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The "come To The Party" Scam.


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I hope all her sons grow up to be kathoeys and die in ferris wheel rollovers leaving her to beg for rice at Chatchuchack on weekends in her old age when she's not so pretty!

What a horrible horrible thing to say. Wishing death upon someones unborn children....I hope you wake up tomorrow and discover what an idiotic thing you said!

"Coronadian" Chill!!!

He can't be that bad a bloke, he gave her 500, when he's not got much himself, and he's not exspecting it back.

It was an a attempted at humor (Ferris wheel bit left me with a few funny images) fell short a bit…. So what?

I’m sure you can do better with your moral indignation.

You know! I don’t think he actually meant her any harm…….Do you?


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Even though we don't discuss BG's on this forum ... a BG's job is to separate a customer from his money in as painless a way as possible. The party seems pretty painless :D

Real parties amongst friends in Thailand are common/frequent but it kinda requires a real friendship to be in place from the beginning :D

That's where I went wrong. Too much imagination and too much bia Singha last night, and I guess I know better now. It was fairly painless after all, although I still regret the potential loss of a friend. Things could have been worse. Sorry to be so downhearted about it all. I hope it's at least been mildly entertaining.

loss of a friend?

you were buying lady drinks all along.......................... :):D . the entertaining part is you still cant seem to see what happens here!

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Par for the course here. Farang is generally expected to pay. This is not only a tactic of bargirls. I have seen this pulled on many occasions by so-called regular people. Not all like this, but I would say maybe 60-70%.

I have seem Thai men hanging out with his girlfriend and several other female friends but not expected to pay for the whole bill. Thai did American share among themselves, if there is a farang guy involved he would be expected for the bill.

I hang out mostly with Thais, and to be quite blunt, I pay maybe 10% of the time, and then only when I really insist and argue.

I try to even things out a bit by not accepting money for Emergen-C, perfume, artichoke hearts, or whatever that I am asked to bring back from the US, or by insisting that it is time for me to cook dinner at my place instead of going to a nice restaurant (and then they bring a nice bottle of wine which costs far more than what I paid for the food). But if you totaled up what they pay and what I pay, well, it isn't even close.

So for all the posts I keep reading in TV which state as a fact that the foreigner always pays, well, that is just not true.

are you buying ladydrinks for these thais that dont expect you to pay.

bonobo, bargirls are real ! they are not a figmund of ones imagination!

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I hope all her sons grow up to be kathoeys and die in ferris wheel rollovers leaving her to beg for rice at Chatchuchack on weekends in her old age when she's not so pretty!

What a horrible horrible thing to say. Wishing death upon someones unborn children....I hope you wake up tomorrow and discover what an idiotic thing you said!

"Coronadian" Chill!!!

He can't be that bad a bloke, he gave her 500, when he's not got much himself, and he's not exspecting it back.

It was an a attempted at humor (Ferris wheel bit left me with a few funny images) fell short a bit…. So what?

I'm sure you can do better with your moral indignation.

You know! I don't think he actually meant her any harm…….Do you?


No, I don't think he meant it, thats why I said I hope he wakes up tomorrow and realises this, which apparently he did. Still, its a horrible thing to say even if you don't mean it, wouldn't you agree?

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I hope all her sons grow up to be kathoeys and die in ferris wheel rollovers leaving her to beg for rice at Chatchuchack on weekends in her old age when she's not so pretty!

What a horrible horrible thing to say. Wishing death upon someones unborn children....I hope you wake up tomorrow and discover what an idiotic thing you said!

Oh shutup you muppet! it's just words, and funny ones at that. Why so serious :)

For the record, one of her children is in fact a son, too young to bother with being a kathoey yet, but too old to be classified as unborn.

She gave me the cold shoulder tonight at the Pub, but at least it's all smooth and everyone civilised and I can be fairly sure she won't be inviting moi to anymore parties in future, but that's probably fair enough. I just hope it's not YOU she invites to the next one. :D

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I hope all her sons grow up to be kathoeys and die in ferris wheel rollovers leaving her to beg for rice at Chatchuchack on weekends in her old age when she's not so pretty!

