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Many Negative Topics And Frustrations


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There is nothing wrong with telling the truth about how you feel about Thailand. What is wrong is getting slammed for having for your own opinions

Thailand has changed allot since 1984

My OPINION is it has to do with allot of materialism and western advertising influence that were not here years ago

Years and years ago people were happy with nothing but HRM and Buddhism


In Thailand the one fear I have is the lawless nature of the country and people that can buy their way out of trouble.

Just never quite feel safe you might end on the wrong end of someone that has a boner for you for something that might be a minor offense in another country


One thing I do when I get down in the dumps is spend allot of time driving all over Thailand taking photos (over 125,000 at last count)

Every once in a while I see something or some good deed that makes me feel like everything is going to be OK and not to complain because many others have it so bad here

Keep away from the tourist areas, find a happy balance of places to go and things to see that are away from the tourists


I am sure if I as up to my buttocks in snow right now I would be complaining as well

But for now I am thankful to God for what I have, love, happiness, family, somtom????

And a mild sense of humor.

I enjoyed reading your post. To me, it was balanced.

Although I am seen by some to be an apologist for Thais, I like to think I'm balanced. As the old song says, I like to "accentuate the positive." That doesn't mean there aren't things that annoy the heck out of me. The difference is that I try not to dwell on them.

Yes, Thailand has changed a lot since 1987 (for me). I tend to look at the positives -- better quality/cleanliness of food with more modern availability, more modern infrastructure (with the need for more!), improved air quality (but probably worse water quality), improved communications systems....

In terms of the people being happy with so little...I guess in some respects that was better back in the 80's. It was one of the things that first attracted me to Buddhism -- how can people with so little be so seemingly content? But then again, in a modern world, why should they have to be content with so little. The Thais are growing up. Perhaps they have lost some of their charm...although there is hardly a day when in some way I don't see that charm...it's just not so much on the surface as it used to be. Sometimes I have to remember that while Ayutthaya and Sukhothai and the like are huge "museums", the whole country is not a museum where farangs can enjoy a quaint past.

You bring up an interesting point about safety. I understand exactly what you're saying, and it has occurred to me a number of times as I prepare to buy a car here. But on the other hand, I used to live in the burbs of Washington, D.C. I would say that there was more than 50% of the city that I didn't feel safe walking in. Here, I've yet to feel at risk in any of the places I've been, and while I haven't explored the whole city, I do get into neighborhoods that seem to rarely see a white face (yes, sometimes...even here in Bangkok...I still hear that "farang, farang, farang!" and the mostly pretty friendly stares. I have to admit not having yet been into the poorest neighborhoods of Klong Toey (for example).

And for me, perhaps it's a comparative feeling of safety here since living near to D.C. meant the additional concern about terrorism. I remember very clearly the day of 9/11. I was a school principal and we were located less than 7 miles from the White House/Capitol area and right next door to a major Jewish synagogue. The rumors that day were rife with apartment buildings in our immediate vicinity being bombed or assaulted...parents picked their children up in the middle of the school day and headed out into rural Virginia...within days principals were issed Blackberrys to be able to coordinate responses to terrorist attacks. I am much more relaxed now that I am away from that center of power.

Yes, when I get out and about...even to some of the touristy areas...I enjoy Thailand more! The phrase "Mai Ow!" has done wonders for my enjoying the sights. 95% of the time when I say that the touts pretty much fade away. You and me have a similar taste -- photography of Thai places and culture. I too find it very soothing.

Thanks for your post.

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Did you not read the end of my post ? It suggests that some posters may only being negative in a cry for help , just as your school associate was who changed her attitude when you gave her the help she needed , it in no way asks posters to go along with their line of thinking , just suggests to try to appreciate where they may be coming from . The moral of my story lay in the last paragraph which you appeared to either miss or misinterpret .

I took training to live with my sickness , please read back through my posts and you will not find comments from a bitter and twisted old man , I live my life quite happily on a day to day basis , but I do post about how I feel concerning some aspects of life in Asia at times .

