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Chiang Mai Offline?


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My Maxnet has been down for the past hour. Called the support number, who say that the whole Changwat is down and they are working urgently to fix the problem. I couldn't establish whether this was just Maxnet or all ISPs in the province. Using AIS and the moblie phone to post this. Anyone else having difficulties?

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Thanks, KhunDave, for posting that ... I was wondering, too.

I also have two connections:

Right now, Maxnet is down, but AIS 3-G is working fine.

And that's why I have two connections.

In Thailand, good to have a backup plan for everything important, especially for Internet.

-- Oneman


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dam_n, it has been down a while. Sent using my oh so slow AIS EDGE connection.

Triple T Maxnet server in CM is down. However, despite that, I can actually connect to it, and surf at a rate of 1 page per hour. Thats about 50% slower than normal lol!

Contacted the good old 1103 (which has been on speed dial for 6 months now). Dont you just love it when you press 9 for english, and the computer bitch continues gibbering nonsense in thai for another 20 minutes, while awaiting the attention of a sub-standard english speaking customer service rep (who must have been sick on both the day of the customer service and english language course!) I was told that the server has been down since 2pm today, and would be online by 8pm tonight. I softly voiced my opinion (gave up shouting 3 months ago!) about the poor internet connection and service provided by maxnet (server offline at least once per month, cable cut once every 2 months and internet unuseable on a daily basis from 5.30pm-10pm). Having been a customer for 3 years, I can only notice that the speed has progressively got slower every time they tell me that they are increasing the broadband speed free of charge! I dread the next time they make this statement! In fact the past 6 months, they really have become intollerable. I asked to speak to some level of management to voice my concerns as a customer, and the call was prompty cut off! Makes me wonder if the management there are actually aware of how dissatisfied most of us are. Does anyone have contact details for a manager in the complaints department there (perhaps send them a link to thai visa!)? Has anyone else had similar experiences and found any solutions? I am not convinced that changing provider is the solution.....devil you know and all that! But perhaps the time has come...

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In Thailand, good to have a backup plan for everything important, especially for Internet.

Simple yet very good advice Oneman.

It's also worth turning on your Wireless connection if you have one. I have seen networks pop up from the comfort of my living room that i've never seen before. If you just want a bit of temporary unsecured internet surfing while waiting for your paid service to come back, you never know what might be in your list of available networks.

I've seen some pop up never to be seen again, so have no idea where they come from sometime.


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In Thailand, good to have a backup plan for everything important, especially for Internet.

Simple yet very good advice Oneman.
Thank you, Drew Aitch.

I appreciate encouragement like that.

a bit of temporary unsecured internet surfing ... I've seen some pop up never to be seen again, so have no idea where they come from ...

Please let me add a very important warning.

Be careful: May be a "honey pot".

A honey pot is something which appears free, but is really a clever trap.

The honey pot trick is common on open WiFi servers.

They "listen in" on everyone who uses that free server, in order to steal email passwords, banking passwords, job information, anything.

Actual experience

For several years I lived in a large hotel here in Thailand, which offered paid WiFi to guests.

Pre-payment and password required, and very costly compared to other hotels in the area.

Every so often there would appear an unsecured WiFi port, with a signal as strong as that of the hotel's system.

That means the rogue WiFi was coming from somewhere inside the hotel.

Some travelers had set up an open WiFi server, trying to ensnare other guests in the hotel, by offering "free" WiFi.

I remember one server name was "Free_WiFi_For_All".

I wouldn't dare touch it.

If you do take a free ride on an unsecured WiFi signal, you can protect yourself with a reliable [omitted per forum rules] service.

That way, even if the unsecured WiFi is "clean", it still can not get anything from you.

According to Thai Visa forum rules I can not discuss any details about [omitted per forum rules].

But, in this case using [omitted per forum rules] is your only protection against data theft over unsecured WiFi.

-- Oneman



[Note to moderator: I'm not flaunting rules here, just trying to be as helpful as is possible, within those rules. If there is a better way, please tell me.]

[Note to interested readers: If you want to protect yourself by using a [omitted per forum rules] service, just send a PM to me and I will reply with the three initials you need to do your own Google search.]


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I had to send an important document while Maxnet was down yesterday. So I walked around my neighborhood until I found an unsecured connection (most were secured). It took about 15 minutes of walking until I found one but then sent document.

Got home and had a message on my phone to send another document so went back to same place and sent it. Then Maxnet came back.

I'm sure I looked pretty funny sitting on the side of my street with a laptop!

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my maxnet has been down all morning, just got it back about 30 mins ago. was down for most of friday and sat too . . or loading at the speed of one-page an hour like a previous poster mentioned. seems to be working fine now; hope it's back for good this time!

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I was with Maxnet Indy, then about 4 months ago it changed to 3bb.

My Internet went out 2.00pm last Thursday. Yesterday morning (Saturday) it`s still out. When I phoned their so-called technical number, no one could give an explanation to what was going on and when I persisted in asking, why? What? When? The so –called technical advisor hung up.

I became so peed off that I got all my family to phone 3bb relentlessly several times during the day and night. One employee that became tired of our persistence gave us a direct phone number of the engineer. When my wife phoned him at 11.00am Friday morning he became aggressive and said, she woke him up. Eventually 3bb reluctantly sent round a so-called engineer. When he arrived at my home, it was as we guessed, he never had a clue. The guy began moaning about the pressure of his job and said he will be giving his notice in the next day. Of course this really made me feel confident that the on-line problem would be sorted.

Finally after the so-called engineer made several trips back and forth to a switching centre and my house, then some time messing about with my router, all was restored late yesterday evening.

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