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is it common here that a filtration system is setup with an overflow running into the drain and the pool has to keep filling itself up with new fresh water?

I thought pools are being set up with an internal closed filtration system which makes the overflow go into the filter system to be led back into the pool? Just to top of the pool with regular evaporation loss of water?

Or am I wrong?

If this is common what is the cost of water then monthly? as you keep filling up your pool constantly?


Assume this is a swimming pool. Moving to the swimming pool forum :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


You may have a ru off vale to the drain to either empty the water to do maintenence etc but the system should be in a loop. It should go through a filter of some sort then either into an overflow or simply back into the pool. Is the filter actually in the pool ? Or is the water taken from the pool to the filter elsewhere ? You should be able to set the valves to return the filtered water back to the pool.

Pools are a lot of work. When I moved into the place I am in now I thought the pool would take no time. WRONG!!!!!! You need to keep the ph and chlorine balance right, you need to vacum and clean the thing most days and after a storm I always have half the jungle in the pool the next day. The trouble I have is with sand. The infinity overflow is forever filling with sand so it eventually ends up in the main pool. It really needs a sand filter and pump putting in but you are talking around 50-60,000 baht. I do enjoy cleaning the pool though. I either pipe the news through the terrace speakers or MTV and have a bop around the pool :)


I have a skimmer pool (not overflow). But i still have a small overflow drain that takes water out of the system when the water level is above a certain level. I also have an automatic inlet that puts water from outside the system into the pool when the water level goes below a certain level. These things are there to reduce your work, and to make sure the water level of the pool is correct. These things have little to do with filtering and cleaning.

if you learn how to clean it and get a good pool, its not a lot of maintenance, IMO. of course if you get a problem like algae, you must work hard for some time. but these problems are avoidable. I went from complete novice to being able to manage an swg pool in a few months, by the way of reading this forum and forums like troublefreepool.com.


my overflow drain does not have a valve. its not intended to put the water back into the system, only get it out of the system when there is too much water (rain etc). But it sounds like you have a different system. I am not sure i understand it. I hope someone with more experience here can help you.


it looks like the system just keeps filling itself up continously with the overflow just draining out?

The pump has several stands

1 Filtering (which it stands now)

2 close

3 circulation (which i think it should be on???)

4 empty

or am i wrong here?


Are you talking about constant flow pools where instead of sanitizing water, they replace the water at a set rate?

If so, you need to change it.

if i were u i would take pics of everything and put on here. that way its easier to give advice.

these are pictures on how it is set up

I am of the impression it should be set to circulation and the main drain valve should be closed no??





During normal operation the valve on the filter should be set to "Filter" When set to "Circulate" it will circulate water without it passing through the filter.

There should be two pipes returning from your pool, one from the skimmers(s), and one from the lower drain. If it's an outdoor pool, have the one from the skimmers open fully, and the one from the bottom open about 60%. Reverse this for an indoor pool.

The pipe returning to the pool should always be open fully.

If you have a pipe from the filter that drains to the sewer, it should have an anti-backflow valve, but does not need a shut off.


i guess it would be useful when the water is clean, but you want to mix in some acid for example. there are probably other uses too, but thats one that i can think of.

so what is the circulation function for?

The only time I use it is on pools that are not in active use, such as during winter or when the client is away for extended periods and need the circulation to keep the water from stagnating. It eliminates the chance of the filter becoming plugged while unattended.

  • 2 weeks later...

hi i've been in thailand fitting swimming pool systems for 2 yrs now and there are 2 basic types, skimmer boxes and infinity(overflow edge) pools. If you have an overflow edge and not skimmer boxes you should also have a surge or balncing tank where the water from the overflow edge goes back to the tank to be drawn by the pump and then filtered and pumped back into the pool. I would need more info and poss. pictures to give you a more detailed report on this matter. Thanks

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