacker statistics, Thailand leads by a long shot.

5.- cheap life and exploitation. My three ex wives are experts at this and they don't live in Thailand

6. - pervs that are after young girls/boys. This is a religours issue and it certainly isin't Buddhism.

7. - worthless idiots who couldn't succeed in the west and feel like stars in the LOS. There aren't any who couldn't succed in the west. Check out the pay of Bankers in New York and London even after they wrecked the economy.

I am suprised that an OP with so much derogatory misinformation about Thailand would not be corrected by people who live here.

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You wanted to flame Thailand with a lot of fairy tales with no basis in fact except your own or some other ill informed transients wet dreams.
I am suprised that an OP with so much derogatory misinformation about Thailand would not be corrected by people who live here.

Hmmm... let's see... maybe the reason why nobody corrected me is because the others get the irony in my thread starting post?

I thought the words "alledged" and "prosecutor's speech" would be enough to signal my distance from what I was writing, but apparently I should have been clearer...

I couldn't care less about what the bigots, the green, the socialists and the human rightists say and I've been in the LOS long & often enough to know that there is no slavery or sex slavery here, or at least not much.

You missed a host of reasons why people move to and live in Thailand - basically all of the ones which are not evil.
I suggest you not move or live in Thailand though OP, you seem to have a very cynical view of the reasons for living here already - and the types of people who live here. Might not be for you and you don't seem to really understand the country and its attractions for expats.

Same same as Chiangmaikelly...

So, both of you please relax. To make it very clear: me too I think that everything I wrote in the first paragraph on my thread starting post is bullshit.

...well, maybe except cheap life and cheap sex :-)

Edited by manarak
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I am suprised that an OP with so much derogatory misinformation about Thailand would not be corrected by people who live here.

Hmmm... let's see... maybe the reason why nobody corrected me is because the others get the irony in my thread starting post?

I thought the words "alledged" and "prosecutor's speech" would be enough to signal my distance from what I was writing, but apparently I should have been clearer...

I couldn't care less about what the bigots, the green, the socialists and the human rightists say and I've been in the LOS long & often enough to know that there is no slavery or sex slavery here, or at least not much.

You missed a host of reasons why people move to and live in Thailand - basically all of the ones which are not evil.
I suggest you not move or live in Thailand though OP, you seem to have a very cynical view of the reasons for living here already - and the types of people who live here. Might not be for you and you don't seem to really understand the country and its attractions for expats.

Same same as Chiangmaikelly...

So, both of you please relax. To make it very clear: me too I think that everything I wrote in the first paragraph on my thread starting post is bullshit.

...well, maybe except cheap life and cheap sex :-)

You are right I didn't get it. I hear those things a lot from people who don't live here when they ask me why I do.

I found your posting of those things only vaguely relevant to your question.

Like the guy who yells FIRE FIRE and then in a soft voice says, "just kidding."

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