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Be Grateful


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Things that make this translation difficult:

Grateful to who?

A gift from who?

Thanks for your reply.

I heard a speaker at a recent conference (medical profession) who reminded us that each day is not guaranteed. When we wake up, perhaps to give thanks for another day. Thanks to who? I guess that depends on your beliefs but the concept was to be grateful for another day as it is a gift and not guaranteed or ours as of right.

I want to have it tattooed when I am next in Thailand this year so for obvious reasons wanted the sentence concise.

This is the closest I have gotso far but it is not truly reflective of the meaning

ทำวันนี้ให้ดีทีสุด เพราะ เราไม่รู้ว่าจะมีวันพรุ่งนี้หรือเปล่า

Thanks for your input, it is appreciate

Thanks for your input.

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The phrase you want translated is embedded with the assumptions and norms of one culture, which make it difficult to transfer to another language and culture.

That's why I asked what I did. Who is the gratitude directed towards? The implied target of the English is God, I suppose. It is also implied that he is the one who gives the gift each day. None of this translates naturally into Thai, and to translate it at all requires one to be explicit in ways that English lets you be implicit.

The phrase you were given translates into English as:

"Make the best of today, because you don't know if there will be a tomorrow."

Which part of the meaning of your original phrase is important to you that is not captured here? How do you see the meanings as different?

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Thanks for explaining, I assumed that meanings and words were interchangable between language. Now I understand.

I guess the phrase I have so far focuses on the aspect of making the most of today, rather than being grateful for what we have and not taking life for granted. It is also quite long which was why I had chosen the original words. I wanted to focus more on gratefulness rathe than making the most of today.

Maybe something will come to me if i think hard enough

Thank you again


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As mentioned by Rikker, this could be translated word by word from English to Thai, but it wouldnt make any sense to a Thai.

In the same way if you take a Thai saying and translated it to English, it would make no sense to an English speaker.

กินน้ำพริกถ้วยเก่า, is an example that if translated word for word would make no sense.

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