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Road Rage In Phuket


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Westerners that honk and show anger to others on the road are REALLY barking up the wrong tree. My Thai brother in law in Phuket "HATES" the "millions" of motorcyclists in Phuket, as they RULE THE ROAD, but does he rage at them and honk???? NO, he instead vents to people like me, who are in the passenger seat of his truck..


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I feel there are different degrees of honking the horn. To me a long hard push on the horn shows a degree of anger or a desperate warning that an accident is imminent. A quick short honk can be one of gratitude or letting a motorist know they are about to make a maneuvere which could lead to an accident. The horn should really be used for what it is intended, a safety device.

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German expat Wolf Kesselheim was stabbed to death on Wednesday, apparently for honking and shouting at a guy who cut him up on a motorcycle. A couple of weeks before that, another German guy was shot dead in Chiang Mai after 'flipping the bird' at a Thai man at some traffic lights. Has something like this ever happened to someone you know in Phuket? Have you ever been threatened after honking or getting angry at someone on the road here? I want to know how common this is. Scary stuff.

Yes, this happened many times to me.

Many tuk tuks and the white mini vans, one time a tuk tuk followed me to my house..........but bad luck for him....


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When I lived in Phuket I parked in a mall parking garage in a rented Jazz when my boys were younger and both were in car seats.. I had a post on one side and moved closer to the post and backed in so as to be able to get my other boy in and out of the back seat without too much problem.

There was really only a small bit of room next to me for a small car to park but this was also the reason I parked so close to the pole was to allow me room when I came back out should someone park next to me. When we came back some mindless and inconsiderate twit had parked his raised pickup with running boards right next to me with only about a half meter of space between door center to door center but at the bottom where his runners were there was less then half a meter not even enough to open my car door to get my shoulder in the car let alone a child in the back seat or climb in and move the car out and this was most definitely known to the Jacka__ that parked there though because of the height of his truck he was able to get in and out due to the vehicles contours but it still wasn't easy for him either..

I was seething, not knowing how to get this person or how long it was going to be, though this turned out to be one of those rare times when the inconsiderate twit came out while I was there and it was an arrogant twenty something Brit with his nasty mouthed mother which was really the most aggravating and distressing part as it soon became clear where he got his manners from.. I mentioned to him in an irritated but controlled tone of voice about his complete lack of consideration and how next time he should think about others and in response he mumbled some nasty comments, so as he was getting in his truck and squeezing his arse in the seat I trapped him against the door and the B pillar by holding the door closed with him partially in and partially out and told him he could just apologize politely and be on his way or we could step it up and I'd teach him the manners right there that his rude, loud mouthed, inconsiderate mother had failed to do.

Well he changed his tune and apologized and sir this, etc.. So I let him on his way fully expecting him and or his rude mother to make some sort of cowardly parting gesture on his departure while speeding off and true to their nature he shot me a bird as did his mother and shouted obscenities so I ran after the truck and just as I dented the rear quarter panel he stoopidly lost control of his truck as he had tried to accelerate away and turn a corner to leave he spun around the corner and ran into at least one other car all by himself and couldn't get out because he was up against 2 cars, one in front and one in back as he had slid sideways so no way he was getting out!!!!! Laughed my arse off!! :):D

We loaded up and drove away with a courteous smile and wave, it was sweet retribution for many inconsiderate and arrogant B'stards of a life time who are used to getting one over on other people.... :D

There's no way you don't make it to heaven after that

good job!

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One thing thailand has taught me and that is to relax.

Completely agree with that. Especially as I see a lot of road rage about Phuket Island.

I second that.

There is no point in getting upset.

I live in Pattaya and, although I see a great deal of dangerous driving, road rage is relatively rare.

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Westerners that honk and show anger to others on the road are REALLY barking up the wrong tree. My Thai brother in law in Phuket "HATES" the "millions" of motorcyclists in Phuket, as they RULE THE ROAD, but does he rage at them and honk???? NO, he instead vents to people like me, who are in the passenger seat of his truck..


Cars have a horn for a reason, to alert other drivers your there and rebuke poor driving..

If Thais flip their lid because someone honks at them when they are driving badly, thats their problem.

I dont go round flipping anyone the bird but a driver that doesnt understand the outside lane is for overtaking then I will (where safe) undertake and let them know they are in the wrong place.

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Cars have a horn for a reason, to alert other drivers your there and rebuke poor driving..

