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Ais Said 5gb Can Run Out Really Quickly With Moderate Daily Internet Usage

Drew Aitch

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I think I've mentioned it already, but AIS is the most expensive way to get on the Internet. They've increased their prices twice and the last increase exceeded 100%. There are good alternatives in Chiang Mai, such as CAT CDMA, or -if nothing else works- a directed radio link. Anyone paying $$$ for AIS must be insane, desperate, clueless, or too rich to care. :)

Cheers, CMX

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I think I've mentioned it already, but AIS is the most expensive way to get on the Internet. They've increased their prices twice and the last increase exceeded 100%. There are good alternatives in Chiang Mai, such as CAT CDMA, or -if nothing else works- a directed radio link. Anyone paying $$$ for AIS must be insane, desperate, clueless, or too rich to care. :)

Cheers, CMX

It's up to the individual. CAT CDMA, TOT, True works on this soi and the next soi over they stink. Then you have the cheap Charlie's. :D

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I think I've mentioned it already, but AIS is the most expensive way to get on the Internet. They've increased their prices twice and the last increase exceeded 100%. There are good alternatives in Chiang Mai, such as CAT CDMA, or -if nothing else works- a directed radio link. Anyone paying $$$ for AIS must be insane, desperate, clueless, or too rich to care. :)

Cheers, CMX

Seems you're quite an expert.... about many things.

By the way, what isp do you use?


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I think I've mentioned it already, but AIS is the most expensive way to get on the Internet. They've increased their prices twice and the last increase exceeded 100%. There are good alternatives in Chiang Mai, such as CAT CDMA, or -if nothing else works- a directed radio link. Anyone paying $$$ for AIS must be insane, desperate, clueless, or too rich to care. :)

Cheers, CMX

Seems you're quite an expert.... about many things.

By the way, what isp do you use?


Probably Kevin's at the RL. Its free. :D

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maybe its the difference between using the USB device and the Wireless router? I've got the USB device and I topped up today with 5GB that came to 1,500 baht with tax. When I originally signed up they reckoned I couldn't use the wireless router because they couldn't find my moo baan on there map so they sold me the USB device.

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I went by AIS main office today to inquire about Kevin's deal.

Yup, buy a wireless router for 5240 B, get 15 GB for 499 B/month.

One caveat. The deal, all of the deals, whether from AIS, DTAC, True, CAT CDMA/Hutch....all have expiry dates.

OK, back to Kevin's deal with the new router, 15 GB for 499/mo.

I asked if I could get this, as I have been an AIS 3G customer since Day 1, when they rolled out the service in 2008.

Bought a USB (flash drive style) modem for 4990 B. They now sell the identical item for ~3200.

Answer was no. The deal is only for new customers, who buy the router. Existing customers with the stick modem, or new customers who purchase same....sorry. And yes, the per/GB price has more than doubled, recently, for new customers who buy the USB (laptop) modem. My guess is it is a business plan to target SME's like Kevin.

OK, now back the the question of expiry dates. My deal @ 1.5 GB for 300 B (don't laugh, it's more than double that price now) is due to expire March 15 this year.

To AIS's credit, they automatically had extended it to September 15, prior to my having asked about it. Rep showed me on her monitor.

But my point is....none of these deals are forever. They all have expiry dates at the pricing one was initially given. You can see it on the AIS e-service website; same with DTAC, etc. If you are not sure of this- just carefully read your monthly bill. Both AIS and DTAC clearly show expiry dates for promos on the bills I receive.

I have a DTAC mobile phone with a data cable. Phone is GPRS/Edge. If AIS tries to bend me over the barrel in Sept, I'm off to DTAC. 999 B unlimited usage. Of course AIS has a similar package...but why would I want to spend my money with them, should I be bent over the barrel?

Jing la.

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I went by AIS main office today to inquire about Kevin's deal.

Yup, buy a wireless router for 5240 B, get 15 GB for 499 B/month.

My guess is it is a business plan to target SME's like Kevin.

Okay, you've established that I didn't get a good deal just because she fancies me. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't fancy me anyway, does it? :)

PS I just remembered - I paid 4,900 for the router!! She definitely fancies me. :D

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I went by AIS main office today to inquire about Kevin's deal.

Yup, buy a wireless router for 5240 B, get 15 GB for 499 B/month.

