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Where Can I Buy Pepper Spray For Self Defence In Phuket


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Phuket does sound a lot like rough town, I visited the Island in 2007 and it did nt look scary at all. My only bad experience there was in the hotel pool where local farang that joined his out of town friend in the same pool with his loud timeshare gf and proceeded to bare back her in there. Well my partner made sure the rest of the hotel guests came out to see him off with some quotes from Jeremiah. They thought we all were n't Thais,then my polynesian looking wife heard 'Naam Teak' all hel_l broke loose.

Wont be going that way anytime soon.

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Maybe there is a book of Common sense that can be bought.

Don't Go in dark secluded places

Don't bring attention to yourself by your Attitude.

Be polite and respectful to the Locals.

Stay in groups and let each other know where you are going .

School kids learn this at school. not certain about guns and pepper sprays though.

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REgarding tuk tuk owners being in my family;

:) Obviously that is you and your loonie friends loss ..tends to stop one being so one eyed and suffering the very obvious ''superiority complex'' you are afflicted with. I am in the position that i can see both sides of the ''discussion''..and make a fair and balanced decision, but even that wouldn't stop you lot!.we are all equal, get it! Once you get a grasp on that , then you will be able to post something intelligent!

As your avatar shows[ed] you have a strong hatred to ward ALL tuk tuk operaters. I have stated many times that there are some real dogs driving tuk tuks [just as there are on TV forum]

My sister in law and her family[ owner/driver of their own vehical] are far from the SCUM you call them.They have been ''taken over'' by the big boys at the high end of town and have no say at all regards fares or the behaviour of the minority who make a problem!

They were told ''like it or leave''.But once again any facts that oppose your petty one eyed views don't count, do they?That would mean acting rationally...far too hard for you i figure.

Wake up to yourself bud.


congrats you got the my avatar removed!!! So your family drives a tuktuk, and gouges guests because they are told to.... interesting, i bet every tuktuk has the same story.... Maybe they should buy pepper spray and become a "self defense loonie" and drive the tuktuk how they see fit, rather than being told what to do?

Edited by MyphuketLife
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REgarding tuk tuk owners being in my family;

:) Obviously that is you and your loonie friends loss ..tends to stop one being so one eyed and suffering the very obvious ''superiority complex'' you are afflicted with. I am in the position that i can see both sides of the ''discussion''..and make a fair and balanced decision, but even that wouldn't stop you lot!.we are all equal, get it! Once you get a grasp on that , then you will be able to post something intelligent!

As your avatar shows[ed] you have a strong hatred to ward ALL tuk tuk operaters. I have stated many times that there are some real dogs driving tuk tuks [just as there are on TV forum]

My sister in law and her family[ owner/driver of their own vehical] are far from the SCUM you call them.They have been ''taken over'' by the big boys at the high end of town and have no say at all regards fares or the behaviour of the minority who make a problem!

They were told ''like it or leave''.But once again any facts that oppose your petty one eyed views don't count, do they?That would mean acting rationally...far too hard for you i figure.

Wake up to yourself bud.


After sifting through all the name calling and projecting, I think happy has a point here, and I think it deserves some clarification. We all may know of some very nice tuk tuk drivers. The anti-tuk tuk sentiment that has evolved over time here should not, in most cases, be directed at the individual tuk tuk driver. I'll let myphuketlife speak for himself, but I think that is what he and others believe as well. It is certainly what I believe despite my avatar and title.

I have also heard, and believe, that they are told this is the way things will be by the powers that control them. It is the powers that contol them that is causing the problems. And a few, no, I'll say many, tuk tuk's drivers exploit this feeling of power and impunity they have been given. It's reflected in their individual actions. However, that corrupt and apparently powerful system does not excuse those individual behaviors.

The problem is with the current "system" in place, and the behaviors of individual drivers are a symptom of that problem.

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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happyinkathu, just have to repeat myself, I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND

Neither am I paranoid or insecure, perhaps a bit naive, but you wouldnt know since you dont know me

Other posters where able to read my post and understand our need for guns in LOS, unfortunately you are unable to. I feel no need to go into details why guns where needed, they where needed and used on occasions. During my next 30 years I find it likely I will need to use it again

In Moscow we had a machinegun armed driver and 3 machinegun armed guards watching condo building/gate/frontdoors.

