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Remedial Massage In Chiang Mai?


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Hello everyone. My wife is owner of massage and beauty shop on Maejo Road which people are talking about. Am writing this at internet shop and do not yet have computer but will soon. I am not writing to advertise shop only to apologize for it being so hard to find place. Some of the kind customers have done better job of giving directions than I could anyway, but soon marisa is getting sign on second floor to make it easier to find and will get website and map when have money.

Am new at internet and forum so I hope I am not breaking rule here. I want to give message to one person on forum but do not know which person it is or even if they will read this.

marisa has very many good customers. Every single one is polite and respectful and Marisa and workers Nok and Allie like them all "too much", as they say. Now there is one person who is unable to find shop and calls on telephone but still cannot find it as directions are bad and Marisa's Englsih is okay but not like she went to oxford. This person is frustrated and now gets marisa nd now whole family upset by being angry and yelling "loud loud' and the whole family is in an uproar. I do not know person myself but havr talked to him on phone and seemed nice enough then but I am assuming new to Thailand and unaware that you cannot get angry and yell at these people or you will get nowhere. They cannot handle this kinfd of thing welll and get extremely upset and while farangs would just laugh and not worry about it Thai people will take it ti heart and find it even harder for them to give directions or whatever. Marisa offered to give my phone number to call as I talk English better (not much) but he just hung up. So I would ask the person I am referring to, if you read this no offense but it is not worth bringing disharmony to the shop and upsetting the customers and workers to obtain your business. (I live with her so this is upsetting my harmony also. I know most people on forum know what I an talking about.) There are many massage shops in Chiang Mai and many of them very good and easier to find and I would advise you it would be better to go there. Good luck and hope they will help you. As to everyone else who has been giving directions and given kind words about shop thank you very much.

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^ Yes, such a lovely place.. Christopher is such a nice American guy, been here donkeys years, and his wife is awesome. I did a weeks course there about 4 years ago, just to pass the time... She is a real ninja with massage - she knows exactly how everything connects together, she had all 6'2" 100kg of me begging for mercy when she demonstrated to the class how one pressure point worked! She nursed her brother back to normality from a near fatal crash, remedial massage etc. The sauna and pool are just heavenly. In fact, the whole place is just how I would want my private 'estate' to be! Perfect!

Edited by whiterussian
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I must apologize again for last posting. Man who could not find maripaun massage did find shop and had massage. Nok and Allie said man was polite and no problem and hope he will come back again. I think marisa was probably over sensitive and I was mistaken as man is not new in Thailand and has thai wife so I was wrong to jump to conclusion. So if you read this and know who you are you are welcome back anytime. I did come to shop to say sorry in person but you were gone already before I got there. I have nothing reallyn to do with Maripaun salon and do not get 1 baht from it or have anything to do with running the business, which is fine as I am retired and like being retired. However to avoid these problems in future fell free call my number 0848832469 and I will try give directions and am always wiling to talk to or have coffee at shop with fellow farang. For anything else such as making appointment please call Marisa number 0852849118.

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I had a massage at Maripaun yesterday. It was the 1st time I've had any backpain relief in months, wonderful.

To find the shop was a little difficult, as it is much further out than I thought.

To help others, the Waree Coffee Shop is very well signposted (on the right) & is 6.5 klms further out from Rimping Supermarket. As previously advised, do a u-turn, drive past Waree signs for about 10-20m.

Well worth a visit, but make an appointment 1st.

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I had a massage at Maripaun yesterday. It was the 1st time I've had any backpain relief in months, wonderful.

To find the shop was a little difficult, as it is much further out than I thought.

To help others, the Waree Coffee Shop is very well signposted (on the right) & is 6.5 klms further out from Rimping Supermarket. As previously advised, do a u-turn, drive past Waree signs for about 10-20m.

Well worth a visit, but make an appointment 1st.

I'm getting the sneaky suspicion there are two Waree Coffee shops on this road, along with a 7-11 near each and the entrance to a mooban. When I tried to find it the other day I went past Meechok Plaza then shortly after that there was a 7-11 on the left a row of shops, a mooban entrance and then a Waree Coffee shop - all on the left hand side and not far down the road.

If there is another Waree further up the road and on the right, perhaps someone should have thought to mention this. It could probably have avoided a lot of confusion and frustration.

