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Poipet Militia Fee?

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hi guys ..

ive had a quick search to find some answers but nothing has hit the head on the nail yet and i am running out of time now as i have to make the journey tomorrow across the border

ive made the crossing at poipet twice now , neither time has been a pleasant experience , so since then ive done the long 9 hour journey up to nongkhai to cross into laos and have had a pleasant experience every single time , however i dont have the luxury of time on my side this weekend and need to resort back to poipet so i have a question to ask which may help me come away this time feeling a bit better

the 1st time i got there i was totally unaware of the scams in place and so i payed my 1000 baht for the visa , plus and extra 200 baht for not having any photos ( this i didnt mind ) .. then at the crossing i fell into the trap of the guy who shows you where to go and help with everything , he showed me to the desk then left to meet me on the other side after id finished , i got through and was led into an office on the left just after the bridge and told to pay 500 baht to the militia to get it all done fast , i was told there was no other option but i had my doubts and no way to find out , then after paying the 500 and being led back out to cross back into thailand the guy who was helping me through the process cheekily asked for his tip .. so i asked how much do you get usually .. of course he replies 500 baht so i gave it to him and then kicked myself for it later .. so all in all the 1st trip cost me 2200 baht without travel expenses ..

the 2nd time .. again the visa was 1000 baht , i had my photos so minus the 200 baht extra .. i avoided the guy who shows you the route through ,so minus his tip of 500 or less , but again i got hit by the 500 baht militia fee after being led into the little office on the left after the bridge again .. still unhappy about this fee i decided to start going to laos ..

anyway .. sorry for rambling but this time i'd like to double check about the militia fee .. as when crossing the little bridge .. in the distance on the right i see another white building which looks like where id go to do the return process for visa entry but im not sure .. is that where id go to avoid the 500baht militia fee ??? or is there no way around it ??

i know 500 baht isnt much money .. but its the principle of the matter .. i dont like being taken for an idiot .. even if i am one..lol

much appreciated for any fast respones :)

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Poipet is a sewer and as a result will attract rats - Simply go to the border pick up a form, fill it out and get your Cambodian visa and back into Thailand. You do not have to pay for anything except the Visa - The Cambodian Border guards will try it on and ask for more just hand over the correct visa fee and if they initiate anything else pretend you don't understand - they will give it up. Do not pay for anyone to fill in the forms and treat any 'militia' types as if they are not there.

It is an intimidating place for the uninitiated but you only need to pay the Visa fee and nothing else.

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Poipet is a sewer and as a result will attract rats - Simply go to the border pick up a form, fill it out and get your Cambodian visa and back into Thailand. You do not have to pay for anything except the Visa - The Cambodian Border guards will try it on and ask for more just hand over the correct visa fee and if they initiate anything else pretend you don't understand - they will give it up. Do not pay for anyone to fill in the forms and treat any 'militia' types as if they are not there.

It is an intimidating place for the uninitiated but you only need to pay the Visa fee and nothing else.

Sorry forgot to add - the touts, rats etc will try and inject urgency and make you rush - DO NOT TAKE ANY NOTICE - do everything in your own time and take your time - keep your wallet firmly buttoned in your pocket - some of the kids have sticky fingers!

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thats exactly what i wanted to hear .. thanks very much for confirming this for me .. i feel like its gonna be third time lucky now and i can come out smiling ..lol

just one thing .. after i go accross the little bridge .. i guess i dont need to enter the little room on the left where all the seats are (where i usually sit and wait for them to come back with my passport) and instead i head straight up to the white building over the other side of the road in the distance ( my eyesights not great so thats all ive ever seen )to fill out the re-entry forms etc

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Basically - get stamped out of Thailand, get the Cambodian visa walk to the end, get stamped out of Cambodia and get checked back into Thailand on the opposite side of the road.