Phuket is a safe place to live

Do I regret putting myself in a situation to need armed guards or having a personal gun? Some moments I did, not any more

BTW, what rave are you refering to?

We all see in your posts how happy you are, same condo 18 years blabla. I m just a newbie in LOS, came here first time 1969 but have only lived here permanently for 7 years. happy and armed, just in case :)

Don't forget about the multiple suspect armed home invasions/kidnappings/extortions which have occurred in Phuket and which went unreported to both the police and the media. Pepper spray ain't going to help you there!

I read an interesting OT story in my home town paper this week. http://www.contracostatimes.com/search/ci_...;nclick_check=1

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congrats you got the my avatar removed!!! So your family drives a tuktuk, and gouges guests because they are told to.... interesting, i bet every tuktuk has the same story.... Maybe they should buy pepper spray and become a "self defense loonie" and drive the tuktuk how they see fit, rather than being told what to do?

Remember i said once..treat people how you expect to be treated yourself....Wow how much influence i must have that I alone can have your sad little avatar removed..wake up, it obviously offends more than just little ol me..

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We all see in your posts how happy you are, same condo 18 years blabla.

Registered condo in Kathu in 92 ???? Hmmm..

Special ;for L/LOs and KBBUM


As usual boys!! in boots and all before the brain is engaged..So simple to READ and UNDERSTAND a post first, then you dont continually look like fools..Here, i will repost it for you...read it long and slow and ''voila'' its all so obvious !

Admittedly i do live in a condo, with the security that goes with it..but hello , for 18 years i have lived very close to patong and i drive my car, and ride my M/c and i walk on the beach, and i associate with many, many people , both Thai and western and i can catagorically say, as i do on my ''About Me page'':NOT ONE INCIDENT IN THAILAND!!

My mail address is..Amphur Kathu and Yes i have owned it since new in mid '92.And it is my principle residence, tho most high seasons ,when there are more than just the usual idiots here i relocate and have ''lived in and visited near all of Thailand.''

Really is none of your business, but i've got nothing or nobody to hide from..lol Bet you can't say the same huh.

All the best from really, really happyinkathhu..and still unarmed..not only that i don't even lock my door at night..

Please dont even suggest that i'm a liar chaps!! . :) Keep it out of the gutter.. this is a discussion about ''self defense ''

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The question is, "Why would you need pepper spray in Phuket at all?" Not like it is the wild west like Pattaya? "Self-defence" by foreigners is not appreciated by the Thai authorities, I would imagine? :)

Self-defence by foreigners not appreciated ? ... that can't be right, every individual foreigner or not is entitled to defend himself (or herself) if attacked by villainous characters, and using a defensive spray (like pepper spray) is legally more acceptable then say a knife or a baseball Bat, in fact carrying a knife is illegal, and having a baseball bat over one's shoulder as a defence tool whilst walking the streets would be rather ridiculous, thus pepper spray is the answer.

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happyinkathu, just have to repeat myself, I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND

Neither am I paranoid or insecure, perhaps a bit naive, but you wouldnt know since you dont know me

Other posters where able to read my post and understand our need for guns in LOS, unfortunately you are unable to. I feel no need to go into details why guns where needed, they where needed and used on occasions. During my next 30 years I find it likely I will need to use it again

In Moscow we had a machinegun armed driver and 3 machinegun armed guards watching condo building/gate/frontdoors.

Phuket is a safe place to live

Do I regret putting myself in a situation to need armed guards or having a personal gun? Some moments I did, not any more

BTW, what rave are you refering to?

We all see in your posts how happy you are, same condo 18 years blabla. I m just a newbie in LOS, came here first time 1969 but have only lived here permanently for 7 years. happy and armed, just in case :)

OK Comrade!!Take a look outside..it is not snowing..we are not in Moscow..OK you needed max security then..i understand ,but now you are in Thailand..yes.

Twice now you have agreed with me Phuket is a safe place to live..great. Obviously comprehension is difficult for you but ,no problem for me, but re your above statement ''other posters understood your post about needing guns in LOS'' hmmm Ok..But i cant find any evidense of that . Anyway to help you along i have reposted it for you. This is it below huh;

When we developed realestate together, we used to have one gun at each side of the bed. Improved quality of sleep

Paranoid, delusional and insecure? Assumptions from happyinkathu. Bulletholes in our car and housewindow are facts to relate to.