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^ Yes, such a lovely place.. Christopher is such a nice American guy, been here donkeys years, and his wife is awesome. I did a weeks course there about 4 years ago, just to pass the time... She is a real ninja with massage - she knows exactly how everything connects together, she had all 6'2" 100kg of me begging for mercy when she demonstrated to the class how one pressure point worked! She nursed her brother back to normality from a near fatal crash, remedial massage etc. The sauna and pool are just heavenly. In fact, the whole place is just how I would want my private 'estate' to be! Perfect!

How many trained masseuses do they have in therapeutic massage for specific problems and what are their fees? Are there certain ones you should specifically ask for?

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^ Yes, such a lovely place.. Christopher is such a nice American guy, been here donkeys years, and his wife is awesome. I did a weeks course there about 4 years ago, just to pass the time... She is a real ninja with massage - she knows exactly how everything connects together, she had all 6'2" 100kg of me begging for mercy when she demonstrated to the class how one pressure point worked! She nursed her brother back to normality from a near fatal crash, remedial massage etc. The sauna and pool are just heavenly. In fact, the whole place is just how I would want my private 'estate' to be! Perfect!

How many trained masseuses do they have in therapeutic massage for specific problems and what are their fees? Are there certain ones you should specifically ask for?

The answer to your question has already been posted. Suggest you read all the posts :)

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^ Yes, such a lovely place.. Christopher is such a nice American guy, been here donkeys years, and his wife is awesome. I did a weeks course there about 4 years ago, just to pass the time... She is a real ninja with massage - she knows exactly how everything connects together, she had all 6'2" 100kg of me begging for mercy when she demonstrated to the class how one pressure point worked! She nursed her brother back to normality from a near fatal crash, remedial massage etc. The sauna and pool are just heavenly. In fact, the whole place is just how I would want my private 'estate' to be! Perfect!

How many trained masseuses do they have in therapeutic massage for specific problems and what are their fees? Are there certain ones you should specifically ask for?

The answer to your question has already been posted. Suggest you read all the posts :)

Looked over this entire thread and didn't find a single post answering this. Anyone else with some help on this?

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if it is the place that mentions Christopher, then i suggest going to that sites webpage.

otherwise, the place on 1001, has 2 masseuses and they charge 120 baht/hour. Flip a coin as to who to ask for.

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^ Yes, such a lovely place.. Christopher is such a nice American guy, been here donkeys years, and his wife is awesome. I did a weeks course there about 4 years ago, just to pass the time... She is a real ninja with massage - she knows exactly how everything connects together, she had all 6'2" 100kg of me begging for mercy when she demonstrated to the class how one pressure point worked! She nursed her brother back to normality from a near fatal crash, remedial massage etc. The sauna and pool are just heavenly. In fact, the whole place is just how I would want my private 'estate' to be! Perfect!

How many trained masseuses do they have in therapeutic massage for specific problems and what are their fees? Are there certain ones you should specifically ask for?

The answer to your question has already been posted. Suggest you read all the posts :)

Looked over this entire thread and didn't find a single post answering this. Anyone else with some help on this?

You must be bloody blind or cannot read. Read posts no. 7 & 9........

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You must be bloody blind or cannot read. Read posts no. 7 & 9........

I was talking about the place White Russian mentioned, which is why I quoted it, so if there's anyone that can't read it looks like it's you.

Really like to know why guys like you post on the forum when all you've got to offer is trying to take a dig at someone else. Here's some advice for. Think twice before you post again and learn to keep the wise remarks to yourself. They may come back to bite you someday.

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You are correct. Going north from Rimping markets, there are a 7-11 and coffee shop on the left (west side) to confuse us all.

However, as CM4me has accurately pointed out, one must continue beyond Rimping more than 61/2 kms toward Maejo.

We must, in fact, go past the third ring road. If we catch the red light, we KNOW that we're on the right track, because it too can be looooong. We continue northbound.

We go past Land and House on the left (notable for its Highest of signs on the left -- no big deal missing it, just reassuring to see).

Then we look for Waree on the right side, do a U-turn beyond it, and drive south (left lane) and go past the Waree (CM4me gives it 20-30 meters).

Edited by CMX
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You are correct. Going north from Rimping markets, there are a 7-11 and coffee shop on the left (west side) to confuse us all.

However, as CM4me has accurately pointed out, one must continue beyond Rimping more than 61/2 kms toward Maejo.

We must, in fact, go past the third ring road. If we catch the red light, we KNOW that we're on the right track, because it too can be looooong. We continue northbound.

We go past Land and House on the left (notable for its Highest of signs on the left -- no big deal missing it, just reassuring to see).

