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Ideas For Farang Businesses In Chiang Mai


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Ooh Sao! Hum hum! I'd totally go for a baked potato shop...you could even do it from a stand! I offerred up what I thought was a really good idea a while ago - since I don't have anything like the funds necessary for it...a school to teach newbies how to drive a motorcycle? I still think it's a brilliant idea. If I do say so myself.

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This idea you would need to work something out with the boys in brown, a commission of sales.

They set up their stops for those that are not wearing helmets, the violators pay a fine and continue on their way, again, breaking the law.

Instead of fining them, the BIB should offer them a choice, either buy a helmet, or pay a fine that is twice the price of a helmet. Here is where you come in, as you set up a stand selling helmets right there, on site. I really think this would work to make people where helmets more, as once they already have it, they are more inclined to wear it. The cops will still make profit as they get a cut of all sales. Everyone wins.

The police did the very same thing a few years back in chiang mai, they set up a checkpoint on the bridge and had a truck filled with helmets after about 4 hours there were no helmets left. They must have made good money that day. Can't see the bib giving any money over to keen entrepeneurs though.

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Holiday Inn UK Experiments with Human Bed Warmers

Sawadee Khrup, TV Friends,

Please note this post is in no way intended to have a sub-text related to any form of sexual services !

Getting in bed in a nice pre-warmed bed, after your nighty-night prayers, confessions of your sins (assuming that doesn't take all night), meditations, or flagellations, or after bandaging the wounds you received during your night-life foray (assuming you are not hospitalized), is not meant to imply getting in bed with someone else.

Given Chiang Mai's large talent pool of people working night-jobs like tending garufa-rufa fish skin-nibbling tanks, giving foot-massage at chairs on the street, at low wages, we don't doubt that many of these people might be willing to put in a half-hour or so to warm-up the beds in the highly air-conned premium hotels here for a reasonably low stipend.

The guest at the hotel could select their choice of bed-warmer, their sex, age, occupation, etc., from a catalogue, or computer database. Could select whether the bed-warmer was washed, or un-washed, prior to bed-warming.

To make sure that certain lower aspects of human nature did not come into play however, pictures of the bed-warmers would never be shown.

Imagine getting in your bed at that Shungry-Lala premium suite to find that not only is it warm; it has a unique scent : a top-note of a rice field just sprouting with emerald seedlings with undertones of khwai dung !

Or, bed-warmers could be "annointed" with floral essences of your choice, or drenched in alcholoic spirits whose unique smell you are so familiar with back home ?

Of course there are many technical details to be worked out : what if a guest really wants a durian smelling warmed-up bed : given the astounding long-stay power of durian vapour, this is a challenge.

Let us state here and now clearly : we are totally opposed to the use of young men and women under the age of eighteen to provide this service : and totally opposed to any attempt to use "virgins" of either sex

And we are also completely opposed to any bed-warming practices that may cater to the unlimited range of human fetishes, that involve bodily fluids, the use of microwaved plastic sex-dolls, mechanical stimulation devices, and all other such, including nails, knives, guns, grunge-rock t-shirts, thorns, whips, rubber shoes, etc.

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Possibly the market for protective body-armour, might be about to 'take off', top quality & high-priced natch.

Send $500 for a free-sample, to my usual address/bank-account, in Nigeria. :D

Money-back guarantee if customers are fatally shot, while wearing the product, would also be included. :)

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You can make money out of anything and with everything, if you just put enough effort into it. Even the craziest idea like the ones mentioned will work, if you work your *** off and stick with this business for years. Now, that is not what you wanted to hear, right? Well, you want something effortless? - Wrong country! In a country where people will work 12 hours for a few hundred Bahts, there is no way to make more except by working more.

I would go to a country where your business will have more outcome and visit Thailand on holiday. Generally saying, there are good reasons why the Thai government wants to have its own people working and not Farangs. Never good to try to run a business against the expressed wish of a government. I am sorry I cannot be anymore positive.