My guess is it is a business plan to target SME's like Kevin.

Okay, you've established that I didn't get a good deal just because she fancies me. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't fancy me anyway, does it? :)

PS I just remembered - I paid 4,900 for the router!! She definitely fancies me. :D

But of course she fancies you, what young lass would not? :D

(4900 B + 7% VAT= 5243 :D )

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Dam it i joined AIS only 3 weeks ago and got the USB modem ,with the 5gb package at 1,500 B with vat .If i had known i could have paid the extra for the router and got the 15 gb package for 500B a month .

Crazy way of pricing by AIS .New customers take note

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I went by AIS main office today to inquire about Kevin's deal.

Yup, buy a wireless router for 5240 B, get 15 GB for 499 B/month.

My guess is it is a business plan to target SME's like Kevin.

Okay, you've established that I didn't get a good deal just because she fancies me. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't fancy me anyway, does it? :)

PS I just remembered - I paid 4,900 for the router!! She definitely fancies me. :D

But of course she fancies you, what young lass would not? :D

(4900 B + 7% VAT= 5243 :D )

Actually , my router was 4900 total, for those that are interested.

I agree with Thaifan2 - crazy pricing system. It's all over the place. :D

It was a smart move to give me a good deal though - all that free advertising on TV, not to mention being tied up with the (in)famous Red Lion. Well done, that girl.

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So she does fancy you, after all.... :D

I do actually have a now 'not so secret' admirer at one of my regular haunts.

A couple of weeks ago the lady concerned was a little bit drunk, and it became very clear that she had been hiding her affection for me. I became the centre of her world for the evening and she was so besotted with me it was almost embarrassing. :D  

There was one small snag - she wasn't the most attractive looking girl in the bar. To give you some sort of idea as to her looks, the owner of the bar had nick-named her Walter, whereas I had nicknamed her Tommy. His reason was that he thought she looked like Walter Mathau, whereas I thought she looked more like the Liverpool FC great of the seventies Tommy "Hard man" Smith, sometimes referred to as "the Anfield Iron". In the right light, she also had a hint of Arthur Mullard in her.


                King Arthur

Still, she's a nice girl, and it's nice to find that the old magnetism is still there. :)

A classic video of the Great Arthur Mullard and Hylda Baker (she's better looking than my secret admirer!!)

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Hi Folks

Okay, just a quick update on the AIS 3G 30 GB package. It's mainly a repeat of what's been said thus far, but as i started the thread, and have just been to the office based on the feedback from other posters, i thought the fresh info might be worth a scribble.


It appears that the AIS outlet at Central were only quoting me with the USB stick options and not the Wireless Router (which transforms their costly USB internet, into much more attractive and leaner option). One assumes there was some miscommunication, or, there was perhaps more commission available to those selling any package other than the one below, hence the hype on the USB Sticks.

If you're interested in the 30 GB package at 799/Mo plus 7% VAT (I think), then you have to go with what the others have mentioned above which is the AIS 3G Wireless Router.


To take out this package, you have to agree to a contract and will receive a monthly bill in the post. This means you have to TAKE YOUR PASSPORT. Don't do what I did a forget the bugger, or you'll have to take a trip back home to get it.

Also, TAKE YOUR NOTEBOOK, or other portable device if that's what you're using it for, and they will set it up for you at the desk. In actual fact, they request it!


If in doubt, get it checked out by someone in the know. Most computers are these days, but still worth a mention.

As always, allow time for problems. I was hoping to be in and out within 30 minutes or so, but there were some technical hitches with setting up and an engineer had to come to the front desk and help out. All in all, I was probably sitting on that seat for near on 2 hours, plus another lost hour or so by having to go back and get my passport. Living in Thailand for a few years now, I had no hard expectations and didn't allow frustrations get to me. So by all means 'hope to' but don't 'expect to'. You might want to take something to read just in case!


There is a brochure that's being handed out, but it quotes a bit more than the actual current price of the AIS 3G Wireless Router. Including VAT, I paid a total of 4,900 Baht. Not too sure about the 799, but think I will most likely get a bill through the post within the next few days as this is how billing is done (see above). Also, as others have mentioned, you cannot conveniently pay your bill at 7-11, but have to go to their main office (though I will recheck to see if bills can be paid at the outlets).