Then we look for Waree on the right side, do a U-turn beyond it, and drive south (left lane) and go past the Waree (CM4me gives it 20-30 meters).

Thanks for taking the time out to post some clear and concise directions.

Have a good day.....

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You are correct. Going north from Rimping markets, there are a 7-11 and coffee shop on the left (west side) to confuse us all.

However, as CM4me has accurately pointed out, one must continue beyond Rimping more than 61/2 kms toward Maejo.

We must, in fact, go past the third ring road. If we catch the red light, we KNOW that we're on the right track, because it too can be looooong. We continue northbound.

We go past Land and House on the left (notable for its Highest of signs on the left -- no big deal missing it, just reassuring to see).

Then we look for Waree on the right side, do a U-turn beyond it, and drive south (left lane) and go past the Waree (CM4me gives it 20-30 meters).

So it only took TWO MONTHS from the first post giving instructions to FINALLY make it known there is another Wawee coffee shop much further down the road to where the masseuse shop is located. And no one even thought once to mention this? No wonder others like myself couldn't figure out where this place was. Especially if you're not from the area.

This once again confirms my take on this forum. Much of the information you get is either outdated, slightly off or completely wrong. Anyone seeking information on matters of major importance are best to find another source other than replies you will receive from TV. This includes immigration matters, businesses, hel_l just include about anything for that matter.

Maybe there should be a disclaimer on all posts "For Amusement Only" but then again not much of anything funny here either. Come to think of it I've already spent 15 minutes on the forum today, which in my opinion, is at least 10 minutes too much.

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Just some further information for anyone interested. There are 2 masseuses at Maripaun Massage and both great. I mentioned Nok before but 2 days ago got massage from her partner Allie, who went to same school with Nok and they worked together at Phuket. I have arm problem which doctors in US told me could only be repaired with surgery. It is torn rotator cuff and also a torn deltoid. This was so bad I could not raise my right arm over my head and could not reach across my body. Whenever I got massage from Nok it felt much better afterwards, but after I told Allie my arm problem she did some kinds of different manipulations and now it is, for the moment, completely better. Not only do I have full range of motion but am completely pain free. Lifted bag of cement over my head with no problem which I could not do for years. I do not understand how just rubbing muscles and pulling on arm can repair a skeletal problem, but I don't care. As long as it works, that's all that matters.

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REVIEW Massage Maripaun Salon:

I cut and pasted all of your posts about how-to-get-there, and I found it easily. I came from the Nimmanhaemin and the most accurate direction is this one:

wife informs me that it is past Land and House (which is on left side, heading north). We called the owner tonight, again trying for clarity, and she said, that from Rimping, go past 121 intersection and it is the 3rd U-turn past 121 intersection. When you u-turn, you will see esso gas, then wawee coffee and then it is one or two hundred meters down the road and the green sign in front of the green townhouses at the entrance to the วังบัวตอง mooban. Then mooban entrance is a wide road with the actual guard gate set about 50 meters from roadway.....

I am not sure if it was the 3rd or the 4th U-turn after the 121 section, but when you see the Esso, that's the U-turn you need. Pass the Wawee coffeeshop on the left and then it is the most left townhouse in green & orange.

I asked for Khun Nok, and they laughed: "Ah...from internet!", one lady said.

For 1,5 hour they asked 200 baht, but I thought 180 was a fair deal as the hourly rate is 120 baht.

The beautysalon is on the groundfloor, the massages take place on the first floor.

The beautysalon has opened 6 months ago, the massagesalon 3 months ago. So everything looks new and clean.

The massage was firm and thorough, Khun Nok did some things no-one has done before. She also gave me a stomach massage, which was very new to me. And it made me emotional. But hey, maybe it was because I hadn't eaten before (massage was at 11:00, no appointment)

For me the massage was a bit too firm, some bodyparts were swollen the next day.

And it is about 12km from where I live, so I am not sure if I'd go again.

She did a deep tissue massage on the back, which I was very pleased with.

I asked for Khun Nok, but I think Khun Allie is just as skilled as Khun Nok.


1 hour foot massage 120 baht (1/2 hour 80 baht)

1 hour Thais massage 120 baht

1 hour oilmassage, I believe for 250 baht (or 300 baht?)

I asked for a package deal for at least 2-3 hours, but they don't do discounts.

It gives Marissa a heachache :)

It was a nice ride, I loved all the trees along the road. And now I finally know where you have been talking about. My next massage trailer would be...? This one?:

"At Airport Plaza, on the first floor, in the rear, in the area they call the "Northern Village," is a place for nuwat boran (traditional Thai massage) called Ban Burapha.