So all i can make from it is that if you develope realestate you have to have ,not one but two guns in your bedroom, and you have ''bulletholes in your car and housewindow''..Please exp[lain this to me,slowly because as you say ''unfortunately i am unable to understand''..I honestly am interested to know what you mean.

There has to be a h-ll of a lot more to it than what you have told us here comrade ,either that or my summing you up is correct..Paranoid, delusional, and very insecure...

Edited by happyinkathu
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Special ;for L/LOs and KBBUM


As usual boys!! in boots and all before the brain is engaged..So simple to READ and UNDERSTAND a post first, then you dont continually look like fools..Here, i will repost it for you...read it long and slow and ''voila'' its all so obvious !

Admittedly i do live in a condo, with the security that goes with it..but hello , for 18 years i have lived very close to patong and i drive my car, and ride my M/c and i walk on the beach, and i associate with many, many people , both Thai and western and i can catagorically say, as i do on my ''About Me page'':NOT ONE INCIDENT IN THAILAND!!

My mail address is..Amphur Kathu and Yes i have owned it since new in mid '92.And it is my principle residence, tho most high seasons ,when there are more than just the usual idiots here i relocate and have ''lived in and visited near all of Thailand.''

Really is none of your business, but i've got nothing or nobody to hide from..lol Bet you can't say the same huh.

All the best from really, really happyinkathhu..and still unarmed..not only that i don't even lock my door at night..

Please dont even suggest that i'm a liar chaps!! . :) Keep it out of the gutter.. this is a discussion about ''self defense ''

My address is Amphur Karon, but I don't live in, nor would I refer to my house as being in "Karon", thus I would never consider having a nic like "happyinkaron". Liar? maybe not, misleading? I think so. I would say the "happy" part is questionable tho. lol Either way your right, nothing to do with the topic.

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All thread long and, on topic... no-one's mentioned that tazers are widely available as well... :)

I take little or no security measures at my place in Phuket. Just my electric fence and a few claymores in the front and backyard. I sleep very soundly with only my Mossberg pump action shotgun beside the bed and my Ruger .357 magnum under the pillow for company.

It did initially cost a bit to feed my 18 rottweilers but I only have 12 left as the silly sods keep tripping over the claymore mines in the garden. My armour plated hummer is a bit thirsty on the juice but it's 50 calibre mounted machine gun is always a good talking point when I go down to Lotus.

When I go for a walk down Bangla I never go armed, except for a few ninja throwing stars and one of those bayonets with the knuckle duster handles. No sense is being too paranoid is there. :D

P.S I have sent a link to this series of posts to the Freud Insitute in Frankfurt Germany. There is enough material here for a Doctorate Thesis for some student.

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As usual boys!! in boots and all before the brain is engaged.

I can understand some feel not secure and unsafe at times but the big problem with guns for me are the idiots carrying (and firing) them. If you own a gun, keep it at your house only. If you feel it's necessary, take the pepper spray when you go out.

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All thread long and, on topic... no-one's mentioned that tazers are widely available as well... :)

I take little or no security measures at my place in Phuket. Just my electric fence and a few claymores in the front and backyard. I sleep very soundly with only my Mossberg pump action shotgun beside the bed and my Ruger .357 magnum under the pillow for company.

It did initially cost a bit to feed my 18 rottweilers but I only have 12 left as the silly sods keep tripping over the claymore mines in the garden. My armour plated hummer is a bit thirsty on the juice but it's 50 calibre mounted machine gun is always a good talking point when I go down to Lotus.

When I go for a walk down Bangla I never go armed, except for a few ninja throwing stars and one of those bayonets with the knuckle duster handles. No sense is being too paranoid is there. :D

P.S I have sent a link to this series of posts to the Freud Insitute in Frankfurt Germany. There is enough material here for a Doctorate Thesis for some student.

good one :D:D

can you really sleep with the smell of a gun under your pillow?

