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Tax Question

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I need to file my taxes here in Thailand and looking at the forms, I believe that I must file jointly with my wife. The question is.... is it possible to file separately or if not, then how do we account for her income.

My wife has an unregistered sole proprietorship, so how do we do this? Just as an fyi we are not talking about huge sums of money... total revenue is less than what would be required to be forced to register for VAT.

Her parents previously had a registered sole proprietorship and I remember the processing being fairly simple...

They went into the local Ampur and told the person sittling at the desk the type of business and how much their average revenue was per day or month.

The person behind the desk would then tell them how much to pay and they simply went up to the desk and paid accordingly.

But looking at my tax forms it specifically asks if my wife is working and her income and her Tax ID number...

Any input anyone may have would be appreciated, thanks.

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