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Sawasdee Khrup, CM TV Friends,

We think the busineess idea here : in this story :

"Need to get over your ex? Call Death Bear He’ll take away the old photos, letters and socks your lover left behind" : Death Bear Service :

Might have great potential for an enterprising farang in Chiang Mai !

Farang heartbreak, we are sure you will admit, is as common here as kao pad gai, and surely no one will deny the value of rituals in helping people with grief, the aftermath of betrayal, and "clearing the decks" to move ahead again in life to embrace new relationships or opportunities.

Of course you would need to perform your "due diligence" : make sure the idea was adapted to local

conditions : you know, like : what if the Thais had a certain "negative thing" about bears, culturally speaking : what if there were some local legend about some evil thing changing from human form into bear form ?

You wouldn't want one of your bear-agents to get cut-up or shot while they changed into their "bear outfit" in the hallway of some condo, just before knocking on some farang's door, just because some Thai happened along, and decided your agent was some very bad thing in progress !

And, of course, this idea has very pro-active social value : even if you were not quite profitable, the idea you might have prevented one "balcony jumper" from their final dive could be redeeming ?

Of course we don't mean to imply this idea couldn't serve Thais as well as farangs !

best, ~o:37;

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what about a hug shop? You pay depending on duration and strength of hug, etc. Novelty hugs such as big teddy bear hugs could be on a specialty menu. Nearly everyone likes to have a hug....

Why not go a step further and include snogging for an addition fee. Then it could go ever further and include** Ahh no, better not, don`t want to wind up the mods.

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1. A Motorbike Taxi Service.

2. A decently equipped Internet Shop.The ones available here are so dull, dreary and uninviting. In Pattaya, they have really new, airy, thoughtfully and colourfully decorated , well equipped, comfortable and pleasant environments to spend time in, rather than the purely functional dark brown, dated dens available here.

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1. A Motorbike Taxi Service.

2. A decently equipped Internet Shop.The ones available here are so dull, dreary and uninviting. In Pattaya, they have really new, airy, thoughtfully and colourfully decorated , well equipped, comfortable and pleasant environments to spend time in, rather than the purely functional dark brown, dated dens available here.

Uhh you mean like O2 Net or Ozone whatever it is called?

There was also a high end shop that only lasted two months next to Warm Up.

I am sure we all have tons of ideas, but if we are seriously considering them, why share the idea. We already know once we show signs of profit the Thais will have 50 knock offs, and most likely within 10m of our own business. Not a good idea to give anyone a head start haha.

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We already know once we show signs of profit the Thais will have 50 knock offs, and most likely within 10m of our own business.

Not to mention other farangs. :)

Who then try to find ways to put you out of business and then claim to be the best/original.

I would like to point out that I was referring to the type of BS U.G went through and my post wasn't indicating any ill will on his part.

Sometimes emotion, sarcasam, and intent is hard to convey on the internet. :D

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Not for profit farang import club... or a cheese factory... cheese cheese cheese. We need more Greeks, French, and Italians in this town, and less yanks, its embarrasing that the only food Thai's can name as 'farang food' is "hambugga".

We need more cows.


A Thai cheese education/propaganda center!

or a Bingo hall come to think of it.

Sod it.. a casino - the hot Chinese money would flood here! - it could even serve cheese.

Edited by whiterussian
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Another thing i really would like to see is a farang second hand charity shop... selling:

farang sized stuff: proper motorbike gear - helmets, gloves, big jackets etc.., books, dvd's.

I suppose the classifieds are a good idea, but loads of hassle, and knowing many Thai wives, they dont want to lose a satang by 'giving away' anything! - not when 50thb could be made!

Given the demographics of Chiang Mai (are there real statistics out there?) seems so possible to run a decent charity shop here, what with this region about to become flooded with baby boomer escapees/refugees... Although i dont suspect running anything 'charitable' would appeal to many. Maybe a local wat could sort it out, or a dog charity, etc...

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