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Someone sent me a PM wanting to know if there was a left luggage booth at CR airport. Personally I don't know. Never had occassion to ask. Just found it strange that he would PM me instead of asking on the forum to a wider audience.

Anyway for his benefit, if any of you folks know wether there is or isn't, please could you post it here.


Chang35baht. :)


Every morning my in-box is full of mail from people I do not know asking and trying to sell everything you can think of. No big deal. Just delete it

Every morning my in-box is full of mail from people I do not know asking and trying to sell everything you can think of. No big deal. Just delete it

Full ??

totster :)


I suspect it is a guy who's been PM-ing me on occasions with questions including that one Chang35baht.

I've been answering to the best of my ability but suggested he put that query on the forum.

I think he's Italian, a notoriously shy and reclusive race.


The simple answer is there is a lost and found at every airport on the planet. All you have to do is ask at one of the many information booths setup for such things.

And I feel abused no one sends me any unwanted PM's


I personaly never indicated that it was a problem. On the contrary i tried to entice others to provide the answer to his query. I didn`t read any other post on this topic that indicated anbody had a problem receiving PM`s from this member

Nevertheless, thanks for your really helpful and waste of time post. Please feel free to return to the CR forum at anytime with more of your really helpful and waste of time posts. It will really help to raise your post count. If nothing else.

C35B :)

Left luggage?

What about the right luggage booth? Anyone know where that is situated?

It depends on which door you choose to enter the airport but even more on what you do next.

I mean, what your next move will be, that's the important, yes even decisive moment.

It is namely relative; right could be on your left and, the attentive readers probably guessed it already:

left could be on your right.

I think viacc might get confused by it, so it might be better to talk in terms of port and starboard.

And please chiang35baht, a little bit more sensitive please!

It was sceadugenga (would a rose have another smell if it had another name?) that suggested

that the poster might be a fan of AC Milano, drive around on a Vespa or Lambretta, even might be

a descendant of one of the greatest painters that ever lived (an how!) Caravaggio and that Claudia

Cardinale could have been the sister of the neighbour of his aunt!

No wonder that a gentleman, adorned with the nick Glegolo (also his name calls for associations with

la bella Italia), gladdens us with his poetry.

Thanks Glegolo, like chiang35baht I really hope that you will give us more often the opportunity to

enjoy your literary unburdenings.

But, my dear viacc, "The Left Luggage counter is situated on the 1st floor near the airport information counter",

the website of Chiang Rai airport tells us. On this website also the telephone numbers are mentioned by which

you can contact the information desk, manned with beautiful young ladies, that very well know the difference

between 'good morning' and 'good evening' (mostly Rajabhat alumna).

Maybe it is not such a good idea to send this kind of questions to selected group of individual members of this

honorable forum. If you post your questions directly here, you reach all members,

and you would thereby drill a gigantic source of potential information.

It's a pity that Glegolo couldn't help you and therefore limited himself to ... (OK, you can fill in that yourself, don't

PM me about it).

Limbo :)

PS Glegolo, thanks again, people like you really make this forum! Please stay with us!


Enough of the jokes already.

If there is a problem it's that the PMer could receive better information if he placed his queries on the open forum rather than sending private messages to the admittedly brilliant sceadugenga, C35B and Limbo.

Flattering as it is when people assume we know everything, there occasionally does arise the rare instance when we are baffled. (This usually involves personal questions from the ladies in our lives).

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