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Uk Government Borrowing - Could It Be As Bad As The Worst Doom Mongers Say?

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I'm not an economist but I've been thinking about it after listening to the so called experts. From what I can tell the PSBR is projected to reach 178 Billion Pounds for FY 2009/10. Apparently it has already reached 120 Billion for the first 9 months, though the recent monthly figure was 15.7 Billion, slightly less than expected. Having been told that it is still supposed to reach the 178 Billion estimate by the end of the year.

I guess that there's no attack on the deficit yet because of either the impending election or not trying to stifle already shaky growth, depending on which views you listen to. Although there will have to be some really nasty cuts, I wonder how much anyone has factored in the probable sale of financial assets such as Northern Rock and parts of others like RBS.

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This is the banking and ivestment forum which deals with finance around the world. If you do nt want to read about the UK simply read the title ? Theres plenty on thissection about the US !

I will predict the finances of the country will be a lot worse than we are being told. Brown the clown is a master at keeping debt off the books and the true scope of debt will only come to light when the new Government takes over. The UK is finished. Unless the UKIP get in there is little chance anything will change in the future!

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This is the banking and ivestment forum which deals with finance around the world. If you do nt want to read about the UK simply read the title ? Theres plenty on thissection about the US !

I will predict the finances of the country will be a lot worse than we are being told. Brown the clown is a master at keeping debt off the books and the true scope of debt will only come to light when the new Government takes over. The UK is finished. Unless the UKIP get in there is little chance anything will change in the future!

Yes, and who will pay for all this borrowing with out a murmur....the UK taxpayer and there yet to be born generations to come.

Borrowing with impunity is a National disgrace.....a few tax revolts as in the Boston tea party should concentrate Politicians minds!

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The Uk government borrowing is the third highest in the developed world behind the USA and Germany.

However, this really doesn't have any relevance on this forum, does it?

Yes it does. Many UK expats or those with families they support here are/will be affected by this.

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Fiat currency countries, without exception, crash and burn sooner or later. The longer it hangs on, the bigger the fall.

I strongly believe that divesting UK assets is the way forward for short term and long term investments. Making money just by using money can only work so long. If there is little-to-no manufacturing to back investments it will fail. This is why raw material exploitation and refinement is very profitable. /very simplified.

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