Please keep on suggesting a massagesalon because you think it is really good, not because of personal reasons (being personally related)

*Thanks for your input, guys!*

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Thank you everyone for kind words and for giving better directions than I could. In order to help customers I had new cards made up with map on how to find Maripaun. There are some at Meechok Pharma, which is the pharmacy at Meechok Plaza in the row of buildings to right of Rimping market facing route 1001. There is a sign in window saying Englsih spoken here. The lady who owns the pharmacy is very nice lady, speaks Englsih very well and can also explain how to find shop. Her store is closed on Sundays. Also have new masseuse named Daeng who can work when Nok or Allie is off. They all learned at same school. I will tell Nok to lighten up somewhat as she has grip like a lumberjack. Cheers.

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I was there today and can say that i prefer Nok and her "lumberjack grip".... but then, i am into pain - no pain, no gain. Allie was fine, did that stomach massage which i had not experienced before. One person commented that it made them "emotional".... well, the only emotion i felt was my noon burger from Spanky's .... getting pushed thru my system and i was worried that i was not going to get full nutritional value from the fried foods!

all kidding aside, a good massage and it is good that there is a back up plan for when Nok is off.

And (off topic) the pharmacy lady is a real gem... she offers solid advice on medicines, will explain differences between local generics and brand names, has good prices and loves to give you helpful advice about all things thai and chiang mai.

lastly, for the sake of clarity..it is the FIFTH u-turn past 121, not third, as i stated above. THe part about the u-turn being at the Esso station (on opposite side of street if you are heading north on 1001) is still correct.

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Thank you Zippy and also Soulya and Thaihog and Miller and everyone for helping people to find shop. I think it is easier to find Lost Continent of Atlantis than Maripaun. To make it easier Marisa is planning to buy big sign to put on second floor so easier for people driving towards Maejo to find. Also Marisa said to say she is sorry for price about 1 1/2 hour massage and says Soulya is right it should be 180 baht for 90 minutes so from now on that will be price. Also have another new masseuse named Daeng who customers say is good as Nok and Allie and probably because she went to same school and was recommended to marisa by Nok and Allie.I also must say that as an honest man even though it is Marisa competitor I must say I have heard good things about the Homprung massage also and think it is run by nice and professional people though it is far from me and I have never been myself. The important thing which Marisa and I also agree is for people to not live in pain and wherever one can find relief then good on them. One thing I am surprised but also happy about is that many many Thai people come for massage as well as hair salon. I was always told mostly farang get massage but this is not true. Also many lady clients and sometimes even kids.

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What started out as an interesting and what I would consider an important topic some months ago has not really delivered on what it was supposed to be about - sources of good therapeutic massage in Chiang Mai.

Instead many of the posts have turned out to be directions (mostly confusing) on one shop that is quite far out from where many of us likely live. Most of the other posts are now free promotionals from mainly a couple of guys who sound like they live at the place. We also now have the once silent husband of the owner chiming in giving directions (where were you before on this?) and getting his free plugs in as well.

What we need is a list of names and locations of others in the general Chiang Mai area who are formally trained in therapeutic massage techniques. I found from the internet that not far from Meechok Plaza is the Thai Massage School of Thailand. It is highly accredited and you can check it out at tmcschool.com. There should be a number who have gone to this school and now practice therapeutic massage somewhere in the area. Perhaps there is also an option to go and get a trained instructor to provide treatment right at the school.

While not meant to be an attack on the place that has been getting all the attention on this thread (massages might be good), I think it makes sense to widen the net and come up with some other highly qualified individuals who are trained in therapeutic massage and can deliver the relief and benefits this service should deliver. Just like to see more options than has been presented so far, as I am sure many others do as well.

Anyway, I will post what I find and hope others will do likewise.

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A question I've got is what should you tip the masseuse and how are they usually compensated from the massage fee charged?

Example if the fee is 200 baht an hour do they usually get one-half of that - 100 baht? Would it then be right to give them an additional 100 baht on the side? Or would you give them a 50 baht tip for an hour massage and maybe 100 baht if it is two hours?

I know there is no set answer but I would be interested in knowing what others think and do when it comes to the tip.

P.S. I also would like names, addresses, numbers to others trained in the art of therapeutic massage closer to the main heart of the city and/or heading south of it

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For man who asked about tip, the masseuse gets 50 per cent of cost of massage and Marisa gets 50 per cent, so they are very appreciative and happy when they get tips but it is totally up to customer if they want to give tip and how much.

