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Kanchanburi Courtwatch

Will Pol Sgt Somchai be found...  

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Guilty and should be runover and then shot


Like it! Although I do like the sound of 'hung, drawn, and quartered' better, particularly if they use four lazy donkeys that take several attempts to divide him :o

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not guilty your honour, wasnt even there, err errr it was him yes that man you cant see, my invisible informer that no one knows. And drinks my place after its all over cousin? err i mean your honour.

Edited by Boatabike
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When all is said and done, I'll think he'll still receive a guilty of murder decision, but perhaps won't receive the death penalty.

Too much has been made of this case for him to get off.

You are obviously a nice man and a hopeless romantic.

Guilty.  2 years suspended sentence.   


Yeah, and they'll justify it by stating he has a family, children, or a sick buffalo to support somewhere.

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A tricky one... The amount of global press coverage this case has received should dictate that the guy gets put away, or more likely the death penalty... It will likely be a case of suspended sentence until the publicity dies down, than a transferral to another post somewhere.

The Thai´s are masters at finding solutions where by everyone saves some face...

The plot thickens...

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A Thai policeman has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering two British tourists in September last year.

Somchai Visetsing shot Vanessa Arscott, 24, and her boyfriend Adam Lloyd, 25 after a row outside a restaurant in western Thailand.

Mr Lloyd was shot in the stomach, head and arm before Somchai turned on his girlfriend.

She was hit with a car and dragged her 200 metres down the road before being shot in the body and head.

Visetsing, 39, spent a month on the run in the neighbouring country of Burma before surrendering to Thai police.

He denied two counts of murder and illegal possession of weapons.

Vanessa Arscott and Adam Lloyd

Eileen Arscott, grandmother of the dead woman, described Somchai as a "psychopath".

She said: "This last month, coming up to this date, it has got worse each day - your stomach churns.

"You're thinking of these two lovely children all the time, and what that wicked man did, and you are not really in control of yourself."

Mr Lloyd and Miss Arscott, both from Devon, had been travelling together for two months and were due to return to Britain three days after the tragedy.


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