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hello people..

I got something to ask you again.Dont get annoying with me alright because i have already asked you before ..

The question is i got fiancee' visa uk (MULT) and i already been in uk and came back here.The first before i came back bangkok i thought i will go back to uk in 1 month but manything had change ..So now i already been in Thailand for about 2and half month but i will go back to uk in about one week...My boyfriend and i have been worried if the immigration will let me back in because i been in thailand so long.Oh my visa finish on 16 June...So i got about one and half month left.But what if they're ask why i been so long in thailand just to visit the family.I dont klnow that what we're been worrying but both of us will get marry as soon as possible when i go back this time.

Anyone please give me an advice...

Thank you.

Latt...Silly girl... :o


Hi Latt,

Firstly, your visa will be OK to get you on the aeroplane. Any difficulties will arise when you see the immigration officer in the UK.

If the immigration officer believes your circumstances have changed since the visa was issued he can refuse you entry. It is possible that your having got a fiancée visa for the express purpose of getting married in the UK and then, 5 months later, not having done so can be perceived as being a change in circumstances; i.e. the IO doesn't believe that you do, in fact, intend to marry. Furthermore, because you've spent such a long time outside of the UK, separated from your fiancé, he/she might think that you are no longer in a relationship. However, if you are refused then you will be able to appeal and stay in the UK until the appeal is decided. Make sure your fiancé is at the airport to meet you in case the IO wants to speak to him. Also, if the IO asks why you've spent such a long time back in Thailand then don't spin him an elaborate story as he may ask for proof of it and a lie can be quickly exposed.

That's one possibility. On the other hand the IO might not ask any questions and just let you back in. You are cutting it fine, though. If you're not getting back to the UK until 12th May, that only leaves you 1 month in which to get married and apply to the Home Office for permission to stay.

Best of luck,



hi scouser..

Do you think i should to go and then take a chance if they're will let me back in or not? I dont know that's what we're been worrying you know...My boyfriend he's got bit problems with the job and the money that's why i didnt go back yet.And also i spend time with my daughter on summer so...What do you think i should to do?Is that ok just tell him that's i been with my family and want to be with my daughter on her holiday?I dont know please help me..


hi scouser..

Do you think i should to go and then take a chance if they're will let me back in or not? I dont know that's what we're been worrying you know...My boyfriend he's got bit problems with the job and the money that's why i didnt go back yet.And also i spend time with my daughter on summer so...What do you think i should to do?Is that ok just tell him that's i been with my family and want to be with my daughter on her holiday?I dont know please help me..


I will try and help you, Latt.

1. If there are possible problems with the visa, as you have written.

2. And, as you also say, your boyfriend has some problems with his job.

3. And you want to stay with your daughter throughout the summer.

Then you should save your money and, if you can afford it, stay with your daughter.

Your boyfriend should be able to sort out his job problems eventually.

When he does, he will be able to save up, to come and visit you and your daughter.

Then maybe you can talk about your future with your boyfriend.

Who knows, maybe even get married.

I wish you the best of luck.


Do you think the IO will believe me if i tell them that's i spend time with my daughter on her holiday and also my boyfriend got problems with job so he's need time to sort out that's why been so long for me to go back to uk.....?But we're really still in relationship even we're apart for 2 month but we're still keep in touch by telephone every day...Is it risk to go back to uk or i should to just go back there to see what the IO will say before it's too late?????


Do you think the IO will believe me if i tell them that's i spend time with my daughter on her holiday and also my boyfriend got problems with job so he's need time to sort out that's why been so long for me to go back to uk.....?But we're really still in relationship even we're apart for 2 month but we're still keep in touch by telephone every day...Is it risk to go back to uk or i should to just go back there to see what the IO will say before it's too late?????


In My Humble Opinion: the IO will probably not believe, especially as you will be unable to prove your version of the story.

I can only advise, you visit the UK Embassy in Bangkok, and talk to an official there.

Maybe, and this is a big maybe, maybe they will help you there. At the very least you will experience how you will be treated by the IO, without the expense of an airline ticket.

But my best advice to you is given in my previous posting.



It is possible that the IO will not ask you any questions so it may be worth risking coming back. However, whatever you do, don't voluntarily tell the IO that your fiancé is having job problems. This will definately result in you being refused because a condition of the visa is that you have enough money to take care of yourselves. The IO will have no reason to doubt that you have been spending time with your daughter but may well infer that your relationship has broken down.

I would come to the UK and see what happens. The worst that can happen is that you are refused leave to enter but, even then, you'd be able to stay in the UK whilst your appeal is considered.




Thank you scouser.I will talk with my boyfriend about this and maybe will call the Britishembassy tomorrow ...

Thank you again.


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