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Much can be derived from what appears as negativity , try to put yourself in the shoes of the poster and walk a while with him to understand why he/her may feel that way , some have a constant downer , maybe due to a daily state of inebreation brought on by a string of bad luck or just plain old happenstance .

Depression , who truly knows what that is or how debilitating a serious bout can be to a human being , oh yes , we often hear the remark "God I'm depressed today" , so some-one is feeling a little off colour , down in the dumps . A truly depressive state of both mind and body , is a progressive mind numbing happening , that creeps up on you like an insidious loss of interest in most of what surrounds you in your daily life , you drink more with the omnipresent increase in tobaco consumption , you are on the edge of the abbys .

Negativity is born of both boredom and a depressive state of mind , it is unwise to let either or both overcome your concious state of being in charge , look around you and THINK what it is that ails you . Should you have a desperate , driving need to go on a forum such as TV just to rant and rave , YOU HAVE A PROBLEM that tells you (or should) that you need help , should you need a drink to get the Dutch courage to enable you to carry on like this , you are at a point where you can bring your mind back into the world of the sane and responsible , but it will take considerable will power to do so .

I am Bi-Polar , manic depressive , been there -done-that , I could write a book on this subject because I feel(know) the people who are considered experts have no idea what the patient goes through in his dilemnas , it is beyond the scope of immagination to be in the slimey pit of self destruction that seems impossible to escape , the feeling to sucumb is all pervasive .

Please consider the next time you want to jump up and down about a posters negative comment , first take a walk with him/her in their shoes , consider that possibly all they are doing is crying out for help in an uncaring world , think about it !!!!

Goog post... thailand is a quick fix. Get some proper psychotherapy its amazing what 10 or so sessions of CBT can do for your general wellbeing and attitude towards the world. Wherever you go you take yourself with you. Its all about attitude if you go through life thinking everyone out to get you then those are the types of people you meet. Its like a self fulfilling prophecy

Edited by CrossBones
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There is a case for frustration right off the bat by the OP , you are asking posters why they cannot be more positive about happenings etc in the country and give your personal example quoting ancient history from 20 years ago . Hind sight is known to be perfect , but times they are a changing , could you not have found examples more up to date to cite ?

Hope you are feeling better now than when you posted the thread .

I knew to get answers like you give me, first off all i feel the same before as after the thread, second i have also some examples up to date:

*Have very good reliable Thai friends.

*Have a beautiful house with big garden (couldt effort this in europe).

*Go every week ones to the same pub for 18 years, and still not bored.

*Love the smiles, if they mean it or not i don't care.

*Like the protesters each week another colour.Bangkok is like a big Christmas tree, and the protesters are the decoration.

*Some people still very hapy with small things.

*Hard workers for little salaris.

*Not much complaining by Thai Employees, only discussions about the best somtam shop close to there work and TV series (movie stars).

So i am still very happy to live here, also when live has his ups and downs.

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There you go needforspeed , now that is a more inspirational post , I guess you are feeling much better than earlier today , smile and the world smiles with you , cry and you (usualy) cry alone .

Feel the same as earlier this day, and yes i smile a lot feels good to smile.


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Three old ladies are sitting in a diner, chatting about various things.

One lady says, "You know, I'm getting really forgetful. This morning, I was standing at the top of the stairs, and I couldn't remember whether I had just come up or was about to go down."

The second lady says, "You think that's bad? The other day, I was sitting on the edge of my bed and I couldn't remember whether I was going to sleep or had just woken up!"

The third lady smiles smugly, "Well, my memory is just as good as it's always been, knock on wood," she says as she raps on the table. Then with a startled look on her face, she asks, "Who's there?" :)

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Three old ladies are sitting in a diner, chatting about various things.

One lady says, "You know, I'm getting really forgetful. This morning, I was standing at the top of the stairs, and I couldn't remember whether I had just come up or was about to go down."

The second lady says, "You think that's bad? The other day, I was sitting on the edge of my bed and I couldn't remember whether I was going to sleep or had just woken up!"