What a horrible horrible thing to say. Wishing death upon someones unborn children....I hope you wake up tomorrow and discover what an idiotic thing you said!

Oh shutup you muppet! it's just words, and funny ones at that. Why so serious :)

I believe the muppet has a live one as well, make that used to have, I think he lost out in a bidding war for the young maiden, may still be a bit touchy.

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I hope all her sons grow up to be kathoeys and die in ferris wheel rollovers leaving her to beg for rice at Chatchuchack on weekends in her old age when she's not so pretty!

What a horrible horrible thing to say. Wishing death upon someones unborn children....I hope you wake up tomorrow and discover what an idiotic thing you said!

"Coronadian" Chill!!!

He can't be that bad a bloke, he gave her 500, when he's not got much himself, and he's not exspecting it back.

It was an a attempted at humor (Ferris wheel bit left me with a few funny images) fell short a bit…. So what?

I'm sure you can do better with your moral indignation.

You know! I don't think he actually meant her any harm…….Do you?


No, I don't think he meant it, thats why I said I hope he wakes up tomorrow and realises this, which apparently he did. Still, its a horrible thing to say even if you don't mean it, wouldn't you agree?

Yer, in the cold light of day, you have a point. Fair enough

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I had a girlfriend who was a dancer. Whenever we went to a Thai club after work we would be joined by the stage dancers and singers and sometimes a celebrity who was doing a one night appearance. Of course at the end of the night I always got the bill. It wasn't that bad usually a quart of Thai whiskey and a lot of ice charges and a couple of quarts of beer for me.

One evening that happened to be my birthday the MC got drunk on my booze and confided to me that the lead dancer and singer was my girlfriends paid boyfriend. Which upset me a bit although she was paying him out of her own money. She did quite well dancing. She'd net two or three thousand baht a night in stage tips alone.

After we got home that night I told her I was through going to that club and I was also through giving her any money. If she could pay for a boyfriend she could pay for me.

She told me that Thai ladies did not pay Farang boyfriends and looked at me like I was crazy. I countered that two other girls at her club had Falang boyfriends so why not me. She said I was crazy and those Farang were young good looking guys not an old fart like me. I told her I didn't care it was my way or the highway.

She thought about it for a day and came home with a new shirt for me. It was a little tight because she had bought it for her Thai boyfriend but I wore it proudly.

This arrangement actually lasted a few months. we avoided the club where her Thai BF worked.

She paid for our food and drinks when we went out and bought me a gold bracelet and chain.

One night she returned from work a little bit drunk and begged to go to the club because her favorite big name Thai singer was there for only one night. I reminded her she was paying and she agreed.

I knew it was a bad idea only a few minutes after we got to the club. She began to look at her old BF with those big puppy eyes. He came over to the table and I shooed him away but he kept coming back. He poured himself a drink.

So I went on stage and grabbed a house singer not a stunner but attractive and started pumping her full of booze. In about a half an hour she was on my lap singing to me. And my GF was on the lap of her boyfriend. The rest of the club staff was watching intently. No one was paying attention to the stage all eyes were on us. My GF had quite a temper and that was well known.

Finally she started looking more at me and the lady singer than her BF. First thing that seemed a little unusual was the large bottle of Heinekens go flying past my ear. Then a glass full of ice and whiskey hit my singer square in the forehead. I figured something was wrong. I took off on a run and threw a thousand baht note to the manager on my way out amidst a hail of glasses. I didn't stop running for a couple of blocks which put me almost home. I grabbed an extra pair of clothes and left running again and checked into a close by hotel.

She found me the next day as I was trying to move my TV to the hotel quietly. But that's another story.

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Though the forum has relaxed some of its restrictions on the discussion of prostitution (as a topic for discussion regarding Thai society), this was not meant to encourage people to post their personal experiences with what is, after all, still nearly completely illegal, at least technically. Thread closed, and let this serve as a warning of warnings ahead for posters who wish to push the envelope of bargirlological discussion.

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