If you are in BKK taking one of the Visa specialist trips is good - Jack Golf have always been very reliable and you get two free meals without having to do anything

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okie dokie .. my gf will be coming with me again so she helps me get tere etc but for the last two times she waited in thailand while i went accross alone .. never seemed any point in her coming accross and back in for the sake of it .. maybe i'll drag her this time ..lol

thanks for your help , its really appreciated :)

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okie dokie .. my gf will be coming with me again so she helps me get tere etc but for the last two times she waited in thailand while i went accross alone .. never seemed any point in her coming accross and back in for the sake of it .. maybe i'll drag her this time ..lol

thanks for your help , its really appreciated :D

If your girl-friend wants to come along after Thai immigration she will require a Cambodian Visa, too, even if she is Thai national. She cannot check out of Thailand and come back without the Cambodian entry/exit stamps, as far as I know.

But Poipet is not that hard to master as it might seem at first. Just remember that calmness, confidence and knowledge is your friend :)

If you are willing to pay 1000 Baht for the Cambodian Visa (which actually already includes 200-300 THB tea-money) you will not have any problems there. 1000 THB is the commonly charged price and you'll have to 'fight' (and need US dollars) to get the official price of 20 USD. In your case I recommend to go with the 1000 THB to avoid stress. (Otherwise checkout the other threads on this topic, bring 20 USD and give 100 THB if they insist.)

You can get the visa with any of the agencies on the border area (where you can even wait in an air-conditioned room until they bring the passport back), but no chance to get it cheaper than 1000 THB there, or get it at the official Visa On Arrival booth which is located AFTER you checkout from Thai immigration just below the huge Angkor-styled stone arc. I recommend the latter though since viewer people are involved who want to get their share of the deal.

Unforunately there might be some construction work going on at the moment, at least it was when I was at the border about 2.5 months ago. The visa on arrival booth moved from its old place on the right road side (when coming from Thailand) to the center left. Not sure if the construction work has been finished.

This is an old picture from before they started building.


This is a photo from November 2009, the Visa On Arrival office moved to the centre of the road.


Here a quick guide how cross the border and come back

  1. get exit stamp at Thai immigration counter (check your departure card for completeness before)
  2. walk 100 meters to the big stone arc covering the street and get your temperature checked (if they still do that)
  3. find the Visa On Arrival booth if you don't have a Cambodian visa yet. It should have a sign 'Visa On Arrival' and a sign stating the 3 types of Visas and the prices (see pictures). Bring one photo, fill the smallish application form, takes 5-15 minutes, you'll have a 1-page sticker in your passport
  4. keep walking for another 200m (along the right road side), passing the casino hotels, until you arrive at a small building/gateway, fill the arrival card, get your Cambodian entry stamp.
  5. Welcome to Cambodia!

In front of you you will see a roundabout and touts will approach you to board the bus to the bus station or whatsoever. Say, no thank you, and just walk cross the street to the Cambodian Exit immigration counter where people will probably already line up.

  1. get exit stamp at Cambodian immigration counter
  2. walk 100m passing the Casino hotels to the big stone arc, cross the street, keep walking until you come to the the Thai health checkpoint and have your temperature checked there (if they still do that)
  3. keep walking and get to Thai immigration, where you get your entry stamp
  4. Welcome to Thailand

Good luck!!

Edited by thaiphoon
Adjusted line spacing - thaiphoon
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thanks very much indeed welo .. wow .. you really went out of your way to do that .. and just to let you know .. it wasnt wasted as i delayed going until tomorrow (sunday) so im gonna print off your post and keep it in my pocket incase i forget where to go ..lol

i will try getting the visa on arrival this time ( i hope im allowed with a uk passport ) , when i got off at the bus station before usually the tuk tuk takes us straight to a visa office with the aircon , im guessing thats the one you meant .. then they take you to the border

however .. depending on how much the heat is taking its toll on my gf's temper i might decide to fill out the visa in the aircon though ..lol.. but i am determined not to pay 500 baht to the militia for sitting in the office while they go and complete my visa check in etc

Thankyou both once again for the help .. and unless anyone has posted this information before and i missed it then maybe this will become a real help to others yet to make the journey

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My first time thru i got a tout to help me and got scammed pretty much the same way.

My second time thru I remembered pretty much what to do and where to go so i went thru the gauntlet and it wasnt too bad. Just

paid the extra 200bt scam at cam immigration. First time was 500 w tout.