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happyinkathu, just have to repeat myself, I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND

Neither am I paranoid or insecure, perhaps a bit naive, but you wouldnt know since you dont know me

Other posters where able to read my post and understand our need for guns in LOS, unfortunately you are unable to. I feel no need to go into details why guns where needed, they where needed and used on occasions. During my next 30 years I find it likely I will need to use it again

In Moscow we had a machinegun armed driver and 3 machinegun armed guards watching condo building/gate/frontdoors.

Phuket is a safe place to live

Do I regret putting myself in a situation to need armed guards or having a personal gun? Some moments I did, not any more

BTW, what rave are you refering to?

We all see in your posts how happy you are, same condo 18 years blabla. I m just a newbie in LOS, came here first time 1969 but have only lived here permanently for 7 years. happy and armed, just in case :)

OK Comrade!!Take a look outside..it is not snowing..we are not in Moscow..OK you needed max security then..i understand ,but now you are in Thailand..yes.

Twice now you have agreed with me Phuket is a safe place to live..great. Obviously comprehension is difficult for you but ,no problem for me, but re your above statement ''other posters understood your post about needing guns in LOS'' hmmm Ok..But i cant find any evidense of that . Anyway to help you along i have reposted it for you. This is it below huh;

When we developed realestate together, we used to have one gun at each side of the bed. Improved quality of sleep

Paranoid, delusional and insecure? Assumptions from happyinkathu. Bulletholes in our car and housewindow are facts to relate to.

So all i can make from it is that if you develope realestate you have to have ,not one but two guns in your bedroom, and you have ''bulletholes in your car and housewindow''..Please exp[lain this to me,slowly because as you say ''unfortunately i am unable to understand''..I honestly am interested to know what you mean.

There has to be a h-ll of a lot more to it than what you have told us here comrade ,either that or my summing you up is correct..Paranoid, delusional, and very insecure...

No need to defend my words, no need for you to flame me or other posters with your hobby psyche from Amphur Kathu

But since my ex gf likes to impress at the shooting range sometimes:

Payday, approx 80 employeess lined up, approx 300.000 baht on the table, normally a police officer or kamnan would be present but she was fed up of waiting. This was a day for large cash payments, only steel rebar supply was 1,2 mill baht so approx 2 mill baht in her car.

A burmese ran off with 100k from the salary table, she calmly shoots him in the leg on 20 meters distance with only one bullet( I dont shoot as good as she does so I usually aim higher and would usually fire 5 initially). She called police, I brought the thief to hospital in my pickup, she continued payday, Immigration deported him.

Ok, ok, shooting at my pickup. A builder was convinced to complete what he had been payed for. By doing so he thought he would be allowed to continue, even though he had spent 6 weeks of building 2 weeks schedule. He was fired, and one day he shot at my truck when I was bringing cash to supplier at site. He survived and moved to BKK.

just two incidents, the rest aint public

its been quiet past year

happy and armed, just in case.

Edit, forgot, happyinkathu I m not even your Comrade

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My address is Amphur Karon, but I don't live in, nor would I refer to my house as being in "Karon", thus I would never consider having a nic like "happyinkaron". Liar? maybe not, misleading? I think so.

This being a forum, meaning a place for discussion, has to have all sides of a topic discussed, not just an overbearing same-same one eyed perspective, yes?As you and your group do! Yes?

I have endeavered to do just that, but you and your ''must post at all costs'' minority group of 4-5 simply HATE the idea of anyone else posting a point of view that opposes your often flawed and mostly one eyed opinions.Especially if they are dreaded' NEWBIES as i and a lot of others are and who appeared breifly, and simply gave up. Sorry bud ..i don't give up..and wont!Shock , horror OMG a newbie failing to repect us,[as you called it] RESPECTED AND ESTABLISHED MEMBERS... :) lol only in your minds SB...lol Guess what ..i will continue to rattle your cage doors until i tire of it myself, and i alone if i have too will cop your cr-p to ensure a fare and balanced perspective on forum.Being a very frequent poster or being part of a little CLIQUE ,that tends to get together and attack people [bully often] who post opposing views does not get my repect bud, it makes me more determined to ensure that the true and full story is debated and i've got no problem going it alone,because i know that bullies cant stand the confrontation .