I also asked what the anticipated price was likely to be after May which is when the current promotion ends. I couldn't get anything other than we'll have to wait and see, so there will be 1 of 3 things happen.

1) It will remain the same

2) It will increase moderately

3) It will go through the frigging roof and this forum will be on fire! (Not that, that will help!)


Obviously I can't comment yet as I've only been home for a few hours. I simply plugged the Wireless router into a wall socket, fired up the notebook in another room, and connected within seconds. Speed and consistency has been just fine since 17:00 until now 22:00, but I shall report back after a month.


Don't let any of the above put you off, because it's a painless experience, but may, or may not, take a bit of time to process.

  • AIS 3G Wireless Router: 4,900 Baht
  • 30 GB package 799/Mo plus 7%
  • 15 GB package 499/Mo (sorry, can't remember exactly)
  • Take passport and portable device if you have one.
  • Make sure you know, or have, your full postal address available (can't sign the contract without it!)
  • Allow for some time, and consider yourself a lucky duck should you be in and out quickly

That's it! Go home, plug in, log on, and connect all the computers in the house to your tiny little box that can be tucked away in any room hidden or in view.



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An excellent overview Drew and spot on!

I took the easy route and my wife went to Huay Kaew Central for me, armed with knowledge of exactly what I wanted - the 799B, 30GB package with wireless modem. It seemed, after many minutes of insisting, she discovered that the package was not available and the information I had received was incorrect. She called me to give the disappointing news while they continued to hussle the USB device and the 1400B, 5GB package.

"Walk slowly away," says I, "and see how they react." The response was one that I could clearly hear over her mobile as they seemed to 'suddenly discover' that the package she had been asking for all along was indeed now available! Wonder of wonders, eh?

They did not include a manual in English but one was kindly provided by my friend down the street and, but for learning once again how to put in the few little items into the modem, all went very swiftly indeed and I am mostly quite satisfied.

Yes, "mostly". The modem does go offline about every ten minutes or less if you are not actively using it and I am working on adjusting the timeout values on my email client and browser because when you input a request, the modem takes a bit of time to reconnect. My other option, which I will likely do, is to set my email client to check mail every five minutes which will act as a 'keep alive' message.

Also, it seems that several email services like Yahoo, Hotmail, Live and possibly AOL do NOT like nor wish to communicate with AIS. Without a secure port available to SMTP your mail from an email client, these services will simply dump your email without even the courtesy of a failure to deliver message. THIS has been a hassle for me because I like to keep my domain as strictly my primary address and my webhost does not offer any secure ports. What I am up to now is selectively sending to friends and family who use those services through Gmail and their secure port and the rest through my domain. If I forget to switch for any of them, they are simply gone and I will never know it.

The speeds are mostly (there's that word again) quite good, in fact amazing sometimes but there are slow times which seem to be mostly weekend afternoons and evenings. This is WAY more satisfactory than the miserable KSC service I just abandoned..

Overall, more than acceptable but, TIT, and as has happened with every other ISP I have tried here, they will likely sell without upgrading the infrastructure until they have more customers than they can possibly serve reliably and I will be seeking an alternative in yet another year.

Oh well, it keeps me from getting moldy... :)

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Yup, and hate to be a wet blanket, but as wonderful a deal as that is....and knowing through long experience (having been with AIS 3G since day 1)- they will definitely jack the price up, on your promo end date.

Why? It's simple. They have no competition in CM. CAT/Hutch is worthless, DTAC only offers GPRS/Edge. And the various ADSL wired ISP's are just as....ahem, challenged.

I paid 4990 for a measly little flash drive modem that they now sell for 3200.

They just upped the per/GB price up more than double a few months ago.

I think it is wonderful that you, and Kevin, are getting your pricing at about a tenth of what I have to pay (as a long time customer).

But when time comes to renew, or when they change their wacky pricing scheme again....I'll be gone.

I'll keep my AIS prepay mobile, and my DTAC internet capable mobile.

Hopefully the powers that be in this country will realize that a few greedy interests grasping onto a monopoly do not make good policy....

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Since there seem to be different experiences for different people, I will add my experience. I have BOTH the usb modem and the WiFi modem.

My usb modem is provided service by AIS One-2-Call. My postpaid WiFi modem package is provided by GSM. Both are owned by AIS, no effect on either service.