Well as i entered the gauntlet the same tout showed up and remembered me (the farang kwai lol) and tried assisting me and i tried

being nice and said "i know what to do now, thank you i dont need help" OVER AND FN OVER AGAIN driving me nuts. The whole way

he kept on trying make up all these excuses why i needed him and this changed and that changed and if you dont let me help you will

have big problem!". I kept saying over and over "mai ow kup".

Well i got thru the gauntlet and come up to the final point where you pass the ?army? desk and now he is demanding money because he

helped me. I said no you didnt do nothing but try to f me up! He raised his voice right after the army desk and put his hand on my shoulder,

that was it, i slapped his hand off my shoulder and yelled "LEAVE ME THE F ALONE!" the whole crowd went silent, army guy walks over

quickly and says something in Thai to tout, the tout tries to plead his case, i just turned and kept on walking over to where my wife was

in the market waiting for me.

Real scum bags

Been crossing in Baen Laem sp? after and its not bad at all

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Seems I was wrong about the visa requirement. Thai nationals can visit the casino area without requiring a Cambodian visa. Checkout this thread.

But I guess my post came too late anyway.


He paid them 1.500 THB don't forget. Right now, Thai citizens still have to apply for a visa before travelling to Burma and Cambodia, although the two nations are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) which has agreed visa applications are not needed within member states

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Bellste, I was referring to this post:

The general rule is that Thai Nationals need to show and stamp their Passport when they leave Thailand, but they do not need the Cambodian Visa if they just stay in the "Casino area".

I know that Thai nationals need a Visa to travel to Cambodia (just like you say), and that it is usually not easily possible to enter the no-man land between borders (in general, not just in Poipet) and return without entry/exit stamps from the other country.

What I don't know is if there is any inofficial (or half-official) rule for Thai nationals who visit the Casino. I guess there are ways...


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Bellste, I was referring to this post:
The general rule is that Thai Nationals need to show and stamp their Passport when they leave Thailand, but they do not need the Cambodian Visa if they just stay in the "Casino area".

I know that Thai nationals need a Visa to travel to Cambodia (just like you say), and that it is usually not easily possible to enter the no-man land between borders (in general, not just in Poipet) and return without entry/exit stamps from the other country.

What I don't know is if there is any inofficial (or half-official) rule for Thai nationals who visit the Casino. I guess there are ways...


I agree with what visarunner says for the Aran/Poipet border crossing. Thais need passport to exit Thailand (and will be stamped out) but can stay in the border [casino] area between Thai and Cambodian immigration checkpoints without needing a cambodian visa. On re-entry they will be stamped back into the country at Thai immigration.

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A short word on visa agent services at Aranya Prathet/Poipet border.

  • The Cambodian Visa is offered for 1000 THB up (including the 20 USD=700THB** visa fee).
    What you'll get: you wait in the air-conditioned agency office while a tout will take your passport, fill out the application form and run to get a 30-day Tourist Visa for you. After that you can take your passport and proceed through normal border formalities, that is walk (by feet) through Thai immigration and enter Cambodia / no-man's land.
  • Cambodian Entry and Exit Stamps for 300-500 THB
    What you'll get: after you left Thailand (obtained the exit stamp from Thai immigration) and walked about 100 meters to the big stone arc (crossed the actual border line) you can wait while a tout runs another 150-200 meters to obtain the entry and exit stamps from Cambodian immigration.

**a word on the visa fee: The official visa fee is 20 USD, which is about 700 THB, however, immigration officers will ask 1000 THB from you anyway, even if you apply for the visa at the official Visa On Arrival booth/office (AFTER Thai immigration next to the big stone arc). It depends on your perseverance and the officer on duty what deal you'll get - it IS possible to get the visa for 20 USD without prolonged waiting time.

I personally would not consider those services 'scams'. Applying for a visa on your behalf is a perfectly legit business (even if the visa office is just a view 100 meters away :)). Walking a view 100 meters to the checkpoints to get two stamps might not be completely legal (since I assume you should be there in person), but it is a service that you might or might not use.