If Thais flip their lid because someone honks at them when they are driving badly, thats their problem.

I dont go round flipping anyone the bird but a driver that doesnt understand the outside lane is for overtaking then I will (where safe) undertake and let them know they are in the wrong place.

honking dosnt have to be showing anger

I honk frequently to try to avoid accidents and make others pay attention on whats going on. sometimes it helps, sometimes they get angry, i just dont care, at least now they are aware of me being there

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honking dosnt have to be showing anger

I honk frequently to try to avoid accidents and make others pay attention on whats going on. sometimes it helps, sometimes they get angry, i just dont care, at least now they are aware of me being there

I always honk when overtaking just so they don't veer in front of me. I can count on 1 hand the number of times someone looks in their motorbike mirror before veering right.

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people who look like maniacs on the road, just block them

Dont let them pass. or pass them and then block them.

They'll either get crazy behind you and end up crying the rest of the night, or they'll do a stupid move and get into a fatal accident


Or they'll kill you. As has just happened to my friend Wolf.

Bit off topic but did Wolf have a Guest House on the Junction of Nanai/ Sainamyen Road a few years back

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Bit off topic but did Wolf have a Guest House on the Junction of Nanai/ Sainamyen Road a few years back

Don't think so. I know that Wolfie and I think he lives over in Kathu these days. The man killed was named as Eugen Wolf-Dieter, in Rawai. Maybe someone else can confirm what I think.

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Back in the states my business required many hours a day in the worst city traffic and I think I learned the secret to staying calm....LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS! Seriously, if you go out on the road expecting everyone to drive correctly you'll just get nuts every time they cut you off, etc., but if you expect everyone to drive like an idiot it's just normal and if they do drive correctly it's a pleasant surprise that brings you up instead of down. I remember once a guy ran me completely off the road, I slide sideways in the dirt and pulled back onto the road without even touching the brake then reached over to adjust the radio ....just another sunny day in Miami!

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I was totin my pack along the dusty Sukhumvita Road,

When along came a truck with high canvas covered load,

If yer goin to Chiang Mai Mack, then we can ride,

So I climbed into the cab, and then I settled down inside,

He asked me if I'd seen a road with so much dust and sand,

And I said "Listen, I've travelled every road in this Thailand".

I've been everywhere man!

I been Chanthaburi, Nonthaburi, Ratchaburi, Prahchinburi, Minburi,

Nakhon, Chumphom, Nakhon, Sakhon,

<add your preference here>

I bin everywhere..

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When (not "if" - because they happen all the time) an incident occurs on the road, I never show overt signs of anger and aggression such as yelling, honking the horn and showing "the finger" but am I angry, yes.

Why am I angry, because a Thai crashes into me, and because I am farang, I have to pay for his damage, his medical bills and then my own damage and medical bills and the accident wasn't even my fault.

So, while I understand people make mistakes on the road, including myself, and accidents do occur, the anger comes from the big scam involved when any farang has an accident with a Thai, despite the fact that the Thai was negligent and caused the accident.

That said, if you think you are angry when a Thai cuts you off, wait and see how angry you get when they crash into you, they call the police and the police tell you you have to pay to them.

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When (not "if" - because they happen all the time) an incident occurs on the road, I never show overt signs of anger and aggression such as yelling, honking the horn and showing "the finger" but am I angry, yes.

Why am I angry, because a Thai crashes into me, and because I am farang, I have to pay for his damage, his medical bills and then my own damage and medical bills and the accident wasn't even my fault.

So, while I understand people make mistakes on the road, including myself, and accidents do occur, the anger comes from the big scam involved when any farang has an accident with a Thai, despite the fact that the Thai was negligent and caused the accident.

That said, if you think you are angry when a Thai cuts you off, wait and see how angry you get when they crash into you, they call the police and the police tell you you have to pay to them.

Not true. If you're not at fault you don't have to pay. Just don't give in to pressure from others involved and maybe police, and make sure your insurance company is always present, they don't want to pay and will do anything to not get blamed.