Also to answer other posting. I agree that this forum should be about massage in Chiang mai not just 1 shop. If you read fully before comment you will see I also give recommendation for another massage salon as I hear it is very good, and if I heard of others I also would recommend. Personally I try to give directions and help for people who wish to be customers but i try to be careful to not promote as maybe this is against rules of forum and I think everyone can judge for themselves. For those people who speak kindly on forum about Maripaun I know marisa is ver y happy for the recommendation. If someone is unhappy with massage they are of course also free to say this. As I said before this is not my business and I try not to be involved. I have to go to internet shop to write this and only joined forum to help customers get directions and also to thank customers who said nice things about shop on internet. Now that I have read some other things from other postings i am surprised how there is something negative which people find about everything, not just massage. It seems to me most all farangs I encounter at business are happy and well-adjusted and are part of positive society in Chiang Mai. I do not fortunately encounter these negative people and hopefully they will just stay home and write on internet. Nowhere is perfect in the world, but i think if a person cannot be happy in Thailand, then perhaps they are just miserable no matter where they go.

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A question I've got is what should you tip the masseuse and how are they usually compensated from the massage fee charged?

Example if the fee is 200 baht an hour do they usually get one-half of that - 100 baht? Would it then be right to give them an additional 100 baht on the side? Or would you give them a 50 baht tip for an hour massage and maybe 100 baht if it is two hours?

I know there is no set answer but I would be interested in knowing what others think and do when it comes to the tip.

P.S. I also would like names, addresses, numbers to others trained in the art of therapeutic massage closer to the main heart of the city and/or heading south of it

WHen i come out of a massage (2 hours) feeling GREAT, i tip 200 baht.... if it was just a "tonic" massage, i might only tip 100.... depends on quality of massage.... i have been in the homes/apts of several different masseuses in BKK that i became friends with over a 10 yr period. I know that i could not live comfortably in those conditions, but they are thai and can make 100 baht go a lot farther than i usually imagine....

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What started out as an interesting and what I would consider an important topic some months ago has not really delivered on what it was supposed to be about - sources of good therapeutic massage in Chiang Mai.

Instead many of the posts have turned out to be directions (mostly confusing) on one shop that is quite far out from where many of us likely live. Most of the other posts are now free promotionals from mainly a couple of guys who sound like they live at the place. We also now have the once silent husband of the owner chiming in giving directions (where were you before on this?) and getting his free plugs in as well.

What we need is a list of names and locations of others in the general Chiang Mai area who are formally trained in therapeutic massage techniques. I found from the internet that not far from Meechok Plaza is the Thai Massage School of Thailand. It is highly accredited and you can check it out at tmcschool.com. There should be a number who have gone to this school and now practice therapeutic massage somewhere in the area. Perhaps there is also an option to go and get a trained instructor to provide treatment right at the school.

While not meant to be an attack on the place that has been getting all the attention on this thread (massages might be good), I think it makes sense to widen the net and come up with some other highly qualified individuals who are trained in therapeutic massage and can deliver the relief and benefits this service should deliver. Just like to see more options than has been presented so far, as I am sure many others do as well.

Anyway, I will post what I find and hope others will do likewise.

Hear, hear... I can't agree more, mrmillersr.

Maybe the promoted salons can give the TV-reader something extra as promotion? :)

Enough about that one, more about the next...

As for the tipping. If it is no good, well...that is easy. If it is good, I tip 10-20 per hour, when the massage costs below 200 baht per hour.

I always try to standardise my tipping habit, but I found out that it's a matter of emotional weakness at that moment... :D

And sometimes I don't give nothing, even it was a good massage...because sometimes it is expected, and that I don't like. I am such a pain in the noise...

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A question I've got is what should you tip the masseuse and how are they usually compensated from the massage fee charged?

Example if the fee is 200 baht an hour do they usually get one-half of that - 100 baht?

More like 60 to 80 baht and many of them only get one or two customers a day. I tip 50 baht per hour and I feel guilty about that.

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A question I've got is what should you tip the masseuse and how are they usually compensated from the massage fee charged?

Example if the fee is 200 baht an hour do they usually get one-half of that - 100 baht?

More like 60 to 80 baht and many of them only get one or two customers a day. I tip 50 baht per hour and I feel guilty about that.

I think I'll start a massage career...you'll be the first one to invite! :)

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