I put my views on here and any other post regarding ''self defence'' as fact, as part of my life experience in a 25 year period from a mere 16 yo kid in 1966 as a street-M/C gang member, and a large part of my life was engaged in activities that you guys watching your ''tough guy movies'' couldn't even immagine .. I have buried 15 good friends in that time and MY VERY OWN SON WAS RECENTLY MURDERED !! HOW? Because contrary to my lifelong advice not to confront intruders with a weapon, he did so..they were only burglers initially..Pretend you are asleep and let them go i always said...Material possessions are replaceable, insurance etc,then later you find the scum when you have the advantage, and deal appropriately!!No it didn't happen in Thailand..but in my birth country!!

He didn't..instead he grabbed a large piece of wood and attacked the two he saw...sadly there were 3-4 and he was disarmed by sheer numbers and the dogs smashed his head in from behind!!!!!FACT!! RIFP.. he died over material possessions!!!

This is exactly why i am so bl--dy against what you no-nothings preach about ''self defence''You have no idea at all and i know for a fact that you are too one eyed or plain stupid to even comprehend what i have just told you.!!!

Take my advice or leave it, you becoming a statistic won't make any difference in my life unless you fall in front of me and I have no choice but to step over/on you. I'm sorry to say though if you end up here as a sad fatality story or serious injuries on a forum such as this you'll get little sympathy from me and others...That's not a lack of compassion on anyone's part but rather it's a dose of reality of your environment and lack of common sense on your part.. PS im not an ''i told you so person'' but if this happened, i would tell you!!

BTW i am still happyinKATHU. BUT VERY ANGRY AT THE LOSS OF A GREAT KID..33 years only RIP


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I take little or no security measures at my place in Phuket. Just my electric fence and a few claymores in the front and backyard. I sleep very soundly with only my Mossberg pump action shotgun beside the bed and my Ruger .357 magnum under the pillow for company.

It did initially cost a bit to feed my 18 rottweilers but I only have 12 left as the silly sods keep tripping over the claymore mines in the garden. My armour plated hummer is a bit thirsty on the juice but it's 50 calibre mounted machine gun is always a good talking point when I go down to Lotus.

When I go for a walk down Bangla I never go armed, except for a few ninja throwing stars and one of those bayonets with the knuckle duster handles. No sense is being too paranoid is there. :D

P.S I have sent a link to this series of posts to the Freud Insitute in Frankfurt Germany. There is enough material here for a Doctorate Thesis for some student.

:):D:D:D:D:D ..Well done..nice to see some humour on here..Thanks..

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The women being raped on the beaches if had pepper spray would probably have not been raped. There are thousands of people that defend themselves and stop bad people, there are a percent that end up like your son did. In the end it comes down to choice, You have the choice to let people do wrong to you while you do nothing (still risky), or you have the choice to TRY and defend yourself and fight back (more risky).... It all comes down to the type of person you are (you know the fight or flight that is part of all of us). If people decide to "arm themselves" they should take training, and get used to the "weapon" they choose to defend themselves with.

You should really listen to the last thing you always post "JAI YEN YEN". If you did not come off so angry and confrontational, you would not have all these forum "spats"... You could have simply said "I don't believe people should defend them self's as often it leads to a larger crime against them, my son for example, had 3-4 men break into his house he woke up and tried to stop them with a stick, the robbers out number him and tragically beat him to death. If only he just pretended to be asleep he would more than likely still be alive today.

I am sorry for the loss of your son, but you can't be sure he would still be alive if he did not fight back. There are cases where the theives killed the residents while they were sleeping. Just because a person does not fight back does not mean the robber won't hurt them.

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and this thread started out "where to buy pepperspray". some posters gave qualified response, while happyinkathu starts flaming others wanting to defend themselves. Its possible to see why from his latest post, but still doesnt excuse.

I prefere the risk of being killed after defending myself rather than just being wasted. some others do to. besides I believe in most cases being armed avoids intruders. locals know me as a gentle happy guy, but armed just in case.

sorry about your son happyinkathu

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Unless you can get mugged in cyberspace I doubt most of the regular posters on here are in any danger in Phuket. The most danger they probably face is a sternly worded email from their broker. :)

I am also wondering if certain people here have tendonitis of the fingers? They type so much on these forums I wonder when they actually get the time to live. "AFS" or Angry Farang Syndrome is a serious disease here.

