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Red-Shirts Want Military To Admit To Coup Plans


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Animatic is many things, but simple-minded he is not. There is no poster who backs up their comments and assertions with facts, figures, not to mention reason and logic, more than he. The simple minded comment must have been made into the mirror perhaps.

Is this the kind of sophisticated, reasonable and logical benchmark you have in mind?

"You know, if the red shirts weren't so full of idiots, morons and psychopaths, more poeple would probably be agreeing with them. But you have folks like Jatuporn, who lies so much even his mother has given up on him, Noppadon, the man Cambodians love, Thaksin, the "leader" in exile, Seh Daeng - a mouthbreather of the first rank, and dont' forget Jakrabop, whos still out there, being dumb somewhere. I am no yellow lover - but the red shirts are easy to despise, because they look and sound like crazies. They have already lost, but now seem determined to burn the boat down, before if finishes sinking. Thailand doesn't need these people. They are not saviors of democracy. They are incompetents. The government just has to sit and watch them blow themselves up, unfortunately."

What exactly is a mouthbreather - don't we all breath through our mouths?

This government is very shaky and can't afford to sit back and wait. Also if the Redshirts were finished Abhisit would not be scared to call an election.

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Uh, that disparagement is more typically said Mouth BREEDERS,

As in certain types of primordial or under-advanced species of fish and amphibians.

Got the eggs and sperm but never developed a complete reproductive system for nurturing.

So starve until the young are born.

But many civilized people breath through their noses and filter the dust mites from their intake.

Versus; winded, heavy breathing, duo-peds, who can't keep up the race properly.

Well this government seems not too shaky,

since the Democrat execs just blew off Charter Mods tonight.

Must have called a few coalition partners bluffs with this move.

Not exactly a tell tail sign of shakiness.

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Oh yes! Lets have the reds win with:

Oak Shinawatra for PM and social programs and morals advisory.

Chalerm for Security and Head of the NCCC.

Yingluck for Land Office head.

Jatuporn for Attorney General.

Noppadon for what else State Department again.

Somkid for head of Election Commision.

Somchai for... impeached elder statesman.

Jakrapob for Finance Minister and Head of Bank of Thailand

The cypher with a bow tie can be Minister of Tourism

Ok lets RUN A COUNTRY!!!!!

Oops. guess not.

How low can a country go? Without 2 Etonian/Oxbridge products, who exactly does this country have of any quality who want to serve the nation?

In fact it does beg the question how many of any of them are actually educated in Thailand. Out of the current bunch, on either side, how many are under 50 and perceived as being of any use at all and homegrown?

Thailand, the land of useless dinosaur politicians; often hunted, but very skilled at avoiding the fatal bullet.

Maybe someone should just colonise the place to save it from itself.

Amen to both statements.

The European powers of the 19th century missed the boat when they didn't colonize Thailand, and so did the Thais.

Colonization produced mixed results - Burma, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia. Actually, throw in India and perhaps colonization begins to look more of a blessing than what's going on now, or ever has been going on.   

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Oh yes! Lets have the reds win with:

Oak Shinawatra for PM and social programs and morals advisory.

Chalerm for Security and Head of the NCCC.

Yingluck for Land Office head.

Jatuporn for Attorney General.

Noppadon for what else State Department again.

Somkid for head of Election Commision.

Somchai for... impeached elder statesman.

Jakrapob for Finance Minister and Head of Bank of Thailand

The cypher with a bow tie can be Minister of Tourism

Ok lets RUN A COUNTRY!!!!!

Oops. guess not.

That's the thing. The Demos don't look so great until you look at what the opposition offers. Very little, mostly negative.

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Let's say I don't give a rats @ss who wins an election, but I want to know who is going to lead the group in power- for example I look at the Dems and I see Abhisit and Korn. So....?

But take away the two quite untypical ex English public schoolboys with their Oxford degrees , and who do you have on the Dems side? The usual uninspiring dross.

But of course you are right on the dearth of compelling Red leadership.Lucky for the old elite really because a dynamic and honest Red leader would turn the country upside down, perhaps even winning urban middle class support and making inroads in the South.Interesting to speculate.

Maybe unfortunatley but it would, as things stand, be almost impossible for a dynamic and honest leader to rise in the red movement. For that condition to be met, and I actually would love to see it happen, the old style rogues on the red side need to be out of the equation or discredited.

For now though we are stuck with the usual suspects and the occasional atypical poltician. Jurin too may rank there as may TRT's Purachai and Somkid imho and possible a handful more across the spectrum.

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.... But of course you are right on the dearth of compelling Red leadership.Lucky for the old elite really because a dynamic and honest Red leader would turn the country upside down, perhaps even winning urban middle class support and making inroads in the South.Interesting to speculate.

Maybe unfortunatley but it would, as things stand, be almost impossible for a dynamic and honest leader to rise in the red movement. For that condition to be met, and I actually would love to see it happen, the old style rogues on the red side need to be out of the equation or discredited.

For now though we are stuck with the usual suspects and the occasional atypical poltician. Jurin too may rank there as may TRT's Purachai and Somkid imho and possible a handful more across the spectrum.

Maybe the next months shaking out of usual suspects may clear the playing field a bit.

I guess it depends on how far Thaksin will push things if he loses his pile.

Too far and most of his followers will fall away from viability,

and this might allow better leaders to fill the void.

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