I checked with the AIS office on Tha Pae and with the kiosk at Central Airport Plaza. I was never mislead on packages offered or an pricing. If you look at the brochure, which is available in English, WHICH IS THEIR SECOND LANGUAGE if they speak it (if a Thai were trying to transact in your home country, would there be someone available that speaks Thai?), the brochure tells you what is available. I did not have to do anything special to get information from them other than asking for it. I think to many foreignors expect to be cheated. Some place cheat, the vast majority do not, in my opinion. Remember, THEY do not understand what you are saying at times. It helps to have a someone translating if you cannot speak their language. The person translating also has to understand what you are trying to say.

Having your passport with you at all times is a requirement I believe. Carrying copies does not meet that requirement. If you are going to enter into a contract in Thailand, you normally would need some type of ID... Thai ID or passport.

I never took my computers to any of their offices. If someone takes their computer they are doing more than they are required to do. I would think all they are doing is installing the program, in the case of a usb modem, and configuring WiFi if it is the WiFi modem. I did not have to do anything other than tweak settings to improve performance with my equipment. They both were pretty much plug and play as far as the equipment is concerned. YOU DO HAVE TO CALL THE AIS 1175 customer service to ACTIVATE the packages after about one hour for them to set them up in their home office. That is not much different than any other isp.

Neither of my modems (usb or WiFi) disconnects often. The usb does not disconnect, the WiFi does very infrequently, and then reconnects when I need it. I have acceptable service with both of them. Even the GPRS when I leave the 3G coverage area has been acceptable for me.

As for Dusty's not receiving notification that Hotmail/MSN/Live and Yahoo did not notify that the emails were not dlivered, I did receive notification from both Hotmail and Yahoo that they would not deliver the emails originating from xxxx.ais.co.th . There was links to explanations in the notifications. I also was able to have communication with Yahoo and Hotmail in trying to rectify the situation. I also had communication with AIS tech support. So there is activity on it. I was able to get around the problem because my host provider offers secure email ports and AIS supports them. This email problem is not unique to AIS, I had the same problem with ToT dsl when I was on their package.


Also, don't have a preconcieved notion that EVERYONE in Thailand is out to cheat you. That quite simply is not true. You just have to make yourself aware and proceed accordingly.


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We've haven't come close to the 30 GB limit despite watching about an hour of streaming video per day and downloading MP3s from the NPR website daily. We've learned to do this in the mornings for best performance.

Amid all the carry on setting up the account, i forgot to ask how to keep an eye on usage. Going by a couple of posts here, it seems that one can monitor this from somewhere, or, perhaps it is just something that can be checked once the bill comes in?

If it's possible to check as you go along (and that would be handy), can one of you guys pleases point me to the area when this can be monitored?

Thanks in advance


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We've haven't come close to the 30 GB limit despite watching about an hour of streaming video per day and downloading MP3s from the NPR website daily. We've learned to do this in the mornings for best performance.

Amid all the carry on setting up the account, i forgot to ask how to keep an eye on usage. Going by a couple of posts here, it seems that one can monitor this from somewhere, or, perhaps it is just something that can be checked once the bill comes in?

If it's possible to check as you go along (and that would be handy), can one of you guys pleases point me to the area when this can be monitored?

Thanks in advance


Click on the sixth Thai language heading (2nd from left) and it should come up there.

AIS router setup

You could also take the sim out of the router and dial a number that I lost something like 

#1233*# or whatever - ask them at the call centre Tel:  1175

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 AIS router setup

Hi Kevin. Thanks for that :)

I wouldn't have know where to access this, but looking back i think it was on the brochure that was left back at the service center.

Ok so, 30 GB is equivalent to 30,720 MB. I'm assuming that my usage is calculated by uploads (Sent), and downloads (Received), which in my case so far equates to 138.19 MB. If my maths are right (don't count on that!), then I still have 99.6% remaining from the 30 GB :D



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We've haven't come close to the 30 GB limit despite watching about an hour of streaming video per day and downloading MP3s from the NPR website daily. We've learned to do this in the mornings for best performance.

Amid all the carry on setting up the account, i forgot to ask how to keep an eye on usage. Going by a couple of posts here, it seems that one can monitor this from somewhere, or, perhaps it is just something that can be checked once the bill comes in?

If it's possible to check as you go along (and that would be handy), can one of you guys pleases point me to the area when this can be monitored?