The third lady smiles smugly, "Well, my memory is just as good as it's always been, knock on wood," she says as she raps on the table. Then with a startled look on her face, she asks, "Who's there?" :D


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Three old ladies are sitting in a diner, chatting about various things.

One lady says, "You know, I'm getting really forgetful. This morning, I was standing at the top of the stairs, and I couldn't remember whether I had just come up or was about to go down."

The second lady says, "You think that's bad? The other day, I was sitting on the edge of my bed and I couldn't remember whether I was going to sleep or had just woken up!"

The third lady smiles smugly, "Well, my memory is just as good as it's always been, knock on wood," she says as she raps on the table. Then with a startled look on her face, she asks, "Who's there?" :D

hehehe....very good, like it. That'll bring a smile to peoples faces!. :D:D:)

I saw a T-Shirt the other day which made me laugh, said "Dyslexics are teople poo".....appeels too mi sence of humur that.

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Those that are unhappy would be unhappy somewhere else but find different reasons. Life is what you make of it. Bad and good in everything. Try to avoid or putting yourself in those situations that detest you.

as a new member the sentiment of TV is very negative of Thailand. Yes I see and here those that love it there. Maybe the complaining is what makes some happy.

I find so many things wonderfull about Thailand, My wife being the number one reason, the lush country side, the people, great food, temples, beaches, I have never blown my budget in Thailand no matter how foolish I get, motorbike transportation, the little towns, the wonderfull mixture of expats, great golf courses, new friends are met on every adventure, I am treated like with such respect and people love to get a 20 baht tip. I could go on forever. Bad experiences....one hellish taxi driver down to Koh Chang...motorbikes are not scared of cars so when I drive I have to look both ways up and down at intersections and pulling out of any parking lot. The people are fearless. They do not realize just how bad a driver I am.

Oh and what third world country has cleaner restrooms? For that matter they are cleaner than most restrooms in the West. I love tipping those that take the jobs and do such a wonderful job. I like going to the temples and learning about the culture. It is a great life of ease. No worries.

But I have never lived there. I have only been visiting since 1982. But I plan to retire and then I will become a senic I am sure. Old people deserve to be cranky they put up with the worlds crap.

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Those that are unhappy would be unhappy somewhere else but find different reasons. Life is what you make of it. Bad and good in everything. Try to avoid or putting yourself in those situations that detest you.

as a new member the sentiment of TV is very negative of Thailand. Yes I see and here those that love it there. Maybe the complaining is what makes some happy.

I find so many things wonderfull about Thailand, My wife being the number one reason, the lush country side, the people, great food, temples, beaches, I have never blown my budget in Thailand no matter how foolish I get, motorbike transportation, the little towns, the wonderfull mixture of expats, great golf courses, new friends are met on every adventure, I am treated like with such respect and people love to get a 20 baht tip. I could go on forever. Bad experiences....one hellish taxi driver down to Koh Chang...motorbikes are not scared of cars so when I drive I have to look both ways up and down at intersections and pulling out of any parking lot. The people are fearless. They do not realize just how bad a driver I am.

Oh and what third world country has cleaner restrooms? For that matter they are cleaner than most restrooms in the West. I love tipping those that take the jobs and do such a wonderful job. I like going to the temples and learning about the culture. It is a great life of ease. No worries.

But I have never lived there. I have only been visiting since 1982. But I plan to retire and then I will become a senic I am sure. Old people deserve to be cranky they put up with the worlds crap.

WEll said HAWTHORNE :)

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Start positive topics and posts.

Are negative comments not allowed in this Thread?

I just got back from my 4rth trip to Thailand. I THOUROUGHLY enjoyed myself because I have really narrowed it down what places and mostly what people to spend time with. Also, one couldn't say enough about the health benefits of 2 hour, $15 oil massages. My back and knees are all healed.