What makes it of course often a scam is that those touts want to make you believe that it is the only option to use their services. For instance it is NOT illegal to enter Cambodia (obtain the entry stamp) and exit the very same minute, as visa runners do. I personally have never been asked to pay for this supposed 'privilege', but I heard that others have been asked to do so. If you just decline and insist on your rights (usually in calm way works better), you will get your right, even in Poipet.

What IMHO IS a scam is the immigration officers asking for tea money even if you apply at the official Visa On Arrival office and have 20 USD at hands. The situation is similiar to that of underpaid cops upping their salery as you can find all around SEAsia (no excuse here from my side, just an explanation).

I personally never use agent services since I don't mind walking a view 100 meters and queuing for a couple of minutes, even if it is hot. But I know friends who know all of that and still prefer to pay extra for more convenience.


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well im back .. in one piece and my wallet feels not great but a lot better than the last two times i went there

i got a minivan from bangkok straight to the border this time .. (so no visit to the aircon visa office you usually visit when taken by tuk tuk from the bus station - scam 1 avoided) .. walking up to the entrance to the thai departure i was followed by the umbrella pests (i learned a little trick from the 1st time i went ..that has worked everytime since - while they are walking along next to you keep looking forward but keep them in the corner of your eye so you can see their face ..when you notice them turn their head to look where they are going ..STOP dead in your tracks and change direction ..behind and around the other side of them is usually a good way to continue walking as when they turn back .. your gone and then they have to do a complete 180 to find you .. by which time you can be far enough away that they usually think oh bugger and dont follow you anymore..lol.. i do feel sorry for the kids but if you give to one they all usually want something s best to avoid them..also no time to waste handing money out as i had an hour to get through the border ordeal and back to the last minivan before it left and made my journey home a pain)..anyway bit further towards the doors a tout tried to offer his assistance but i looked the other way and avoided him without much fuss (scam 2 avoided?)

inside .. i waited while th gf filled out her little departure card and we both joined the queue , no problems , exit the back doors then right between the concrete pillars is the next tout waiting with his dusty looking unwashed clothes and baseball cap and his best crocodile smile '

this way this way ' he says .. so i remembered the advice '' just ignore everyone'' i said to myself .. around the corner i nearly went up the wrong lane to the quarantine office lol.. but the tout shouted no no this way .. ok .. so i had to listen this time .. dammit ..

straight ahead still on the left is the visa on arrival office , surrounded by backpackers i went ahead and grabbed a form to fill out , then an official approached me i asked if its the correct form for tourist visa , he just said 1000 baht and 1 photo , i handed the two over and he took the blank form and dissapeared into the office came back and showed me to a seat .. so far so good i thought ..

while sitting there some american girls were trying to get the same thing but they all seemed to be under the impression it was free to enter cambodia and were trying to argue with the officials ...lol.. if i knew more about the situation id like to have helped by telling them its 700 baht but you pay a little tea money .. but im not 100% sure that applies to everyone ... is it free for some people ?? .. apart from cambodians..lol ..

anyway .. the same tout with the baseball cap on appears again with the little form to fill out for entry to cambodia, i hate filling forms out .. they always confuse the hel_l out of me..lol ..so admittedly his help was used for that though not needed .. id have asked someone else or figured it out eventually ..passport brought back by official .. all done .. time for the walk under the big concrete bridge .. noticed on the right side they are still constructing a new building where the old visa on arrival office used to be ... carried on all the way up the street ( meanwhile the tout is walking about 15 steps ahead of us .. we were purposely walking slow enough to avoid him and let it seem we were finding our own way while looking around ..lol)

my gf waited at this point while i entered the arrival office on the right-hand side of the road , small queue in here , hot as hel_l even with a huge fan on full blast , no problems otherwise so got stamped walked out , avoided the touts and crossed the street to the departures office , there was a queue here on the outside but as i approached the tout was waiting there and just shouted to me '' ugh ugh '' or something like that and pointed to inside ..lol he did come in handy a little bit .. went inside .. got stamped back in and walked back past the queue to find my gf

then it was just a long walk all the way back down to the arrivals office behind the persistent tout .. who had offered his free help as it hadnt been asked for ..lol

as we walked along behind .. i got my wallet out and removed 20 baht and kept it in my hand cos i knew he was gonna ask for a tip ..