Thanks in advance


I have the usb 15gig/900bht package, to check balance just click on the box upper right where you log on, boxes for messages, usage , statistics. I watch mine close.

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Alright, this was quite revealing. I finally learned how AIS can get paid four times the normal market price of a broadband connection. It must be the female sales force factor. Promises of modems and marriage. Middle-aged single foreigners with who are lured into long-term contracts. Retirement funds slowly eaten up by telecom fees and smiling office ladies. A case of TIT.

Cheers, CMX

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Alright, this was quite revealing. I finally learned how AIS can get paid four times the normal market price of a broadband connection. It must be the female sales force factor. Promises of modems and marriage. Middle-aged single foreigners with who are lured into long-term contracts. Retirement funds slowly eaten up by telecom fees and smiling office ladies. A case of TIT.

Cheers, CMX

I guess I was wrong.

And you did not answer my question of which isp you use.


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And you did not answer my question of which isp you use.

Well, if you must know...

I've been using TT&T Maxnet 4 MBps ADSL until early 2009, then CAT CDMA in 2009 (due to a lack of options after moving) and since recently TOT 10 MBps ADSL.

I was/am quite happy with all three services. In pre-3G times, I had used CAT ADSL (which was terrible) and also experimented with a SAT connection (which was likewise terrible). TOT appears to have improved its service significantly recently, at least in my area.

Cheers, CMX

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And you did not answer my question of which isp you use.

Well, if you must know...

I've been using TT&T Maxnet 4 MBps ADSL until early 2009, then CAT CDMA in 2009 (due to a lack of options after moving) and since recently TOT 10 MBps ADSL.

I was/am quite happy with all three services. In pre-3G times, I had used CAT ADSL (which was terrible) and also experimented with a SAT connection (which was likewise terrible). TOT appears to have improved its service significantly recently, at least in my area.

Cheers, CMX



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Ok so, 30 GB is equivalent to 30,720 MB. I'm assuming that my usage is calculated by uploads (Sent), and downloads (Received), which in my case so far equates to 138.19 MB. If my maths are right (don't count on that!), then I still have 99.6% remaining from the 30 GB :D

Whoops! It looks as though i got the above wrong :D After logging on for a while today, i wondered where my total bandwidth usage was at a couple of days later. It appears that each time you connect, the usage is reset. This is okay if you're interested in monitoring daily usage, espcially for new members who are unsure, but doesn't help keep tabs on the overall usage, which i'm sure most folks would prefer.

Have i got it wrong? Is there an area where i can get my total usage to date? AIS 3G obviously can as they bill us, but is this information available to consumers or do we have to keep a daily spreadsheet to ascertain what we are using? I can't seem to find it under the admin login, but then i can be a bit doddery at times :)


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Ok so, 30 GB is equivalent to 30,720 MB. I'm assuming that my usage is calculated by uploads (Sent), and downloads (Received), which in my case so far equates to 138.19 MB. If my maths are right (don't count on that!), then I still have 99.6% remaining from the 30 GB :D

Whoops! It looks as though i got the above wrong :D After logging on for a while today, i wondered where my total bandwidth usage was at a couple of days later. It appears that each time you connect, the usage is reset. This is okay if you're interested in monitoring daily usage, espcially for new members who are unsure, but doesn't help keep tabs on the overall usage, which i'm sure most folks would prefer.

Have i got it wrong? Is there an area where i can get my total usage to date? AIS 3G obviously can as they bill us, but is this information available to consumers or do we have to keep a daily spreadsheet to ascertain what we are using? I can't seem to find it under the admin login, but then i can be a bit doddery at times :)



This information, I have found, is a day old until it gets updated late in the day I suppose.

Someone (Maybe KH) already posted this somewhere.

The usb package and the WiFi/Router package are different. The usb has a place to check usage on the sign in program. The WiFi/modem has usage per session on the router ( and the billing cycle to date (for the day before, roughly) on the above link.

If you have the GSM package, there is an eStatement available online. However, to be able to see it you have to get a One-Time Password with the SIM card in a phone... The One-Time Password is only good for a very short time, so if you can't change from the phone quick to the modem, it won't work. I think I had tried it using to different SIMS... I don't remember what happened.

I hope that helps.


PS I was told when I signed up that it would take 10 days to 2 weeks for my account to get into the computer so I could get my usage.

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