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Internet Connection From hel_l


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Ever since Maxnet became 3BB it has gone from bad to worse. Now it is almost unusable, lost connection mostly; speed is OK when I can get it. Anyone else having problems. I have called the helpline at least 20 times - I seem to be an ongoing repair case!

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I always wondered what happened to the characted 'MONGO' from the classic movie BLAZING SADDLES! It has now become apparent to me that he has found a senior management position at this retarded internet company.

2.5 years with the old company was virtually flawless. However the new outfit is nothing short of a disaster on all fronts. From the actual level of internet connectivity and service to the customer service agents. Ask them to speak to a manager on the 1103 number, and you have more chance of getting Foi Gras at McDonalds!

Over the past months, the service has progressively deteriorated. It is a complete disaster! Regular server break downs, and line drops are a daily, if not hourly occurance. Equally frequent calls to 1103 are a complete waste of time. I may as well have called the samaritans ; at least they actually listen!!!! I tried to speak to a manager once again today, and they told me to call 1530. That number is even worse. Takes 20 mins to answer the phone. They put you on hold for another 10 minutes and then come back with 2 words and hang up.

The underlying problem, after numerous technical engineer visits revealed that the issue is cronic oversubscription of their service. Its like having 30 seats on a bus and selling 100 tickets! I have resolved to continue with their service, but without paying until they finally cut me off. With their level of compitence, I should be fine until 2011 at the earliest. At which point, I will simply change provider. At this point in time, I really believe that there cannot be a worse ISP in Thialand in any case.

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Finally got through on the 1530 number to someone who was helpful. Her name was Chanista. And she told me that a number of factors could be causing my frequent line drops. One of the possibilities is oversubscription, another is depending on if you have a telephone line installed in your home (for voice calls). I have TOT, and she told me that they have had a number of problems with internet users having TOT lines. She recommended that I remove the line, and she will even assist with the process of doing that. But before hand, she will run some tests at the engineering support end, and also send an engineer out to run some tests before giving her opinion. If in the end, it turns out to be un-correcatble due to over-subscription, she will even tell me thats the case.

I am not holding my breath, but hopefully, one way or the other, this is the light at the end of the tunnel!

Will update later when I have more.

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I used Maxnet for almost 10 years and hardly ever had a problem. When I did, it got sorted out, even sending out a technician once to check my router (which I didn't purchase from them). It turned out to be the router so got it fixed.

In the last couple of months it has got worse and worse. Connection dropping maybe once every 2 mins sometimes!! Then off for half an hour ...

I am guessing that one of the problems is the technicians they are using. I think they are sub contracting out as there are various people up the local telephone pole every other day, they don't seem to work for anybody but are fixing internet.

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I used Maxnet for almost 10 years and hardly ever had a problem. When I did, it got sorted out, even sending out a technician once to check my router (which I didn't purchase from them). It turned out to be the router so got it fixed.

In the last couple of months it has got worse and worse. Connection dropping maybe once every 2 mins sometimes!! Then off for half an hour ...

I am guessing that one of the problems is the technicians they are using. I think they are sub contracting out as there are various people up the local telephone pole every other day, they don't seem to work for anybody but are fixing internet.

After 5 days of no internet, frustration, and over 60 calls to maxnet, I am finally back online. Aparently, TT&T the previous owners of 3BB got p*ssed off for some reason and blocked a number of internet connection servers. The one I use in Chiang Mai was one of them. Despite numerous calls to TT&T and 3BB, I was unable to get my net fixed. However, I was lucky enough eventually to get an agent who gave me the number of the technical manager in Chiang Mai, and things moved forward from there. When the engineers eventually came, they disconnected my TOT phone line, put in another line and reconfigured my router. Took about 2 hours, and now I am back online. I am not sure yet how good, fast or stable the new connection is. But time will tell!

Anyone having similar problems, PM me and I will give you the number of the manager in Chiang Mai

Good luck

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I used Maxnet for almost 10 years and hardly ever had a problem. When I did, it got sorted out, even sending out a technician once to check my router (which I didn't purchase from them). It turned out to be the router so got it fixed.

In the last couple of months it has got worse and worse. Connection dropping maybe once every 2 mins sometimes!! Then off for half an hour ...

I am guessing that one of the problems is the technicians they are using. I think they are sub contracting out as there are various people up the local telephone pole every other day, they don't seem to work for anybody but are fixing internet.

A friend of mine in Jomtien just got 3BB installed or should I say not installed. Wires going into the ground outside his house, wires coming up inside, but neither one connected!

He has been without the Internet for 2 weeks until they corrected the oversight great service!

Cheers, Rick

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Anyone who complains about internet should get 3BB Premier package.. and you will stop complaining (you get what you pay)

OK please elaborate. That can be taken 2 ways its expensive and you get good service OR its cheap & .....

Would be interested to know how much per month and of course what speeds and if its actually good!

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