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When police are involved, I pay. I don't need to esculate the problem and end up paying more. Most farang let their wife or girlfriend drive, or ride, to escape this extortion because a Thai crashing into a Thai is no problem. I believe the way the Thai's see it is that, "It always farang fault because he in Thailand and not know how to drive on Thai road." That, as well as the farang's ability to pay and everyone says it was your fault. 10 Thai witnesses who all want to share in the bottles of samsong against 1 innocent farang - get your wallet out. :)

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When (not "if" - because they happen all the time) an incident occurs on the road, I never show overt signs of anger and aggression such as yelling, honking the horn and showing "the finger" but am I angry, yes.

Why am I angry, because a Thai crashes into me, and because I am farang, I have to pay for his damage, his medical bills and then my own damage and medical bills and the accident wasn't even my fault.

So, while I understand people make mistakes on the road, including myself, and accidents do occur, the anger comes from the big scam involved when any farang has an accident with a Thai, despite the fact that the Thai was negligent and caused the accident.

That said, if you think you are angry when a Thai cuts you off, wait and see how angry you get when they crash into you, they call the police and the police tell you you have to pay to them.

Good reasoning mate. You beat me to the punch as i was just reading through the thread and was reminded of when i was first driving around with the TG and her sister in BK.

Wasnt long before i realized that looking out for everyone else (crazy motorsai,buses,tuk tuks) was 90% of the battle.

I witnessed more than a few occasions where an accident was narrowly missed and to my suprise (in most times anyway) the GF and her sis would give a laugh and say "how crazy is this guy?" or words to this ilk..no screaming or yelling...

Having grown up in Oz, where road rage is a way of life, i was stunned at this reaction and scratched my head a few times until i had to ask the question...

Me- ERR the idiot nearly ran into you, how can you laugh about it?

Her- I can laugh because he miss..if he would hit me and kill everyone then i would be the one to cry

I dont know how you can cry if your dead :D but bugger me i certainly couldnt argue with the logic :)

and funny that she never was never involved in any prangs or dramas we see here on TV....maybe something to do with the attitude?

Anyway as a tailnote maybe next time you have a near miss it might pay to APPRECIATE the good luck of the near miss AND the good luck of not being injured RATHER than pushing your luck further by acting a goose and inviting the potential for some VERY BAD LUCK

like my grandfather said "doesnt matter if you miss by a millimetre or 10 metres, you still miss"

signed- Reformed Road Rager

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When police are involved, I pay. I don't need to esculate the problem and end up paying more. Most farang let their wife or girlfriend drive, or ride, to escape this extortion because a Thai crashing into a Thai is no problem. I believe the way the Thai's see it is that, "It always farang fault because he in Thailand and not know how to drive on Thai road." That, as well as the farang's ability to pay and everyone says it was your fault. 10 Thai witnesses who all want to share in the bottles of samsong against 1 innocent farang - get your wallet out. :)
Again, IMO all nonsense.
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When (not "if" - because they happen all the time) an incident occurs on the road, I never show overt signs of anger and aggression such as yelling, honking the horn and showing "the finger" but am I angry, yes.

Why am I angry, because a Thai crashes into me, and because I am farang, I have to pay for his damage, his medical bills and then my own damage and medical bills and the accident wasn't even my fault.

So, while I understand people make mistakes on the road, including myself, and accidents do occur, the anger comes from the big scam involved when any farang has an accident with a Thai, despite the fact that the Thai was negligent and caused the accident.

That said, if you think you are angry when a Thai cuts you off, wait and see how angry you get when they crash into you, they call the police and the police tell you you have to pay to them.

Not true. If you're not at fault you don't have to pay. Just don't give in to pressure from others involved and maybe police, and make sure your insurance company is always present, they don't want to pay and will do anything to not get blamed.


had a few accidents, usually Police have been fair. Not so in Patong 2 weeks ago.

I was overtaking some cars and one big bike on the road from Patong to Karon up the hill before coming to safari. They where really slow, I was riding my big bike. Overtook them, the bike started to turn right as I just was passing. he touched my passangers knee and my lisence plate. I stopped a few hundred meters later, returned to accident scene. Rider was gone, but bike was left, wrecked.

Took my passanger to patong hospital, treated bleeding wound, xrayed to be sure, a BIB turns up says I was escaping accident scene. I said no, the other guy escaped, I took care of medical before wanting to report him.

Policestation, I called my Insurance company (1st class insurance). The other party turned up with like 10 people. They said this is a rental bike, and I have to pay for rent 2 months at 2000 baht a day. Insurance company says its my fault, Police says its my fault. I ask if they want to know what happend? No, the other party have explained it. 4 hours later I can accept to be guilty or Police lock me up and bring me to court. accepted guilty, payed 500 baht fine, no claim between parties, only between the other party and my insurance to cover bikes damage, not lost rentalincome.

