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Confused About Meaning Of "esl"


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I am not sure about the correct way to use "English as a Second Language".

1. We have people that live in English speaking countries, but do not speak English at home.

2. We have people that live in countries that are not English speaking, but where courts, administration and important parts of business use English; many former British colonies use English like this.

3. Then we have people that live in countries like Thailand and in most of Europe. These countries have their own native languages that are proudly used in all situations. English is used to speak to foreigners.

Maybe you can use esl for all three groups, I am not sure.

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I think that while the terms are different, many people use them interchangeably (and perhaps incorrectly). For example, at my school here in Thailand, some of the students study "ESL," even though this is obviously not a English-speaking country. I think it might be that our school community (as opposed to the country) is English-speaking, so students who come in with little English learn from an ESL teacher.

Besides ESL and EFL, there is also the term English as an Additional Language (EAL), which makes sense for someone who is learning English as their 3rd, 4th, or even 10th language. Personally, I prefer the term English Language Learner (ELL), as that is more inclusive of anyone studying English who is not a native English speaker.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks, you learn something new every day.

I guess it's Elephant Fluency Legalistically

I'm sorry, guess I was wrong.. it should be: Elephant’s Serenity’s Legacy

I am too slow for this. What are you talking about ?

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