Even though they are on the computer 24/7, they still find time to get into shootouts and car chases every week against those fiends the Thais. I often ponder if the Phuket I go to is the same place talked about here. I'm going to check Google maps right now.

Take up golf, yoga, Tai Chi or something, just give us a spell from the dick measuring contest. :D

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I take little or no security measures at my place in Phuket. Just my electric fence and a few claymores in the front and backyard. I sleep very soundly with only my Mossberg pump action shotgun beside the bed and my Ruger .357 magnum under the pillow for company.

It did initially cost a bit to feed my 18 rottweilers but I only have 12 left as the silly sods keep tripping over the claymore mines in the garden. My armour plated hummer is a bit thirsty on the juice but it's 50 calibre mounted machine gun is always a good talking point when I go down to Lotus.

When I go for a walk down Bangla I never go armed, except for a few ninja throwing stars and one of those bayonets with the knuckle duster handles. No sense is being too paranoid is there. :)

P.S I have sent a link to this series of posts to the Freud Insitute in Frankfurt Germany. There is enough material here for a Doctorate Thesis for some student.

On the upside you can sell the rottweiler meat in Korea Town.

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This being a forum, meaning a place for discussion, has to have all sides of a topic discussed, not just an overbearing same-same one eyed perspective, yes?As you and your group do! Yes?

So a group is one eyed but you alone are not..

Interesting view..

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Any more recommendations for sources of non-expired, fresh, good quality, reasonable priced OC, pepperspray in Phuket apart from Hunters and Big C?

I was attacked myself while riding a bicycle in Nai Harn, Rawai and I also feel uncomfortable now every time a slow moving motorbike drives behind me.

Attacks are very common in this area, another recent one:

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Any more recommendations for sources of non-expired, fresh, good quality, reasonable priced OC, pepperspray in Phuket apart from Hunters and Big C?

I was attacked myself while riding a bicycle in Nai Harn, Rawai and I also feel uncomfortable now every time a slow moving motorbike drives behind me.

Attacks are very common in this area, another recent one:

Opposite the old main police station in Phuket Town, there is a shop that supplies police officers items they have to purchase themselves.

You can buy pepper spray and tasers there

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Getting into arguements over why some people have to arm themselves or not is a s stupid as saying Phuket is safe or not safe. If your own guts are telling you that you need some kind of protection wheter it to be a pepper spray or a gun, or some of your close friends telling you that you should step up your security a bit then you propably should.

Its meaningless to discuss this as all of us have very different lives still we live on the same island or for that matter are neighbours. It comes down to everything from your own physics, if you can put up a good fight or not, how wealthy you are, how scared you are or paranoid, if your house is a big expensive house, if you have a fence or not. If you drive a porsche or not or if you like to flash your money. What work you are having. How many girls you pissed off or if your ex is a psycho Thai girl. The list goes on and on...........

For my own sake I do take some simple precautions but at this time I do not feel i need a gun in my house and recon that just having one now is a greater risk as i have young kid than for the protecton it offers if being robbed. Persoanlly I am never afraid when around when ever at night or where ever. I did compete at national level in Tae kwon do for years in my home country some time ago so I do offer some good protection for my self. I think self defence offers a good basic protection and understanding of a human trying to rob you or mess with you, but only if your own psychic comes alonfg with your skills.

Its good for everyone to learn some self defence. But trying to use selfdefendce it is not a wise thing for everyone and can be fatal and yourself signing your death off.

Many times have I tried to realase a gun or a knife simulating being robbed. I am very confident that I would be able to do so if being robbed at gun or knifepoint here by a Thai psycho. In situations like this its a very fine line where lives can get lost or not one should understand. You might as well loose your life as of just panicing and screaming as you could do trying to put up a fight with the robber. Being robbed at knifepoint and knowing that the outcome so easily could mean your own life getting lost and I would have absolutely no remorse sticking that knife into the robbers chest or throat killing him and ending it all right there. It rather be him than me. These creeps do not deserve to live.

I am definately not a violent man but in the matter of life and death I can for sure be extremly violent.

So people step up with safety and security measurements in what ever way that will make you feel confident living here. You have the right to do so and got my full understanding. Once feeling confident and you will enjoy your life very much more!

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