The biggest dissapointment, and the reason I'm glad I live in Canada, not Thailand, was the smell of burning garbage everywhere ones goes; and the litter and out right road side garbage dumping, even in 'Parks' like Ko Chang. My friend's farang enclave in Hua Hin, new houses and nice swimming pools, gets dusted continually by this stuff.

On an early morning drive from NST to ST it was actually thick as fog.

In BKK I've learned to side step the grates so not to get that knock out punch stench. It's sad to see cafe tables right on top of those grates!

Here I am holding my breath and giving it a sidestep. There they are enjoying their lunch right on top of it! yechh


Then there is the fact the country, past, present and future, is rife with turmoil and instability. Methinks the worst is on the way, as both sides are underestimating each others' resolve and intent.


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Start positive topics and posts.


Are negative comments not allowed in this Thread?

I just got back from my 4rth trip to Thailand. I THOUROUGHLY enjoyed myself because I have really narrowed it down what places and mostly what people to spend time with. Also, one couldn't say enough about the health benefits of 2 hour, $15 oil massages. My back and knees are all healed.


The biggest dissapointment, and the reason I'm glad I live in Canada, not Thailand, was the smell of burning garbage everywhere ones goes; and the litter and out right road side garbage dumping, even in 'Parks' like Ko Chang. My friend's farang enclave in Hua Hin, new houses and nice swimming pools, gets dusted continually by this stuff.

On an early morning drive from NST to ST it was actually thick as fog.

In BKK I've learned to side step the grates so not to get that knock out punch stench. It's sad to see cafe tables right on top of those grates!

Here I am holding my breath and giving it a sidestep. There they are enjoying their lunch right on top of it! yechh


Then there is the fact the country, past, present and future, is rife with turmoil and instability. Methinks the worst is on the way, as both sides are underestimating each others' resolve and intent.


Are negative comments not allowed in this Thread?


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Fruit grows in my garden.

Thai/Isaan food.


How stupid I sound when I speak Thai.

Thai people.

Looking at so many beautiful women when I drop the wife off at university. :D

Cheap bus rides.

20000 Baht a month to live.


The look you get off all women. :D

Buzzing around on the motor-cy (with my helmet on).

Eating next doors dog. :)

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Fruit grows in my garden.

Thai/Isaan food.


How stupid I sound when I speak Thai.

Thai people.

Looking at so many beautiful women when I drop the wife off at university. :D

Cheap bus rides.

20000 Baht a month to live.


The look you get off all women. :D

Buzzing around on the motor-cy (with my helmet on).

Eating next doors dog. :)

Eating next doors dog. :D

Was it the one on the picture longstebe :D ????

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I've lived in many places, and have found Thailand to be the place that suits me best. I enjoy every day here, spend much more time outdoors than in other countries I've lived in, eat wonderful food, and have married into a great family.


A hearing problem has made learning the language well nigh impossible, but the folks who live around know this, and compensate for it.

I also wish I could quit smoking - but that's nowt to do with Thailand. :)

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Many people have posted that Thailand has changed a great deal in the last 20 years, mostly for the worse. Dont disagree with this.

But this needs to be put into context. The world has changed. In particular the UK which has declined in almost every way in the past 20 years and compared to Thailands decline in appeal, has dropped off a cliff.

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I've lived in many places, and have found Thailand to be the place that suits me best. I enjoy every day here, spend much more time outdoors than in other countries I've lived in, eat wonderful food, and have married into a great family.


A hearing problem has made learning the language well nigh impossible, but the folks who live around know this, and compensate for it.

I also wish I could quit smoking - but that's nowt to do with Thailand. :D

If smoking Thai cigarettes it is :)

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I've lived in many places, and have found Thailand to be the place that suits me best. I enjoy every day here, spend much more time outdoors than in other countries I've lived in, eat wonderful food, and have married into a great family.


A hearing problem has made learning the language well nigh impossible, but the folks who live around know this, and compensate for it.

I also wish I could quit smoking - but that's nowt to do with Thailand. :D

If smoking Thai cigarettes it is :D

Aye, I really should stop scrounging them from the rich hi-so in the village, and buy my own. :)

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