outside the doors now he turns and says .. here we are ,, how about a tip for me mr and pats me on the back being my best friend now .. so i hand him the 20 baht (cos he did help a little bit ..lol) and carry on walking away as he mumbles something ..lol.. my gf looks at me and says .. i think he just yak yak you in cambodian .. he said something about 20baht we both laughed..lol

filled out another departure card inside , as i approached the desks, number 4 was a friendly looking thai guy who kind of hurried me there as all the other queues were full , 1st time any of them have ever really spoken to me , he asked me nicely to stand back a bit for the camera as im too tall , lol.. then asked me rhetorically if i want 3 months , i always double check they've stamped the right date , but it was reassuring to be asked

outside i was so overwhelmed at how pleasantly it had all gone this time that i was completly oblvious to being shouted at ..lol.. my gf was just ignoring being shouted at on the other hand .. when we both realised .. it was the officials at the security check lol.. so we had to do a 180 and go back round the metal fence towards the male and female desks .. ive no idea why .. they didnt even check anything .. we just walked straight through.. crazy ..lol

i cant wait until next time now .. infact i may even take my camera and make a complete step by step guide with all the dangers, signs and scams on it .. i think far too many people are unaware of what they are getting themselves into when they just arrive at this border point

Until next time .. thanks for all the help :) you really made a difference .. i just wish you were all working at the borders instead of the scum thats there

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  • 5 months later...

Thanks welo for the photos and great description.

I went yesterday for the 3rd time to Poipet for a visa run...

Each time i have gone by car and done it myself.

1st time....parked near the border got the touts surrounding my car...got dragged over to their table and parted with 2,200 baht but had no hassles as they did everything except queue up to get through Thai immigration...

I was over charged but its also and over whelming border...total chaos....

so 1st time..happy in the knowledge was scammed but everything done and sorted..

2nd...arrived late and got worried about border closing...paid same touts but bargained with them and gave less money to the two boys who walk you through...only 300 baht between them...

3rd time..yesterday... i parked in the big market car park where there are no touts and walked onto the bridge from the left hand side...this missed the main entrance and all the touts... i attracted a couple of touts near the entrance of the Thai immigration (i think a farang who is not walking with a Cambodian is always targeted) i just brushed them off and carried onto Thai immigration.

Then walked to find the visa on arriva for Cambodia...there were a few back packers filling in forms in a little office so i walked around them and found another office behind with 3 Cambodian officials...asked them for a visa...filled it in...gave them 1000baht...i cannot see the point of trying to argue the $20 dollar is cheaper versus the 1000 baht issue....its a horrible smelly place to sit / stand around in.

They asked me if i wanted them to sort out the Cambodian stamps..i said yes and they asked for 300 baht i gave them this and they asked for a 100 baht tip...i laughed/smiled and said the tip was in the 300 baht and 1000 baht visa money...they just smiled back..

There is a little shop selling drinks opposite..so i sat there while they sent my passport to be stamped in/out of Cambodia... (this i learnt on my 2nd trip is a failing alot of people do...there were some backpackers who had queued with me to get back into Thailand for an hour and when they got to the counter they had not got the exit stamp from Cambodia...so off they trod again for another couple of hours)

Once passport back...walked back through to Thai immigration..job done...

this time total payment 1300 baht reduced from 2,200 first time,..

to be honest with driving, fuel bills etc jack golf for 2000 baht seems a steal of a bargain...

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It's better to get your Cambodian visa online in advance. You only pay $20 and you only get 2 small cambodian stamps (entry & exit) in your passport rather than using a full page.

Google "Cambodian evisa" for details


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It's better to get your Cambodian visa online in advance. You only pay $20 and you only get 2 small cambodian stamps (entry & exit) in your passport rather than using a full page.

Google "Cambodian evisa" for details


I agree. Much more convenient and once over the Thai border, you can ignore all the dirty scammers and crooks and check into the Cambodia immigration post on the right past the Grand Diamond Casino. The full price for e-visa is $25 but that is less than 1000 baht or $20+ 100 baht tea money + hassle of arguing with the Cambodian guards.

Get it here:


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