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Fisu Meditation Classes Now In Chiang Mai


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FISU - Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment - a world leading meditation school has opened a new branch in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Our unique and personally prescribed Meditation and Spiritual practices are enjoyed by thousands of individuals in various countries. Regardless of colour, creed or culture, we are united in the Heart – for it is the Unfoldment of the Heart that is achieved through Meditation which brings that unity!

Our teachings are accessible to everyone, and our special type of meditation is easy to learn and totally life transforming. It is not based on any religious system, intellectualisation or has any prerequisites; all you need is a desire to discover yourself.

Learn a unique form of personally prescribed meditation from a World Leading Authority

Learning meditation is a process of self-discovery, whereby our unique techniques create integration between the body, mind and spirit which in turn allows us to live a more harmonious life as we are led from fragmentation to integration.

FISU is neither a religion nor a sect, but a collection of individuals, who regardless of their background, beliefs or upbringing, through meditation and spiritual practices have unfolded the ability to find communion with their inner spirit.

We want to share this discovery and the endless benefits of meditation with you, and invite you to browse all the pages of our web site for more information.

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I hope that I don't get too much crap for this, but I would never, under any circumstances, consider taking lessons in meditation from someone named, "rajeshananda" - It seems so pretentious.

Give me a spiritual teacher named Fred anytime.

Did you ever notice that all the 'spirit guides' that people were channeling back in the 80's and 90's were holy men? Why weren't there any wino spirit guides? Or redneck spirit guides? Didn't those guys die too? Or is there some special bureau that assigns spirit guides out to living folk wanting to get into channeling? Same one that hands out names like Babavishinedahu (who was born Symour Weinstein in the Bronx.)

I'm with you. Let's get Fred to teach us!

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Look in a flower [1] !

Realize as you look into this flower, as you inhale the transient perfection in its scent, that this world revealed by the senses is a form of a dream, and, while you realize that, also realize : the awareness of that is another dream : keep repeating this : stepping up from one dream level, via awareness, into the dream level that contains the previous level (that formerly "was" reality) : until you reach the place where, in a pure emptiness of all dream[2] : a flower is only a flower, but is still beautiful; in fact more beautiful because it is no longer "a" flower, but "the" flower : a uniqueness that never "was," before; and, never "will be," again ... a uniqueness which is a unity of flower, awarenesses, you, the act of perception, and all of what your mortal human self experiences as time.

And, then ... realize : you just saved ... money. Yes ! Rejoice : let the belly laughter come forth; you now have money to go buy a beer, or soy milk, or whatever :)


[1] A banana tree flower was a favorite of Ur-Orang.

[2] The teachings of Ur-Orang refer to this state of "pure absorption in the pure emptiness of all dream outside of the "directionality" of time (what modern human physicists call the 'arrow of time')" as : "nababanana."

Edited by orang37
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I hope that I don't get too much crap for this, but I would never, under any circumstances, consider taking lessons in meditation from someone named, "rajeshananda" - It seems so pretentious.

Give me a spiritual teacher named Fred anytime.

This movement has definitely been around for a while and fairly popular in alternative places like London UK, Boulder Colorado, Berkely California etc. I don't have any experience with it but have known other people who followed it and spoke well.

The founder was Gururaj Ananda who died a while back but his prime disciple was Rajesh Ananda who I think could still teaching etc. having been born in 1959

I suspect it might just be someone who has adopted his name but could be interesting if it's the original guru dude.

Having met a few heavy guru's over the years like the Dalai Lama and Yogi Bhajan it would be interesting to know if it's the leader guy. I am not much of a follower of religions and monks etc but there can be some powerful energy to experience. Probably quite a few non spriritual types here in CM have been blessed by a monk and felt something more than the urge to drink beer and chase bargirls. At least in theory anyway.

Would be interesting to hear how anti spiritual some of the regulars are out there. Okay I know Orang is out there in nirvana space but how about others.


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Would be interesting to hear how anti spiritual some of the regulars are out there.

I'm not sure what you mean by "anti spiritual", but I don't have much use for people who are just pretending to be spiritual and that seems to be pretty common around here. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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All fine and nice; I had a guru once in 1972 when I lived in Kathmandu.

However, advertising goods or services on the CM forum is not allowed, per forum rules.

See the "classifieds" button....top of every page. Free advertising.


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