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Am I Just The Typical Stupid Farang?


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What does the psoter mean by "'you donot lose your girlfriend just your place in line'"

He is implying that all Thai women are whores and as such, you never lose you GF per say, but where in line you are to bed her.

The reality (some wont like this) is that a high% of expats/westerners socialize and find their female friends in prostitution venues. it is less work, time and focus then to find a non-financial need higher quality girl. We should not look down on sex workers BUT realize they are there, primary goal to find money.

Even if they are innocent naive sweet farmers, they're goal is money. They have more than enough peer influence from seasoned scammers, let alone ?family. I think some of them make up the family in need story to get sympathy = more money and may not even send it home.

I know a guy that speaks thai well, is slim and decent looking, and has known many a girl that chuckles about how easy it is to find westerners to give her money and buy expensive gifts. One girl had several high end mobile phones, she gave them to her brothers, parents. Even showed this western guy pics of various guys and their homes, cars, asking for advice on which one to marry. Showed pics of the palacial home she built for her parents in issan. said despite the house, gold and the pickup and motorbikes, there is no happiness there. We explained the concept of "self esteem" and personal development. Not sue if she really understood.

But; the food is really good here....!!!!

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As usual this has nothing to do with Thai girls and everything to do with your own lack of experence with women. I am certain that if you were dating in any country outside of your social class, where you are using your economic status to gain an edge than you would be getting the same result.

The issue is not weather this girl or that is seeking money or anything else for that matter the issue is that you are entering into areas that you have little experence and managing your emotions poorly. I have seen far more guys taken for a ride in the US than I ever have in Thailand so this is not a Thai thing. We all bring our emotional baggage into a relationship and the challange is always to sort out that which we want to keep and that to throw out. For most of my life I had a powerful attraction to women and it led to many unmanageable relationships that were based upon my unhealthy emotions. The more desporate I was to be with a particular woman the more likely she would use that to manipulate me in some way or another. As I delt with my inadiquacy I began to feel empowerd, In control of my emotions to the extent that I could play the game with intensity and enjoy all it has to offer without loosing the farm.

There are so many beautiful women here with wonderful personalities. I have fallen in love several times and enjoyed the wonderful feelings that come with that but I understand that when I fall in love with one of these girls I am falling in live with MY IDEA od them. It takes time to learn about them and I have to keep my eyes wide open while that happens. Trust me this takes practice, but it is worth the effort.

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