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Anyone Bought A Business Via Agent?

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Would be nice to get some feedback from first time (preferably) business owners in Thailand who started there business using an agency here, buying an existing business.

My experience so far on requesting information is:

In one instance; they initially replied for me to sign confidentially agreement, I did. Then I asked financial questions about the business, they replied saying the guy dealing with this particular business would be in the office monday and get back to me, they never did.

Another instance different agency, On more than 1 occasion I was interested in the a business but when I enquired they said it has been sold. They both were still being advertised months later, on politely asking for a reply with the question why waste both of our times in keeping advertisements listed and also enquiring if they had any similar type businesses available they did not bother to reply.

I get the impression they are either very very very busy and can ignore enquires for businesses in the 2 million baht range or they do not really have these businesses and just fill there portfilio with non-existant listings.


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A fellow I know bought a big bar through Sunbelt.

He is a smart guy and was very pleased with their professionalism and help during the process.

He has been running the place now for 6 months and is happy as can be.

If you have the bucks for a cash purchase, it is a viable way to get a jump start getting settled in LOS.

Give em a call; they have loads of listings waiting for buyers.

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In one instance; they initially replied for me to sign confidentially.In one instance; they initially replied for me to sign confidentially agreement, I did. Then I asked financial questions about the business, they replied saying the guy dealing with this particular business would be in the office monday and get back to me, they never did.

If I was a betting man the odds are high that this would be our firm. The reason why, a month ago I found we as a firm were having problems in this regards.

The issue is we get the information from the Seller. If the Seller does not come back with the details that the client is asking, then the Thai client relations person, seems to as a rule at that time, did not follow up, that they are trying but still did not get an answer back from the Seller.

Also, a month ago, we in fact were getting overwhelmed with e-mails and have tried to get better in this regards of follow up after the follow up by now having nine foreigners working for our firm that understand client relations is VERY important. Communication is indeed key. We are in Thailand but trying to bring Western customs of client relations here.

Feel free to contact me by pm or e-mail ([email protected])

All listings our firm have, are signed listing agreements, in fact 90% of the listings are exclusive.

Thanks Paulf for the reference.

Greg Lange

Managing Director

Sunbelt Asia Co., Ltd


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I get the impression they are either very very very busy and can ignore enquires for businesses in the 2 million baht range or they do not really have these businesses and just fill there portfilio with non-existant listings.


Sounds frustrating. My guess - that what happens when the marketing department is doing a better job than the other departments.

Edited by ~G~
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I guess you were near to be a victims of a Pattaya Cleaning Franchise scam. This scam is operated by a German in Pattaya (always giving false names..send me a note and I will send you details about it if you wish).

Go for guys like Sunbelt....if they can not sell you a viable business they will advise you well...

Edited by WernerS
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In my search for an appropriate business I tried the services of Sunbelt as well as 2 other agencies in Pattaya.

Experience: Mixed.

With Sunbelt I had good communication, got a good feeling with the director, but unfortunately they could not come up with reasonable offers in my price range and type of business. Looks like Pattaya is not on their hotlist.

Tried Evans Marketing, they had me look around 4 or 5 businesses that were not really what I asked for, all of them (in my eyes) highly overpriced. After asking some more specific questions about one of their offers (details about lease) they promised to check, but never bothered to contact me again. I also see them advertising businesses now, about 2 month from the last contact, that at first sight would fetch my requestes, but they don't bother to contact me ......

Number three in my list was Emerald. Had a very pleasant first talk with the owner, a farang. And then: Nothing for a week, although he promised to call me back for an appointment the same or next day. I called, asked for a return call, nothing. Same procedure continued with about 2 requests for a returned call a week. After 2 or 3 weeks I spoke to the very friendly Thai lady who always answered my calls and apologized for the boss not having returned my calls. I suggested meeting with her, she suggested meeting the next day at 12 noon.

Went there, the lady was not there, and had not reported this meeting to someone else. Farang boss had other clients, but came to apologise to me for the long waiting, promising his collegue will call me tomorrow. Since then: Nothing. Yes, they seem to be very busy and successful.

In the mean time I found what I was looking for without their help, a realistic lease for a building, without having to pay stupid amounts for goodwill to a failing business. I now start my own.

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For what its worth my experience has been that the perception is very much from most brokers, we do it our way, or no way at all. Too much of a laid back approach in my experience and way too many broken promises. I cant help but think that many of these farang guys are just looking for something to do between beers at the pub.

Only positive experience I did get was from Sunbelt which was a couple of years ago but they were good at chasing me up to provide info.

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  • 5 months later...
Would be nice to get some feedback from first time (preferably) business owners in Thailand who started there business using an agency here, buying an existing business.

My experience so far on requesting information is:

In one instance; they initially replied for me to sign confidentially agreement, I did. Then I asked financial questions about the business, they replied saying the guy dealing with this particular business would be in the office monday and get back to me, they never did.

Another instance different agency, On more than 1 occasion I was interested in the a business but when I enquired they said it has been sold. They both were still being advertised months later, on politely asking for a reply with the question why waste both of our times in keeping advertisements listed and also enquiring if they had any similar type businesses available they did not bother to reply.

I get the impression they are either very very very busy and can ignore enquires for businesses in the 2 million baht range or they do not really have these businesses and just fill there portfilio with non-existant listings.


John, you are not alone about this, I have experenced something similar then I have tried to make business with Sunbelt Asia. Hope that you succeeded and found a serious business broker at last.

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I got the funding I needed to expand my business by going through Sunbelt, they contacted me and the first guy who came along signed on the dotted line, things are working out OK.

We had a few hic-ups along the way, and I thought they charged a bit too much, but that didn't come out of my pocket. However all over a decent job was done.

Not sure about the other companies though!!!

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