The other parties bike was wrecked, my not scratched. The other rider was totally unharmed, shoes, jeans, t-shirt and body. My friend showing up in Police station couldnt stop laughing. Wrecked bike, unscratched rider. Even flip flops.

Sometimes expect to get the blame even when your not guilty

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I have driven to Mae honson, phuket,surat,everywhere in between,been driving myself for 11 years in bangkok, Just one accident, a Korean crashed into me making a u-turn while I was overtaking him, he fled to his embassy only to show up later at the cop shop. we were both guilty.

I drive really fast, I mean very fast, but I treat the road like a race track, I avoid everyone,with speed. Some drivers in no hurry to get anywhere will just sit on the fast lane, I usually start with coming close, then flash lights briefly, longer flashes, then honk, followed by all the lights and the horn, if all did nt work, I ll find a way around the car and thats when they leave the fast lane.

I dont feel any rage, just that I need to get to where I am going fast. The slow drivers cause all the accidents and only people under the influence crash when the go fast.

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Not true. If you're not at fault you don't have to pay. Just don't give in to pressure from others involved and maybe police, and make sure your insurance company is always present, they don't want to pay and will do anything to not get blamed.

'make sure your insurance company is always present" thats a joke,you'd be lucky if they answered the phone.Agree with namkangman.

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had a few accidents, usually Police have been fair. Not so in Patong 2 weeks ago.

I was overtaking some cars and one big bike on the road from Patong to Karon up the hill before coming to safari. They where really slow, I was riding my big bike. Overtook them, the bike started to turn right as I just was passing. he touched my passangers knee and my lisence plate. I stopped a few hundred meters later, returned to accident scene. Rider was gone, but bike was left, wrecked.

Took my passanger to patong hospital, treated bleeding wound, xrayed to be sure, a BIB turns up says I was escaping accident scene. I said no, the other guy escaped, I took care of medical before wanting to report him.

Policestation, I called my Insurance company (1st class insurance). The other party turned up with like 10 people. They said this is a rental bike, and I have to pay for rent 2 months at 2000 baht a day. Insurance company says its my fault, Police says its my fault. I ask if they want to know what happend? No, the other party have explained it. 4 hours later I can accept to be guilty or Police lock me up and bring me to court. accepted guilty, payed 500 baht fine, no claim between parties, only between the other party and my insurance to cover bikes damage, not lost rentalincome.

The other parties bike was wrecked, my not scratched. The other rider was totally unharmed, shoes, jeans, t-shirt and body. My friend showing up in Police station couldnt stop laughing. Wrecked bike, unscratched rider. Even flip flops.

Sometimes expect to get the blame even when your not guilty

Exactly what I'm talking about.

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had a few accidents, usually Police have been fair. Not so in Patong 2 weeks ago.

I was overtaking some cars and one big bike on the road from Patong to Karon up the hill before coming to safari. They where really slow, I was riding my big bike. Overtook them, the bike started to turn right as I just was passing. he touched my passangers knee and my lisence plate. I stopped a few hundred meters later, returned to accident scene. Rider was gone, but bike was left, wrecked.

Took my passanger to patong hospital, treated bleeding wound, xrayed to be sure, a BIB turns up says I was escaping accident scene. I said no, the other guy escaped, I took care of medical before wanting to report him.

Policestation, I called my Insurance company (1st class insurance). The other party turned up with like 10 people. They said this is a rental bike, and I have to pay for rent 2 months at 2000 baht a day. Insurance company says its my fault, Police says its my fault. I ask if they want to know what happend? No, the other party have explained it. 4 hours later I can accept to be guilty or Police lock me up and bring me to court. accepted guilty, payed 500 baht fine, no claim between parties, only between the other party and my insurance to cover bikes damage, not lost rentalincome.

The other parties bike was wrecked, my not scratched. The other rider was totally unharmed, shoes, jeans, t-shirt and body. My friend showing up in Police station couldnt stop laughing. Wrecked bike, unscratched rider. Even flip flops.

Sometimes expect to get the blame even when your not guilty

Exactly what I'm talking about.

I am not saying this is the norm, but there are some tough rental car/bike owners, dirty cops and commision insurance guys out there

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